@ -25,6 +25,10 @@
#include "dictionary.h"
#include "unigram_dictionary.h"
#include "binary_format.h"
namespace latinime {
const UnigramDictionary::digraph_t UnigramDictionary::GERMAN_UMLAUT_DIGRAPHS[] =
@ -36,11 +40,20 @@ const UnigramDictionary::digraph_t UnigramDictionary::GERMAN_UMLAUT_DIGRAPHS[] =
UnigramDictionary::UnigramDictionary(const uint8_t* const streamStart, int typedLetterMultiplier,
int fullWordMultiplier, int maxWordLength, int maxWords, int maxProximityChars,
const bool isLatestDictVersion)
: DICT_ROOT(streamStart),
MAX_WORD_LENGTH(maxWordLength), MAX_WORDS(maxWords),
MAX_PROXIMITY_CHARS(maxProximityChars), IS_LATEST_DICT_VERSION(isLatestDictVersion),
TYPED_LETTER_MULTIPLIER(typedLetterMultiplier), FULL_WORD_MULTIPLIER(fullWordMultiplier),
// TODO : remove this variable.
@ -722,8 +735,6 @@ bool UnigramDictionary::getSplitTwoWordsSuggestion(const int inputLength,
// TODO: Don't forget to bring inline functions back to over where they are used.
// The following functions will be entirely replaced with new implementations.
void UnigramDictionary::getWordsOld(const int initialPos, const int inputLength, const int skipPos,
const int excessivePos, const int transposedPos,int *nextLetters,
@ -999,10 +1010,241 @@ inline bool UnigramDictionary::processCurrentNode(const int initialPos, const in
// Wrapper for getMostFrequentWordLikeInner, which matches it to the previous
// interface.
inline int UnigramDictionary::getMostFrequentWordLike(const int startInputIndex,
const int inputLength, unsigned short *word) {
uint16_t inWord[inputLength];
for (int i = 0; i < inputLength; ++i) {
inWord[i] = *getInputCharsAt(startInputIndex + i);
return getMostFrequentWordLikeInner(inWord, inputLength, word);
// This function will take the position of a character array within a CharGroup,
// and check it actually like-matches the word in inWord starting at startInputIndex,
// that is, it matches it with case and accents squashed.
// The function returns true if there was a full match, false otherwise.
// The function will copy on-the-fly the characters in the CharGroup to outNewWord.
// It will also place the end position of the array in outPos; in outInputIndex,
// it will place the index of the first char AFTER the match if there was a match,
// and the initial position if there was not. It makes sense because if there was
// a match we want to continue searching, but if there was not, we want to go to
// the next CharGroup.
// In and out parameters may point to the same location. This function takes care
// not to use any input parameters after it wrote into its outputs.
static inline bool testCharGroupForContinuedLikeness(const uint8_t flags,
const uint8_t* const root, const int startPos,
const uint16_t* const inWord, const int startInputIndex,
int32_t* outNewWord, int* outInputIndex, int* outPos) {
const bool hasMultipleChars = (0 != (UnigramDictionary::FLAG_HAS_MULTIPLE_CHARS & flags));
int pos = startPos;
int32_t character = BinaryFormat::getCharCodeAndForwardPointer(root, &pos);
int32_t baseChar = toBaseLowerCase(character);
const uint16_t wChar = toBaseLowerCase(inWord[startInputIndex]);
if (baseChar != wChar) {
*outPos = hasMultipleChars ? BinaryFormat::skipOtherCharacters(root, pos) : pos;
*outInputIndex = startInputIndex;
return false;
int inputIndex = startInputIndex;
outNewWord[inputIndex] = character;
if (hasMultipleChars) {
character = BinaryFormat::getCharCodeAndForwardPointer(root, &pos);
while (NOT_A_CHARACTER != character) {
baseChar = toBaseLowerCase(character);
if (toBaseLowerCase(inWord[++inputIndex]) != baseChar) {
*outPos = BinaryFormat::skipOtherCharacters(root, pos);
*outInputIndex = startInputIndex;
return false;
outNewWord[inputIndex] = character;
character = BinaryFormat::getCharCodeAndForwardPointer(root, &pos);
*outInputIndex = inputIndex + 1;
*outPos = pos;
return true;
// This function is invoked when a word like the word searched for is found.
// It will compare the frequency to the max frequency, and if greater, will
// copy the word into the output buffer. In output value maxFreq, it will
// write the new maximum frequency if it changed.
static inline void onTerminalWordLike(const int freq, int32_t* newWord, const int length,
short unsigned int* outWord, int* maxFreq) {
if (freq > *maxFreq) {
for (int q = 0; q < length; ++q)
outWord[q] = newWord[q];
outWord[length] = 0;
*maxFreq = freq;
// Will find the highest frequency of the words like the one passed as an argument,
// that is, everything that only differs by case/accents.
int UnigramDictionary::getMostFrequentWordLikeInner(const uint16_t * const inWord,
const int length, short unsigned int* outWord) {
int depth = 0;
int maxFreq = -1;
const uint8_t* const root = DICT_ROOT;
mStackChildCount[0] = root[0];
mStackInputIndex[0] = 0;
mStackSiblingPos[0] = 1;
while (depth >= 0) {
const int charGroupCount = mStackChildCount[depth];
int pos = mStackSiblingPos[depth];
for (int charGroupIndex = charGroupCount - 1; charGroupIndex >= 0; --charGroupIndex) {
int inputIndex = mStackInputIndex[depth];
const uint8_t flags = BinaryFormat::getFlagsAndForwardPointer(root, &pos);
// Test whether all chars in this group match with the word we are searching for. If so,
// we want to traverse its children (or if the length match, evaluate its frequency).
// Note that this function will output the position regardless, but will only write
// into inputIndex if there is a match.
const bool isAlike = testCharGroupForContinuedLikeness(flags, root, pos, inWord,
inputIndex, newWord, &inputIndex, &pos);
if (isAlike && (FLAG_IS_TERMINAL & flags) && (inputIndex == length)) {
const int frequency = BinaryFormat::readFrequencyWithoutMovingPointer(root, pos);
onTerminalWordLike(frequency, newWord, inputIndex, outWord, &maxFreq);
pos = BinaryFormat::skipFrequency(flags, pos);
const int siblingPos = BinaryFormat::skipChildrenPosAndAttributes(root, flags, pos);
const int childrenNodePos = BinaryFormat::readChildrenPosition(root, flags, pos);
// If we had a match and the word has children, we want to traverse them. We don't have
// to traverse words longer than the one we are searching for, since they will not match
// anyway, so don't traverse unless inputIndex < length.
if (isAlike && (-1 != childrenNodePos) && (inputIndex < length)) {
// Save position for this depth, to get back to this once children are done
mStackChildCount[depth] = charGroupIndex;
mStackSiblingPos[depth] = siblingPos;
// Prepare stack values for next depth
int childrenPos = childrenNodePos;
mStackChildCount[depth] =
BinaryFormat::getGroupCountAndForwardPointer(root, &childrenPos);
mStackSiblingPos[depth] = childrenPos;
mStackInputIndex[depth] = inputIndex;
pos = childrenPos;
// Go to the next depth level.
} else {
// No match, or no children, or word too long to ever match: go the next sibling.
pos = siblingPos;
return maxFreq;
// This function gets the frequency of the exact matching word in the dictionary.
// If no match is found, it returns -1.
int UnigramDictionary::getFrequency(const uint16_t* const inWord, const int length) const {
int pos = 0;
int wordPos = 0;
const uint8_t* const root = DICT_ROOT;
while (true) {
// If we already traversed the tree further than the word is long, there means
// there was no match (or we would have found it).
if (wordPos > length) return -1;
int charGroupCount = BinaryFormat::getGroupCountAndForwardPointer(root, &pos);
const uint16_t wChar = inWord[wordPos];
while (true) {
// If there are no more character groups in this node, it means we could not
// find a matching character for this depth, therefore there is no match.
if (0 >= charGroupCount) return -1;
const uint8_t flags = BinaryFormat::getFlagsAndForwardPointer(root, &pos);
int32_t character = BinaryFormat::getCharCodeAndForwardPointer(root, &pos);
if (character == wChar) {
// This is the correct node. Only one character group may start with the same
// char within a node, so either we found our match in this node, or there is
// no match and we can return -1. So we will check all the characters in this
// character group indeed does match.
character = BinaryFormat::getCharCodeAndForwardPointer(root, &pos);
while (NOT_A_CHARACTER != character) {
// If we shoot the length of the word we search for, or if we find a single
// character that does not match, as explained above, it means the word is
// not in the dictionary (by virtue of this chargroup being the only one to
// match the word on the first character, but not matching the whole word).
if (wordPos > length) return -1;
if (inWord[wordPos] != character) return -1;
character = BinaryFormat::getCharCodeAndForwardPointer(root, &pos);
// If we come here we know that so far, we do match. Either we are on a terminal
// and we match the length, in which case we found it, or we traverse children.
// If we don't match the length AND don't have children, then a word in the
// dictionary fully matches a prefix of the searched word but not the full word.
if (FLAG_IS_TERMINAL & flags) {
if (wordPos == length) {
return BinaryFormat::readFrequencyWithoutMovingPointer(root, pos);
pos = BinaryFormat::skipFrequency(FLAG_IS_TERMINAL, pos);
return -1;
// We have children and we are still shorter than the word we are searching for, so
// we need to traverse children. Put the pointer on the children position, and
// break
pos = BinaryFormat::readChildrenPosition(root, flags, pos);
} else {
// This chargroup does not match, so skip the remaining part and go to the next.
pos = BinaryFormat::skipOtherCharacters(root, pos);
pos = BinaryFormat::skipFrequency(flags, pos);
pos = BinaryFormat::skipChildrenPosAndAttributes(root, flags, pos);
bool UnigramDictionary::isValidWord(const uint16_t* const inWord, const int length) const {
return -1 != getFrequency(inWord, length);
int UnigramDictionary::getBigrams(unsigned short *word, int length, int *codes, int codesSize,
unsigned short *outWords, int *frequencies, int maxWordLength, int maxBigrams,
int maxAlternatives) {
// TODO: add implementation.
return 0;
// TODO: remove this function.
int UnigramDictionary::getBigramPosition(int pos, unsigned short *word, int offset,
int length) const {
return -1;
// ProcessCurrentNode returns a boolean telling whether to traverse children nodes or not.
// If the return value is false, then the caller should read in the output "nextSiblingPosition"
// to find out the address of the next sibling node and pass it to a new call of processCurrentNode.
// It is worthy to note that when false is returned, the output values other than
// nextSiblingPosition are undefined.
// If the return value is true, then the caller must proceed to traverse the children of this
// node. processCurrentNode will output the information about the children: their count in
// newCount, their position in newChildrenPosition, the traverseAllNodes flag in
// newTraverseAllNodes, the match weight into newMatchRate, the input index into newInputIndex, the
// diffs into newDiffs, the sibling position in nextSiblingPosition, and the output index into
// newOutputIndex. Please also note the following caveat: processCurrentNode does not know when
// there aren't any more nodes at this level, it merely returns the address of the first byte after
// the current node in nextSiblingPosition. Thus, the caller must keep count of the nodes at any
// given level, as output into newCount when traversing this level's parent.
inline bool UnigramDictionary::processCurrentNode(const int initialPos, const int initialDepth,
const int maxDepth, const bool initialTraverseAllNodes, int matchWeight, int inputIndex,
const int initialDiffs, const int skipPos, const int excessivePos, const int transposedPos,
int *nextLetters, const int nextLettersSize, int *newCount, int *newChildPosition,
int *nextLetters, const int nextLettersSize, int *newCount, int *newChildrenPosition,
bool *newTraverseAllNodes, int *newMatchRate, int *newInputIndex, int *newDiffs,
int *nextSiblingPosition, int *newOutputIndex) {
@ -1012,84 +1254,187 @@ inline bool UnigramDictionary::processCurrentNode(const int initialPos, const in
if (transposedPos >= 0) ++inputCount;
assert(inputCount <= 1);
unsigned short c;
int childPosition;
bool terminal;
int freq;
bool isSameAsUserTypedLength = false;
int pos = initialPos;
int depth = initialDepth;
int traverseAllNodes = initialTraverseAllNodes;
int diffs = initialDiffs;
const uint8_t flags = 0; // No flags for now
// Flags contain the following information:
// - Address type (MASK_GROUP_ADDRESS_TYPE) on two bits:
// - FLAG_GROUP_ADDRESS_TYPE_{ONE,TWO,THREE}_BYTES means there are children and their address
// is on the specified number of bytes.
// - FLAG_GROUP_ADDRESS_TYPE_NOADDRESS means there are no children, and therefore no address.
// - FLAG_HAS_MULTIPLE_CHARS: whether this node has multiple char or not.
// - FLAG_IS_TERMINAL: whether this node is a terminal or not (it may still have children)
// - FLAG_HAS_BIGRAMS: whether this node has bigrams or not
const uint8_t flags = BinaryFormat::getFlagsAndForwardPointer(DICT_ROOT, &pos);
const bool hasMultipleChars = (0 != (FLAG_HAS_MULTIPLE_CHARS & flags));
if (excessivePos == depth && inputIndex < mInputLength - 1) ++inputIndex;
// This gets only ONE character from the stream. Next there will be:
// if FLAG_HAS_MULTIPLE CHARS: the other characters of the same node
// else if FLAG_IS_TERMINAL: the frequency
// else if MASK_GROUP_ADDRESS_TYPE is not NONE: the children address
// Note that you can't have a node that both is not a terminal and has no children.
int32_t c = BinaryFormat::getCharCodeAndForwardPointer(DICT_ROOT, &pos);
assert(NOT_A_CHARACTER != c);
*nextSiblingPosition = Dictionary::setDictionaryValues(DICT_ROOT, IS_LATEST_DICT_VERSION, pos,
&c, &childPosition, &terminal, &freq);
*newOutputIndex = depth + 1;
// We are going to loop through each character and make it look like it's a different
// node each time. To do that, we will process characters in this node in order until
// we find the character terminator. This is signalled by getCharCode* returning
// As a special case, if there is only one character in this node, we must not read the
// next bytes so we will simulate the NOT_A_CHARACTER return by testing the flags.
// This way, each loop run will look like a "virtual node".
do {
// We prefetch the next char. If 'c' is the last char of this node, we will have
// NOT_A_CHARACTER in the next char. From this we can decide whether this virtual node
// should behave as a terminal or not and whether we have children.
const int32_t nextc = hasMultipleChars
? BinaryFormat::getCharCodeAndForwardPointer(DICT_ROOT, &pos) : NOT_A_CHARACTER;
const bool isLastChar = (NOT_A_CHARACTER == nextc);
// If there are more chars in this nodes, then this virtual node is not a terminal.
// If we are on the last char, this virtual node is a terminal if this node is.
const bool isTerminal = isLastChar && (0 != (FLAG_IS_TERMINAL & flags));
// If there are more chars in this node, then this virtual node has children.
// If we are on the last char, this virtual node has children if this node has.
const bool hasChildren = (!isLastChar) || BinaryFormat::hasChildrenInFlags(flags);
const bool needsToTraverseChildrenNodes = childPosition != 0;
// This has to be done for each virtual char (this forwards the "inputIndex" which
// is the index in the user-inputted chars, as read by getInputCharsAt.
if (excessivePos == depth && inputIndex < mInputLength - 1) ++inputIndex;
if (traverseAllNodes || needsToSkipCurrentNode(c, inputIndex, skipPos, depth)) {
mWord[depth] = c;
if (traverseAllNodes && isTerminal) {
// The frequency should be here, because we come here only if this is actually
// a terminal node, and we are on its last char.
const int freq = BinaryFormat::readFrequencyWithoutMovingPointer(DICT_ROOT, pos);
onTerminal(mWord, depth, DICT_ROOT, flags, pos, inputIndex, matchWeight, skipPos,
excessivePos, transposedPos, freq, false, nextLetters, nextLettersSize);
if (!hasChildren) {
// If we don't have children here, that means we finished processing all
// characters of this node (we are on the last virtual node), AND we are in
// traverseAllNodes mode, which means we are searching for *completions*. We
// should skip the frequency if we have a terminal, and report the position
// of the next sibling. We don't have to return other values because we are
// returning false, as in "don't traverse children".
if (isTerminal) pos = BinaryFormat::skipFrequency(flags, pos);
*nextSiblingPosition =
BinaryFormat::skipChildrenPosAndAttributes(DICT_ROOT, flags, pos);
return false;
} else {
const int *currentChars = getInputCharsAt(inputIndex);
// If we are only doing traverseAllNodes, no need to look at the typed characters.
if (traverseAllNodes || needsToSkipCurrentNode(c, inputIndex, skipPos, depth)) {
mWord[depth] = c;
if (traverseAllNodes && terminal) {
onTerminal(mWord, depth, DICT_ROOT, flags, pos, inputIndex, matchWeight, skipPos,
excessivePos, transposedPos, freq, false, nextLetters, nextLettersSize);
if (transposedPos >= 0) {
if (inputIndex == transposedPos) currentChars += MAX_PROXIMITY_CHARS;
if (inputIndex == (transposedPos + 1)) currentChars -= MAX_PROXIMITY_CHARS;
const int matchedProximityCharId = getMatchedProximityId(currentChars, c, skipPos,
excessivePos, transposedPos);
if (UNRELATED_CHAR == matchedProximityCharId) {
// We found that this is an unrelated character, so we should give up traversing
// this node and its children entirely.
// However we may not be on the last virtual node yet so we skip the remaining
// characters in this node, the frequency if it's there, read the next sibling
// position to output it, then return false.
// We don't have to output other values because we return false, as in
// "don't traverse children".
if (!isLastChar) {
pos = BinaryFormat::skipOtherCharacters(DICT_ROOT, pos);
pos = BinaryFormat::skipFrequency(flags, pos);
*nextSiblingPosition =
BinaryFormat::skipChildrenPosAndAttributes(DICT_ROOT, flags, pos);
return false;
mWord[depth] = c;
// If inputIndex is greater than mInputLength, that means there is no
// proximity chars. So, we don't need to check proximity.
if (SAME_OR_ACCENTED_OR_CAPITALIZED_CHAR == matchedProximityCharId) {
multiplyIntCapped(TYPED_LETTER_MULTIPLIER, &matchWeight);
const bool isSameAsUserTypedLength = mInputLength == inputIndex + 1
|| (excessivePos == mInputLength - 1 && inputIndex == mInputLength - 2);
if (isSameAsUserTypedLength && isTerminal) {
const int freq = BinaryFormat::readFrequencyWithoutMovingPointer(DICT_ROOT, pos);
onTerminal(mWord, depth, DICT_ROOT, flags, pos, inputIndex, matchWeight, skipPos,
excessivePos, transposedPos, freq, true, nextLetters, nextLettersSize);
// This character matched the typed character (enough to traverse the node at least)
// so we just evaluated it. Now we should evaluate this virtual node's children - that
// is, if it has any. If it has no children, we're done here - so we skip the end of
// the node, output the siblings position, and return false "don't traverse children".
// Note that !hasChildren implies isLastChar, so we know we don't have to skip any
// remaining char in this group for there can't be any.
if (!hasChildren) {
pos = BinaryFormat::skipFrequency(flags, pos);
*nextSiblingPosition =
BinaryFormat::skipChildrenPosAndAttributes(DICT_ROOT, flags, pos);
return false;
// Start traversing all nodes after the index exceeds the user typed length
traverseAllNodes = isSameAsUserTypedLength;
diffs = diffs + ((NEAR_PROXIMITY_CHAR == matchedProximityCharId) ? 1 : 0);
// Finally, we are ready to go to the next character, the next "virtual node".
// We should advance the input index.
// We do this in this branch of the 'if traverseAllNodes' because we are still matching
// characters to input; the other branch is not matching them but searching for
// completions, this is why it does not have to do it.
if (!needsToTraverseChildrenNodes) return false;
*newTraverseAllNodes = traverseAllNodes;
*newMatchRate = matchWeight;
*newDiffs = diffs;
*newInputIndex = inputIndex;
} else {
const int *currentChars = getInputCharsAt(inputIndex);
if (transposedPos >= 0) {
if (inputIndex == transposedPos) currentChars += MAX_PROXIMITY_CHARS;
if (inputIndex == (transposedPos + 1)) currentChars -= MAX_PROXIMITY_CHARS;
// Optimization: Prune out words that are too long compared to how much was typed.
if (depth >= maxDepth || diffs > mMaxEditDistance) {
// We are giving up parsing this node and its children. Skip the rest of the node,
// output the sibling position, and return that we don't want to traverse children.
if (!isLastChar) {
pos = BinaryFormat::skipOtherCharacters(DICT_ROOT, pos);
pos = BinaryFormat::skipFrequency(flags, pos);
*nextSiblingPosition =
BinaryFormat::skipChildrenPosAndAttributes(DICT_ROOT, flags, pos);
return false;
int matchedProximityCharId = getMatchedProximityId(currentChars, c, skipPos, excessivePos,
if (UNRELATED_CHAR == matchedProximityCharId) return false;
mWord[depth] = c;
// If inputIndex is greater than mInputLength, that means there is no
// proximity chars. So, we don't need to check proximity.
if (SAME_OR_ACCENTED_OR_CAPITALIZED_CHAR == matchedProximityCharId) {
multiplyIntCapped(TYPED_LETTER_MULTIPLIER, &matchWeight);
bool isSameAsUserTypedLength = mInputLength == inputIndex + 1
|| (excessivePos == mInputLength - 1 && inputIndex == mInputLength - 2);
if (isSameAsUserTypedLength && terminal) {
onTerminal(mWord, depth, DICT_ROOT, flags, pos, inputIndex, matchWeight, skipPos,
excessivePos, transposedPos, freq, true, nextLetters, nextLettersSize);
if (!needsToTraverseChildrenNodes) return false;
// Start traversing all nodes after the index exceeds the user typed length
*newTraverseAllNodes = isSameAsUserTypedLength;
*newMatchRate = matchWeight;
*newDiffs = diffs + ((NEAR_PROXIMITY_CHAR == matchedProximityCharId) ? 1 : 0);
*newInputIndex = inputIndex + 1;
// Optimization: Prune out words that are too long compared to how much was typed.
if (depth >= maxDepth || *newDiffs > mMaxEditDistance) {
return false;
// Prepare for the next character. Promote the prefetched char to current char - the loop
// will take care of prefetching the next. If we finally found our last char, nextc will
// contain NOT_A_CHARACTER.
c = nextc;
// Also, the next char is one "virtual node" depth more than this char.
} while (NOT_A_CHARACTER != c);
// If inputIndex is greater than mInputLength, that means there are no proximity chars.
// TODO: Check if this can be isSameAsUserTypedLength only.
if (isSameAsUserTypedLength || mInputLength <= *newInputIndex) {
*newTraverseAllNodes = true;
// Here, that's all we are interested in so we don't need to check for isSameAsUserTypedLength.
if (mInputLength <= *newInputIndex) {
traverseAllNodes = true;
// get the count of nodes and increment childAddress.
*newCount = Dictionary::getCount(DICT_ROOT, &childPosition);
*newChildPosition = childPosition;
if (DEBUG_DICT) assert(needsToTraverseChildrenNodes);
return needsToTraverseChildrenNodes;
// All the output values that are purely computation by this function are held in local
// variables. Output them to the caller.
*newTraverseAllNodes = traverseAllNodes;
*newMatchRate = matchWeight;
*newDiffs = diffs;
*newInputIndex = inputIndex;
*newOutputIndex = depth;
// Now we finished processing this node, and we want to traverse children. If there are no
// children, we can't come here.
// If this node was a terminal it still has the frequency under the pointer (it may have been
// read, but not skipped - see readFrequencyWithoutMovingPointer).
// Next come the children position, then possibly attributes (attributes are bigrams only for
// now, maybe something related to shortcuts in the future).
// Once this is read, we still need to output the number of nodes in the immediate children of
// this node, so we read and output it before returning true, as in "please traverse children".
pos = BinaryFormat::skipFrequency(flags, pos);
int childrenPos = BinaryFormat::readChildrenPosition(DICT_ROOT, flags, pos);
*nextSiblingPosition = BinaryFormat::skipChildrenPosAndAttributes(DICT_ROOT, flags, pos);
*newCount = BinaryFormat::getGroupCountAndForwardPointer(DICT_ROOT, &childrenPos);
*newChildrenPosition = childrenPos;
return true;