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Neo-Async is thought to be used as a drop-in replacement for [Async](, it almost fully covers its functionality and runs [faster](#benchmark). Benchmark is [here](#benchmark)! Bluebird's benchmark is [here](! ## Code Coverage ![coverage]( ## Installation ### In a browser ```html ``` ### In an AMD loader ```js require(['async'], function(async) {}); ``` ### Promise and async/await I recommend to use [`Aigle`]( It is optimized for Promise handling and has almost the same functionality as `neo-async`. ### Node.js #### standard ```bash $ npm install neo-async ``` ```js var async = require('neo-async'); ``` #### replacement ```bash $ npm install neo-async $ ln -s ./node_modules/neo-async ./node_modules/async ``` ```js var async = require('async'); ``` ### Bower ```bash bower install neo-async ``` ## Feature [JSDoc]( \* not in Async ### Collections - [`each`]( - [`eachSeries`]( - [`eachLimit`]( - [`forEach`]( -> [`each`]( - [`forEachSeries`]( -> [`eachSeries`]( - [`forEachLimit`]( -> [`eachLimit`]( - [`eachOf`]( -> [`each`]( - [`eachOfSeries`]( -> [`eachSeries`]( - [`eachOfLimit`]( -> [`eachLimit`]( - [`forEachOf`]( -> [`each`]( - [`forEachOfSeries`]( -> [`eachSeries`]( - [`eachOfLimit`]( -> [`forEachLimit`]( - [`map`]( - [`mapSeries`]( - [`mapLimit`]( - [`mapValues`]( - [`mapValuesSeries`]( - [`mapValuesLimit`]( - [`filter`]( - [`filterSeries`]( - [`filterLimit`]( - [`select`]( -> [`filter`]( - [`selectSeries`]( -> [`filterSeries`]( - [`selectLimit`]( -> [`filterLimit`]( - [`reject`]( - [`rejectSeries`]( - [`rejectLimit`]( - [`detect`]( - [`detectSeries`]( - [`detectLimit`]( - [`find`]( -> [`detect`]( - [`findSeries`]( -> [`detectSeries`]( - [`findLimit`]( -> [`detectLimit`]( - [`pick`]( * - [`pickSeries`]( * - [`pickLimit`]( * - [`omit`]( * - [`omitSeries`]( * - [`omitLimit`]( * - [`reduce`]( - [`inject`]( -> [`reduce`]( - [`foldl`]( -> [`reduce`]( - [`reduceRight`]( - [`foldr`]( -> [`reduceRight`]( - [`transform`]( - [`transformSeries`]( * - [`transformLimit`]( * - [`sortBy`]( - [`sortBySeries`]( * - [`sortByLimit`]( * - [`some`]( - [`someSeries`]( - [`someLimit`]( - [`any`]( -> [`some`]( - [`anySeries`]( -> [`someSeries`]( - [`anyLimit`]( -> [`someLimit`]( - [`every`]( - [`everySeries`]( - [`everyLimit`]( - [`all`]( -> [`every`]( - [`allSeries`]( -> [`every`]( - [`allLimit`]( -> [`every`]( - [`concat`]( - [`concatSeries`]( - [`concatLimit`]( * ### Control Flow - [`parallel`]( - [`series`]( - [`parallelLimit`]( - [`tryEach`]( - [`waterfall`]( - [`angelFall`]( * - [`angelfall`]( -> [`angelFall`]( * - [`whilst`](#whilst) - [`doWhilst`](#doWhilst) - [`until`](#until) - [`doUntil`](#doUntil) - [`during`](#during) - [`doDuring`](#doDuring) - [`forever`](#forever) - [`compose`](#compose) - [`seq`](#seq) - [`applyEach`](#applyEach) - [`applyEachSeries`](#applyEachSeries) - [`queue`](#queue) - [`priorityQueue`](#priorityQueue) - [`cargo`](#cargo) - [`auto`](#auto) - [`autoInject`](#autoInject) - [`retry`](#retry) - [`retryable`](#retryable) - [`iterator`](#iterator) - [`times`]( - [`timesSeries`]( - [`timesLimit`]( - [`race`](#race) ### Utils - [`apply`](#apply) - [`setImmediate`](#setImmediate) - [`nextTick`](#nextTick) - [`memoize`](#memoize) - [`unmemoize`](#unmemoize) - [`ensureAsync`](#ensureAsync) - [`constant`](#constant) - [`asyncify`](#asyncify) - [`wrapSync`](#asyncify) -> [`asyncify`](#asyncify) - [`log`](#log) - [`dir`](#dir) - [`timeout`]( - [`reflect`](#reflect) - [`reflectAll`](#reflectAll) - [`createLogger`](#createLogger) ## Mode - [`safe`](#safe) * - [`fast`](#fast) * ## Benchmark [Benchmark: Async vs Neo-Async]( ### How to check ```bash $ node perf ``` ### Environment * Darwin 17.3.0 x64 * Node.js v8.9.4 * async v2.6.0 * neo-async v2.5.0 * benchmark v2.1.4 ### Result The value is the ratio (Neo-Async/Async) of the average speed. #### Collections |function|benchmark| |---|--:| |each/forEach|2.43| |eachSeries/forEachSeries|1.75| |eachLimit/forEachLimit|1.68| |eachOf|3.29| |eachOfSeries|1.50| |eachOfLimit|1.59| |map|3.95| |mapSeries|1.81| |mapLimit|1.27| |mapValues|2.73| |mapValuesSeries|1.59| |mapValuesLimit|1.23| |filter|3.00| |filterSeries|1.74| |filterLimit|1.17| |reject|4.59| |rejectSeries|2.31| |rejectLimit|1.58| |detect|4.30| |detectSeries|1.86| |detectLimit|1.32| |reduce|1.82| |transform|2.46| |sortBy|4.08| |some|2.19| |someSeries|1.83| |someLimit|1.32| |every|2.09| |everySeries|1.84| |everyLimit|1.35| |concat|3.79| |concatSeries|4.45| #### Control Flow |funciton|benchmark| |---|--:| |parallel|2.93| |series|1.96| |waterfall|1.29| |whilst|1.00| |doWhilst|1.12| |until|1.12| |doUntil|1.12| |during|1.18| |doDuring|2.42| |times|4.25| |auto|1.97| ## License [![FOSSA Status](](