2012-11-06 04:49:17 +00:00
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
** Copyright 2008, The Android Open Source Project
** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
** You may obtain a copy of the License at
** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
** limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:android= "http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
<string name= "aosp_android_keyboard_ime_name" msgid= "7877134937939182296" > "Android 키보드(AOSP)"</string>
<string name= "english_ime_input_options" msgid= "3909945612939668554" > "입력 옵션"</string>
<string name= "english_ime_research_log" msgid= "8492602295696577851" > "로그 명령 탐색"</string>
<string name= "aosp_spell_checker_service_name" msgid= "6985142605330377819" > "Android 맞춤법 검사기(AOSP)"</string>
<string name= "use_contacts_for_spellchecking_option_title" msgid= "5374120998125353898" > "연락처 이름 조회"</string>
<string name= "use_contacts_for_spellchecking_option_summary" msgid= "8754413382543307713" > "맞춤법 검사기가 주소록의 항목을 사용합니다."</string>
<string name= "vibrate_on_keypress" msgid= "5258079494276955460" > "키를 누를 때 진동 발생"</string>
<string name= "sound_on_keypress" msgid= "6093592297198243644" > "키를 누를 때 소리 발생"</string>
<string name= "popup_on_keypress" msgid= "123894815723512944" > "키를 누를 때 팝업"</string>
<string name= "general_category" msgid= "1859088467017573195" > "일반"</string>
<string name= "correction_category" msgid= "2236750915056607613" > "텍스트 수정"</string>
<string name= "gesture_typing_category" msgid= "497263612130532630" > "제스처 타이핑"</string>
<string name= "misc_category" msgid= "6894192814868233453" > "기타 옵션"</string>
<string name= "advanced_settings" msgid= "362895144495591463" > "고급 설정"</string>
<string name= "advanced_settings_summary" msgid= "4487980456152830271" > "전문가용 옵션"</string>
<string name= "include_other_imes_in_language_switch_list" msgid= "4533689960308565519" > "다른 입력 방법으로 전환"</string>
<string name= "include_other_imes_in_language_switch_list_summary" msgid= "840637129103317635" > "언어 전환 키가 제공하는 기타 입력 방법"</string>
<string name= "show_language_switch_key" msgid= "5915478828318774384" > "언어 전환 키"</string>
<string name= "show_language_switch_key_summary" msgid= "7343403647474265713" > "여러 입력 언어를 사용하도록 설정할 때 표시"</string>
2013-02-01 17:41:30 +00:00
<string name= "sliding_key_input_preview" msgid= "6604262359510068370" > "슬라이드 표시기 표시"</string>
<string name= "sliding_key_input_preview_summary" msgid= "6340524345729093886" > "Shift 또는 기호 키에서 슬라이드하는 동안 시각 효과 표시"</string>
2012-11-06 04:49:17 +00:00
<string name= "key_preview_popup_dismiss_delay" msgid= "6213164897443068248" > "키 팝업 해제 지연"</string>
<string name= "key_preview_popup_dismiss_no_delay" msgid= "2096123151571458064" > "지연 없음"</string>
<string name= "key_preview_popup_dismiss_default_delay" msgid= "2166964333903906734" > "기본값"</string>
2013-01-22 18:34:46 +00:00
<string name= "abbreviation_unit_milliseconds" msgid= "8700286094028323363" > "<xliff:g id= "MILLISECONDS" > %s</xliff:g> ms"</string>
2012-11-06 04:49:17 +00:00
<string name= "use_contacts_dict" msgid= "4435317977804180815" > "주소록 이름 활용"</string>
<string name= "use_contacts_dict_summary" msgid= "6599983334507879959" > "추천 및 수정에 주소록의 이름 사용"</string>
2012-12-06 18:55:13 +00:00
<string name= "use_double_space_period" msgid= "8781529969425082860" > "더블스페이스 마침표"</string>
<string name= "use_double_space_period_summary" msgid= "6532892187247952799" > "스페이스바를 두 번 탭하면 마침표와 공백 한 개가 삽입됩니다."</string>
2012-11-06 04:49:17 +00:00
<string name= "auto_cap" msgid= "1719746674854628252" > "자동 대문자화"</string>
<string name= "auto_cap_summary" msgid= "7934452761022946874" > "문장의 첫 단어를 대문자로 표시"</string>
<string name= "configure_dictionaries_title" msgid= "4238652338556902049" > "사전 추가"</string>
<string name= "main_dictionary" msgid= "4798763781818361168" > "기본 사전"</string>
<string name= "prefs_show_suggestions" msgid= "8026799663445531637" > "수정 제안 표시"</string>
<string name= "prefs_show_suggestions_summary" msgid= "1583132279498502825" > "글자를 입력하는 동안 추천 단어 표시"</string>
<string name= "prefs_suggestion_visibility_show_name" msgid= "3219916594067551303" > "항상 표시"</string>
<string name= "prefs_suggestion_visibility_show_only_portrait_name" msgid= "3859783767435239118" > "세로 모드로 표시"</string>
<string name= "prefs_suggestion_visibility_hide_name" msgid= "6309143926422234673" > "항상 숨기기"</string>
<string name= "auto_correction" msgid= "7630720885194996950" > "자동 수정"</string>
<string name= "auto_correction_summary" msgid= "5625751551134658006" > "스페이스바와 문장부호 키를 사용하면 오타가 자동으로 교정됩니다."</string>
<string name= "auto_correction_threshold_mode_off" msgid= "8470882665417944026" > "사용 안함"</string>
<string name= "auto_correction_threshold_mode_modest" msgid= "8788366690620799097" > "약"</string>
<string name= "auto_correction_threshold_mode_aggeressive" msgid= "3524029103734923819" > "중"</string>
<string name= "auto_correction_threshold_mode_very_aggeressive" msgid= "3386782235540547678" > "강"</string>
<string name= "bigram_prediction" msgid= "1084449187723948550" > "다음 단어 추천"</string>
<string name= "bigram_prediction_summary" msgid= "3896362682751109677" > "추천할 때 이전 단어를 사용"</string>
<string name= "gesture_input" msgid= "826951152254563827" > "제스처 타이핑 사용"</string>
<string name= "gesture_input_summary" msgid= "9180350639305731231" > "문자를 슬라이드하여 단어 입력"</string>
<string name= "gesture_preview_trail" msgid= "3802333369335722221" > "동작 흔적 표시"</string>
<string name= "gesture_floating_preview_text" msgid= "4443240334739381053" > "동적 플로팅 미리보기"</string>
<string name= "gesture_floating_preview_text_summary" msgid= "4472696213996203533" > "동작에 따라 추천 단어 보기"</string>
<string name= "added_word" msgid= "8993883354622484372" > "<xliff:g id= "WORD" > %s</xliff:g> : 저장됨"</string>
<string name= "label_go_key" msgid= "1635148082137219148" > "이동"</string>
<string name= "label_next_key" msgid= "362972844525672568" > "다음"</string>
<string name= "label_previous_key" msgid= "1211868118071386787" > "이전"</string>
<string name= "label_done_key" msgid= "2441578748772529288" > "완료"</string>
<string name= "label_send_key" msgid= "2815056534433717444" > "전송"</string>
<string name= "label_pause_key" msgid= "181098308428035340" > "일시 중지"</string>
<string name= "label_wait_key" msgid= "6402152600878093134" > "대기"</string>
<string name= "spoken_use_headphones" msgid= "896961781287283493" > "비밀번호 키를 음성으로 들으려면 헤드셋을 연결하세요."</string>
<string name= "spoken_current_text_is" msgid= "2485723011272583845" > "입력한 텍스트: %s"</string>
<string name= "spoken_no_text_entered" msgid= "7479685225597344496" > "입력한 텍스트 없음"</string>
<string name= "spoken_description_unknown" msgid= "3197434010402179157" > "키 코드 %d"</string>
<string name= "spoken_description_shift" msgid= "244197883292549308" > "시프트 키"</string>
<string name= "spoken_description_shift_shifted" msgid= "1681877323344195035" > "Shift 사용(사용하지 않으려면 탭하세요.)"</string>
<string name= "spoken_description_caps_lock" msgid= "3276478269526304432" > "Caps lock 사용(사용하지 않으려면 탭하세요.)"</string>
<string name= "spoken_description_delete" msgid= "8740376944276199801" > "삭제 키"</string>
<string name= "spoken_description_to_symbol" msgid= "5486340107500448969" > "기호"</string>
<string name= "spoken_description_to_alpha" msgid= "23129338819771807" > "문자"</string>
<string name= "spoken_description_to_numeric" msgid= "591752092685161732" > "숫자"</string>
<string name= "spoken_description_settings" msgid= "4627462689603838099" > "설정"</string>
<string name= "spoken_description_tab" msgid= "2667716002663482248" > "탭"</string>
<string name= "spoken_description_space" msgid= "2582521050049860859" > "스페이스"</string>
<string name= "spoken_description_mic" msgid= "615536748882611950" > "음성 입력"</string>
<string name= "spoken_description_smiley" msgid= "2256309826200113918" > "웃는 얼굴"</string>
<string name= "spoken_description_return" msgid= "8178083177238315647" > "리턴 키"</string>
<string name= "spoken_description_search" msgid= "1247236163755920808" > "검색"</string>
<string name= "spoken_description_dot" msgid= "40711082435231673" > "점"</string>
<string name= "spoken_description_language_switch" msgid= "5507091328222331316" > "언어 전환"</string>
<string name= "spoken_description_action_next" msgid= "8636078276664150324" > "다음"</string>
<string name= "spoken_description_action_previous" msgid= "800872415009336208" > "이전"</string>
<string name= "spoken_description_shiftmode_on" msgid= "5700440798609574589" > "Shift 사용"</string>
<string name= "spoken_description_shiftmode_locked" msgid= "593175803181701830" > "Caps Lock 사용"</string>
<string name= "spoken_description_shiftmode_off" msgid= "657219998449174808" > "Shift 사용중지"</string>
<string name= "spoken_description_mode_symbol" msgid= "7183343879909747642" > "기호 모드"</string>
<string name= "spoken_description_mode_alpha" msgid= "3528307674390156956" > "문자 모드"</string>
<string name= "spoken_description_mode_phone" msgid= "6520207943132026264" > "다이얼 모드"</string>
<string name= "spoken_description_mode_phone_shift" msgid= "5499629753962641227" > "전화 기호 모드"</string>
2013-03-12 20:09:34 +00:00
<string name= "announce_keyboard_hidden" msgid= "8718927835531429807" > "키보드 숨김"</string>
<string name= "announce_keyboard_mode" msgid= "4729081055438508321" > "<xliff:g id= "MODE" > %s</xliff:g> 키보드 표시"</string>
<string name= "keyboard_mode_date" msgid= "3137520166817128102" > "날짜"</string>
<string name= "keyboard_mode_date_time" msgid= "339593358488851072" > "날짜 및 시간"</string>
<string name= "keyboard_mode_email" msgid= "6216248078128294262" > "이메일"</string>
<string name= "keyboard_mode_im" msgid= "1137405089766557048" > "문자 메시지"</string>
<string name= "keyboard_mode_number" msgid= "7991623440699957069" > "숫자"</string>
<string name= "keyboard_mode_phone" msgid= "6851627527401433229" > "전화번호"</string>
<string name= "keyboard_mode_text" msgid= "6479436687899701619" > "텍스트"</string>
<string name= "keyboard_mode_time" msgid= "4381856885582143277" > "시간"</string>
<string name= "keyboard_mode_url" msgid= "1519819835514911218" > "URL"</string>
2012-11-06 04:49:17 +00:00
<string name= "voice_input" msgid= "3583258583521397548" > "음성 입력 키"</string>
<string name= "voice_input_modes_main_keyboard" msgid= "3360660341121083174" > "기본 키보드"</string>
<string name= "voice_input_modes_symbols_keyboard" msgid= "7203213240786084067" > "기호 키보드"</string>
<string name= "voice_input_modes_off" msgid= "3745699748218082014" > "사용 안함"</string>
<string name= "voice_input_modes_summary_main_keyboard" msgid= "6586544292900314339" > "기본 키보드의 마이크"</string>
<string name= "voice_input_modes_summary_symbols_keyboard" msgid= "5233725927281932391" > "기호 키보드의 마이크"</string>
<string name= "voice_input_modes_summary_off" msgid= "63875609591897607" > "음성 입력이 사용 중지됨"</string>
<string name= "configure_input_method" msgid= "373356270290742459" > "입력 방법 설정"</string>
<string name= "language_selection_title" msgid= "1651299598555326750" > "입력 언어"</string>
<string name= "select_language" msgid= "3693815588777926848" > "입력 언어"</string>
<string name= "hint_add_to_dictionary" msgid= "573678656946085380" > "저장하려면 다시 터치"</string>
<string name= "has_dictionary" msgid= "6071847973466625007" > "사전 사용 가능"</string>
<string name= "prefs_enable_log" msgid= "6620424505072963557" > "사용자 의견 사용"</string>
<string name= "prefs_description_log" msgid= "5827825607258246003" > "사용 통계 및 충돌 보고서를 Google에 자동으로 전송하여 입력 방법 편집기의 개선에 도움을 줍니다."</string>
<string name= "keyboard_layout" msgid= "8451164783510487501" > "키보드 테마"</string>
<string name= "subtype_en_GB" msgid= "88170601942311355" > "영어(영국)"</string>
<string name= "subtype_en_US" msgid= "6160452336634534239" > "영어(미국)"</string>
2013-01-30 20:02:09 +00:00
<string name= "subtype_es_US" msgid= "5583145191430180200" > "스페인어(미국)"</string>
2012-11-06 04:49:17 +00:00
<string name= "subtype_with_layout_en_GB" msgid= "2179097748724725906" > "영어(영국) (<xliff:g id= "LAYOUT" > %s</xliff:g> )"</string>
<string name= "subtype_with_layout_en_US" msgid= "1362581347576714579" > "영어(미국) (<xliff:g id= "LAYOUT" > %s</xliff:g> )"</string>
2013-01-30 20:02:09 +00:00
<string name= "subtype_with_layout_es_US" msgid= "6261791057007890189" > "스페인어(미국)(<xliff:g id= "LAYOUT" > %s</xliff:g> )"</string>
2012-11-06 04:49:17 +00:00
<string name= "subtype_no_language" msgid= "141420857808801746" > "언어가 없음"</string>
<string name= "subtype_no_language_qwerty" msgid= "2956121451616633133" > "언어가 없음(QWERTY)"</string>
<string name= "subtype_no_language_qwertz" msgid= "1177848172397202890" > "언어 없음(QWERTZ)"</string>
<string name= "subtype_no_language_azerty" msgid= "8721460968141187394" > "언어 없음(AZERTY)"</string>
<string name= "subtype_no_language_dvorak" msgid= "3122976737669823935" > "언어 없음(드보락)"</string>
<string name= "subtype_no_language_colemak" msgid= "4205992994906097244" > "언어 없음(콜맥)"</string>
<string name= "subtype_no_language_pcqwerty" msgid= "8840928374394180189" > "언어 없음(PC)"</string>
<string name= "custom_input_styles_title" msgid= "8429952441821251512" > "맞춤 입력 스타일"</string>
<string name= "add_style" msgid= "6163126614514489951" > "스타일 추가"</string>
<string name= "add" msgid= "8299699805688017798" > "추가"</string>
<string name= "remove" msgid= "4486081658752944606" > "삭제"</string>
<string name= "save" msgid= "7646738597196767214" > "저장"</string>
<string name= "subtype_locale" msgid= "8576443440738143764" > "언어"</string>
<string name= "keyboard_layout_set" msgid= "4309233698194565609" > "레이아웃"</string>
<string name= "custom_input_style_note_message" msgid= "8826731320846363423" > "맞춤 입력 스타일을 사용하려면 사용 설정해야 합니다. 지금 사용 설정하시겠습니까?"</string>
<string name= "enable" msgid= "5031294444630523247" > "사용"</string>
<string name= "not_now" msgid= "6172462888202790482" > "나중에"</string>
<string name= "custom_input_style_already_exists" msgid= "8008728952215449707" > "같은 입력 스타일이 다음과 같이 이미 존재합니다. <xliff:g id= "INPUT_STYLE_NAME" > %s</xliff:g> "</string>
<string name= "prefs_usability_study_mode" msgid= "1261130555134595254" > "가용성 연구 모드"</string>
2013-01-30 20:02:09 +00:00
<string name= "prefs_key_longpress_timeout_settings" msgid= "1881822418815012326" > "키 길게 누르기 지연 설정"</string>
2012-11-06 04:49:17 +00:00
<string name= "prefs_keypress_vibration_duration_settings" msgid= "1829950405285211668" > "키를 누를 때 진동 시간 설정"</string>
<string name= "prefs_keypress_sound_volume_settings" msgid= "5875933757082305040" > "키를 누를 때 효과음 설정"</string>
2013-01-22 18:34:46 +00:00
<string name= "prefs_read_external_dictionary" msgid= "2588931418575013067" > "외부 사전 파일 읽기"</string>
2013-01-28 17:44:27 +00:00
<string name= "read_external_dictionary_no_files_message" msgid= "4947420942224623792" > "다운로드 폴더에 사전 파일이 없음"</string>
<string name= "read_external_dictionary_multiple_files_title" msgid= "7637749044265808628" > "설치할 사전 파일 선택"</string>
<string name= "read_external_dictionary_confirm_install_message" msgid= "6898610163768980870" > "이 파일을 <xliff:g id= "LOCALE_NAME" > %s</xliff:g> (으)로 설치하시겠습니까?"</string>
<string name= "error" msgid= "8940763624668513648" > "오류 발생"</string>
2013-01-22 18:34:46 +00:00
<string name= "button_default" msgid= "3988017840431881491" > "기본값"</string>
2013-02-25 18:15:29 +00:00
<string name= "language_settings" msgid= "1671153053201809031" > "언어 및 키보드"</string>
<string name= "select_input_method" msgid= "4301602374609275003" > "입력 방법 선택"</string>
2012-11-06 04:49:17 +00:00