import { joinNewSession } from "./watch-session.mjs?v=048af96"; export async function linkify( text, next = async (t) => [document.createTextNode(t)] ) { let last = 0; let nodes = []; let promise = Promise.resolve(); // matching non-urls isn't a problem, we use the browser's url parser to filter them out text.replace( /[^:/?#\s]+:\/\/\S+/g, (match, index) => (promise = promise.then(async () => { if (last <= index) nodes.push(...(await next(text.slice(last, index)))); let url; try { url = new URL(match); if (url.protocol === "javascript:") throw new Error(); } catch (e) { url = null; } if (!url) { nodes.push(...(await next(match))); } else { let s; if ( url.origin == location.origin && url.pathname == "/" && url.hash.length > 1 ) { nodes.push( Object.assign(document.createElement("a"), { textContent: "Join Session", className: "chip join-chip", onclick: () => { joinNewSession(url.hash.substring(1)); }, }) ); } else if ( url.hostname == "" && (s = url.pathname.match(/(\d?\d).?(\d\d)/)) ) { if (s) { const date = new Date(); date.setUTCSeconds(0); date.setUTCMilliseconds(0); date.setUTCHours(s[1]), date.setUTCMinutes(s[2]); nodes.push( Object.assign(document.createElement("a"), { href: url.href, textContent: date.toLocaleString([], { hour: "2-digit", minute: "2-digit", }), className: "chip time-chip", target: "_blank", }) ); } } else { nodes.push( Object.assign(document.createElement("a"), { href: url.href, textContent: url.href, target: "_blank", }) ); } } last = index + match.length; })) ); await promise; if (last < text.length) nodes.push(...(await next(text.slice(last)))); return nodes; } const emojis = {}; export const emojisLoaded = Promise.all([ fetch("/emojis") .then((e) => e.json()) .then((a) => { for (let e of a) { const name = e.slice(0, -4), lower = name.toLowerCase(); emojis[lower[0]] = emojis[lower[0]] || []; emojis[lower[0]].push([name, ":" + name + ":", e.slice(-4), lower]); } }), fetch("/emojis/unicode.json") .then((e) => e.json()) .then((a) => { for (let e of a) { emojis[e[0][0]] = emojis[e[0][0]] || []; emojis[e[0][0]].push([e[0], e[1], null, e[0]]); } }), ]); export async function findEmojis(search) { await emojisLoaded; let groups = [[], []]; if (search.length < 1) { for (let letter of Object.keys(emojis).sort()) for (let emoji of emojis[letter]) { (emoji[1][0] === ":" ? groups[0] : groups[1]).push(emoji); } } else { search = search.toLowerCase(); for (let emoji of emojis[search[0]]) { if (search.length == 1 || emoji[3].startsWith(search)) { (emoji[1][0] === ":" ? groups[0] : groups[1]).push(emoji); } } } return [...groups[0], ...groups[1]]; }