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* Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
public final class Constants {
public static final class Color {
* The alpha value for fully opaque.
public final static int ALPHA_OPAQUE = 255;
public static final class ImeOption {
* The private IME option used to indicate that no microphone should be shown for a given
* text field. For instance, this is specified by the search dialog when the dialog is
* already showing a voice search button.
* @deprecated Use {@link ImeOption#NO_MICROPHONE} with package name prefixed.
public static final String NO_MICROPHONE_COMPAT = "nm";
* The private IME option used to indicate that no microphone should be shown for a given
* text field. For instance, this is specified by the search dialog when the dialog is
* already showing a voice search button.
public static final String NO_MICROPHONE = "noMicrophoneKey";
* The private IME option used to indicate that no settings key should be shown for a given
* text field.
public static final String NO_SETTINGS_KEY = "noSettingsKey";
* The private IME option used to indicate that the given text field needs ASCII code points
* input.
* @deprecated Use EditorInfo#IME_FLAG_FORCE_ASCII.
public static final String FORCE_ASCII = "forceAscii";
private ImeOption() {
// This utility class is not publicly instantiable.
public static final class Subtype {
* The subtype mode used to indicate that the subtype is a keyboard.
public static final String KEYBOARD_MODE = "keyboard";
public static final class ExtraValue {
* The subtype extra value used to indicate that the subtype keyboard layout is capable
* for typing ASCII characters.
public static final String ASCII_CAPABLE = "AsciiCapable";
* The subtype extra value used to indicate that the subtype require network connection
* to work.
public static final String REQ_NETWORK_CONNECTIVITY = "requireNetworkConnectivity";
* The subtype extra value used to indicate that the subtype display name contains "%s"
* for replacement mark and it should be replaced by this extra value.
* This extra value is supported on JellyBean and later.
* The subtype extra value used to indicate that the subtype keyboard layout set name.
* This extra value is private to LatinIME.
public static final String KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_SET = "KeyboardLayoutSet";
* The subtype extra value used to indicate that the subtype is additional subtype
* that the user defined. This extra value is private to LatinIME.
public static final String IS_ADDITIONAL_SUBTYPE = "isAdditionalSubtype";
private ExtraValue() {
// This utility class is not publicly instantiable.
private Subtype() {
// This utility class is not publicly instantiable.
public static final class TextUtils {
* Capitalization mode for {@link android.text.TextUtils#getCapsMode}: don't capitalize
* characters. This value may be used with
* {@link android.text.TextUtils#CAP_MODE_CHARACTERS},
* {@link android.text.TextUtils#CAP_MODE_WORDS}, and
* {@link android.text.TextUtils#CAP_MODE_SENTENCES}.
public static final int CAP_MODE_OFF = 0;
private TextUtils() {
// This utility class is not publicly instantiable.
public static final int NOT_A_CODE = -1;
public static final int NOT_A_COORDINATE = -1;
public static final int SUGGESTION_STRIP_COORDINATE = -2;
public static final int SPELL_CHECKER_COORDINATE = -3;
public static final int EXTERNAL_KEYBOARD_COORDINATE = -4;
// Must be equal to MAX_WORD_LENGTH in native/jni/src/defines.h
public static final int DICTIONARY_MAX_WORD_LENGTH = 48;
public static boolean isValidCoordinate(final int coordinate) {
return coordinate >= 0;
* Custom request code used in
* {@link}.
// The code to show input method picker.
public static final int CUSTOM_CODE_SHOW_INPUT_METHOD_PICKER = 1;
* Some common keys code. Must be positive.
public static final int CODE_ENTER = '\n';
public static final int CODE_TAB = '\t';
public static final int CODE_SPACE = ' ';
public static final int CODE_PERIOD = '.';
public static final int CODE_DASH = '-';
public static final int CODE_SINGLE_QUOTE = '\'';
public static final int CODE_DOUBLE_QUOTE = '"';
public static final int CODE_QUESTION_MARK = '?';
public static final int CODE_EXCLAMATION_MARK = '!';
public static final int CODE_SLASH = '/';
public static final int CODE_COMMERCIAL_AT = '@';
// TODO: Check how this should work for right-to-left languages. It seems to stand
// that for rtl languages, a closing parenthesis is a left parenthesis. Is this
// managed by the font? Or is it a different char?
public static final int CODE_CLOSING_PARENTHESIS = ')';
public static final int CODE_CLOSING_SQUARE_BRACKET = ']';
public static final int CODE_CLOSING_CURLY_BRACKET = '}';
public static final int CODE_CLOSING_ANGLE_BRACKET = '>';
* Special keys code. Must be negative.
* These should be aligned with {@link KeyboardCodesSet#ID_TO_NAME},
* {@link KeyboardCodesSet#DEFAULT}, and {@link KeyboardCodesSet#RTL}.
public static final int CODE_SHIFT = -1;
public static final int CODE_CAPSLOCK = -2;
public static final int CODE_SWITCH_ALPHA_SYMBOL = -3;
public static final int CODE_OUTPUT_TEXT = -4;
public static final int CODE_DELETE = -5;
public static final int CODE_SETTINGS = -6;
public static final int CODE_SHORTCUT = -7;
public static final int CODE_ACTION_NEXT = -8;
public static final int CODE_ACTION_PREVIOUS = -9;
public static final int CODE_LANGUAGE_SWITCH = -10;
public static final int CODE_EMOJI = -11;
public static final int CODE_SHIFT_ENTER = -12;
// Code value representing the code is not specified.
public static final int CODE_UNSPECIFIED = -13;
public static boolean isLetterCode(final int code) {
return code >= CODE_SPACE;
public static String printableCode(final int code) {
switch (code) {
case CODE_SHIFT: return "shift";
case CODE_CAPSLOCK: return "capslock";
case CODE_SWITCH_ALPHA_SYMBOL: return "symbol";
case CODE_OUTPUT_TEXT: return "text";
case CODE_DELETE: return "delete";
case CODE_SETTINGS: return "settings";
case CODE_SHORTCUT: return "shortcut";
case CODE_ACTION_NEXT: return "actionNext";
case CODE_ACTION_PREVIOUS: return "actionPrevious";
case CODE_LANGUAGE_SWITCH: return "languageSwitch";
case CODE_EMOJI: return "emoji";
case CODE_SHIFT_ENTER: return "shiftEnter";
case CODE_UNSPECIFIED: return "unspec";
case CODE_TAB: return "tab";
case CODE_ENTER: return "enter";
if (code < CODE_SPACE) return String.format("'\\u%02x'", code);
if (code < 0x100) return String.format("'%c'", code);
return String.format("'\\u%04x'", code);
private Constants() {
// This utility class is not publicly instantiable.