const moo = require("moo"); const LiquidLib = require("liquidjs"); const TemplateEngine = require("./TemplateEngine"); const TemplatePath = require("../TemplatePath"); // const debug = require("debug")("Eleventy:Liquid"); class Liquid extends TemplateEngine { constructor(name, includesDir) { super(name, includesDir); this.liquidOptions = {}; this.setLibrary(this.config.libraryOverrides.liquid); this.setLiquidOptions(this.config.liquidOptions); this.argLexer = moo.compile({ number: /[0-9]+\.*[0-9]*/, doubleQuoteString: /"(?:\\["\\]|[^\n"\\])*"/, singleQuoteString: /'(?:\\['\\]|[^\n'\\])*'/, keyword: /[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-\_]+/, "ignore:whitespace": /[, \t]+/ // includes comma separator }); } setLibrary(lib) { this.liquidLibOverride = lib; // warning, the include syntax supported here does not exactly match what Jekyll uses. this.liquidLib = lib || LiquidLib(this.getLiquidOptions()); this.setEngineLib(this.liquidLib); this.addFilters(this.config.liquidFilters); // TODO these all go to the same place (addTag), add warnings for overwrites this.addCustomTags(this.config.liquidTags); this.addAllShortcodes(this.config.liquidShortcodes); this.addAllPairedShortcodes(this.config.liquidPairedShortcodes); } setLiquidOptions(options) { this.liquidOptions = options; this.setLibrary(this.liquidLibOverride); } getLiquidOptions() { let defaults = { root: [super.getIncludesDir()], // overrides in compile with inputPath below extname: ".liquid", dynamicPartials: false, strict_filters: false }; let options = Object.assign(defaults, this.liquidOptions || {}); // debug("Liquid constructor options: %o", options); return options; } addCustomTags(tags) { for (let name in tags) { this.addTag(name, tags[name]); } } addFilters(filters) { for (let name in filters) { this.addFilter(name, filters[name]); } } addFilter(name, filter) { this.liquidLib.registerFilter(name, filter); } addTag(name, tagFn) { let tagObj; if (typeof tagFn === "function") { tagObj = tagFn(this.liquidLib); } else { throw new Error( "Liquid.addTag expects a callback function to be passed in: addTag(name, function(liquidEngine) { return { parse: …, render: … } })" ); } this.liquidLib.registerTag(name, tagObj); } addAllShortcodes(shortcodes) { for (let name in shortcodes) { this.addShortcode(name, shortcodes[name]); } } addAllPairedShortcodes(shortcodes) { for (let name in shortcodes) { this.addPairedShortcode(name, shortcodes[name]); } } static parseArguments(lexer, str, scope) { let argArray = []; if (typeof str === "string") { // TODO key=value key2=value // TODO JSON? lexer.reset(str); let arg =; while (arg) { /*{ type: 'doubleQuoteString', value: '"test 2"', text: '"test 2"', toString: [Function: tokenToString], offset: 0, lineBreaks: 0, line: 1, col: 1 }*/ if (arg.type.indexOf("ignore:") === -1) { argArray.push(LiquidLib.evalExp(arg.value, scope)); // or evalValue } arg =; } } return argArray; } static _normalizeShortcodeScope(scope) { let obj = {}; if (scope && scope.contexts && scope.contexts[0]) { = scope.contexts[0].page; } return obj; } addShortcode(shortcodeName, shortcodeFn) { let _t = this; this.addTag(shortcodeName, function(liquidEngine) { return { parse: function(tagToken, remainTokens) { =; this.args = tagToken.args; }, render: function(scope, hash) { let argArray = Liquid.parseArguments(_t.argLexer, this.args, scope); return Promise.resolve( Liquid._normalizeShortcodeScope(scope), ...argArray ) ); } }; }); } addPairedShortcode(shortcodeName, shortcodeFn) { let _t = this; this.addTag(shortcodeName, function(liquidEngine) { return { parse: function(tagToken, remainTokens) { =; this.args = tagToken.args; this.templates = []; var stream = liquidEngine.parser .parseStream(remainTokens) .on("template", tpl => this.templates.push(tpl)) .on("tag:end" + shortcodeName, token => stream.stop()) .on("end", x => { throw new Error(`tag ${tagToken.raw} not closed`); }); stream.start(); }, render: function(scope, hash) { let argArray = Liquid.parseArguments(_t.argLexer, this.args, scope); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { liquidEngine.renderer .renderTemplates(this.templates, scope) .then(function(html) { resolve( Liquid._normalizeShortcodeScope(scope), html, ...argArray ) ); }); }); } }; }); } async compile(str, inputPath) { let engine = this.liquidLib; let tmpl = await engine.parse(str, inputPath); // Required for relative includes let options = {}; if (!inputPath || inputPath === "njk" || inputPath === "md") { // do nothing } else { options.root = [ super.getIncludesDir(), TemplatePath.getDirFromFilePath(inputPath) ]; } return async function(data) { return engine.render(tmpl, data, options); }; } } module.exports = Liquid;