
547 lines
18 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
public class PointerTracker {
private static final String TAG = "PointerTracker";
private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
private static final boolean DEBUG_MOVE = false;
public interface UIProxy {
public void invalidateKey(Key key);
public void showPreview(int keyIndex, PointerTracker tracker);
public boolean hasDistinctMultitouch();
public final int mPointerId;
// Timing constants
private final int mDelayBeforeKeyRepeatStart;
private final int mLongPressKeyTimeout;
private final int mLongPressShiftKeyTimeout;
private final int mMultiTapKeyTimeout;
// Miscellaneous constants
private static final int NOT_A_KEY = KeyDetector.NOT_A_KEY;
private static final int[] KEY_DELETE = { Keyboard.CODE_DELETE };
private final UIProxy mProxy;
private final UIHandler mHandler;
private final KeyDetector mKeyDetector;
private KeyboardActionListener mListener;
private final boolean mHasDistinctMultitouch;
private Keyboard mKeyboard;
private Key[] mKeys;
private int mKeyHysteresisDistanceSquared = -1;
private final KeyState mKeyState;
// true if event is already translated to a key action (long press or mini-keyboard)
private boolean mKeyAlreadyProcessed;
// true if this pointer is repeatable key
private boolean mIsRepeatableKey;
// For multi-tap
private int mLastSentIndex;
private int mTapCount;
private long mLastTapTime;
private boolean mInMultiTap;
private final StringBuilder mPreviewLabel = new StringBuilder(1);
// pressed key
private int mPreviousKey = NOT_A_KEY;
// This class keeps track of a key index and a position where this pointer is.
private static class KeyState {
private final KeyDetector mKeyDetector;
// The position and time at which first down event occurred.
private int mStartX;
private int mStartY;
private long mDownTime;
// The current key index where this pointer is.
private int mKeyIndex = NOT_A_KEY;
// The position where mKeyIndex was recognized for the first time.
private int mKeyX;
private int mKeyY;
// Last pointer position.
private int mLastX;
private int mLastY;
public KeyState(KeyDetector keyDetecor) {
mKeyDetector = keyDetecor;
public int getKeyIndex() {
return mKeyIndex;
public int getKeyX() {
return mKeyX;
public int getKeyY() {
return mKeyY;
public int getStartX() {
return mStartX;
public int getStartY() {
return mStartY;
public long getDownTime() {
return mDownTime;
public int getLastX() {
return mLastX;
public int getLastY() {
return mLastY;
public int onDownKey(int x, int y, long eventTime) {
mStartX = x;
mStartY = y;
mDownTime = eventTime;
return onMoveToNewKey(onMoveKeyInternal(x, y), x, y);
private int onMoveKeyInternal(int x, int y) {
mLastX = x;
mLastY = y;
return mKeyDetector.getKeyIndexAndNearbyCodes(x, y, null);
public int onMoveKey(int x, int y) {
return onMoveKeyInternal(x, y);
public int onMoveToNewKey(int keyIndex, int x, int y) {
mKeyIndex = keyIndex;
mKeyX = x;
mKeyY = y;
return keyIndex;
public int onUpKey(int x, int y) {
return onMoveKeyInternal(x, y);
public void onSetKeyboard() {
mKeyIndex = mKeyDetector.getKeyIndexAndNearbyCodes(mKeyX, mKeyY, null);
public PointerTracker(int id, UIHandler handler, KeyDetector keyDetector, UIProxy proxy,
Resources res) {
if (proxy == null || handler == null || keyDetector == null)
throw new NullPointerException();
mPointerId = id;
mProxy = proxy;
mHandler = handler;
mKeyDetector = keyDetector;
mKeyState = new KeyState(keyDetector);
mHasDistinctMultitouch = proxy.hasDistinctMultitouch();
mDelayBeforeKeyRepeatStart = res.getInteger(R.integer.config_delay_before_key_repeat_start);
mLongPressKeyTimeout = res.getInteger(R.integer.config_long_press_key_timeout);
mLongPressShiftKeyTimeout = res.getInteger(R.integer.config_long_press_shift_key_timeout);
mMultiTapKeyTimeout = res.getInteger(R.integer.config_multi_tap_key_timeout);
public void setOnKeyboardActionListener(KeyboardActionListener listener) {
mListener = listener;
public void setKeyboard(Keyboard keyboard, Key[] keys, float keyHysteresisDistance) {
if (keyboard == null || keys == null || keyHysteresisDistance < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
mKeyboard = keyboard;
mKeys = keys;
mKeyHysteresisDistanceSquared = (int)(keyHysteresisDistance * keyHysteresisDistance);
// Update current key index because keyboard layout has been changed.
private boolean isValidKeyIndex(int keyIndex) {
return keyIndex >= 0 && keyIndex < mKeys.length;
public Key getKey(int keyIndex) {
return isValidKeyIndex(keyIndex) ? mKeys[keyIndex] : null;
private boolean isModifierInternal(int keyIndex) {
Key key = getKey(keyIndex);
if (key == null)
return false;
int primaryCode = key.mCodes[0];
return primaryCode == Keyboard.CODE_SHIFT
|| primaryCode == Keyboard.CODE_MODE_CHANGE;
public boolean isModifier() {
return isModifierInternal(mKeyState.getKeyIndex());
public boolean isOnModifierKey(int x, int y) {
return isModifierInternal(mKeyDetector.getKeyIndexAndNearbyCodes(x, y, null));
public boolean isOnShiftKey(int x, int y) {
final Key key = getKey(mKeyDetector.getKeyIndexAndNearbyCodes(x, y, null));
return key != null && key.mCodes[0] == Keyboard.CODE_SHIFT;
public boolean isSpaceKey(int keyIndex) {
Key key = getKey(keyIndex);
return key != null && key.mCodes[0] == Keyboard.CODE_SPACE;
public void releaseKey() {
private void updateKeyGraphics(int keyIndex) {
int oldKeyIndex = mPreviousKey;
mPreviousKey = keyIndex;
if (keyIndex != oldKeyIndex) {
if (isValidKeyIndex(oldKeyIndex)) {
// if new key index is not a key, old key was just released inside of the key.
final boolean inside = (keyIndex == NOT_A_KEY);
if (isValidKeyIndex(keyIndex)) {
public void setAlreadyProcessed() {
mKeyAlreadyProcessed = true;
public void onTouchEvent(int action, int x, int y, long eventTime) {
switch (action) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
onMoveEvent(x, y, eventTime);
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
onDownEvent(x, y, eventTime);
case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP:
onUpEvent(x, y, eventTime);
case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL:
onCancelEvent(x, y, eventTime);
public void onDownEvent(int x, int y, long eventTime) {
if (DEBUG)
debugLog("onDownEvent:", x, y);
int keyIndex = mKeyState.onDownKey(x, y, eventTime);
mKeyAlreadyProcessed = false;
mIsRepeatableKey = false;
checkMultiTap(eventTime, keyIndex);
if (mListener != null) {
if (isValidKeyIndex(keyIndex)) {
// This onPress call may have changed keyboard layout and have updated mKeyIndex.
// If that's the case, mKeyIndex has been updated in setKeyboard().
keyIndex = mKeyState.getKeyIndex();
if (isValidKeyIndex(keyIndex)) {
if (mKeys[keyIndex].mRepeatable) {
mHandler.startKeyRepeatTimer(mDelayBeforeKeyRepeatStart, keyIndex, this);
mIsRepeatableKey = true;
public void onMoveEvent(int x, int y, long eventTime) {
debugLog("onMoveEvent:", x, y);
if (mKeyAlreadyProcessed)
KeyState keyState = mKeyState;
final int keyIndex = keyState.onMoveKey(x, y);
final Key oldKey = getKey(keyState.getKeyIndex());
if (isValidKeyIndex(keyIndex)) {
if (oldKey == null) {
keyState.onMoveToNewKey(keyIndex, x, y);
} else if (!isMinorMoveBounce(x, y, keyIndex)) {
if (mListener != null)
keyState.onMoveToNewKey(keyIndex, x, y);
} else {
if (oldKey != null) {
if (mListener != null)
keyState.onMoveToNewKey(keyIndex, x ,y);
} else if (!isMinorMoveBounce(x, y, keyIndex)) {
keyState.onMoveToNewKey(keyIndex, x ,y);
public void onUpEvent(int x, int y, long eventTime) {
if (DEBUG)
debugLog("onUpEvent :", x, y);
if (mKeyAlreadyProcessed)
int keyIndex = mKeyState.onUpKey(x, y);
if (isMinorMoveBounce(x, y, keyIndex)) {
// Use previous fixed key index and coordinates.
keyIndex = mKeyState.getKeyIndex();
x = mKeyState.getKeyX();
y = mKeyState.getKeyY();
if (!mIsRepeatableKey) {
detectAndSendKey(keyIndex, x, y, eventTime);
if (isValidKeyIndex(keyIndex))
public void onCancelEvent(int x, int y, long eventTime) {
if (DEBUG)
debugLog("onCancelEvt:", x, y);
int keyIndex = mKeyState.getKeyIndex();
if (isValidKeyIndex(keyIndex))
public void repeatKey(int keyIndex) {
Key key = getKey(keyIndex);
if (key != null) {
// While key is repeating, because there is no need to handle multi-tap key, we can
// pass -1 as eventTime argument.
detectAndSendKey(keyIndex, key.mX, key.mY, -1);
public int getLastX() {
return mKeyState.getLastX();
public int getLastY() {
return mKeyState.getLastY();
public long getDownTime() {
return mKeyState.getDownTime();
// These package scope methods are only for debugging purpose.
/* package */ int getStartX() {
return mKeyState.getStartX();
/* package */ int getStartY() {
return mKeyState.getStartY();
private boolean isMinorMoveBounce(int x, int y, int newKey) {
if (mKeys == null || mKeyHysteresisDistanceSquared < 0)
throw new IllegalStateException("keyboard and/or hysteresis not set");
int curKey = mKeyState.getKeyIndex();
if (newKey == curKey) {
return true;
} else if (isValidKeyIndex(curKey)) {
return mKeys[curKey].squaredDistanceToEdge(x, y) < mKeyHysteresisDistanceSquared;
} else {
return false;
private void showKeyPreviewAndUpdateKeyGraphics(int keyIndex) {
// The modifier key, such as shift key, should not be shown as preview when multi-touch is
// supported. On the other hand, if multi-touch is not supported, the modifier key should
// be shown as preview.
if (mHasDistinctMultitouch && isModifier()) {
mProxy.showPreview(NOT_A_KEY, this);
} else {
mProxy.showPreview(keyIndex, this);
private void startLongPressTimer(int keyIndex) {
Key key = getKey(keyIndex);
if (key.mCodes[0] == Keyboard.CODE_SHIFT) {
mHandler.startLongPressShiftTimer(mLongPressShiftKeyTimeout, keyIndex, this);
} else {
mHandler.startLongPressTimer(mLongPressKeyTimeout, keyIndex, this);
private void detectAndSendKey(int index, int x, int y, long eventTime) {
final KeyboardActionListener listener = mListener;
final Key key = getKey(index);
if (key == null) {
if (listener != null)
} else {
if (key.mOutputText != null) {
if (listener != null) {
} else {
int code = key.mCodes[0];
//TextEntryState.keyPressedAt(key, x, y);
int[] codes = mKeyDetector.newCodeArray();
mKeyDetector.getKeyIndexAndNearbyCodes(x, y, codes);
// Multi-tap
if (mInMultiTap) {
if (mTapCount != -1) {
mListener.onKey(Keyboard.CODE_DELETE, KEY_DELETE, x, y);
} else {
mTapCount = 0;
code = key.mCodes[mTapCount];
// If keyboard is in manual temporary upper case state and key has manual temporary
// shift code, alternate character code should be sent.
if (mKeyboard.isManualTemporaryUpperCase()
&& key.mManualTemporaryUpperCaseCode != 0) {
code = key.mManualTemporaryUpperCaseCode;
codes[0] = code;
* Swap the first and second values in the codes array if the primary code is not
* the first value but the second value in the array. This happens when key
* debouncing is in effect.
if (codes.length >= 2 && codes[0] != code && codes[1] == code) {
codes[1] = codes[0];
codes[0] = code;
if (listener != null) {
listener.onKey(code, codes, x, y);
mLastSentIndex = index;
mLastTapTime = eventTime;
* Handle multi-tap keys by producing the key label for the current multi-tap state.
public CharSequence getPreviewText(Key key) {
if (mInMultiTap) {
// Multi-tap
mPreviewLabel.append((char) key.mCodes[mTapCount < 0 ? 0 : mTapCount]);
return mPreviewLabel;
} else {
return key.mLabel;
private void resetMultiTap() {
mLastSentIndex = NOT_A_KEY;
mTapCount = 0;
mLastTapTime = -1;
mInMultiTap = false;
private void checkMultiTap(long eventTime, int keyIndex) {
Key key = getKey(keyIndex);
if (key == null)
final boolean isMultiTap =
(eventTime < mLastTapTime + mMultiTapKeyTimeout && keyIndex == mLastSentIndex);
if (key.mCodes.length > 1) {
mInMultiTap = true;
if (isMultiTap) {
mTapCount = (mTapCount + 1) % key.mCodes.length;
} else {
mTapCount = -1;
if (!isMultiTap) {
private void debugLog(String title, int x, int y) {
int keyIndex = mKeyDetector.getKeyIndexAndNearbyCodes(x, y, null);
Key key = getKey(keyIndex);
final String code;
if (key == null) {
code = "----";
} else {
int primaryCode = key.mCodes[0];
code = String.format((primaryCode < 0) ? "%4d" : "0x%02x", primaryCode);
Log.d(TAG, String.format("%s%s[%d] %3d,%3d %3d(%s) %s", title,
(mKeyAlreadyProcessed ? "-" : " "), mPointerId, x, y, keyIndex, code,
(isModifier() ? "modifier" : "")));