// Copyright 2020 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package lfs import ( "encoding/base64" "fmt" "io" "net/http" "path" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" "code.gitea.io/gitea/models" "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/context" lfs_module "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/lfs" "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/log" "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/setting" "github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go" jsoniter "github.com/json-iterator/go" ) // requestContext contain variables from the HTTP request. type requestContext struct { User string Repo string Authorization string } // Claims is a JWT Token Claims type Claims struct { RepoID int64 Op string UserID int64 jwt.StandardClaims } // ObjectLink builds a URL linking to the object. func (rc *requestContext) ObjectLink(oid string) string { return setting.AppURL + path.Join(rc.User, rc.Repo+".git", "info/lfs/objects", oid) } // VerifyLink builds a URL for verifying the object. func (rc *requestContext) VerifyLink() string { return setting.AppURL + path.Join(rc.User, rc.Repo+".git", "info/lfs/verify") } var oidRegExp = regexp.MustCompile(`^[A-Fa-f0-9]+$`) func isOidValid(oid string) bool { return oidRegExp.MatchString(oid) } // ObjectOidHandler is the main request routing entry point into LFS server functions func ObjectOidHandler(ctx *context.Context) { if !setting.LFS.StartServer { log.Debug("Attempt to access LFS server but LFS server is disabled") writeStatus(ctx, 404) return } if ctx.Req.Method == "GET" || ctx.Req.Method == "HEAD" { if MetaMatcher(ctx.Req) { getMetaHandler(ctx) return } getContentHandler(ctx) return } else if ctx.Req.Method == "PUT" { PutHandler(ctx) return } log.Warn("Unhandled LFS method: %s for %s/%s OID[%s]", ctx.Req.Method, ctx.Params("username"), ctx.Params("reponame"), ctx.Params("oid")) writeStatus(ctx, 404) } func getAuthenticatedRepoAndMeta(ctx *context.Context, rc *requestContext, p lfs_module.Pointer, requireWrite bool) (*models.LFSMetaObject, *models.Repository) { if !isOidValid(p.Oid) { log.Info("Attempt to access invalid LFS OID[%s] in %s/%s", p.Oid, rc.User, rc.Repo) writeStatus(ctx, 404) return nil, nil } repository, err := models.GetRepositoryByOwnerAndName(rc.User, rc.Repo) if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to get repository: %s/%s Error: %v", rc.User, rc.Repo, err) writeStatus(ctx, 404) return nil, nil } if !authenticate(ctx, repository, rc.Authorization, false, requireWrite) { requireAuth(ctx) return nil, nil } meta, err := repository.GetLFSMetaObjectByOid(p.Oid) if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to get LFS OID[%s] Error: %v", p.Oid, err) writeStatus(ctx, 404) return nil, nil } return meta, repository } // getContentHandler gets the content from the content store func getContentHandler(ctx *context.Context) { rc, p := unpack(ctx) meta, _ := getAuthenticatedRepoAndMeta(ctx, rc, p, false) if meta == nil { // Status already written in getAuthenticatedRepoAndMeta return } // Support resume download using Range header var fromByte, toByte int64 toByte = meta.Size - 1 statusCode := 200 if rangeHdr := ctx.Req.Header.Get("Range"); rangeHdr != "" { regex := regexp.MustCompile(`bytes=(\d+)\-(\d*).*`) match := regex.FindStringSubmatch(rangeHdr) if len(match) > 1 { statusCode = 206 fromByte, _ = strconv.ParseInt(match[1], 10, 32) if fromByte >= meta.Size { writeStatus(ctx, http.StatusRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable) return } if match[2] != "" { _toByte, _ := strconv.ParseInt(match[2], 10, 32) if _toByte >= fromByte && _toByte < toByte { toByte = _toByte } } ctx.Resp.Header().Set("Content-Range", fmt.Sprintf("bytes %d-%d/%d", fromByte, toByte, meta.Size-fromByte)) ctx.Resp.Header().Set("Access-Control-Expose-Headers", "Content-Range") } } contentStore := lfs_module.NewContentStore() content, err := contentStore.Get(meta.Pointer) if err != nil { // Errors are logged in contentStore.Get writeStatus(ctx, http.StatusNotFound) return } defer content.Close() if fromByte > 0 { _, err = content.Seek(fromByte, io.SeekStart) if err != nil { log.Error("Whilst trying to read LFS OID[%s]: Unable to seek to %d Error: %v", meta.Oid, fromByte, err) writeStatus(ctx, http.StatusInternalServerError) return } } contentLength := toByte + 1 - fromByte ctx.Resp.Header().Set("Content-Length", strconv.FormatInt(contentLength, 10)) ctx.Resp.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream") filename := ctx.Params("filename") if len(filename) > 0 { decodedFilename, err := base64.RawURLEncoding.DecodeString(filename) if err == nil { ctx.Resp.Header().Set("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\""+string(decodedFilename)+"\"") ctx.Resp.Header().Set("Access-Control-Expose-Headers", "Content-Disposition") } } ctx.Resp.WriteHeader(statusCode) if written, err := io.CopyN(ctx.Resp, content, contentLength); err != nil { log.Error("Error whilst copying LFS OID[%s] to the response after %d bytes. Error: %v", meta.Oid, written, err) } logRequest(ctx.Req, statusCode) } // getMetaHandler retrieves metadata about the object func getMetaHandler(ctx *context.Context) { rc, p := unpack(ctx) meta, _ := getAuthenticatedRepoAndMeta(ctx, rc, p, false) if meta == nil { // Status already written in getAuthenticatedRepoAndMeta return } ctx.Resp.Header().Set("Content-Type", lfs_module.MediaType) if ctx.Req.Method == "GET" { json := jsoniter.ConfigCompatibleWithStandardLibrary enc := json.NewEncoder(ctx.Resp) if err := enc.Encode(represent(rc, meta.Pointer, true, false)); err != nil { log.Error("Failed to encode representation as json. Error: %v", err) } } logRequest(ctx.Req, 200) } // PostHandler instructs the client how to upload data func PostHandler(ctx *context.Context) { if !setting.LFS.StartServer { log.Debug("Attempt to access LFS server but LFS server is disabled") writeStatus(ctx, 404) return } if !MetaMatcher(ctx.Req) { log.Info("Attempt to POST without accepting the correct media type: %s", lfs_module.MediaType) writeStatus(ctx, 400) return } rc, p := unpack(ctx) repository, err := models.GetRepositoryByOwnerAndName(rc.User, rc.Repo) if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to get repository: %s/%s Error: %v", rc.User, rc.Repo, err) writeStatus(ctx, 404) return } if !authenticate(ctx, repository, rc.Authorization, false, true) { requireAuth(ctx) return } if !isOidValid(p.Oid) { log.Info("Invalid LFS OID[%s] attempt to POST in %s/%s", p.Oid, rc.User, rc.Repo) writeStatus(ctx, 404) return } if setting.LFS.MaxFileSize > 0 && p.Size > setting.LFS.MaxFileSize { log.Info("Denied LFS OID[%s] upload of size %d to %s/%s because of LFS_MAX_FILE_SIZE=%d", p.Oid, p.Size, rc.User, rc.Repo, setting.LFS.MaxFileSize) writeStatus(ctx, 413) return } meta, err := models.NewLFSMetaObject(&models.LFSMetaObject{Pointer: p, RepositoryID: repository.ID}) if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to write LFS OID[%s] size %d meta object in %v/%v to database. Error: %v", p.Oid, p.Size, rc.User, rc.Repo, err) writeStatus(ctx, 404) return } ctx.Resp.Header().Set("Content-Type", lfs_module.MediaType) sentStatus := 202 contentStore := lfs_module.NewContentStore() exist, err := contentStore.Exists(p) if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to check if LFS OID[%s] exist on %s / %s. Error: %v", p.Oid, rc.User, rc.Repo, err) writeStatus(ctx, 500) return } if meta.Existing && exist { sentStatus = 200 } ctx.Resp.WriteHeader(sentStatus) json := jsoniter.ConfigCompatibleWithStandardLibrary enc := json.NewEncoder(ctx.Resp) if err := enc.Encode(represent(rc, meta.Pointer, meta.Existing, true)); err != nil { log.Error("Failed to encode representation as json. Error: %v", err) } logRequest(ctx.Req, sentStatus) } // BatchHandler provides the batch api func BatchHandler(ctx *context.Context) { if !setting.LFS.StartServer { log.Debug("Attempt to access LFS server but LFS server is disabled") writeStatus(ctx, 404) return } if !MetaMatcher(ctx.Req) { log.Info("Attempt to BATCH without accepting the correct media type: %s", lfs_module.MediaType) writeStatus(ctx, 400) return } bv := unpackbatch(ctx) reqCtx := &requestContext{ User: ctx.Params("username"), Repo: strings.TrimSuffix(ctx.Params("reponame"), ".git"), Authorization: ctx.Req.Header.Get("Authorization"), } var responseObjects []*lfs_module.ObjectResponse // Create a response object for _, object := range bv.Objects { if !isOidValid(object.Oid) { log.Info("Invalid LFS OID[%s] attempt to BATCH in %s/%s", object.Oid, reqCtx.User, reqCtx.Repo) continue } repository, err := models.GetRepositoryByOwnerAndName(reqCtx.User, reqCtx.Repo) if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to get repository: %s/%s Error: %v", reqCtx.User, reqCtx.Repo, err) writeStatus(ctx, 404) return } requireWrite := false if bv.Operation == "upload" { requireWrite = true } if !authenticate(ctx, repository, reqCtx.Authorization, false, requireWrite) { requireAuth(ctx) return } contentStore := lfs_module.NewContentStore() meta, err := repository.GetLFSMetaObjectByOid(object.Oid) if err == nil { // Object is found and exists exist, err := contentStore.Exists(meta.Pointer) if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to check if LFS OID[%s] exist on %s / %s. Error: %v", object.Oid, reqCtx.User, reqCtx.Repo, err) writeStatus(ctx, 500) return } if exist { responseObjects = append(responseObjects, represent(reqCtx, meta.Pointer, true, false)) continue } } if requireWrite && setting.LFS.MaxFileSize > 0 && object.Size > setting.LFS.MaxFileSize { log.Info("Denied LFS OID[%s] upload of size %d to %s/%s because of LFS_MAX_FILE_SIZE=%d", object.Oid, object.Size, reqCtx.User, reqCtx.Repo, setting.LFS.MaxFileSize) writeStatus(ctx, 413) return } // Object is not found meta, err = models.NewLFSMetaObject(&models.LFSMetaObject{Pointer: object, RepositoryID: repository.ID}) if err == nil { exist, err := contentStore.Exists(meta.Pointer) if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to check if LFS OID[%s] exist on %s / %s. Error: %v", object.Oid, reqCtx.User, reqCtx.Repo, err) writeStatus(ctx, 500) return } responseObjects = append(responseObjects, represent(reqCtx, meta.Pointer, meta.Existing, !exist)) } else { log.Error("Unable to write LFS OID[%s] size %d meta object in %v/%v to database. Error: %v", object.Oid, object.Size, reqCtx.User, reqCtx.Repo, err) } } ctx.Resp.Header().Set("Content-Type", lfs_module.MediaType) respobj := &lfs_module.BatchResponse{Objects: responseObjects} json := jsoniter.ConfigCompatibleWithStandardLibrary enc := json.NewEncoder(ctx.Resp) if err := enc.Encode(respobj); err != nil { log.Error("Failed to encode representation as json. Error: %v", err) } logRequest(ctx.Req, 200) } // PutHandler receives data from the client and puts it into the content store func PutHandler(ctx *context.Context) { rc, p := unpack(ctx) meta, repository := getAuthenticatedRepoAndMeta(ctx, rc, p, true) if meta == nil { // Status already written in getAuthenticatedRepoAndMeta return } contentStore := lfs_module.NewContentStore() defer ctx.Req.Body.Close() if err := contentStore.Put(meta.Pointer, ctx.Req.Body); err != nil { // Put will log the error itself ctx.Resp.WriteHeader(500) if err == lfs_module.ErrSizeMismatch || err == lfs_module.ErrHashMismatch { fmt.Fprintf(ctx.Resp, `{"message":"%s"}`, err) } else { fmt.Fprintf(ctx.Resp, `{"message":"Internal Server Error"}`) } if _, err = repository.RemoveLFSMetaObjectByOid(p.Oid); err != nil { log.Error("Whilst removing metaobject for LFS OID[%s] due to preceding error there was another Error: %v", p.Oid, err) } return } logRequest(ctx.Req, 200) } // VerifyHandler verify oid and its size from the content store func VerifyHandler(ctx *context.Context) { if !setting.LFS.StartServer { log.Debug("Attempt to access LFS server but LFS server is disabled") writeStatus(ctx, 404) return } if !MetaMatcher(ctx.Req) { log.Info("Attempt to VERIFY without accepting the correct media type: %s", lfs_module.MediaType) writeStatus(ctx, 400) return } rc, p := unpack(ctx) meta, _ := getAuthenticatedRepoAndMeta(ctx, rc, p, true) if meta == nil { // Status already written in getAuthenticatedRepoAndMeta return } contentStore := lfs_module.NewContentStore() ok, err := contentStore.Verify(meta.Pointer) if err != nil { // Error will be logged in Verify ctx.Resp.WriteHeader(500) fmt.Fprintf(ctx.Resp, `{"message":"Internal Server Error"}`) return } if !ok { writeStatus(ctx, 422) return } logRequest(ctx.Req, 200) } // represent takes a requestContext and Meta and turns it into a ObjectResponse suitable // for json encoding func represent(rc *requestContext, pointer lfs_module.Pointer, download, upload bool) *lfs_module.ObjectResponse { rep := &lfs_module.ObjectResponse{ Pointer: pointer, Actions: make(map[string]*lfs_module.Link), } header := make(map[string]string) if rc.Authorization == "" { //https://github.com/github/git-lfs/issues/1088 header["Authorization"] = "Authorization: Basic dummy" } else { header["Authorization"] = rc.Authorization } if download { rep.Actions["download"] = &lfs_module.Link{Href: rc.ObjectLink(pointer.Oid), Header: header} } if upload { rep.Actions["upload"] = &lfs_module.Link{Href: rc.ObjectLink(pointer.Oid), Header: header} } if upload && !download { // Force client side verify action while gitea lacks proper server side verification verifyHeader := make(map[string]string) for k, v := range header { verifyHeader[k] = v } // This is only needed to workaround https://github.com/git-lfs/git-lfs/issues/3662 verifyHeader["Accept"] = lfs_module.MediaType rep.Actions["verify"] = &lfs_module.Link{Href: rc.VerifyLink(), Header: verifyHeader} } return rep } // MetaMatcher provides a mux.MatcherFunc that only allows requests that contain // an Accept header with the lfs_module.MediaType func MetaMatcher(r *http.Request) bool { mediaParts := strings.Split(r.Header.Get("Accept"), ";") mt := mediaParts[0] return mt == lfs_module.MediaType } func unpack(ctx *context.Context) (*requestContext, lfs_module.Pointer) { r := ctx.Req rc := &requestContext{ User: ctx.Params("username"), Repo: strings.TrimSuffix(ctx.Params("reponame"), ".git"), Authorization: r.Header.Get("Authorization"), } p := lfs_module.Pointer{Oid: ctx.Params("oid")} if r.Method == "POST" { // Maybe also check if +json var p2 lfs_module.Pointer bodyReader := r.Body defer bodyReader.Close() json := jsoniter.ConfigCompatibleWithStandardLibrary dec := json.NewDecoder(bodyReader) err := dec.Decode(&p2) if err != nil { // The error is logged as a WARN here because this may represent misbehaviour rather than a true error log.Warn("Unable to decode POST request vars for LFS OID[%s] in %s/%s: Error: %v", p.Oid, rc.User, rc.Repo, err) return rc, p } p.Oid = p2.Oid p.Size = p2.Size } return rc, p } // TODO cheap hack, unify with unpack func unpackbatch(ctx *context.Context) *lfs_module.BatchRequest { r := ctx.Req var bv lfs_module.BatchRequest bodyReader := r.Body defer bodyReader.Close() json := jsoniter.ConfigCompatibleWithStandardLibrary dec := json.NewDecoder(bodyReader) err := dec.Decode(&bv) if err != nil { // The error is logged as a WARN here because this may represent misbehaviour rather than a true error log.Warn("Unable to decode BATCH request vars in %s/%s: Error: %v", ctx.Params("username"), strings.TrimSuffix(ctx.Params("reponame"), ".git"), err) return &bv } return &bv } func writeStatus(ctx *context.Context, status int) { message := http.StatusText(status) mediaParts := strings.Split(ctx.Req.Header.Get("Accept"), ";") mt := mediaParts[0] if strings.HasSuffix(mt, "+json") { message = `{"message":"` + message + `"}` } ctx.Resp.WriteHeader(status) fmt.Fprint(ctx.Resp, message) logRequest(ctx.Req, status) } func logRequest(r *http.Request, status int) { log.Debug("LFS request - Method: %s, URL: %s, Status %d", r.Method, r.URL, status) } // authenticate uses the authorization string to determine whether // or not to proceed. This server assumes an HTTP Basic auth format. func authenticate(ctx *context.Context, repository *models.Repository, authorization string, requireSigned, requireWrite bool) bool { accessMode := models.AccessModeRead if requireWrite { accessMode = models.AccessModeWrite } // ctx.IsSigned is unnecessary here, this will be checked in perm.CanAccess perm, err := models.GetUserRepoPermission(repository, ctx.User) if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to GetUserRepoPermission for user %-v in repo %-v Error: %v", ctx.User, repository) return false } canRead := perm.CanAccess(accessMode, models.UnitTypeCode) if canRead && (!requireSigned || ctx.IsSigned) { return true } user, err := parseToken(authorization, repository, accessMode) if err != nil { // Most of these are Warn level - the true internal server errors are logged in parseToken already log.Warn("Authentication failure for provided token with Error: %v", err) return false } ctx.User = user return true } func handleLFSToken(tokenSHA string, target *models.Repository, mode models.AccessMode) (*models.User, error) { if !strings.Contains(tokenSHA, ".") { return nil, nil } token, err := jwt.ParseWithClaims(tokenSHA, &Claims{}, func(t *jwt.Token) (interface{}, error) { if _, ok := t.Method.(*jwt.SigningMethodHMAC); !ok { return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected signing method: %v", t.Header["alg"]) } return setting.LFS.JWTSecretBytes, nil }) if err != nil { return nil, nil } claims, claimsOk := token.Claims.(*Claims) if !token.Valid || !claimsOk { return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid token claim") } if claims.RepoID != target.ID { return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid token claim") } if mode == models.AccessModeWrite && claims.Op != "upload" { return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid token claim") } u, err := models.GetUserByID(claims.UserID) if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to GetUserById[%d]: Error: %v", claims.UserID, err) return nil, err } return u, nil } func parseToken(authorization string, target *models.Repository, mode models.AccessMode) (*models.User, error) { if authorization == "" { return nil, fmt.Errorf("no token") } parts := strings.SplitN(authorization, " ", 2) if len(parts) != 2 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("no token") } tokenSHA := parts[1] switch strings.ToLower(parts[0]) { case "bearer": fallthrough case "token": return handleLFSToken(tokenSHA, target, mode) } return nil, fmt.Errorf("token not found") } func requireAuth(ctx *context.Context) { ctx.Resp.Header().Set("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=gitea-lfs") writeStatus(ctx, 401) }