Extend space LED for autocompletion

Change-Id: If59ea7c871ffc2af6fe2bfde72303f2612e43c3b
This commit is contained in:
satok 2010-09-03 19:05:23 +09:00
parent 1b09ac4f93
commit 1bf265d185
2 changed files with 42 additions and 31 deletions

View file

@ -687,6 +687,7 @@ public class LatinIME extends InputMethodService
if (VOICE_INSTALLED && !mConfigurationChanging) {
if (mAfterVoiceInput) {
@ -791,6 +792,7 @@ public class LatinIME extends InputMethodService
public void hideWindow() {
if (TRACE) Debug.stopMethodTracing();
if (mOptionsDialog != null && mOptionsDialog.isShowing()) {

View file

@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ public class LatinKeyboard extends Keyboard {
private static final boolean DEBUG_PREFERRED_LETTER = false;
private static final String TAG = "LatinKeyboard";
private static final int OPACITY_FULLY_OPAQUE = 255;
private static final int SPACE_LED_LENGTH_PERCENT = 80;
private Drawable mShiftLockIcon;
private Drawable mShiftLockPreviewIcon;
@ -345,16 +346,20 @@ public class LatinKeyboard extends Keyboard {
private void updateSpaceBarForLocale(boolean isAutoCompletion, boolean isBlack) {
// If application locales are explicitly selected.
if (mLocale != null) {
Bitmap buffer = drawSpaceBar(OPACITY_FULLY_OPAQUE, isAutoCompletion, isBlack);
mSpaceKey.icon = new BitmapDrawable(mRes, buffer);
mSpaceKey.icon = new BitmapDrawable(mRes,
drawSpaceBar(OPACITY_FULLY_OPAQUE, isAutoCompletion, isBlack));
mSpaceKey.repeatable = mLanguageSwitcher.getLocaleCount() < 2;
} else {
// sym_keyboard_space_led can be shared with Black and White symbol themes.
mSpaceKey.icon =
isAutoCompletion ? mRes.getDrawable(R.drawable.sym_keyboard_space_led)
: isBlack ? mRes.getDrawable(R.drawable.sym_bkeyboard_space)
: mRes.getDrawable(R.drawable.sym_keyboard_space);
if (isAutoCompletion) {
mSpaceKey.icon = new BitmapDrawable(mRes,
drawSpaceBar(OPACITY_FULLY_OPAQUE, isAutoCompletion, isBlack));
} else {
mSpaceKey.icon = isBlack ? mRes.getDrawable(R.drawable.sym_bkeyboard_space)
: mRes.getDrawable(R.drawable.sym_keyboard_space);
mSpaceKey.repeatable = true;
@ -365,36 +370,40 @@ public class LatinKeyboard extends Keyboard {
Bitmap buffer = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
Canvas canvas = new Canvas(buffer);
canvas.drawColor(mRes.getColor(R.color.latinkeyboard_transparent), PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR);
Paint paint = new Paint();
// Get the text size from the theme
paint.setTextSize(getTextSizeFromTheme(android.R.style.TextAppearance_Small, 14));
final String language = getInputLanguage(mSpaceKey.width, paint);
final int ascent = (int) -paint.ascent();
// If application locales are explicitly selected.
if (mLocale != null) {
Paint paint = new Paint();
// Get the text size from the theme
paint.setTextSize(getTextSizeFromTheme(android.R.style.TextAppearance_Small, 14));
final String language = getInputLanguage(mSpaceKey.width, paint);
final int ascent = (int) -paint.ascent();
int shadowColor = isBlack ? mRes.getColor(R.color.latinkeyboard_bar_language_shadow_black)
: mRes.getColor(R.color.latinkeyboard_bar_language_shadow_white);
int shadowColor = isBlack ?
: mRes.getColor(R.color.latinkeyboard_bar_language_shadow_white);
canvas.drawText(language, width / 2, ascent - 1, paint);
canvas.drawText(language, width / 2, ascent, paint);
// Put arrows on either side of the text
if (mLanguageSwitcher.getLocaleCount() > 1) {
Rect bounds = new Rect();
paint.getTextBounds(language, 0, language.length(), bounds);
drawButtonArrow(mButtonArrowLeftIcon, canvas,
(mSpaceKey.width - bounds.right) / 2
- mButtonArrowLeftIcon.getIntrinsicWidth(),
(int) paint.getTextSize());
drawButtonArrow(mButtonArrowRightIcon, canvas,
(mSpaceKey.width + bounds.right) / 2, (int) paint.getTextSize());
canvas.drawText(language, width / 2, ascent - 1, paint);
canvas.drawText(language, width / 2, ascent, paint);
// Put arrows on either side of the text
if (mLanguageSwitcher.getLocaleCount() > 1) {
Rect bounds = new Rect();
paint.getTextBounds(language, 0, language.length(), bounds);
drawButtonArrow(mButtonArrowLeftIcon, canvas,
(mSpaceKey.width - bounds.right) / 2
- mButtonArrowLeftIcon.getIntrinsicWidth(),
(int) paint.getTextSize());
drawButtonArrow(mButtonArrowRightIcon, canvas,
(mSpaceKey.width + bounds.right) / 2, (int) paint.getTextSize());
// Draw the spacebar icon at the bottom
if (isAutoCompletion) {
final int iconWidth = mSpaceAutoCompletionIndicator.getIntrinsicWidth();
final int iconWidth = width * SPACE_LED_LENGTH_PERCENT / 100;
final int iconHeight = mSpaceAutoCompletionIndicator.getIntrinsicHeight();
int x = (width - iconWidth) / 2;
int y = height - iconHeight;