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plugins {
id 'java'
id 'groovy'
id 'maven'
id 'idea'
id 'eclipse'
2016-08-15 10:22:14 +00:00
sourceCompatibility = 1.8
targetCompatibility = 1.8
2018-05-11 20:57:42 +00:00
group = 'com.openmodloader'
archivesBaseName = project.name
version = '0.0.7-SNAPSHOT'
2016-08-15 10:22:14 +00:00
repositories {
maven {
name = 'fabric'
url = 'http://maven.fabricmc.net/'
2016-08-15 10:22:14 +00:00
2016-08-21 15:11:03 +00:00
maven {
2018-05-11 21:10:17 +00:00
name "Modmuss"
url 'http://maven.modmuss50.me/'
2016-08-21 15:11:03 +00:00
maven {
name = 'Mojang'
url = 'https://libraries.minecraft.net/'
maven {
name = 'SpongePowered'
url = 'http://repo.spongepowered.org/maven'
2016-08-15 10:22:14 +00:00
configurations {
compile.extendsFrom shade
dependencies {
compile gradleApi()
shade 'org.zeroturnaround:zt-zip:1.9'
shade 'org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.21'
shade 'org.slf4j:slf4j-simple:1.7.21'
shade 'com.google.code.gson:gson:2.6.2'
shade 'commons-io:commons-io:1.4'
shade 'com.google.guava:guava:19.0'
shade 'net.fabricmc:weave:0.1.0.+'
shade 'cuchaz:enigma:0.11.0.+:lib'
2016-10-12 09:44:31 +00:00
shade 'net.fabricmc:tiny-remapper:+'
//Always fun when your dep needs the tool to build, but the tool needs the dep.
//compile 'net.fabricmc:fabric-base:16w38a-0.0.4-SNAPSHOT'
2018-05-14 10:22:50 +00:00
shade('org.spongepowered:mixin:0.7.8-SNAPSHOT') {
exclude module: 'launchwrapper'
exclude module: 'guava'
shade 'org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:3.5'
2016-08-15 10:22:14 +00:00
sourceSets {
main.compileClasspath += configurations.shade;
main.runtimeClasspath += configurations.shade;
test.compileClasspath += configurations.shade;
test.runtimeClasspath += configurations.shade;
jar {
from {
configurations.shade.each { dep ->
exclude 'META-INF', 'META-INF/**'
2016-08-15 10:22:14 +00:00
task wrapper(type: Wrapper) {
gradleVersion = '3.1'
2018-05-13 23:01:38 +00:00