2009-03-13 22:11:42 +00:00
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2010-03-18 05:16:48 +00:00
** Copyright 2008, The Android Open Source Project
** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
** You may obtain a copy of the License at
** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
** limitations under the License.
2009-03-13 22:11:42 +00:00
<resources xmlns:android= "http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
2010-07-20 05:17:34 +00:00
<string name= "english_ime_name" msgid= "7252517407088836577" > "Klawiatura Android"</string>
<string name= "english_ime_settings" msgid= "6661589557206947774" > "Ustawienia klawiatury Android"</string>
2010-10-27 21:37:12 +00:00
<string name= "english_ime_input_options" msgid= "3909945612939668554" > "Opcje wprowadzania"</string>
2009-08-03 23:28:40 +00:00
<string name= "vibrate_on_keypress" msgid= "5258079494276955460" > "Wibracja przy naciśnięciu"</string>
<string name= "sound_on_keypress" msgid= "6093592297198243644" > "Dźwięk przy naciśnięciu"</string>
2010-10-27 21:37:12 +00:00
<string name= "popup_on_keypress" msgid= "123894815723512944" > "Wyświetlaj po naciśnięciu klawisza"</string>
2011-01-24 20:40:17 +00:00
<!-- no translation found for general_category (1859088467017573195) -->
<skip />
2011-01-27 00:40:37 +00:00
<!-- outdated translation 8633658064951690350 --> <string name= "prediction_category" msgid= "6361242011806282176" > "Ustawienia sugestii słów"</string>
2009-08-03 23:28:40 +00:00
<string name= "auto_cap" msgid= "1719746674854628252" > "Wstawiaj wielkie litery"</string>
<string name= "quick_fixes" msgid= "5353213327680897927" > "Szybkie poprawki"</string>
<string name= "quick_fixes_summary" msgid= "3405028402510332373" > "Poprawia częste błędy wpisywania"</string>
2011-01-27 00:40:37 +00:00
<!-- outdated translation 1375526087676269770 --> <string name= "prefs_show_suggestions" msgid= "8026799663445531637" > "Pokazuj sugestie"</string>
<!-- outdated translation 2564386479780335351 --> <string name= "prefs_show_suggestions_summary" msgid= "1583132279498502825" > "Wyświetl proponowane słowa podczas wpisywania"</string>
<!-- outdated translation 8350173747634837929 --> <string name= "prefs_suggestion_visibility_show_name" msgid= "3219916594067551303" > "Zawsze pokazuj"</string>
<!-- outdated translation 670278993111469619 --> <string name= "prefs_suggestion_visibility_show_only_portrait_name" msgid= "3551821800439659812" > "Pokaż w orientacji pionowej"</string>
<!-- outdated translation 2750493093338023345 --> <string name= "prefs_suggestion_visibility_hide_name" msgid= "6309143926422234673" > "Zawsze ukrywaj"</string>
2010-10-27 21:37:12 +00:00
<string name= "prefs_settings_key" msgid= "4623341240804046498" > "Pokaż klawisz ustawień"</string>
<string name= "settings_key_mode_auto_name" msgid= "2993460277873684680" > "Automatycznie"</string>
<string name= "settings_key_mode_always_show_name" msgid= "3047567041784760575" > "Zawsze pokazuj"</string>
<string name= "settings_key_mode_always_hide_name" msgid= "7833948046716923994" > "Zawsze ukrywaj"</string>
2011-01-24 20:40:17 +00:00
<string name= "auto_correction" msgid= "4979925752001319458" > "Autokorekta"</string>
2011-01-27 00:40:37 +00:00
<!-- outdated translation 6260001790426244084 --> <string name= "auto_correction_summary" msgid= "5625751551134658006" > "Spacja i znaki przestankowe automatycznie wstawiają podświetlone słowo"</string>
2011-01-24 20:40:17 +00:00
<string name= "auto_correction_threshold_mode_off" msgid= "8470882665417944026" > "Wyłącz"</string>
<string name= "auto_correction_threshold_mode_modest" msgid= "8788366690620799097" > "Umiarkowana"</string>
<string name= "auto_correction_threshold_mode_aggeressive" msgid= "3524029103734923819" > "Agresywna"</string>
2010-08-05 23:10:04 +00:00
<string name= "bigram_suggestion" msgid= "1323347224043514969" > "Sugestie dla bigramów"</string>
<string name= "bigram_suggestion_summary" msgid= "4383845146070101531" > "Używaj poprzedniego wyrazu, aby polepszyć sugestię"</string>
2009-08-03 23:28:40 +00:00
<string name= "added_word" msgid= "8993883354622484372" > "<xliff:g id= "WORD" > %s</xliff:g> : Zapisano"</string>
2010-04-27 21:30:47 +00:00
<string name= "label_go_key" msgid= "1635148082137219148" > "OK"</string>
2009-08-03 23:28:40 +00:00
<string name= "label_next_key" msgid= "362972844525672568" > "Dalej"</string>
<string name= "label_done_key" msgid= "2441578748772529288" > "Gotowe"</string>
<string name= "label_send_key" msgid= "2815056534433717444" > "Wyślij"</string>
2011-01-27 00:40:37 +00:00
<!-- outdated translation 3103719164112604010 --> <string name= "label_to_alpha_key" msgid= "4793983863798817523" > "ABC"</string>
2010-10-27 21:37:12 +00:00
<string name= "label_more_key" msgid= "3760239494604948502" > "Więcej"</string>
2010-12-01 23:19:27 +00:00
<string name= "label_pause_key" msgid= "181098308428035340" > "Pauza"</string>
<string name= "label_wait_key" msgid= "6402152600878093134" > "Czekaj"</string>
2010-01-16 20:21:23 +00:00
<string name= "voice_warning_title" msgid= "4419354150908395008" > "Wprowadzanie głosowe"</string>
<string name= "voice_warning_locale_not_supported" msgid= "637923019716442333" > "Wprowadzanie głosowe obecnie nie jest obsługiwane w Twoim języku, ale działa w języku angielskim."</string>
2011-01-27 00:40:37 +00:00
<!-- outdated translation 5450473727606344027 --> <string name= "voice_warning_may_not_understand" msgid= "5596289095878251072" > "Wprowadzanie głosowe używa mechanizmu rozpoznawania mowy opracowanego przez Google. Obowiązuje "<a href= "http://m.google.com/privacy" > "Polityka prywatności Google Mobile"</a> "."</string>
<!-- outdated translation 8461922898209345270 --> <string name= "voice_warning_how_to_turn_off" msgid= "3190378129944934856" > "Aby wyłączyć wprowadzanie głosowe, przejdź do ustawień metody wprowadzania."</string>
<!-- outdated translation 6099357096490592798 --> <string name= "voice_hint_dialog_message" msgid= "1420686286820661548" > "Aby używać wprowadzania głosowego, naciśnij przycisk mikrofonu."</string>
2010-01-16 20:21:23 +00:00
<string name= "voice_listening" msgid= "467518160751321844" > "Mów teraz"</string>
2010-04-27 21:30:47 +00:00
<string name= "voice_working" msgid= "6666937792815731889" > "W toku"</string>
2010-08-05 23:10:04 +00:00
<string name= "voice_initializing" msgid= "661962047129906646" > </string>
2010-01-16 20:21:23 +00:00
<string name= "voice_error" msgid= "5140896300312186162" > "Błąd. Spróbuj ponownie."</string>
<string name= "voice_network_error" msgid= "6649556447401862563" > "Nie można nawiązać połączenia"</string>
<string name= "voice_too_much_speech" msgid= "5746973620134227376" > "Błąd, zbyt długa wypowiedź."</string>
<string name= "voice_audio_error" msgid= "5072707727016414454" > "Problem z dźwiękiem"</string>
<string name= "voice_server_error" msgid= "7807129913977261644" > "Błąd serwera"</string>
<string name= "voice_speech_timeout" msgid= "8461817525075498795" > "Nie wykryto mowy"</string>
2010-10-27 21:37:12 +00:00
<string name= "voice_no_match" msgid= "4285117547030179174" > "Brak wyników"</string>
2010-01-16 20:21:23 +00:00
<string name= "voice_not_installed" msgid= "5552450909753842415" > "Wyszukiwanie głosowe nie jest zainstalowane"</string>
<string name= "voice_swipe_hint" msgid= "6943546180310682021" > <b > "Wskazówka:"</b> " przesuń palcem po klawiaturze, aby mówić."</string>
<string name= "voice_punctuation_hint" msgid= "1611389463237317754" > <b > "Wskazówka:"</b> " następnym razem spróbuj wypowiadać nazwy znaków interpunkcyjnych: „kropka”, „przecinek” lub „pytajnik”."</string>
<string name= "cancel" msgid= "6830980399865683324" > "Anuluj"</string>
<string name= "ok" msgid= "7898366843681727667" > "OK"</string>
2010-02-27 01:34:25 +00:00
<string name= "voice_input" msgid= "2466640768843347841" > "Wprowadzanie głosowe"</string>
2011-01-24 20:40:17 +00:00
<string name= "voice_input_modes_main_keyboard" msgid= "3360660341121083174" > "Na klawiaturze głównej"</string>
<string name= "voice_input_modes_symbols_keyboard" msgid= "7203213240786084067" > "Na klawiaturze z symbolami"</string>
<string name= "voice_input_modes_off" msgid= "3745699748218082014" > "Wyłącz"</string>
<string name= "voice_input_modes_summary_main_keyboard" msgid= "6586544292900314339" > "Mikrofon na klawiaturze głównej"</string>
<string name= "voice_input_modes_summary_symbols_keyboard" msgid= "5233725927281932391" > "Mikrofon na klawiaturze z symbolami"</string>
<string name= "voice_input_modes_summary_off" msgid= "63875609591897607" > "Wprowadzanie głosowe jest wyłączone"</string>
2010-10-27 21:37:12 +00:00
<string name= "selectInputMethod" msgid= "315076553378705821" > "Wybierz metodę wprowadzania"</string>
2010-02-27 01:34:25 +00:00
<string name= "language_selection_title" msgid= "1651299598555326750" > "Języki wprowadzania"</string>
<string name= "language_selection_summary" msgid= "187110938289512256" > "Przesuń palcem po spacji, aby zmienić język"</string>
2010-10-27 21:37:12 +00:00
<string name= "hint_add_to_dictionary" msgid= "9006292060636342317" > "← Dotknij ponownie, aby zapisać"</string>
2010-03-18 05:16:48 +00:00
<string name= "has_dictionary" msgid= "6071847973466625007" > "Słownik dostępny"</string>
2010-10-27 21:37:12 +00:00
<string name= "prefs_enable_log" msgid= "6620424505072963557" > "Włącz przesyłanie opinii użytkownika"</string>
<string name= "prefs_description_log" msgid= "5827825607258246003" > "Pomóż ulepszyć edytor tej metody wprowadzania, automatycznie wysyłając do Google statystyki użycia i raporty o awariach."</string>
2011-01-27 00:40:37 +00:00
<!-- outdated translation 6143241861730430695 --> <string name= "prefs_enable_recorrection" msgid= "4588408906649533582" > "Dotknij, aby poprawić słowa"</string>
<!-- outdated translation 3119549956172710725 --> <string name= "prefs_enable_recorrection_summary" msgid= "5082041365862396329" > "Dotykaj wprowadzonych słów, aby je poprawić, tylko wtedy gdy widoczne są sugestie"</string>
2010-10-27 21:37:12 +00:00
<string name= "keyboard_layout" msgid= "437433231038683666" > "Motyw klawiatury"</string>
2011-01-27 00:40:37 +00:00
<!-- outdated translation 1186679497674833204 --> <string name= "subtype_mode_cs_keyboard" msgid= "1141718931112377586" > "Klawiatura czeska"</string>
<!-- outdated translation 1395637124037817510 --> <string name= "subtype_mode_da_keyboard" msgid= "1243570804427922104" > "Klawiatura duńska"</string>
<!-- outdated translation 1145552122692431122 --> <string name= "subtype_mode_de_keyboard" msgid= "1990979135959462145" > "Klawiatura niemiecka"</string>
<!-- outdated translation 5050923189634470413 --> <string name= "subtype_mode_en_GB_keyboard" msgid= "7945856548410373708" > "Klawiatura angielska (Wielka Brytania)"</string>
<!-- outdated translation 3435344903704397043 --> <string name= "subtype_mode_en_US_keyboard" msgid= "3708655163769735410" > "Klawiatura angielska (Stany Zjednoczone)"</string>
<!-- outdated translation 1030419781157491328 --> <string name= "subtype_mode_es_keyboard" msgid= "1775125478866113148" > "Klawiatura hiszpańska"</string>
<!-- outdated translation 5792199241357098918 --> <string name= "subtype_mode_es_US_keyboard" msgid= "3702125193532262008" > "Klawiatura hiszpańska (Stany Zjednoczone)"</string>
<!-- outdated translation 4855416218650524164 --> <string name= "subtype_mode_fr_keyboard" msgid= "8016515336759761014" > "Klawiatura francuska"</string>
<!-- outdated translation 6458285776720480201 --> <string name= "subtype_mode_fr_CA_keyboard" msgid= "2628517247158376263" > "Klawiatura francuska (Kanada)"</string>
<!-- outdated translation 5966960427086795964 --> <string name= "subtype_mode_fr_CH_keyboard" msgid= "6742806653181621228" > "Klawiatura francuska (Szwajcaria)"</string>
<!-- outdated translation 6927754583816493555 --> <string name= "subtype_mode_it_keyboard" msgid= "4934199655425394484" > "Klawiatura włoska"</string>
<!-- outdated translation 771634025467668613 --> <string name= "subtype_mode_nb_keyboard" msgid= "1175783216100212360" > "Klawiatura norweska"</string>
<!-- outdated translation 3397048533451717478 --> <string name= "subtype_mode_nl_keyboard" msgid= "5090278083256037936" > "Klawiatura holenderska"</string>
<!-- outdated translation 3812694929448916712 --> <string name= "subtype_mode_ru_keyboard" msgid= "1383995915064277943" > "Klawiatura rosyjska"</string>
<!-- outdated translation 7947963963114184275 --> <string name= "subtype_mode_sr_keyboard" msgid= "5019440799612208168" > "Klawiatura serbska"</string>
<!-- outdated translation 3874083866564515371 --> <string name= "subtype_mode_sv_keyboard" msgid= "4933838139861753401" > "Klawiatura szwedzka"</string>
<!-- no translation found for subtype_mode_af_voice (7542487489657902699) -->
<skip />
<!-- outdated translation 8290007904951946296 --> <string name= "subtype_mode_cs_voice" msgid= "1136386688120958641" > "Lektor czeski"</string>
<!-- outdated translation 672328729666823853 --> <string name= "subtype_mode_de_voice" msgid= "8378803143958089866" > "Lektor niemiecki"</string>
<!-- no translation found for subtype_mode_en_voice (6643420989651848728) -->
<skip />
<!-- outdated translation 1243071504878834350 --> <string name= "subtype_mode_es_voice" msgid= "1323473601346507487" > "Lektor hiszpański"</string>
<!-- outdated translation 2048805677248981105 --> <string name= "subtype_mode_fr_voice" msgid= "4675914209337824269" > "Lektor francuski"</string>
2011-01-24 20:40:17 +00:00
<!-- no translation found for subtype_mode_it_voice (5077373057157441323) -->
<skip />
2011-01-27 00:40:37 +00:00
<!-- outdated translation 1855513591711108481 --> <string name= "subtype_mode_ja_voice" msgid= "6604859132669646367" > "Lektor japoński"</string>
<!-- outdated translation 3453153041889151316 --> <string name= "subtype_mode_ko_voice" msgid= "4890391190762324561" > "Lektor koreański"</string>
2011-01-24 20:40:17 +00:00
<!-- no translation found for subtype_mode_nl_voice (2603552312869575021) -->
<skip />
2011-01-27 00:40:37 +00:00
<!-- outdated translation 6730658974157645735 --> <string name= "subtype_mode_pl_voice" msgid= "2076196021014840487" > "Lektor polski"</string>
<!-- outdated translation 4508062762756741654 --> <string name= "subtype_mode_pt_voice" msgid= "8036522712795994397" > "Lektor portugalski"</string>
<!-- outdated translation 554299262138845594 --> <string name= "subtype_mode_ru_voice" msgid= "8034596947963787529" > "Lektor rosyjski"</string>
<!-- outdated translation 5242644971865917801 --> <string name= "subtype_mode_tr_voice" msgid= "3402067436761140005" > "Lektor turecki"</string>
<!-- no translation found for subtype_mode_yue_voice (1576887891614624263) -->
2010-11-17 19:41:41 +00:00
<skip />
2011-01-27 00:40:37 +00:00
<!-- no translation found for subtype_mode_zh_voice (4360533229467271152) -->
2010-11-17 19:41:41 +00:00
<skip />
2011-01-27 00:40:37 +00:00
<!-- no translation found for subtype_mode_zu_voice (1146122571698884636) -->
2010-11-17 19:41:41 +00:00
<skip />
2011-01-27 00:40:37 +00:00
<!-- outdated translation 8423000345880575687 --> <string name= "prefs_usability_study_mode" msgid= "6937813623647419810" > "Tryb badania użyteczności"</string>
2009-03-13 22:11:42 +00:00