
574 lines
24 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
import android.content.Context;
import android.text.AutoText;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.View;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* This class loads a dictionary and provides a list of suggestions for a given sequence of
* characters. This includes corrections and completions.
public class Suggest implements Dictionary.WordCallback {
public static final String TAG = Suggest.class.getSimpleName();
public static final int APPROX_MAX_WORD_LENGTH = 32;
public static final int CORRECTION_NONE = 0;
public static final int CORRECTION_BASIC = 1;
public static final int CORRECTION_FULL = 2;
public static final int CORRECTION_FULL_BIGRAM = 3;
* Words that appear in both bigram and unigram data gets multiplier ranging from
* BIGRAM_MULTIPLIER_MIN to BIGRAM_MULTIPLIER_MAX depending on the score from
* bigram data.
public static final double BIGRAM_MULTIPLIER_MIN = 1.2;
public static final double BIGRAM_MULTIPLIER_MAX = 1.5;
* Maximum possible bigram frequency. Will depend on how many bits are being used in data
* structure. Maximum bigram frequency will get the BIGRAM_MULTIPLIER_MAX as the multiplier.
public static final int MAXIMUM_BIGRAM_FREQUENCY = 127;
// It seems the following values are only used for logging.
public static final int DIC_USER_TYPED = 0;
public static final int DIC_MAIN = 1;
public static final int DIC_USER = 2;
public static final int DIC_USER_UNIGRAM = 3;
public static final int DIC_CONTACTS = 4;
public static final int DIC_USER_BIGRAM = 5;
// If you add a type of dictionary, increment DIC_TYPE_LAST_ID
// TODO: this value seems unused. Remove it?
public static final int DIC_TYPE_LAST_ID = 5;
public static final String DICT_KEY_MAIN = "main";
public static final String DICT_KEY_CONTACTS = "contacts";
// User dictionary, the system-managed one.
public static final String DICT_KEY_USER = "user";
// User unigram dictionary, internal to LatinIME
public static final String DICT_KEY_USER_UNIGRAM = "user_unigram";
// User bigram dictionary, internal to LatinIME
public static final String DICT_KEY_USER_BIGRAM = "user_bigram";
public static final String DICT_KEY_WHITELIST ="whitelist";
private static final boolean DBG = LatinImeLogger.sDBG;
private AutoCorrection mAutoCorrection;
private Dictionary mMainDict;
private ContactsDictionary mContactsDict;
private WhitelistDictionary mWhiteListDictionary;
private final Map<String, Dictionary> mUnigramDictionaries = new HashMap<String, Dictionary>();
private final Map<String, Dictionary> mBigramDictionaries = new HashMap<String, Dictionary>();
private int mPrefMaxSuggestions = 18;
private static final int PREF_MAX_BIGRAMS = 60;
private boolean mQuickFixesEnabled;
private double mAutoCorrectionThreshold;
private int[] mScores = new int[mPrefMaxSuggestions];
private int[] mBigramScores = new int[PREF_MAX_BIGRAMS];
private ArrayList<CharSequence> mSuggestions = new ArrayList<CharSequence>();
ArrayList<CharSequence> mBigramSuggestions = new ArrayList<CharSequence>();
private CharSequence mTypedWord;
// TODO: Remove these member variables by passing more context to addWord() callback method
private boolean mIsFirstCharCapitalized;
private boolean mIsAllUpperCase;
private int mCorrectionMode = CORRECTION_BASIC;
public Suggest(final Context context, final int dictionaryResId, final Locale locale) {
initAsynchronously(context, dictionaryResId, locale);
/* package for test */ Suggest(Context context, File dictionary, long startOffset, long length,
Flag[] flagArray) {
initSynchronously(null, DictionaryFactory.createDictionaryForTest(context, dictionary,
startOffset, length, flagArray));
private void initWhitelistAndAutocorrectAndPool(final Context context) {
mWhiteListDictionary = WhitelistDictionary.init(context);
addOrReplaceDictionary(mUnigramDictionaries, DICT_KEY_WHITELIST, mWhiteListDictionary);
mAutoCorrection = new AutoCorrection();
StringBuilderPool.ensureCapacity(mPrefMaxSuggestions, getApproxMaxWordLength());
private void initAsynchronously(final Context context, final int dictionaryResId,
final Locale locale) {
resetMainDict(context, dictionaryResId, locale);
// TODO: read the whitelist and init the pool asynchronously too.
// initPool should be done asynchronously now that the pool is thread-safe.
private void initSynchronously(Context context, Dictionary mainDict) {
mMainDict = mainDict;
addOrReplaceDictionary(mUnigramDictionaries, DICT_KEY_MAIN, mainDict);
addOrReplaceDictionary(mBigramDictionaries, DICT_KEY_MAIN, mainDict);
private void addOrReplaceDictionary(Map<String, Dictionary> dictionaries, String key,
Dictionary dict) {
final Dictionary oldDict = (dict == null)
? dictionaries.remove(key)
: dictionaries.put(key, dict);
if (oldDict != null && dict != oldDict) {
public void resetMainDict(final Context context, final int dictionaryResId,
final Locale locale) {
mMainDict = null;
new Thread("InitializeBinaryDictionary") {
public void run() {
final Dictionary newMainDict = DictionaryFactory.createDictionaryFromManager(
context, locale, dictionaryResId);
mMainDict = newMainDict;
addOrReplaceDictionary(mUnigramDictionaries, DICT_KEY_MAIN, newMainDict);
addOrReplaceDictionary(mBigramDictionaries, DICT_KEY_MAIN, newMainDict);
public void setQuickFixesEnabled(boolean enabled) {
mQuickFixesEnabled = enabled;
public int getCorrectionMode() {
return mCorrectionMode;
public void setCorrectionMode(int mode) {
mCorrectionMode = mode;
// The main dictionary could have been loaded asynchronously. Don't cache the return value
// of this method.
public boolean hasMainDictionary() {
return mMainDict != null;
public ContactsDictionary getContactsDictionary() {
return mContactsDict;
public Map<String, Dictionary> getUnigramDictionaries() {
return mUnigramDictionaries;
public int getApproxMaxWordLength() {
* Sets an optional user dictionary resource to be loaded. The user dictionary is consulted
* before the main dictionary, if set. This refers to the system-managed user dictionary.
public void setUserDictionary(Dictionary userDictionary) {
addOrReplaceDictionary(mUnigramDictionaries, DICT_KEY_USER, userDictionary);
* Sets an optional contacts dictionary resource to be loaded. It is also possible to remove
* the contacts dictionary by passing null to this method. In this case no contacts dictionary
* won't be used.
public void setContactsDictionary(ContactsDictionary contactsDictionary) {
mContactsDict = contactsDictionary;
addOrReplaceDictionary(mUnigramDictionaries, DICT_KEY_CONTACTS, contactsDictionary);
addOrReplaceDictionary(mBigramDictionaries, DICT_KEY_CONTACTS, contactsDictionary);
public void setUserUnigramDictionary(Dictionary userUnigramDictionary) {
addOrReplaceDictionary(mUnigramDictionaries, DICT_KEY_USER_UNIGRAM, userUnigramDictionary);
public void setUserBigramDictionary(Dictionary userBigramDictionary) {
addOrReplaceDictionary(mBigramDictionaries, DICT_KEY_USER_BIGRAM, userBigramDictionary);
public void setAutoCorrectionThreshold(double threshold) {
mAutoCorrectionThreshold = threshold;
public boolean isAggressiveAutoCorrectionMode() {
return (mAutoCorrectionThreshold == 0);
* Number of suggestions to generate from the input key sequence. This has
* to be a number between 1 and 100 (inclusive).
* @param maxSuggestions
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the number is out of range
public void setMaxSuggestions(int maxSuggestions) {
if (maxSuggestions < 1 || maxSuggestions > 100) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxSuggestions must be between 1 and 100");
mPrefMaxSuggestions = maxSuggestions;
mScores = new int[mPrefMaxSuggestions];
mBigramScores = new int[PREF_MAX_BIGRAMS];
collectGarbage(mSuggestions, mPrefMaxSuggestions);
StringBuilderPool.ensureCapacity(mPrefMaxSuggestions, getApproxMaxWordLength());
* Returns a object which represents suggested words that match the list of character codes
* passed in. This object contents will be overwritten the next time this function is called.
* @param view a view for retrieving the context for AutoText
* @param wordComposer contains what is currently being typed
* @param prevWordForBigram previous word (used only for bigram)
* @return suggested words object.
public SuggestedWords getSuggestions(final View view, final WordComposer wordComposer,
final CharSequence prevWordForBigram, final ProximityInfo proximityInfo) {
return getSuggestedWordBuilder(view, wordComposer, prevWordForBigram,
private CharSequence capitalizeWord(boolean all, boolean first, CharSequence word) {
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(word) || !(all || first)) return word;
final int wordLength = word.length();
final StringBuilder sb = StringBuilderPool.getStringBuilder(getApproxMaxWordLength());
// TODO: Must pay attention to locale when changing case.
if (all) {
} else if (first) {
if (wordLength > 1) {
sb.append(word.subSequence(1, wordLength));
return sb;
protected void addBigramToSuggestions(CharSequence bigram) {
// TODO: Try to be a little more shrewd with resource allocation.
// At the moment we copy this object because the StringBuilders are pooled (see
// and when we are finished using mSuggestions and
// mBigramSuggestions we will take everything from both and insert them back in the
// pool, so we can't allow the same object to be in both lists at the same time.
final StringBuilder sb = StringBuilderPool.getStringBuilder(getApproxMaxWordLength());
// TODO: cleanup dictionaries looking up and suggestions building with SuggestedWords.Builder
public SuggestedWords.Builder getSuggestedWordBuilder(final View view,
final WordComposer wordComposer, CharSequence prevWordForBigram,
final ProximityInfo proximityInfo) {
mIsFirstCharCapitalized = wordComposer.isFirstCharCapitalized();
mIsAllUpperCase = wordComposer.isAllUpperCase();
collectGarbage(mSuggestions, mPrefMaxSuggestions);
Arrays.fill(mScores, 0);
// Save a lowercase version of the original word
String typedWord = wordComposer.getTypedWord();
if (typedWord != null) {
// Treating USER_TYPED as UNIGRAM suggestion for logging now.
LatinImeLogger.onAddSuggestedWord(typedWord, Suggest.DIC_USER_TYPED,
mTypedWord = typedWord;
if (wordComposer.size() <= 1 && (mCorrectionMode == CORRECTION_FULL_BIGRAM
|| mCorrectionMode == CORRECTION_BASIC)) {
// At first character typed, search only the bigrams
Arrays.fill(mBigramScores, 0);
collectGarbage(mBigramSuggestions, PREF_MAX_BIGRAMS);
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(prevWordForBigram)) {
CharSequence lowerPrevWord = prevWordForBigram.toString().toLowerCase();
if (mMainDict != null && mMainDict.isValidWord(lowerPrevWord)) {
prevWordForBigram = lowerPrevWord;
for (final Dictionary dictionary : mBigramDictionaries.values()) {
dictionary.getBigrams(wordComposer, prevWordForBigram, this);
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(typedWord)) {
// Nothing entered: return all bigrams for the previous word
int insertCount = Math.min(mBigramSuggestions.size(), mPrefMaxSuggestions);
for (int i = 0; i < insertCount; ++i) {
} else {
// Word entered: return only bigrams that match the first char of the typed word
final char currentChar = typedWord.charAt(0);
// TODO: Must pay attention to locale when changing case.
final char currentCharUpper = Character.toUpperCase(currentChar);
int count = 0;
final int bigramSuggestionSize = mBigramSuggestions.size();
for (int i = 0; i < bigramSuggestionSize; i++) {
final CharSequence bigramSuggestion = mBigramSuggestions.get(i);
final char bigramSuggestionFirstChar = bigramSuggestion.charAt(0);
if (bigramSuggestionFirstChar == currentChar
|| bigramSuggestionFirstChar == currentCharUpper) {
if (++count > mPrefMaxSuggestions) break;
} else if (wordComposer.size() > 1) {
// At second character typed, search the unigrams (scores being affected by bigrams)
for (final String key : mUnigramDictionaries.keySet()) {
// Skip UserUnigramDictionary and WhitelistDictionary to lookup
if (key.equals(DICT_KEY_USER_UNIGRAM) || key.equals(DICT_KEY_WHITELIST))
final Dictionary dictionary = mUnigramDictionaries.get(key);
dictionary.getWords(wordComposer, this, proximityInfo);
CharSequence autoText = null;
final String typedWordString = typedWord == null ? null : typedWord.toString();
if (typedWord != null) {
// Apply quick fix only for the typed word.
if (mQuickFixesEnabled) {
final String lowerCaseTypedWord = typedWordString.toLowerCase();
// Is there an AutoText (also known as Quick Fixes) correction?
// Capitalize as needed
Fix a bug where autotext would occasionally not work Autotext correction would check whether the first suggestion so far was the same as what Autotext would return, and if it was indeed the same, would not send its result as autocorrect. However, the first suggestion is not guaranteed to have a high enough score to trigger autocorrection, and there would be cases where a word in autotext would not get autocorrected because the word came out of bigram suggestions. These occurrences would be extremely rare, as they would require concomitant insert between autotext for one char and bigram suggestion. It is, in fact, probably limited to the capitalization of "I". This did not happen in gingerbread because gingerbread would not register 1-letter words as valid bigrams. This fix works by just always sending the result of autotext regardless of whether it is already the first suggestion or not. This is okay because duplicates are removed afterwards anyway - and this processing is absolutely necessary because the autotext'd word may actually be somewhere else in the suggestion, so it made really no sense checking for only the first one. Please note that there is also a race condition that can result in "i" not being converted to "I": at the moment, Latin IME relies on having the suggestions evaluated at the time autocorrection is performed, but when typing very, very fast, those messages may have been canceled. This is not limited to the autocorrection of "i", but affects all autocorrections. It requires a nearly inhumane typing speed to trigger, but hitting "i" and space in turn as fast as one can it's possible to reproduce occasionally. Bug: 5135113 Change-Id: I530ea6212487300001a2c0fc5b25a5c7716bdf63
2011-08-31 11:49:45 +00:00
autoText = capitalizeWord(mIsAllUpperCase, mIsFirstCharCapitalized, AutoText.get(
lowerCaseTypedWord, 0, lowerCaseTypedWord.length(), view));
if (DBG) {
if (autoText != null) {
Log.d(TAG, "Auto corrected by AUTOTEXT: " + typedWord + " -> " + autoText);
CharSequence whitelistedWord = capitalizeWord(mIsAllUpperCase, mIsFirstCharCapitalized,
mAutoCorrection.updateAutoCorrectionStatus(mUnigramDictionaries, wordComposer,
mSuggestions, mScores, typedWord, mAutoCorrectionThreshold, mCorrectionMode,
autoText, whitelistedWord);
if (autoText != null) {
mSuggestions.add(0, autoText);
if (whitelistedWord != null) {
mSuggestions.add(0, whitelistedWord);
if (typedWord != null) {
mSuggestions.add(0, typedWordString);
if (DBG) {
double normalizedScore = mAutoCorrection.getNormalizedScore();
ArrayList<SuggestedWords.SuggestedWordInfo> scoreInfoList =
new ArrayList<SuggestedWords.SuggestedWordInfo>();
scoreInfoList.add(new SuggestedWords.SuggestedWordInfo("+", false));
for (int i = 0; i < mScores.length; ++i) {
if (normalizedScore > 0) {
final String scoreThreshold = String.format("%d (%4.2f)", mScores[i],
new SuggestedWords.SuggestedWordInfo(scoreThreshold, false));
normalizedScore = 0.0;
} else {
final String score = Integer.toString(mScores[i]);
scoreInfoList.add(new SuggestedWords.SuggestedWordInfo(score, false));
for (int i = mScores.length; i < mSuggestions.size(); ++i) {
scoreInfoList.add(new SuggestedWords.SuggestedWordInfo("--", false));
return new SuggestedWords.Builder().addWords(mSuggestions, scoreInfoList);
return new SuggestedWords.Builder().addWords(mSuggestions, null);
public boolean hasAutoCorrection() {
return mAutoCorrection.hasAutoCorrection();
public boolean addWord(final char[] word, final int offset, final int length, int score,
final int dicTypeId, final Dictionary.DataType dataType) {
Dictionary.DataType dataTypeForLog = dataType;
final ArrayList<CharSequence> suggestions;
final int[] sortedScores;
final int prefMaxSuggestions;
if(dataType == Dictionary.DataType.BIGRAM) {
suggestions = mBigramSuggestions;
sortedScores = mBigramScores;
prefMaxSuggestions = PREF_MAX_BIGRAMS;
} else {
suggestions = mSuggestions;
sortedScores = mScores;
prefMaxSuggestions = mPrefMaxSuggestions;
int pos = 0;
// Check if it's the same word, only caps are different
if (Utils.equalsIgnoreCase(mTypedWord, word, offset, length)) {
// TODO: remove this surrounding if clause and move this logic to
// getSuggestedWordBuilder.
if (suggestions.size() > 0) {
final String currentHighestWord = suggestions.get(0).toString();
// If the current highest word is also equal to typed word, we need to compare
// frequency to determine the insertion position. This does not ensure strictly
// correct ordering, but ensures the top score is on top which is enough for
// removing duplicates correctly.
if (Utils.equalsIgnoreCase(currentHighestWord, word, offset, length)
&& score <= sortedScores[0]) {
pos = 1;
} else {
if (dataType == Dictionary.DataType.UNIGRAM) {
// Check if the word was already added before (by bigram data)
int bigramSuggestion = searchBigramSuggestion(word,offset,length);
if(bigramSuggestion >= 0) {
dataTypeForLog = Dictionary.DataType.BIGRAM;
// turn freq from bigram into multiplier specified above
double multiplier = (((double) mBigramScores[bigramSuggestion])
/* Log.d(TAG,"bigram num: " + bigramSuggestion
+ " wordB: " + mBigramSuggestions.get(bigramSuggestion).toString()
+ " currentScore: " + score + " bigramScore: "
+ mBigramScores[bigramSuggestion]
+ " multiplier: " + multiplier); */
score = (int)Math.round((score * multiplier));
// Check the last one's score and bail
if (sortedScores[prefMaxSuggestions - 1] >= score) return true;
while (pos < prefMaxSuggestions) {
if (sortedScores[pos] < score
|| (sortedScores[pos] == score && length < suggestions.get(pos).length())) {
if (pos >= prefMaxSuggestions) {
return true;
System.arraycopy(sortedScores, pos, sortedScores, pos + 1, prefMaxSuggestions - pos - 1);
sortedScores[pos] = score;
final StringBuilder sb = StringBuilderPool.getStringBuilder(getApproxMaxWordLength());
// TODO: Must pay attention to locale when changing case.
if (mIsAllUpperCase) {
sb.append(new String(word, offset, length).toUpperCase());
} else if (mIsFirstCharCapitalized) {
if (length > 1) {
sb.append(word, offset + 1, length - 1);
} else {
sb.append(word, offset, length);
suggestions.add(pos, sb);
if (suggestions.size() > prefMaxSuggestions) {
final CharSequence garbage = suggestions.remove(prefMaxSuggestions);
if (garbage instanceof StringBuilder) {
} else {
LatinImeLogger.onAddSuggestedWord(sb.toString(), dicTypeId, dataTypeForLog);
return true;
private int searchBigramSuggestion(final char[] word, final int offset, final int length) {
// TODO This is almost O(n^2). Might need fix.
// search whether the word appeared in bigram data
int bigramSuggestSize = mBigramSuggestions.size();
for(int i = 0; i < bigramSuggestSize; i++) {
if(mBigramSuggestions.get(i).length() == length) {
boolean chk = true;
for(int j = 0; j < length; j++) {
if(mBigramSuggestions.get(i).charAt(j) != word[offset+j]) {
chk = false;
if(chk) return i;
return -1;
private void collectGarbage(ArrayList<CharSequence> suggestions, int prefMaxSuggestions) {
int poolSize = StringBuilderPool.getSize();
int garbageSize = suggestions.size();
while (poolSize < prefMaxSuggestions && garbageSize > 0) {
final CharSequence garbage = suggestions.get(garbageSize - 1);
if (garbage instanceof StringBuilder) {
if (poolSize == prefMaxSuggestions + 1) {
Log.w("Suggest", "String pool got too big: " + poolSize);
public void close() {
final Set<Dictionary> dictionaries = new HashSet<Dictionary>();
for (final Dictionary dictionary : dictionaries) {
mMainDict = null;