# Development If you're wanting to help develop **Mercury**, you've come to the right place! Again, right now we're a heavy work-in-progress. But eventually this will be useful! ## Contributor Agreements By submitting resources to this project (code, art, writing, etc.), you must agree to the following terms: 1. Resources will be licensed under the [CNPLv7+](https://thufie.lain.haus/NPL.html) license 2. You *must* follow the [Code of Conduct](conduct.md) 3. You should follow the [Design Goals](/development/design/index.md) and [Best Practices](#best-practices) when possible Otherwise, feel free to start contributing! ## Best Practices These are various "best practices" for code written for the **Mercury** project. They should be followed when reasonable, to the best of your ability/understanding. Feel free to [contact](https://mercury.the-system.eu.org/contribute/) a maintainer with questions! - No compromises will be made for compatibility. If there is a better, if unusual, way to do things, it should be done that way. - Everything must be fully accessible. Everything else can be sacrificed for this. - `unsafe` code should be avoided when possible. - Everything should be documented as it is written. - Nesting should be avoided as much as possible. - `cargo fmt` must be used before each commit. - If something can be excluded from the main `kernel`, it should be. It's a `microkernel`! - While binary size should be kept down and optimized, it should not be done at the cost of performance. - Features should be *opt-in* rather than *opt-out*. - Releases should ideally contain no compiler or `clippy` warnings. ## Source Code All of the source code for **Mercury** is on a self-hosted [Gitea](https://git.lavender.software/mercury), courtesy of [Lavender Software](https://lavender.software). Sign up there, and contact one of the maintainers to get access to the repositories. The source for this site, and our [website](https://mercury.the-system.eu.org) is available there as well.