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2021-07-12 20:47:49 +00:00
/* MIT */ const Confetti = (() => { "use strict"; const e = 10; let t, o, n = 75, i = 25, r = 1, s = !1, l = !0, a = [], d = (new Date).getTime(); function p(e) { if (t = document.createElement("canvas"), o = t.getContext("2d"), t.width = 2 * window.innerWidth, t.height = 2 * window.innerHeight, = "fixed", = 0, = 0, = "calc(100%)", = "calc(100%)", = 0, = 0, = 999999999, = "none", document.body.appendChild(t), null != e) { let t = document.getElementById(e); null != t && t.addEventListener("click", e => { !function (e, t) { let o = []; for (let i = 0; i < n; i++)o.push(c(e, t)); a.push({ particles: o }) }(2 * e.clientX, 2 * e.clientY), l && ( = "hidden") }) } window.addEventListener("resize", () => { t.width = 2 * window.innerWidth, t.height = 2 * window.innerHeight }) } function y(e) { return e.pos.y - 2 * e.size.x > 2 * window.innerHeight } function c(e, t) { let o = (16 * Math.random() + 4) * r, n = (4 * Math.random() + 4) * r; return { pos: { x: e - o / 2, y: t - n / 2 }, vel: h(), size: { x: o, y: n }, rotation: 360 * Math.random(), rotation_speed: 10 * (Math.random() - .5), hue: 360 * Math.random(), opacity: 100, lifetime: Math.random() + .25 } } function h() { let e = Math.random() - .5, t = Math.random() - .7, o = Math.sqrt(e * e + t * t); return t /= o, { x: (e /= o) * (Math.random() * i), y: t * (Math.random() * i) } } return p.prototype.setCount = (e => { "number" == typeof e ? n = e : console.error("[ERROR] Confetti.setCount() - Input needs to be of type 'number'") }), p.prototype.setPower = (e => { "number" == typeof e ? i = e : console.error("[ERROR] Confetti.setPower() - Input needs to be of type 'number'") }), p.prototype.setSize = (e => { "number" == typeof e ? r = e : console.error("[ERROR] Confetti.setSize() - Input needs to be of type 'number'") }), p.prototype.setFade = (e => { "boolean" == typeof e ? s = e : console.error("[ERROR] Confetti.setFade() - Input needs to be of type 'boolean'") }), p.prototype.destroyTarget = (e => { "boolean" == typeof e ? l = e : console.error("[ERROR] Confetti.destroyTarget() - Input needs to be of type 'boolean'") }), window.requestAnimationFrame(function t(n) { let i = (n - d) / 1e3; d = n; for (let t = a.length - 1; t >= 0; t--) { let o = a[t]; for (let t = o.particles.length - 1; t >= 0; t--) { let n = o.particles[t]; n.vel.y += e * (n.size.y / (10 * r)) * i, n.vel.x += 25 * (Math.random() - .5) * i, n.vel.x *= .98, n.vel.y *= .98, n.pos.x += n.vel.x, n.pos.y += n.vel.y, n.rotation += n.rotation_speed, s && (n.opacity -= n.lifetime), y(n) && o.particles.splice(t, 1) } 0 == o.particles.length && a.splice(t, 1) } !function () { o.clearRect(0, 0, 2 * window.innerWidth, 2 * window.innerHeight); for (const d of a) for (const a of d.particles) e = a.pos.x, t = a.pos.y, n = a.size.x, i = a.size.y, r = a.rotation, s = a.hue, l = a.opacity,, o.beginPath(), o.translate(e + n / 2, t + i / 2), o.rotate(r * Math.PI / 180), o.rect(-n / 2, -i / 2, n, i), o.fillStyle = `hsla(275deg, ${s}%, ${s / 3.6}%, ${l}%)`, o.fill(), o.restore(); var e, t, n, i, r, s, l }(), window.requestAnimationFrame(t) }), p })();
const c = new Confetti("purple");