
758 lines
28 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
import android.content.Context;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.widget.TextView;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
public class PointerTracker {
private static final String TAG = PointerTracker.class.getSimpleName();
private static final boolean DEBUG_EVENT = false;
private static final boolean DEBUG_MOVE_EVENT = false;
private static final boolean DEBUG_LISTENER = false;
private static boolean DEBUG_MODE = LatinImeLogger.sDBG;
public interface KeyEventHandler {
* Get KeyDetector object that is used for this PointerTracker.
* @return the KeyDetector object that is used for this PointerTracker
public KeyDetector getKeyDetector();
* Get KeyboardActionListener object that is used to register key code and so on.
* @return the KeyboardActionListner for this PointerTracker
public KeyboardActionListener getKeyboardActionListener();
* Get DrawingProxy object that is used for this PointerTracker.
* @return the DrawingProxy object that is used for this PointerTracker
public DrawingProxy getDrawingProxy();
* Get TimerProxy object that handles key repeat and long press timer event for this
* PointerTracker.
* @return the TimerProxy object that handles key repeat and long press timer event.
public TimerProxy getTimerProxy();
public interface DrawingProxy extends MoreKeysPanel.Controller {
public void invalidateKey(Key key);
public TextView inflateKeyPreviewText();
public void showKeyPreview(PointerTracker tracker);
public void dismissKeyPreview(PointerTracker tracker);
public interface TimerProxy {
public void startKeyTypedTimer(long delay);
public boolean isTyping();
public void startKeyRepeatTimer(long delay, PointerTracker tracker);
public void startLongPressTimer(long delay, PointerTracker tracker);
public void cancelLongPressTimer();
public void startDoubleTapTimer();
public boolean isInDoubleTapTimeout();
public void cancelKeyTimers();
public static class Adapter implements TimerProxy {
public void startKeyTypedTimer(long delay) {}
public boolean isTyping() { return false; }
public void startKeyRepeatTimer(long delay, PointerTracker tracker) {}
public void startLongPressTimer(long delay, PointerTracker tracker) {}
public void cancelLongPressTimer() {}
public void startDoubleTapTimer() {}
public boolean isInDoubleTapTimeout() { return false; }
public void cancelKeyTimers() {}
private static KeyboardSwitcher sKeyboardSwitcher;
// Parameters for pointer handling.
private static LatinKeyboardView.PointerTrackerParams sParams;
private static int sTouchNoiseThresholdDistanceSquared;
private static final List<PointerTracker> sTrackers = new ArrayList<PointerTracker>();
private static PointerTrackerQueue sPointerTrackerQueue;
public final int mPointerId;
private DrawingProxy mDrawingProxy;
private TimerProxy mTimerProxy;
private KeyDetector mKeyDetector;
private KeyboardActionListener mListener = EMPTY_LISTENER;
private Keyboard mKeyboard;
private Set<Key> mKeys;
private int mKeyQuarterWidthSquared;
private final TextView mKeyPreviewText;
// The position and time at which first down event occurred.
private long mDownTime;
private long mUpTime;
// The current key where this pointer is.
private Key mCurrentKey = null;
// The position where the current key was recognized for the first time.
private int mKeyX;
private int mKeyY;
// Last pointer position.
private int mLastX;
private int mLastY;
// true if keyboard layout has been changed.
private boolean mKeyboardLayoutHasBeenChanged;
// true if event is already translated to a key action.
private boolean mKeyAlreadyProcessed;
// true if this pointer has been long-pressed and is showing a more keys panel.
private boolean mIsShowingMoreKeysPanel;
// true if this pointer is repeatable key
private boolean mIsRepeatableKey;
// true if this pointer is in sliding key input
boolean mIsInSlidingKeyInput;
// true if sliding key is allowed.
private boolean mIsAllowedSlidingKeyInput;
// ignore modifier key if true
private boolean mIgnoreModifierKey;
// Empty {@link KeyboardActionListener}
private static final KeyboardActionListener EMPTY_LISTENER =
new KeyboardActionListener.Adapter();
public static void init(boolean hasDistinctMultitouch, Context context) {
if (hasDistinctMultitouch) {
sPointerTrackerQueue = new PointerTrackerQueue();
} else {
sPointerTrackerQueue = null;
sKeyboardSwitcher = KeyboardSwitcher.getInstance();
public static void setParameters(LatinKeyboardView.PointerTrackerParams params) {
sParams = params;
sTouchNoiseThresholdDistanceSquared = (int)(
params.mTouchNoiseThresholdDistance * params.mTouchNoiseThresholdDistance);
public static PointerTracker getPointerTracker(final int id, KeyEventHandler handler) {
final List<PointerTracker> trackers = sTrackers;
// Create pointer trackers until we can get 'id+1'-th tracker, if needed.
for (int i = trackers.size(); i <= id; i++) {
final PointerTracker tracker = new PointerTracker(i, handler);
return trackers.get(id);
public static boolean isAnyInSlidingKeyInput() {
return sPointerTrackerQueue != null ? sPointerTrackerQueue.isAnyInSlidingKeyInput() : false;
public static void setKeyboardActionListener(KeyboardActionListener listener) {
for (final PointerTracker tracker : sTrackers) {
tracker.mListener = listener;
public static void setKeyDetector(KeyDetector keyDetector) {
for (final PointerTracker tracker : sTrackers) {
// Mark that keyboard layout has been changed.
tracker.mKeyboardLayoutHasBeenChanged = true;
public static void dismissAllKeyPreviews() {
for (final PointerTracker tracker : sTrackers) {
public PointerTracker(int id, KeyEventHandler handler) {
if (handler == null)
throw new NullPointerException();
mPointerId = id;
mListener = handler.getKeyboardActionListener();
mDrawingProxy = handler.getDrawingProxy();
mTimerProxy = handler.getTimerProxy();
mKeyPreviewText = mDrawingProxy.inflateKeyPreviewText();
public TextView getKeyPreviewText() {
return mKeyPreviewText;
// Returns true if keyboard has been changed by this callback.
private boolean callListenerOnPressAndCheckKeyboardLayoutChange(Key key) {
final boolean ignoreModifierKey = mIgnoreModifierKey && key.isModifier();
Log.d(TAG, "onPress : " + KeyDetector.printableCode(key)
+ " ignoreModifier=" + ignoreModifierKey
+ " enabled=" + key.isEnabled());
if (ignoreModifierKey) {
return false;
if (key.isEnabled()) {
final boolean keyboardLayoutHasBeenChanged = mKeyboardLayoutHasBeenChanged;
mKeyboardLayoutHasBeenChanged = false;
return keyboardLayoutHasBeenChanged;
return false;
// Note that we need primaryCode argument because the keyboard may in shifted state and the
// primaryCode is different from {@link Key#mCode}.
private void callListenerOnCodeInput(Key key, int primaryCode, int[] keyCodes, int x, int y) {
final boolean ignoreModifierKey = mIgnoreModifierKey && key.isModifier();
final boolean alterCode = key.altCodeWhileTyping() && mTimerProxy.isTyping();
final int code = alterCode ? key.mAltCode : primaryCode;
Log.d(TAG, "onCodeInput: " + Keyboard.printableCode(code) + " text=" + key.mOutputText
+ " codes="+ KeyDetector.printableCodes(keyCodes) + " x=" + x + " y=" + y
+ " ignoreModifier=" + ignoreModifierKey + " alterCode=" + alterCode
+ " enabled=" + key.isEnabled());
if (ignoreModifierKey) {
if (key.isEnabled()) {
if (code == Keyboard.CODE_OUTPUT_TEXT) {
} else if (code != Keyboard.CODE_UNSPECIFIED) {
mListener.onCodeInput(code, keyCodes, x, y);
if (!key.altCodeWhileTyping() && !key.isModifier()) {
// Note that we need primaryCode argument because the keyboard may in shifted state and the
// primaryCode is different from {@link Key#mCode}.
private void callListenerOnRelease(Key key, int primaryCode, boolean withSliding) {
final boolean ignoreModifierKey = mIgnoreModifierKey && key.isModifier();
Log.d(TAG, "onRelease : " + Keyboard.printableCode(primaryCode)
+ " sliding=" + withSliding + " ignoreModifier=" + ignoreModifierKey
+ " enabled="+ key.isEnabled());
if (ignoreModifierKey) {
if (key.isEnabled()) {
mListener.onReleaseKey(primaryCode, withSliding);
private void callListenerOnCancelInput() {
Log.d(TAG, "onCancelInput");
private void setKeyDetectorInner(KeyDetector keyDetector) {
mKeyDetector = keyDetector;
mKeyboard = keyDetector.getKeyboard();
mKeys = mKeyboard.mKeys;
final int keyQuarterWidth = mKeyboard.mMostCommonKeyWidth / 4;
mKeyQuarterWidthSquared = keyQuarterWidth * keyQuarterWidth;
public boolean isInSlidingKeyInput() {
return mIsInSlidingKeyInput;
public Key getKey() {
return mCurrentKey;
public boolean isModifier() {
return mCurrentKey != null && mCurrentKey.isModifier();
public Key getKeyOn(int x, int y) {
return mKeyDetector.getKeyAndNearbyCodes(x, y, null);
private void setReleasedKeyGraphics(Key key) {
if (key != null && key.isEnabled()) {
if (key.isShift()) {
for (final Key shiftKey : mKeyboard.mShiftKeys) {
if (shiftKey != key) {
if (key.altCodeWhileTyping()) {
final Key altKey = mKeyboard.getKey(key.mAltCode);
if (altKey != null) {
private void setPressedKeyGraphics(Key key) {
if (key != null && key.isEnabled()) {
if (!key.noKeyPreview()) {
if (key.isShift()) {
for (final Key shiftKey : mKeyboard.mShiftKeys) {
if (shiftKey != key) {
if (key.altCodeWhileTyping() && mTimerProxy.isTyping()) {
final Key altKey = mKeyboard.getKey(key.mAltCode);
if (altKey != null) {
// TODO: Show altKey's preview.
public int getLastX() {
return mLastX;
public int getLastY() {
return mLastY;
public long getDownTime() {
return mDownTime;
private Key onDownKey(int x, int y, long eventTime) {
mDownTime = eventTime;
return onMoveToNewKey(onMoveKeyInternal(x, y), x, y);
private Key onMoveKeyInternal(int x, int y) {
mLastX = x;
mLastY = y;
return mKeyDetector.getKeyAndNearbyCodes(x, y, null);
private Key onMoveKey(int x, int y) {
return onMoveKeyInternal(x, y);
private Key onMoveToNewKey(Key newKey, int x, int y) {
mCurrentKey = newKey;
mKeyX = x;
mKeyY = y;
return newKey;
private Key onUpKey(int x, int y, long eventTime) {
mUpTime = eventTime;
mCurrentKey = null;
return onMoveKeyInternal(x, y);
public void processMotionEvent(int action, int x, int y, long eventTime,
KeyEventHandler handler) {
switch (action) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
onDownEvent(x, y, eventTime, handler);
case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP:
onUpEvent(x, y, eventTime);
case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
onMoveEvent(x, y, eventTime);
case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL:
onCancelEvent(x, y, eventTime);
public void onDownEvent(int x, int y, long eventTime, KeyEventHandler handler) {
printTouchEvent("onDownEvent:", x, y, eventTime);
mDrawingProxy = handler.getDrawingProxy();
mTimerProxy = handler.getTimerProxy();
// Naive up-to-down noise filter.
final long deltaT = eventTime - mUpTime;
if (deltaT < sParams.mTouchNoiseThresholdTime) {
final int dx = x - mLastX;
final int dy = y - mLastY;
final int distanceSquared = (dx * dx + dy * dy);
if (distanceSquared < sTouchNoiseThresholdDistanceSquared) {
Log.w(TAG, "onDownEvent: ignore potential noise: time=" + deltaT
+ " distance=" + distanceSquared);
mKeyAlreadyProcessed = true;
final PointerTrackerQueue queue = sPointerTrackerQueue;
if (queue != null) {
final Key key = getKeyOn(x, y);
if (key != null && key.isModifier()) {
// Before processing a down event of modifier key, all pointers already being
// tracked should be released.
onDownEventInternal(x, y, eventTime);
private void onDownEventInternal(int x, int y, long eventTime) {
Key key = onDownKey(x, y, eventTime);
// Sliding key is allowed when 1) enabled by configuration, 2) this pointer starts sliding
// from modifier key, or 3) this pointer's KeyDetector always allows sliding input.
mIsAllowedSlidingKeyInput = sParams.mSlidingKeyInputEnabled
|| (key != null && key.isModifier())
|| mKeyDetector.alwaysAllowsSlidingInput();
mKeyboardLayoutHasBeenChanged = false;
mKeyAlreadyProcessed = false;
mIsRepeatableKey = false;
mIsInSlidingKeyInput = false;
mIgnoreModifierKey = false;
if (key != null) {
// This onPress call may have changed keyboard layout. Those cases are detected at
// {@link #setKeyboard}. In those cases, we should update key according to the new
// keyboard layout.
if (callListenerOnPressAndCheckKeyboardLayoutChange(key)) {
key = onDownKey(x, y, eventTime);
private void startSlidingKeyInput(Key key) {
if (!mIsInSlidingKeyInput) {
mIgnoreModifierKey = key.isModifier();
mIsInSlidingKeyInput = true;
public void onMoveEvent(int x, int y, long eventTime) {
printTouchEvent("onMoveEvent:", x, y, eventTime);
if (mKeyAlreadyProcessed)
final int lastX = mLastX;
final int lastY = mLastY;
final Key oldKey = mCurrentKey;
Key key = onMoveKey(x, y);
if (key != null) {
if (oldKey == null) {
// The pointer has been slid in to the new key, but the finger was not on any keys.
// In this case, we must call onPress() to notify that the new key is being pressed.
// This onPress call may have changed keyboard layout. Those cases are detected at
// {@link #setKeyboard}. In those cases, we should update key according to the
// new keyboard layout.
if (callListenerOnPressAndCheckKeyboardLayoutChange(key)) {
key = onMoveKey(x, y);
onMoveToNewKey(key, x, y);
} else if (isMajorEnoughMoveToBeOnNewKey(x, y, key)) {
// The pointer has been slid in to the new key from the previous key, we must call
// onRelease() first to notify that the previous key has been released, then call
// onPress() to notify that the new key is being pressed.
callListenerOnRelease(oldKey, oldKey.mCode, true);
if (mIsAllowedSlidingKeyInput) {
// This onPress call may have changed keyboard layout. Those cases are detected
// at {@link #setKeyboard}. In those cases, we should update key according
// to the new keyboard layout.
if (callListenerOnPressAndCheckKeyboardLayoutChange(key)) {
key = onMoveKey(x, y);
onMoveToNewKey(key, x, y);
} else {
// HACK: On some devices, quick successive touches may be translated to sudden
// move by touch panel firmware. This hack detects the case and translates the
// move event to successive up and down events.
final int dx = x - lastX;
final int dy = y - lastY;
final int lastMoveSquared = dx * dx + dy * dy;
if (lastMoveSquared >= mKeyQuarterWidthSquared) {
Log.w(TAG, String.format("onMoveEvent: sudden move is translated to "
+ "up[%d,%d]/down[%d,%d] events", lastX, lastY, x, y));
onUpEventInternal(lastX, lastY, eventTime);
onDownEventInternal(x, y, eventTime);
} else {
mKeyAlreadyProcessed = true;
} else {
if (oldKey != null && isMajorEnoughMoveToBeOnNewKey(x, y, key)) {
// The pointer has been slid out from the previous key, we must call onRelease() to
// notify that the previous key has been released.
callListenerOnRelease(oldKey, oldKey.mCode, true);
if (mIsAllowedSlidingKeyInput) {
onMoveToNewKey(key, x, y);
} else {
mKeyAlreadyProcessed = true;
public void onUpEvent(int x, int y, long eventTime) {
printTouchEvent("onUpEvent :", x, y, eventTime);
final PointerTrackerQueue queue = sPointerTrackerQueue;
if (queue != null) {
if (mCurrentKey != null && mCurrentKey.isModifier()) {
// Before processing an up event of modifier key, all pointers already being
// tracked should be released.
queue.releaseAllPointersExcept(this, eventTime);
} else {
queue.releaseAllPointersOlderThan(this, eventTime);
onUpEventInternal(x, y, eventTime);
// Let this pointer tracker know that one of newer-than-this pointer trackers got an up event.
// This pointer tracker needs to keep the key top graphics "pressed", but needs to get a
// "virtual" up event.
public void onPhantomUpEvent(int x, int y, long eventTime) {
printTouchEvent("onPhntEvent:", x, y, eventTime);
onUpEventInternal(x, y, eventTime);
mKeyAlreadyProcessed = true;
private void onUpEventInternal(int x, int y, long eventTime) {
mIsInSlidingKeyInput = false;
final int keyX, keyY;
if (isMajorEnoughMoveToBeOnNewKey(x, y, onMoveKey(x, y))) {
keyX = x;
keyY = y;
} else {
// Use previous fixed key coordinates.
keyX = mKeyX;
keyY = mKeyY;
final Key key = onUpKey(keyX, keyY, eventTime);
if (mIsShowingMoreKeysPanel) {
mIsShowingMoreKeysPanel = false;
if (mKeyAlreadyProcessed)
if (!mIsRepeatableKey) {
detectAndSendKey(key, keyX, keyY);
public void onShowMoreKeysPanel(int x, int y, KeyEventHandler handler) {
onDownEvent(x, y, SystemClock.uptimeMillis(), handler);
mIsShowingMoreKeysPanel = true;
public void onLongPressed() {
mKeyAlreadyProcessed = true;
final PointerTrackerQueue queue = sPointerTrackerQueue;
if (queue != null) {
public void onCancelEvent(int x, int y, long eventTime) {
printTouchEvent("onCancelEvt:", x, y, eventTime);
final PointerTrackerQueue queue = sPointerTrackerQueue;
if (queue != null) {
queue.releaseAllPointersExcept(this, eventTime);
private void onCancelEventInternal() {
mIsInSlidingKeyInput = false;
if (mIsShowingMoreKeysPanel) {
mIsShowingMoreKeysPanel = false;
private void startRepeatKey(Key key) {
if (key != null && key.isRepeatable()) {
mTimerProxy.startKeyRepeatTimer(sParams.mKeyRepeatStartTimeout, this);
mIsRepeatableKey = true;
} else {
mIsRepeatableKey = false;
public void onRepeatKey(Key key) {
if (key != null) {
detectAndSendKey(key, key.mX, key.mY);
private boolean isMajorEnoughMoveToBeOnNewKey(int x, int y, Key newKey) {
if (mKeys == null || mKeyDetector == null)
throw new NullPointerException("keyboard and/or key detector not set");
Key curKey = mCurrentKey;
if (newKey == curKey) {
return false;
} else if (curKey != null) {
return curKey.squaredDistanceToEdge(x, y)
>= mKeyDetector.getKeyHysteresisDistanceSquared();
} else {
return true;
private void startLongPressTimer(Key key) {
if (key == null) return;
if (key.mCode == Keyboard.CODE_SHIFT) {
if (sParams.mLongPressShiftKeyTimeout > 0) {
mTimerProxy.startLongPressTimer(sParams.mLongPressShiftKeyTimeout, this);
} else if (key.mCode == Keyboard.CODE_SPACE) {
if (sParams.mLongPressSpaceKeyTimeout > 0) {
mTimerProxy.startLongPressTimer(sParams.mLongPressSpaceKeyTimeout, this);
} else if (key.hasShiftedLetterHint() && mKeyboard.isManualShifted()) {
// We need not start long press timer on the key which has manual temporary upper case
// code defined and the keyboard is in manual temporary upper case mode.
} else if (sKeyboardSwitcher.isInMomentarySwitchState()) {
// We use longer timeout for sliding finger input started from the symbols mode key.
mTimerProxy.startLongPressTimer(sParams.mLongPressKeyTimeout * 3, this);
} else {
mTimerProxy.startLongPressTimer(sParams.mLongPressKeyTimeout, this);
private void detectAndSendKey(Key key, int x, int y) {
if (key == null) {
int code = key.mCode;
final int[] codes = mKeyDetector.newCodeArray();
mKeyDetector.getKeyAndNearbyCodes(x, y, codes);
// Swap the first and second values in the codes array if the primary code is not the
// first value but the second value in the array. This happens when key debouncing is
// in effect.
if (codes.length >= 2 && codes[0] != code && codes[1] == code) {
codes[1] = codes[0];
codes[0] = code;
callListenerOnCodeInput(key, code, codes, x, y);
callListenerOnRelease(key, code, false);
private long mPreviousEventTime;
private void printTouchEvent(String title, int x, int y, long eventTime) {
final Key key = mKeyDetector.getKeyAndNearbyCodes(x, y, null);
final String code = KeyDetector.printableCode(key);
final long delta = eventTime - mPreviousEventTime;
Log.d(TAG, String.format("%s%s[%d] %4d %4d %5d %s", title,
(mKeyAlreadyProcessed ? "-" : " "), mPointerId, x, y, delta, code));
mPreviousEventTime = eventTime;