let locations = { "Computer Room": { "objects": { "Computer": { }, "Northern Door": { "open": false } }, "visibleVerbs": { "go north": function () { if (locations[currentLocation].objects["Northern Door"].open) { currentLocation = "Hallway" printBold(locations["Hallway"].onEntry) } else { printBold("The door is closed.") } }, "open door": function () { locations[currentLocation].objects["Northern Door"].open = true printBold("The door is now open.") }, "use computer": function () { printBold("Nothing displays on the monitor but a blue screen of death.") } }, "hiddenVerbs": { }, "collectables": { }, "onEntry": "You are in a dark room. With only a COMPUTER, and a monitor dimly illuminating the room. There is also a closed DOOR to your NORTH. Type LOOK to see your surroundings. Type COMMANDS to see a list of commands you can use in your current location." }, "Hallway": { "objects": { "North Door": { "locked": true }, "West Door": { }, "Vase": { } }, "visibleVerbs": { "go north": function () { printBold("The Door is closed.") }, "open door": function () { printBold("West door or North Door?") }, "open north door": function () { if (locations["Hallway"].objects["North Door"].locked === true) { printBold("This door appears to be locked.") } }, "open west door": function () { currentLocation = "Western Hallway" printBold("The door opens.") printBold(locations["Western Hallway"].onEntry) }, }, "hiddenVerbs": { "use vase": function () { if (locations[currentLocation].collectables["key"] != undefined) { printBold("You find a key inside the vase.") locations[currentLocation].collectables["key"] = true } else { printBold("The vase is empty.") } }, }, "interact vase": "use vase", "onEntry": "You have entered a brightly lit hallway. In the hallway you notice a VASE and two doors. One to the east and one to the north.", "collectables": { "key": false } } }