const pkg = require("../package.json"); const TemplatePath = require("./TemplatePath"); const TemplateData = require("./TemplateData"); const TemplateWriter = require("./TemplateWriter"); const EleventyExtensionMap = require("./EleventyExtensionMap"); const EleventyErrorHandler = require("./EleventyErrorHandler"); const EleventyServe = require("./EleventyServe"); const EleventyWatch = require("./EleventyWatch"); const EleventyWatchTargets = require("./EleventyWatchTargets"); const EleventyFiles = require("./EleventyFiles"); const { performance } = require("perf_hooks"); const templateCache = require("./TemplateCache"); const simplePlural = require("./Util/Pluralize"); const deleteRequireCache = require("./Util/DeleteRequireCache"); const config = require("./Config"); const bench = require("./BenchmarkManager"); const debug = require("debug")("Eleventy"); /** * @module @11ty/eleventy/Eleventy */ /** * Runtime of eleventy. * * @param {String} input - Where to read files from. * @param {String} output - Where to write rendered files to. * @returns {undefined} */ class Eleventy { constructor(input, output) { /** @member {Object} - tbd. */ this.config = config.getConfig(); /** * @member {String} - The path to Eleventy's config file. * @default null */ this.configPath = null; /** * @member {Boolean} - Is Eleventy running in verbose mode? * @default true */ this.isVerbose = process.env.DEBUG ? false : !this.config.quietMode; /** * @member {Boolean} - Was verbose mode overridden manually? * @default false */ this.isVerboseOverride = false; /** * @member {Boolean} - Is Eleventy running in debug mode? * @default false */ this.isDebug = false; /** * @member {Boolean} - Is Eleventy running in dry mode? * @default false */ this.isDryRun = false; if (performance) { debug("Eleventy warm up time (in ms) %o",; } /** @member {Number} - The timestamp of Eleventy start. */ this.start = this.getNewTimestamp(); /** * @member {Array} - Subset of template types. * @default null */ this.formatsOverride = null; /** @member {Object} - tbd. */ this.eleventyServe = new EleventyServe(); /** @member {String} - Holds the path to the input directory. */ this.rawInput = input; /** @member {String} - Holds the path to the output directory. */ this.rawOutput = output; /** @member {Object} - tbd. */ this.watchManager = new EleventyWatch(); /** @member {Object} - tbd. */ this.watchTargets = new EleventyWatchTargets(); this.watchTargets.addAndMakeGlob(this.config.additionalWatchTargets); this.watchTargets.watchJavaScriptDependencies = this.config.watchJavaScriptDependencies; } getNewTimestamp() { if (performance) { return; } return new Date().getTime(); } /** @type {String} */ get input() { return this.rawInput || this.config.dir.input; } /** @type {String} */ get inputDir() { return TemplatePath.getDir(this.input); } /** @type {String} */ get outputDir() { let dir = this.rawOutput || this.config.dir.output; if (dir !== this._savedOutputDir) { this.eleventyServe.setOutputDir(dir); } this._savedOutputDir = dir; return dir; } /** * Updates the dry-run mode of Eleventy. * * @method * @param {Boolean} isDryRun - Shall Eleventy run in dry mode? */ setDryRun(isDryRun) { this.isDryRun = !!isDryRun; } /** * Sets the incremental build mode. * * @method * @param {Boolean} isIncremental - Shall Eleventy run in incremental build mode and only write the files that trigger watch updates */ setIncrementalBuild(isIncremental) { this.isIncremental = !!isIncremental; this.watchManager.incremental = !!isIncremental; } /** * Updates the passthrough mode of Eleventy. * * @method * @param {Boolean} isPassthroughAll - Shall Eleventy passthrough everything? */ setPassthroughAll(isPassthroughAll) { this.isPassthroughAll = !!isPassthroughAll; } /** * Updates the path prefix used in the config. * * @method * @param {String} pathPrefix - The new path prefix. */ setPathPrefix(pathPrefix) { if (pathPrefix || pathPrefix === "") { config.setPathPrefix(pathPrefix); this.config = config.getConfig(); } } /** * Updates the watch targets. * * @method * @param {} watchTargets - The new watch targets. */ setWatchTargets(watchTargets) { this.watchTargets = watchTargets; } /** * Updates the config path. * * @method * @param {String} configPath - The new config path. */ setConfigPathOverride(configPath) { if (configPath) { this.configPath = configPath; config.setProjectConfigPath(configPath); this.config = config.getConfig(); } } /** * Restarts Eleventy. * * @async * @method */ async restart() { debug("Restarting"); this.start = this.getNewTimestamp(); templateCache.clear(); bench.reset(); this.eleventyFiles.restart(); // reload package.json values (if applicable) // TODO only reset this if it changed deleteRequireCache(TemplatePath.absolutePath("package.json")); await this.init(); } /** * Marks the finish of a run of Eleventy. * * @method */ finish() { bench.finish(); (this.logger || console).log(this.logFinished()); debug("Finished writing templates."); } /** * Logs some statistics after a complete run of Eleventy. * * @method * @returns {String} ret - The log message. */ logFinished() { if (!this.writer) { throw new Error( "Did you call Eleventy.init to create the TemplateWriter instance? Hint: you probably didn’t." ); } let ret = []; let writeCount = this.writer.getWriteCount(); let skippedCount = this.writer.getSkippedCount(); let copyCount = this.writer.getCopyCount(); let slashRet = []; if (copyCount) { slashRet.push( `Copied ${copyCount} ${simplePlural(copyCount, "file", "files")}` ); } slashRet.push( `Wrote ${writeCount} ${simplePlural(writeCount, "file", "files")}${ skippedCount ? ` (skipped ${skippedCount})` : "" }` ); if (slashRet.length) { ret.push(slashRet.join(" / ")); } let versionStr = `v${pkg.version}`; let time = ((this.getNewTimestamp() - this.start) / 1000).toFixed(2); ret.push(`in ${time} ${simplePlural(time, "second", "seconds")}`); if (writeCount >= 10) { ret.push( `(${((time * 1000) / writeCount).toFixed(1)}ms each, ${versionStr})` ); } else { ret.push(`(${versionStr})`); } let pathPrefix = this.config.pathPrefix; if (pathPrefix && pathPrefix !== "/") { return `Using pathPrefix: ${pathPrefix}\n${ret.join(" ")}`; } return ret.join(" "); } /** * Starts Eleventy. * * @async * @method * @returns {} - tbd. */ async init() { this.config.inputDir = this.inputDir; let formats = this.formatsOverride || this.config.templateFormats; this.extensionMap = new EleventyExtensionMap(formats); this.eleventyFiles = new EleventyFiles( this.input, this.outputDir, formats, this.isPassthroughAll ); this.eleventyFiles.extensionMap = this.extensionMap; this.eleventyFiles.init(); this.templateData = new TemplateData(this.inputDir); this.templateData.extensionMap = this.extensionMap; this.eleventyFiles.setTemplateData(this.templateData); this.writer = new TemplateWriter( this.input, this.outputDir, formats, this.templateData, this.isPassthroughAll ); this.writer.extensionMap = this.extensionMap; this.writer.setEleventyFiles(this.eleventyFiles); debug(`Directories: Input: ${this.inputDir} Data: ${this.templateData.getDataDir()} Includes: ${this.eleventyFiles.getIncludesDir()} Layouts: ${this.eleventyFiles.getLayoutsDir()} Output: ${this.outputDir} Template Formats: ${formats.join(",")} Verbose Output: ${this.isVerbose}`); this.writer.setVerboseOutput(this.isVerbose); this.writer.setDryRun(this.isDryRun); return this.templateData.cacheData(); } /** * Updates the debug mode of Eleventy. * * @method * @param {Boolean} isDebug - Shall Eleventy run in debug mode? */ setIsDebug(isDebug) { this.isDebug = !!isDebug; } /** * Updates the verbose mode of Eleventy. * * @method * @param {Boolean} isVerbose - Shall Eleventy run in verbose mode? */ setIsVerbose(isVerbose) { this.isVerbose = !!isVerbose; // mark that this was changed from the default (probably from --quiet) // this is used when we reset the config (only applies if not overridden) this.isVerboseOverride = true; if (this.writer) { this.writer.setVerboseOutput(this.isVerbose); } if (bench) { bench.setVerboseOutput(this.isVerbose); } } /** * Updates the template formats of Eleventy. * * @method * @param {String} formats - The new template formats. */ setFormats(formats) { if (formats && formats !== "*") { this.formatsOverride = formats.split(","); } } /** * Reads the version of Eleventy. * * @method * @returns {String} - The version of Eleventy. */ getVersion() { return require("../package.json").version; } /** * Shows a help message including usage. * * @method * @returns {String} - The help mesage. */ getHelp() { return `usage: eleventy eleventy --input=. --output=./_site eleventy --serve Arguments: --version --input=. Input template files (default: \`.\`) --output=_site Write HTML output to this folder (default: \`_site\`) --serve Run web server on --port (default 8080) and watch them too --watch Wait for files to change and automatically rewrite (no web server) --formats=liquid,md Whitelist only certain template types (default: \`*\`) --quiet Don’t print all written files (off by default) --config=filename.js Override the eleventy config file path (default: \`.eleventy.js\`) --pathprefix='/' Change all url template filters to use this subdirectory. --dryrun Don’t write any files. Useful with \`DEBUG=Eleventy* npx eleventy\` --help`; } /** * Resets the config of Eleventy. * * @method */ resetConfig() { config.reset(); this.config = config.getConfig(); this.eleventyServe.config = this.config; if (!this.isVerboseOverride && !process.env.DEBUG) { this.isVerbose = !this.config.quietMode; } } /** * tbd. * * @private * @method * @param {String} changedFilePath - File that triggered a re-run (added or modified) */ async _addFileToWatchQueue(changedFilePath) { this.watchManager.addToPendingQueue(changedFilePath); } /** * tbd. * * @private * @method */ async _watch() { if (this.watchManager.isBuildRunning()) { return; } this.watchManager.setBuildRunning();"beforeWatch", this.watchManager.getActiveQueue()); // reset and reload global configuration :O if (this.watchManager.hasQueuedFile(config.getLocalProjectConfigFile())) { this.resetConfig(); } await this.restart(); this.watchTargets.clearDependencyRequireCache(); let incrementalFile = this.watchManager.getIncrementalFile(); if (incrementalFile) { // TODO remove these and delegate to the template dependency graph let isInclude = TemplatePath.startsWithSubPath( incrementalFile, this.eleventyFiles.getIncludesDir() ); let isJSDependency = this.watchTargets.isJavaScriptDependency( incrementalFile ); if (!isInclude && !isJSDependency) { this.writer.setIncrementalFile(incrementalFile); } } await this.write(); this.writer.resetIncrementalFile(); this.watchTargets.reset(); await this._initWatchDependencies(); // Add new deps to chokidar this.watcher.add(this.watchTargets.getNewTargetsSinceLastReset()); // Is a CSS input file and is not in the includes folder // TODO check output path file extension of this template (not input path) // TODO add additional API for this, maybe a config callback? let onlyCssChanges = this.watchManager.hasAllQueueFiles((path) => { return ( path.endsWith(".css") && // TODO how to make this work with relative includes? !TemplatePath.startsWithSubPath( path, this.eleventyFiles.getIncludesDir() ) ); }); if (onlyCssChanges) { this.eleventyServe.reload("*.css"); } else { this.eleventyServe.reload(); } this.watchManager.setBuildFinished(); if (this.watchManager.getPendingQueueSize() > 0) { console.log( `You saved while Eleventy was running, let’s run again. (${this.watchManager.getPendingQueueSize()} remain)` ); await this._watch(); } else { console.log("Watching…"); } } /** * tbd. * * @returns {} - tbd. */ get watcherBench() { return bench.get("Watcher"); } /** * Set up watchers and benchmarks. * * @async * @method */ async initWatch() { this.watchManager = new EleventyWatch(); this.watchManager.incremental = this.isIncremental; this.watchTargets.add(this.eleventyFiles.getGlobWatcherFiles()); // Watch the local project config file this.watchTargets.add(config.getLocalProjectConfigFile()); // Template and Directory Data Files this.watchTargets.add( await this.eleventyFiles.getGlobWatcherTemplateDataFiles() ); let benchmark = this.watcherBench.get( "Watching JavaScript Dependencies (disable with `eleventyConfig.setWatchJavaScriptDependencies(false)`)" ); benchmark.before(); await this._initWatchDependencies(); benchmark.after(); } /** * Starts watching dependencies. * * @private * @async * @method */ async _initWatchDependencies() { if (!this.watchTargets.watchJavaScriptDependencies) { return; } let dataDir = this.templateData.getDataDir(); function filterOutGlobalDataFiles(path) { return !dataDir || path.indexOf(dataDir) === -1; } // Template files .11ty.js this.watchTargets.addDependencies(this.eleventyFiles.getWatchPathCache()); // Config file dependencies this.watchTargets.addDependencies( config.getLocalProjectConfigFile(), filterOutGlobalDataFiles.bind(this) ); // Deps from Global Data (that aren’t in the global data directory, everything is watched there) this.watchTargets.addDependencies( this.templateData.getWatchPathCache(), filterOutGlobalDataFiles.bind(this) ); this.watchTargets.addDependencies( await this.eleventyFiles.getWatcherTemplateJavaScriptDataFiles() ); } /** * Returns all watched files. * * @async * @method * @returns {} targets - The watched files. */ async getWatchedFiles() { return this.watchTargets.getTargets(); } getChokidarConfig() { let ignores = this.eleventyFiles.getGlobWatcherIgnores(); debug("Ignoring watcher changes to: %o", ignores); let configOptions = this.config.chokidarConfig; // can’t override these yet // TODO maybe if array, merge the array? delete configOptions.ignored; return Object.assign( { ignored: ignores, ignoreInitial: true, // also interesting: awaitWriteFinish }, configOptions ); } /** * Start the watching of files. * * @async * @method */ async watch() { this.watcherBench.setMinimumThresholdMs(500); this.watcherBench.reset(); const chokidar = require("chokidar"); // Note that watching indirectly depends on this for fetching dependencies from JS files // See: TemplateWriter:pathCache and EleventyWatchTargets await this.write(); let initWatchBench = this.watcherBench.get("Start up --watch"); initWatchBench.before(); await this.initWatch(); // TODO improve unwatching if JS dependencies are removed (or files are deleted) let rawFiles = await this.getWatchedFiles(); debug("Watching for changes to: %o", rawFiles); let watcher =, this.getChokidarConfig()); initWatchBench.after(); this.watcherBench.setIsVerbose(true); this.watcherBench.finish("Watch"); console.log("Watching…"); this.watcher = watcher; let watchDelay; async function watchRun(path) { try { this._addFileToWatchQueue(path); clearTimeout(watchDelay); watchDelay = setTimeout(async () => { await this._watch(); }, this.config.watchThrottleWaitTime); } catch (e) { EleventyErrorHandler.fatal(e, "Eleventy fatal watch error"); this.stopWatch(); } } watcher.on("change", async (path) => { console.log("File changed:", path); await, path); }); watcher.on("add", async (path) => { console.log("File added:", path); await, path); }); process.on("SIGINT", () => this.stopWatch()); } stopWatch() { debug("Cleaning up chokidar and browsersync (if exists) instances."); this.eleventyServe.close(); this.watcher.close(); process.exit(); } /** * Serve Eleventy on this port. * * @param {Number} port - The HTTP port to serve Eleventy from. */ serve(port) { this.eleventyServe.serve(port); } /* For testing */ /** * Updates the logger. * * @param {} logger - The new logger. */ setLogger(logger) { this.logger = logger; } /** * tbd. * * @async * @method * @returns {Promise<{}>} ret - tbd. */ async write() { let ret; if (this.logger) { EleventyErrorHandler.logger = this.logger; }"beforeBuild"); try { let promise = this.writer.write(); ret = await promise;"afterBuild"); } catch (e) { EleventyErrorHandler.initialMessage( "Problem writing Eleventy templates", "error", "red" ); EleventyErrorHandler.fatal(e); } this.finish(); debug(` Getting frustrated? Have a suggestion/feature request/feedback? I want to hear it! Open an issue:`); // unset the logger EleventyErrorHandler.logger = undefined; return ret; } } module.exports = Eleventy;