
438 lines
8.2 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains invisible Unicode characters!

This file contains invisible Unicode characters that may be processed differently from what appears below. If your use case is intentional and legitimate, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal hidden characters.

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters that may be confused with others in your current locale. If your use case is intentional and legitimate, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to highlight these characters.

package org
import "strings"
var htmlEntityReplacer *strings.Replacer
func init() {
htmlEntities = append(htmlEntities,
"---", "—",
"--", "",
"...", "…",
htmlEntityReplacer = strings.NewReplacer(htmlEntities...)
Generated & copied over using the following elisp
(Setting up go generate seems like a waste for now - I call YAGNI on that one)
(insert (mapconcat
(lambda (entity) (concat "`\\" (car entity) "`, `" (nth 6 entity) "`")) ; entity -> utf8
(remove-if-not 'listp org-entities)
var htmlEntities = []string{
`\Agrave`, `À`,
`\agrave`, `à`,
`\Aacute`, `Á`,
`\aacute`, `á`,
`\Acirc`, `Â`,
`\acirc`, `â`,
`\Amacr`, `Ã`,
`\amacr`, `ã`,
`\Atilde`, `Ã`,
`\atilde`, `ã`,
`\Auml`, `Ä`,
`\auml`, `ä`,
`\Aring`, `Å`,
`\AA`, `Å`,
`\aring`, `å`,
`\AElig`, `Æ`,
`\aelig`, `æ`,
`\Ccedil`, `Ç`,
`\ccedil`, `ç`,
`\Egrave`, `È`,
`\egrave`, `è`,
`\Eacute`, `É`,
`\eacute`, `é`,
`\Ecirc`, `Ê`,
`\ecirc`, `ê`,
`\Euml`, `Ë`,
`\euml`, `ë`,
`\Igrave`, `Ì`,
`\igrave`, `ì`,
`\Iacute`, `Í`,
`\iacute`, `í`,
`\Icirc`, `Î`,
`\icirc`, `î`,
`\Iuml`, `Ï`,
`\iuml`, `ï`,
`\Ntilde`, `Ñ`,
`\ntilde`, `ñ`,
`\Ograve`, `Ò`,
`\ograve`, `ò`,
`\Oacute`, `Ó`,
`\oacute`, `ó`,
`\Ocirc`, `Ô`,
`\ocirc`, `ô`,
`\Otilde`, `Õ`,
`\otilde`, `õ`,
`\Ouml`, `Ö`,
`\ouml`, `ö`,
`\Oslash`, `Ø`,
`\oslash`, `ø`,
`\OElig`, `Œ`,
`\oelig`, `œ`,
`\Scaron`, `Š`,
`\scaron`, `š`,
`\szlig`, `ß`,
`\Ugrave`, `Ù`,
`\ugrave`, `ù`,
`\Uacute`, `Ú`,
`\uacute`, `ú`,
`\Ucirc`, `Û`,
`\ucirc`, `û`,
`\Uuml`, `Ü`,
`\uuml`, `ü`,
`\Yacute`, `Ý`,
`\yacute`, `ý`,
`\Yuml`, `Ÿ`,
`\yuml`, `ÿ`,
`\fnof`, `ƒ`,
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`\image`, ``,
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`\jmath`, `ȷ`,
`\Alpha`, `Α`,
`\alpha`, `α`,
`\Beta`, `Β`,
`\beta`, `β`,
`\Gamma`, `Γ`,
`\gamma`, `γ`,
`\Delta`, `Δ`,
`\delta`, `δ`,
`\Epsilon`, `Ε`,
`\epsilon`, `ε`,
`\varepsilon`, `ε`,
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`\Eta`, `Η`,
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`\Theta`, `Θ`,
`\theta`, `θ`,
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`\vartheta`, `ϑ`,
`\Iota`, `Ι`,
`\iota`, `ι`,
`\Kappa`, `Κ`,
`\kappa`, `κ`,
`\Lambda`, `Λ`,
`\lambda`, `λ`,
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`\mu`, `μ`,
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`\Nu`, `Ν`,
`\Xi`, `Ξ`,
`\xi`, `ξ`,
`\Omicron`, `Ο`,
`\omicron`, `ο`,
`\Pi`, `Π`,
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`\Sigma`, `Σ`,
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`\sigmaf`, `ς`,
`\varsigma`, `ς`,
`\Tau`, `Τ`,
`\Upsilon`, `Υ`,
`\upsih`, `ϒ`,
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`\varphi`, `φ`,
`\Chi`, `Χ`,
`\chi`, `χ`,
`\acutex`, `𝑥́`,
`\Psi`, `Ψ`,
`\psi`, `ψ`,
`\tau`, `τ`,
`\Omega`, `Ω`,
`\omega`, `ω`,
`\piv`, `ϖ`,
`\varpi`, `ϖ`,
`\partial`, ``,
`\alefsym`, ``,
`\aleph`, ``,
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`\dalet`, `ד`,
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`\THORN`, `Þ`,
`\thorn`, `þ`,
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`\hellip`, ``,
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`\Dagger`, ``,
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`\min`, `min`,
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`\Diamond`, ``,
`\loz`, ``,
`\_ `, ``,
`\_ `, ``,
`\_ `, ``,
`\_ `, ``,
`\_ `, ``,
`\_ `, ``,
`\_ `, ``,
`\_ `, ``,
`\_ `, ``,
`\_ `, ``,
`\_ `, ``,
`\_ `, ``,
`\_ `, ``,
`\_ `, ``,
`\_ `, ``,
`\_ `, ``,
`\_ `, ``,
`\_ `, ``,
`\_ `, ``,
`\_ `, ``,