var url = require("url"); var Immutable = require("immutable"); module.exports.init = function (ui, bs) { var validUrls = Immutable.OrderedSet(); var methods = { /** * Send the url list to UI * @param urls */ sendUpdatedUrls: function (urls) { ui.socket.emit("ui:history:update", decorateUrls(urls)); }, /** * Only send to UI if list changed * @param current * @param temp */ sendUpdatedIfChanged: function (current, temp) { if (!, temp)) { validUrls = temp; methods.sendUpdatedUrls(validUrls); } }, /** * Send all clients to a URL - this is a proxy * in case we need to limit/check anything. * @param data */ sendToUrl: function (data) { var parsed = url.parse(data.path); data.override = true; data.path = parsed.path; data.url = parsed.href; ui.clients.emit("browser:location", data); }, /** * Add a new path * @param data */ addPath: function (data) { var temp = addPath(validUrls, url.parse(data.href), bs.options.get("mode")); methods.sendUpdatedIfChanged(validUrls, temp, ui.socket); }, /** * Remove a path * @param data */ removePath: function (data) { var temp = removePath(validUrls, data.path); methods.sendUpdatedIfChanged(validUrls, temp, ui.socket); }, /** * Get the current list */ getVisited: function () { ui.socket.emit("ui:receive:visited", decorateUrls(validUrls)); } }; ui.clients.on("connection", function (client) { client.on("ui:history:connected", methods.addPath); }); ui.socket.on("connection", function (uiClient) { /** * Send urls on first connection */ uiClient.on("ui:get:visited", methods.getVisited); methods.sendUpdatedUrls(validUrls); }); ui.listen("history", { "sendAllTo": methods.sendToUrl, "remove": methods.removePath, "clear": function () { validUrls = Immutable.OrderedSet([]); methods.sendUpdatedUrls(validUrls); } }); return methods; }; /** * @param {Immutable.Set} urls * @returns {Array} */ function decorateUrls (urls) { var count = 0; return (value) { count += 1; return { path: value, key: count }; }).toJS().reverse(); } /** * If snippet mode, add the full URL * if server/proxy, add JUST the path * @param immSet * @param urlObj * @param mode * @returns {Set} */ function addPath(immSet, urlObj, mode) { return immSet.add( mode === "snippet" ? urlObj.href : urlObj.path ); } module.exports.addPath = addPath; /** * @param immSet * @param urlPath * @returns {*} */ function removePath(immSet, urlPath) { return immSet.remove(url.parse(urlPath).path); } module.exports.removePath = removePath;