{ "Computer Room": { "objects": { "Computer": { "interactable": true }, "Northern Door": { "interactable": true, "gotoroom": "hallway" } }, "verbs": { "go north": { }, "use computer": { } }, "onEntry": "You are in a dark room. With only a COMPUTER, and a monitor dimly illuminating the room. Type LOOK to see your surroundings." }, "hallway": { "objects": { "Northern Door": { "interactable": true }, "Western Door": { "interactable": false }, "Vase": { "interactable": true, "contains": { "key": { "grabable": true } } } }, "onEntry": "You have entered a brightly lit hallway. In the hallway you notice a VASE and two doors. One to the east and one to the north." } }