3 API Documentation
Erin Nova edited this page 2021-07-25 22:54:14 +00:00

API Docs

These pages document the backend API and useage.

The API functions work via GET and POST requests, which both return JSON info about what happened.

POST Requests are done using json body data, the values of which are different for each endpoint.

The API will return json with the following values:

status: which indicates if the action succeeded or not, and is either ok or fail.

reason: which provides more info about why an action succeeded or failed, which is mostly useful for debugging.

Auth API Documentation

Register & Login:

POST /api/register with JSON body values of: name, pin, pronouns.

Will return JSON with status and reason.

If the username is admin, the user will be considered an admin user.

POST /api/login with JSON body values of: name, pin.

Will return JSON with status and reason.

Will set a private cookie named token which is used for authentication.

Change User Information

User information such as name, pin, and pronouns, can be changed currently one at a time.

POST /api/change with JSON body values of: name, changed_event, new_event.

name the user's current username. used for authentication.

changed_event which event to change. value can be one of: Name, Pin, Pronouns.

new_event the new value for the changed event.

User is authenticated via token.

Check if User is Still Logged in

Instead of having to save the pin and re-login every time to check wether they're logged in, you can just check via the token.

GET /api/token/<name> where <name> is the current username.

Will return JSON with status and reason.


This API will remove the cookie from the client, as well as invalidating the token serverside.

POST /api/logout with JSON body values of: name.

Will use the current token as authentication.

Will return JSON with status and reason.

Get Info About A User

This API will return info about a user on success.

GET /api/users/<name>

On success returns JSON in format:

status: ok
	name: user's name
	pronouns: user's pronouns
	role: the users role, one of either 'Normal', 'Moderator', or 'Admin'


    status: "ok",
    user: {
        name: "example",
        pronouns: "they/them",
        role: "Normal",


POST /api/mod with JSON body of the following values:

name: the acting users name.

action: what action to perform. One of Kick, Ban, Premote, Demote

target: the user to have the command act on.

Returns JSON as usual.