import { setupVideo } from "./video.mjs?v=048af96"; import { setupChat, logEventToChat, updateViewerList, printChatMessage, } from "./chat.mjs?v=048af96"; import ReconnectingWebSocket from "./reconnecting-web-socket.mjs"; /** * @param {string} sessionId * @param {string} nickname * @returns {ReconnectingWebSocket} */ const createWebSocket = (sessionId, nickname, colour) => { const wsUrl = new URL( `/sess/${sessionId}/subscribe` + `?nickname=${encodeURIComponent(nickname)}` + `&colour=${encodeURIComponent(colour)}`, window.location.href ); wsUrl.protocol = "ws" + window.location.protocol.slice(4); const socket = new ReconnectingWebSocket(wsUrl); return socket; }; let outgoingDebounce = false; let outgoingDebounceCallbackId = null; export const setDebounce = () => { outgoingDebounce = true; if (outgoingDebounceCallbackId) { cancelIdleCallback(outgoingDebounceCallbackId); outgoingDebounceCallbackId = null; } outgoingDebounceCallbackId = setTimeout(() => { outgoingDebounce = false; }, 500); }; export const setVideoTime = (time, video = null) => { if (video == null) { video = document.querySelector("video"); } const timeSecs = time / 1000.0; if (Math.abs(video.currentTime - timeSecs) > 0.5) { video.currentTime = timeSecs; } }; export const setPlaying = async (playing, video = null) => { if (video == null) { video = document.querySelector("video"); } if (playing) { await; } else { video.pause(); } }; /** * @param {HTMLVideoElement} video * @param {ReconnectingWebSocket} socket */ const setupIncomingEvents = (video, socket) => { socket.addEventListener("message", async (messageEvent) => { try { const event = JSON.parse(; if (!event.reflected) { switch (event.op) { case "SetPlaying": setDebounce(); if ( { await; } else { video.pause(); } setVideoTime(, video); break; case "SetTime": setDebounce(); setVideoTime(, video); break; case "UpdateViewerList": updateViewerList(; break; } } logEventToChat(event); } catch (_err) {} }); }; /** * @param {HTMLVideoElement} video * @param {ReconnectingWebSocket} socket */ const setupOutgoingEvents = (video, socket) => { const currentVideoTime = () => (video.currentTime * 1000) | 0; video.addEventListener("pause", async (event) => { if (outgoingDebounce || !video.controls) { return; } // don't send a pause event for the video ending if (video.currentTime == video.duration) { return; } socket.send( JSON.stringify({ op: "SetPlaying", data: { playing: false, time: currentVideoTime(), }, }) ); }); video.addEventListener("play", (event) => { if (outgoingDebounce || !video.controls) { return; } socket.send( JSON.stringify({ op: "SetPlaying", data: { playing: true, time: currentVideoTime(), }, }) ); }); let firstSeekComplete = false; video.addEventListener("seeked", async (event) => { if (!firstSeekComplete) { // The first seeked event is performed by the browser when the video is loading firstSeekComplete = true; return; } if (outgoingDebounce || !video.controls) { return; } socket.send( JSON.stringify({ op: "SetTime", data: { to: currentVideoTime(), }, }) ); }); }; let socket = null; let video = null; export const joinNewSession = async (sessionId) => { const messageContent = document.createElement("span"); messageContent.appendChild(document.createTextNode("joining new session ")); messageContent.appendChild(document.createTextNode(sessionId)); printChatMessage("join-session", "watch-party", "#fffff", messageContent); // clean up previous session // TODO: this most likely isnt properly working yet when using the /join command to join a new session if (socket != null) { socket.close(); socket = null; } if (video != null) { video.remove(); video = null; } joinSession(window.nickname, sessionId, sColour); }; /** * @param {string} nickname * @param {string} sessionId * @param {string} colour */ export const joinSession = async (nickname, sessionId, colour) => { // TODO: we are getting to a point with our features where some kind of // state store for the various info that is needed in a lot of places would probably make sense window.nickname = nickname; window.colour = colour; // try { // we are handling errors in the join form. const genericConnectionError = new Error( "There was an issue getting the session information." ); window.location.hash = sessionId; let response, video_url, subtitle_tracks, current_time_ms, is_playing; try { response = await fetch(`/sess/${sessionId}`); } catch (e) { console.error(e); throw genericConnectionError; } if (!response.ok) { let error; try { ({ error } = await response.json()); if (!error) throw new Error(); } catch (e) { console.error(e); throw genericConnectionError; } throw new Error(error); } try { ({ video_url, subtitle_tracks, current_time_ms, is_playing } = await response.json()); } catch (e) { console.error(e); throw genericConnectionError; } socket = createWebSocket(sessionId, nickname, colour); socket.addEventListener("open", async () => { video = await setupVideo( video_url, subtitle_tracks, current_time_ms, is_playing ); // By default, we should disable video controls if the video is already playing. // This solves an issue where Safari users join and seek to 00:00:00 because of // outgoing events. if (current_time_ms != 0) { video.controls = false; } setupOutgoingEvents(video, socket); setupIncomingEvents(video, socket); setupChat(socket); }); socket.addEventListener("reconnecting", (e) => { console.log("Reconnecting..."); }); socket.addEventListener("reconnected", (e) => { console.log("Reconnected."); }); //} catch (e) { // alert(e.message) //} }; /** * @param {string} videoUrl * @param {Array} subtitleTracks */ export const createSession = async (videoUrl, subtitleTracks) => { const { id } = await fetch("/start_session", { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, body: JSON.stringify({ video_url: videoUrl, subtitle_tracks: subtitleTracks, }), }).then((r) => r.json()); window.location = `/?created=true#${id}`; };