import type { MastodonStatus, MastodonStatusContext } from './status'; // Oh jeez export function reorderAndFilterPleromaReplies( status: MastodonStatus, context: MastodonStatusContext ): MastodonStatusContext { const findInOrig = (id: string): MastodonStatus | undefined => context.ancestors.find((status) => === id) || context.descendants.find((status) => === id); const newContext: MastodonStatusContext = { ancestors: [], descendants: [] }; let currParent: MastodonStatus | undefined = status; while (currParent != null) { let replyingTo = currParent.in_reply_to_id; if (replyingTo != null) { currParent = findInOrig(replyingTo); if (currParent != null) { newContext.ancestors.unshift(currParent); } } else { currParent = undefined; } } const replyTree = new Map(); for (const descendant of context.descendants) { if (descendant.in_reply_to_id == null) { continue; } if (!replyTree.has(descendant.in_reply_to_id)) { replyTree.set(descendant.in_reply_to_id, []); } replyTree.get(descendant.in_reply_to_id)?.push(descendant); } let queue = [status]; newContext.descendants.push(status); let potentialParent: MastodonStatus | undefined; while ((potentialParent = queue.shift()) != null) { const replies = replyTree.get(; if (replies) { for (const reply of replies.reverse()) { const parentIndex = newContext.descendants.indexOf(potentialParent); newContext.descendants.splice(parentIndex + 1, 0, reply); } for (const reply of replies) { queue.push(reply); } } } newContext.descendants.shift(); return newContext; }