2011-08-24 05:44:46 +00:00
* Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package com.android.inputmethod.latin;
import android.graphics.Paint;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.Key;
import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.Keyboard;
import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.KeyboardSwitcher;
import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.KeyboardView;
import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.internal.KeyboardBuilder;
import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.internal.KeyboardParams;
import com.android.inputmethod.latin.SuggestedWords.SuggestedWordInfo;
public class MoreSuggestions extends Keyboard {
private static final boolean DBG = LatinImeLogger.sDBG;
public static final int SUGGESTION_CODE_BASE = 1024;
private MoreSuggestions(Builder.MoreSuggestionsParam params) {
public static class Builder extends KeyboardBuilder<Builder.MoreSuggestionsParam> {
private final MoreSuggestionsView mPaneView;
private SuggestedWords mSuggestions;
private int mFromPos;
private int mToPos;
public static class MoreSuggestionsParam extends KeyboardParams {
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private final int[] mWidths = new int[SuggestionsView.MAX_SUGGESTIONS];
private final int[] mRowNumbers = new int[SuggestionsView.MAX_SUGGESTIONS];
private final int[] mColumnOrders = new int[SuggestionsView.MAX_SUGGESTIONS];
private final int[] mNumColumnsInRow = new int[SuggestionsView.MAX_SUGGESTIONS];
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private static final int MAX_COLUMNS_IN_ROW = 3;
private int mNumRows;
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public int layout(SuggestedWords suggestions, int fromPos, int maxWidth, int minWidth,
int maxRow, KeyboardView view) {
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final Paint paint = new Paint();
final int padding = (int) view.getContext().getResources()
int row = 0;
int pos = fromPos, rowStartPos = fromPos;
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final int size = Math.min(suggestions.size(), SuggestionsView.MAX_SUGGESTIONS);
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while (pos < size) {
final CharSequence word = suggestions.getWord(pos);
// TODO: Should take care of text x-scaling.
mWidths[pos] = (int)view.getDefaultLabelWidth(word, paint) + padding;
final int numColumn = pos - rowStartPos + 1;
if (numColumn > MAX_COLUMNS_IN_ROW
|| !fitInWidth(rowStartPos, pos + 1, maxWidth / numColumn)) {
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if ((row + 1) >= maxRow) {
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mNumColumnsInRow[row] = pos - rowStartPos;
rowStartPos = pos;
mColumnOrders[pos] = pos - rowStartPos;
mRowNumbers[pos] = row;
mNumColumnsInRow[row] = pos - rowStartPos;
mNumRows = row + 1;
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mWidth = mOccupiedWidth = Math.max(minWidth, calcurateMaxRowWidth(fromPos, pos));
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mHeight = mOccupiedHeight = mNumRows * mDefaultRowHeight + mVerticalGap;
return pos - fromPos;
private boolean fitInWidth(int startPos, int endPos, int width) {
for (int pos = startPos; pos < endPos; pos++) {
if (mWidths[pos] > width)
return false;
return true;
private int calcurateMaxRowWidth(int startPos, int endPos) {
int maxRowWidth = 0;
int pos = startPos;
for (int row = 0; row < mNumRows; row++) {
final int numColumn = mNumColumnsInRow[row];
int maxKeyWidth = 0;
while (pos < endPos && mRowNumbers[pos] == row) {
maxKeyWidth = Math.max(maxKeyWidth, mWidths[pos]);
maxRowWidth = Math.max(maxRowWidth, maxKeyWidth * numColumn);
return maxRowWidth;
private static final int[][] COLUMN_ORDER_TO_NUMBER = {
{ 0, },
{ 1, 0, },
{ 2, 0, 1},
private int getColumnNumber(int pos) {
final int columnOrder = mColumnOrders[pos];
final int numColumn = mNumColumnsInRow[mRowNumbers[pos]];
return COLUMN_ORDER_TO_NUMBER[numColumn - 1][columnOrder];
public int getX(int pos) {
final int columnNumber = getColumnNumber(pos);
return columnNumber * getWidth(pos);
public int getY(int pos) {
final int row = mRowNumbers[pos];
return (mNumRows -1 - row) * mDefaultRowHeight + mTopPadding;
public int getWidth(int pos) {
final int row = mRowNumbers[pos];
final int numColumn = mNumColumnsInRow[row];
return mWidth / numColumn;
public int getFlags(int pos) {
int rowFlags = 0;
final int row = mRowNumbers[pos];
if (row == 0)
rowFlags |= Keyboard.EDGE_BOTTOM;
if (row == mNumRows - 1)
rowFlags |= Keyboard.EDGE_TOP;
final int numColumn = mNumColumnsInRow[row];
final int column = getColumnNumber(pos);
if (column == 0)
rowFlags |= Keyboard.EDGE_LEFT;
if (column == numColumn - 1)
rowFlags |= Keyboard.EDGE_RIGHT;
return rowFlags;
public Builder(MoreSuggestionsView paneView) {
super(paneView.getContext(), new MoreSuggestionsParam());
mPaneView = paneView;
public Builder layout(SuggestedWords suggestions, int fromPos, int maxWidth,
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int minWidth, int maxRow) {
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final Keyboard keyboard = KeyboardSwitcher.getInstance().getLatinKeyboard();
final int xmlId = R.xml.kbd_suggestions_pane_template;
load(keyboard.mId.cloneWithNewXml(mResources.getResourceEntryName(xmlId), xmlId));
mParams.mVerticalGap = mParams.mTopPadding = keyboard.mVerticalGap / 2;
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final int count = mParams.layout(suggestions, fromPos, maxWidth, minWidth, maxRow,
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mFromPos = fromPos;
mToPos = fromPos + count;
mSuggestions = suggestions;
return this;
private static String getDebugInfo(SuggestedWords suggestions, int pos) {
if (!DBG) return null;
final SuggestedWordInfo wordInfo = suggestions.getInfo(pos);
if (wordInfo == null) return null;
final String info = wordInfo.getDebugString();
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(info)) return null;
return info;
public MoreSuggestions build() {
final MoreSuggestionsParam params = mParams;
for (int pos = mFromPos; pos < mToPos; pos++) {
final String word = mSuggestions.getWord(pos).toString();
final String info = getDebugInfo(mSuggestions, pos);
final int index = pos + SUGGESTION_CODE_BASE;
final Key key = new Key(
params, word, info, null, index, null, params.getX(pos), params.getY(pos),
params.getWidth(pos), params.mDefaultRowHeight, params.getFlags(pos));
return new MoreSuggestions(params);