# Configuring a Build Environment ```admonish info All of this build information is for `Linux` right now, as I don't want to mess around with getting stuff working on `Windows`. Just use `WSL` if you want. `BSD` should work similarly, but if not, please let us know! ``` Of course, first you will need to install `Rust`. The best way to do this is through [rustup](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install). Additionally, you will need to install [clippy](https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/clippy/installation.html) and [rustfmt](https://github.com/rust-lang/rustfmt). You probably will also want to `cargo install sccache`, and export the `RUSTC_WRAPPER='sccache'` environment variable however your shell does it. Then, you'll want to `git clone` whatever repository you're wanting to work on. ## Building **TODO:** Figure out how building actually works. When you're just testing, `cargo` will use the `dev` profile. This will allow for debugging, and faster compilation speeds. However, all releases will be using the `release` profile, which is much slower, but better optimized. It's unlikely you'll want to use this on your computer.