export async function emojify(text) { await emojisLoaded; let last = 0; let nodes = []; text.replace(/:([^\s:]+):/g, (match, name, index) => { if (last <= index) nodes.push(document.createTextNode(text.slice(last, index))); let emoji; try { emoji = emojis[name.toLowerCase()[0]].find((e) => e[0] == name); } catch (e) {} if (!emoji) { nodes.push(document.createTextNode(match)); } else { if (emoji[1][0] !== ":") { nodes.push(document.createTextNode(emoji[1])); } else { nodes.push( Object.assign(new Image(), { src: `/emojis/${name}${emoji[2]}`, className: "emoji", alt: name, }) ); } } last = index + match.length; }); if (last < text.length) nodes.push(document.createTextNode(text.slice(last))); return nodes; } const emojis = {}; export const emojisLoaded = Promise.all([ fetch("/emojis") .then((e) => e.json()) .then((a) => { for (let e of a) { const name = e.slice(0, -4), lower = name.toLowerCase(); emojis[lower[0]] = emojis[lower[0]] || []; emojis[lower[0]].push([name, ":" + name + ":", e.slice(-4), lower]); } }), fetch("/emojis/unicode.json") .then((e) => e.json()) .then((a) => { for (let e of a) { emojis[e[0][0]] = emojis[e[0][0]] || []; emojis[e[0][0]].push([e[0], e[1], null, e[0]]); } }), ]); export async function findEmojis(search) { await emojisLoaded; let groups = [[], []]; if (search.length < 1) { for (let letter of Object.keys(emojis).sort()) for (let emoji of emojis[letter]) { (emoji[1][0] === ":" ? groups[0] : groups[1]).push(emoji); } } else { search = search.toLowerCase(); for (let emoji of emojis[search[0]]) { if (search.length == 1 || emoji[3].startsWith(search)) { (emoji[1][0] === ":" ? groups[0] : groups[1]).push(emoji); } } } return [...groups[0], ...groups[1]]; }