/* * This file is part of fabric-loom, licensed under the MIT License (MIT). * * Copyright (c) 2016-2021 FabricMC * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ package net.fabricmc.loom; import java.io.File; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.function.Supplier; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import com.google.gson.JsonObject; import org.cadixdev.lorenz.MappingSet; import org.cadixdev.mercury.Mercury; import org.gradle.api.Action; import org.gradle.api.NamedDomainObjectContainer; import org.gradle.api.Project; import org.gradle.api.artifacts.Dependency; import org.gradle.api.file.ConfigurableFileCollection; import org.gradle.api.plugins.BasePluginConvention; import org.jetbrains.annotations.ApiStatus; import net.fabricmc.loom.api.decompilers.LoomDecompiler; import net.fabricmc.loom.configuration.LoomDependencyManager; import net.fabricmc.loom.configuration.LoomProjectData; import net.fabricmc.loom.configuration.ide.RunConfigSettings; import net.fabricmc.loom.configuration.processors.JarProcessor; import net.fabricmc.loom.configuration.processors.JarProcessorManager; import net.fabricmc.loom.configuration.providers.MinecraftProviderImpl; import net.fabricmc.loom.configuration.providers.minecraft.MinecraftMappedProvider; import net.fabricmc.loom.configuration.providers.mappings.GradleMappingContext; import net.fabricmc.loom.configuration.providers.mappings.LayeredMappingSpec; import net.fabricmc.loom.configuration.providers.mappings.LayeredMappingSpecBuilder; import net.fabricmc.loom.configuration.providers.mappings.LayeredMappingsDependency; import net.fabricmc.loom.configuration.providers.mappings.MappingsProviderImpl; public class LoomGradleExtension { public String refmapName; public String loaderLaunchMethod; public boolean remapMod = true; public String customManifest = null; public File accessWidener = null; public Function intermediaryUrl = mcVer -> "https://maven.fabricmc.net/net/fabricmc/intermediary/" + mcVer + "/intermediary-" + mcVer + "-v2.jar"; public boolean shareCaches = false; private final ConfigurableFileCollection unmappedMods; private final ConfigurableFileCollection log4jConfigs; final List decompilers = new ArrayList<>(); private final List jarProcessors = new ArrayList<>(); // Not to be set in the build.gradle private final Project project; private LoomDependencyManager dependencyManager; private JarProcessorManager jarProcessorManager; private JsonObject installerJson; private MappingSet[] srcMappingCache = new MappingSet[2]; private Mercury[] srcMercuryCache = new Mercury[2]; private Set mixinMappings = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<>()); @ApiStatus.Internal private final LoomProjectData projectData; private NamedDomainObjectContainer runConfigs; /** * Loom will generate a new genSources task (with a new name, based off of {@link LoomDecompiler#name()}) * that uses the specified decompiler instead. */ public void addDecompiler(LoomDecompiler decompiler) { decompilers.add(decompiler); } /** * Add a transformation over the mapped mc jar. * Adding any jar processor will cause mapped mc jars to be stored per-project so that * different transformation can be applied in different projects. * This means remapping will need to be done individually per-project, which is slower when developing * more than one project using the same minecraft version. */ public void addJarProcessor(JarProcessor processor) { jarProcessors.add(processor); } public MappingSet getOrCreateSrcMappingCache(int id, Supplier factory) { return srcMappingCache[id] != null ? srcMappingCache[id] : (srcMappingCache[id] = factory.get()); } public Mercury getOrCreateSrcMercuryCache(int id, Supplier factory) { return srcMercuryCache[id] != null ? srcMercuryCache[id] : (srcMercuryCache[id] = factory.get()); } public Dependency officialMojangMappings() { return layered(LayeredMappingSpecBuilder::officialMojangMappings); } public Dependency layered(Action action) { LayeredMappingSpecBuilder builder = new LayeredMappingSpecBuilder(); action.execute(builder); LayeredMappingSpec builtSpec = builder.build(); return new LayeredMappingsDependency(new GradleMappingContext(project, "layers_" + builtSpec.getVersion().replace("+", "_").replace(".", "_")), builtSpec, builtSpec.getVersion()); } public LoomGradleExtension(Project project) { this.project = project; this.unmappedMods = project.files(); this.runConfigs = project.container(RunConfigSettings.class, baseName -> new RunConfigSettings(project, baseName)); this.log4jConfigs = project.files(getDefaultLog4jConfigFile()); projectData = new LoomProjectData(project); } /** * @see ConfigurableFileCollection#from(Object...) * @deprecated use {@link #getUnmappedModCollection()}{@code .from()} instead */ @Deprecated public void addUnmappedMod(Path file) { getUnmappedModCollection().from(file); } /** * @deprecated use {@link #getUnmappedModCollection()} instead */ @Deprecated public List getUnmappedMods() { return unmappedMods.getFiles().stream() .map(File::toPath) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } public ConfigurableFileCollection getUnmappedModCollection() { return unmappedMods; } public void setInstallerJson(JsonObject object) { this.installerJson = object; } public JsonObject getInstallerJson() { return installerJson; } public void accessWidener(Object file) { this.accessWidener = project.file(file); } public File getUserCache() { File userCache = new File(project.getGradle().getGradleUserHomeDir(), "caches" + File.separator + "fabric-loom"); if (!userCache.exists()) { userCache.mkdirs(); } return userCache; } public File getRootProjectPersistentCache() { File projectCache = new File(project.getRootProject().file(".gradle"), "loom-cache"); if (!projectCache.exists()) { projectCache.mkdirs(); } return projectCache; } public File getProjectPersistentCache() { File projectCache = new File(project.file(".gradle"), "loom-cache"); if (!projectCache.exists()) { projectCache.mkdirs(); } return projectCache; } public File getRootProjectBuildCache() { File projectCache = new File(project.getRootProject().getBuildDir(), "loom-cache"); if (!projectCache.exists()) { projectCache.mkdirs(); } return projectCache; } public File getProjectBuildCache() { File projectCache = new File(project.getBuildDir(), "loom-cache"); if (!projectCache.exists()) { projectCache.mkdirs(); } return projectCache; } public File getRemappedModCache() { File remappedModCache = new File(getRootProjectPersistentCache(), "remapped_mods"); if (!remappedModCache.exists()) { remappedModCache.mkdir(); } return remappedModCache; } public File getNestedModCache() { File nestedModCache = new File(getRootProjectPersistentCache(), "nested_mods"); if (!nestedModCache.exists()) { nestedModCache.mkdir(); } return nestedModCache; } public File getNativesJarStore() { File natives = new File(getUserCache(), "natives/jars"); if (!natives.exists()) { natives.mkdirs(); } return natives; } public File getNativesDirectory() { if (project.hasProperty("fabric.loom.natives.dir")) { return new File((String) project.property("fabric.loom.natives.dir")); } File natives = new File(getUserCache(), "natives/" + getMinecraftProvider().minecraftVersion()); if (!natives.exists()) { natives.mkdirs(); } return natives; } public boolean hasCustomNatives() { return project.getProperties().get("fabric.loom.natives.dir") != null; } public File getDevLauncherConfig() { return new File(getProjectPersistentCache(), "launch.cfg"); } public String getLoaderLaunchMethod() { return loaderLaunchMethod != null ? loaderLaunchMethod : ""; } public LoomDependencyManager getDependencyManager() { return dependencyManager; } public MinecraftProviderImpl getMinecraftProvider() { return getDependencyManager().getProvider(MinecraftProviderImpl.class); } public MinecraftMappedProvider getMinecraftMappedProvider() { return getMappingsProvider().mappedProvider; } public MappingsProviderImpl getMappingsProvider() { return getDependencyManager().getProvider(MappingsProviderImpl.class); } public void setDependencyManager(LoomDependencyManager dependencyManager) { this.dependencyManager = dependencyManager; } public JarProcessorManager getJarProcessorManager() { return jarProcessorManager; } public void setJarProcessorManager(JarProcessorManager jarProcessorManager) { this.jarProcessorManager = jarProcessorManager; } public List getJarProcessors() { return jarProcessors; } public String getRefmapName() { if (refmapName == null || refmapName.isEmpty()) { String defaultRefmapName = project.getConvention().getPlugin(BasePluginConvention.class).getArchivesBaseName() + "-refmap.json"; project.getLogger().info("Could not find refmap definition, will be using default name: " + defaultRefmapName); refmapName = defaultRefmapName; } return refmapName; } public boolean ideSync() { return Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("idea.sync.active", "false")); } // Ideally this should use maven, but this is a lot easier public Function getIntermediaryUrl() { // Done like this to work around this possibly not being a java string... return s -> intermediaryUrl.apply(s).toString(); } public boolean isRootProject() { return project.getRootProject() == project; } public LoomGradleExtension getRootGradleExtension() { if (isRootProject()) { return this; } return project.getRootProject().getExtensions().getByType(LoomGradleExtension.class); } public LoomGradleExtension getSharedGradleExtension() { return isShareCaches() ? getRootGradleExtension() : this; } public boolean isShareCaches() { return shareCaches; } // Creates a new file each time its called, this is then held onto later when remapping the output jar // Required as now when using parallel builds the old single file could be written by another sourceset compile task public synchronized File getNextMixinMappings() { File mixinMapping = new File(getProjectBuildCache(), "mixin-map-" + getMinecraftProvider().minecraftVersion() + "-" + getMappingsProvider().mappingsVersion + "." + mixinMappings.size() + ".tiny"); mixinMappings.add(mixinMapping); return mixinMapping; } public Set getAllMixinMappings() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(mixinMappings); } public List getDecompilers() { return decompilers; } public File getDefaultLog4jConfigFile() { return new File(getProjectPersistentCache(), "log4j.xml"); } public File getUnpickLoggingConfigFile() { return new File(getProjectPersistentCache(), "unpick-logging.properties"); } public ConfigurableFileCollection getLog4jConfigs() { return log4jConfigs; } public void runs(Action> action) { action.execute(runConfigs); } public NamedDomainObjectContainer getRunConfigs() { return runConfigs; } @ApiStatus.Internal public LoomProjectData getProjectData() { return projectData; } }