Update dictionaries

cs, da, de, el, es, fi, fr, hr, it, lt, lv, nb, nl, pl,
pt_BR, pt_PT, sl, sr, sv, tr : rescale frequencies to match
spec. This has no large effect in the practice except the
dictionary will become stronger vs spatial model (especially in
lower count corpora, like lt, lv, sr)
en* : Small changes (rounding going the other way essentially)
ru : the above rescaling, and remove the following words:
Дре, ОСТа, Планше, легкими, легком, легкому, легкости,
легкую, нелегкие, нелегкий, нелегким, нелегкое, нелегкой,
нелегкую, полулегком and add нелёгкие, нелёгкое, нелёгкую;
other accented forms were already in the dictionary.

Change-Id: I40386c2ebd4d2be38874e822bde89db7cb512ae6
Jean Chalard 2012-12-18 13:06:48 +09:00
parent c5da4365fb
commit 21dbe3701c
30 changed files with 0 additions and 0 deletions

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