const userInput = document.getElementById("userInput"); var locations; var currentLocation; let gameOver; async function parseJson() { const result = await fetch("./locations.json") locations = await result.json() } async function main() { await parseJson(); currentLocation = Object.keys(locations)[0] printBold(locations[currentLocation].onEntry) } main() userInput.onkeypress = function (event) { if (event.keyCode == 13) { printText(userInput.value) commandInput() userInput.value = "" } } function printText(text) { let p = document.createElement("p"); const div = document.getElementById("userText"); div.appendChild(p) p.innerHTML = text let scroll = document.getElementById("userText"); scroll.scrollTop = scroll.scrollHeight; } function printBold(text) { printText(text.bold()) } function look() { if (userInput.value.toLowerCase() === "look") { printBold(Object.keys(locations[currentLocation].objects).join(", ")) } } function listLocation() { if (userInput.value.toLowerCase() === "location") { printBold(currentLocation) } } function win() { if (userInput.value.toLowerCase() === "win") { printBold("You Won! Refresh to play again!!") document.getElementById("userInput").disabled = true; } } function isgameOver() { if (gameOver === true) { printBold("Game Over. Refresh to play again!") document.getElementById("userInput").disabled = true; } }