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// Copyright 2020 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
use std::{
convert::{TryFrom, TryInto},
use matrix_sdk_common::{
events::{room::encrypted::EncryptedEventContent, AnySyncRoomEvent, SyncMessageEvent},
identifiers::{DeviceKeyAlgorithm, EventEncryptionAlgorithm, RoomId},
use olm_rs::{
errors::OlmGroupSessionError, inbound_group_session::OlmInboundGroupSession, PicklingMode,
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use serde_json::Value;
pub use olm_rs::{
session::{OlmMessage, PreKeyMessage},
use super::{ExportedGroupSessionKey, ExportedRoomKey, GroupSessionKey};
use crate::error::{EventError, MegolmResult};
// TODO add creation times to the inbound grop sessions so we can export
// sessions that were created between some time period, this should only be set
// for non-imported sessoins.
/// Inbound group session.
/// Inbound group sessions are used to exchange room messages between a group of
/// participants. Inbound group sessions are used to decrypt the room messages.
pub struct InboundGroupSession {
inner: Arc<Mutex<OlmInboundGroupSession>>,
session_id: Arc<String>,
pub(crate) sender_key: Arc<String>,
pub(crate) signing_key: Arc<BTreeMap<DeviceKeyAlgorithm, String>>,
pub(crate) room_id: Arc<RoomId>,
forwarding_chains: Arc<Mutex<Option<Vec<String>>>>,
imported: Arc<bool>,
impl InboundGroupSession {
/// Create a new inbound group session for the given room.
/// These sessions are used to decrypt room messages.
/// # Arguments
/// * `sender_key` - The public curve25519 key of the account that
/// sent us the session
/// * `signing_key` - The public ed25519 key of the account that
/// sent us the session.
/// * `room_id` - The id of the room that the session is used in.
/// * `session_key` - The private session key that is used to decrypt
/// messages.
pub(crate) fn new(
sender_key: &str,
signing_key: &str,
room_id: &RoomId,
session_key: GroupSessionKey,
) -> Result<Self, OlmGroupSessionError> {
let session = OlmInboundGroupSession::new(&session_key.0)?;
let session_id = session.session_id();
let mut keys: BTreeMap<DeviceKeyAlgorithm, String> = BTreeMap::new();
keys.insert(DeviceKeyAlgorithm::Ed25519, signing_key.to_owned());
Ok(InboundGroupSession {
inner: Arc::new(Mutex::new(session)),
session_id: Arc::new(session_id),
sender_key: Arc::new(sender_key.to_owned()),
signing_key: Arc::new(keys),
room_id: Arc::new(room_id.clone()),
forwarding_chains: Arc::new(Mutex::new(None)),
imported: Arc::new(false),
/// Create a InboundGroupSession from an exported version of the group
/// session.
/// Most notably this can be called with an `ExportedRoomKey` from a
/// previous [`export()`] call.
/// [`export()`]: #method.export
pub fn from_export(
exported_session: impl Into<ExportedRoomKey>,
) -> Result<Self, OlmGroupSessionError> {
/// Store the group session as a base64 encoded string.
/// # Arguments
/// * `pickle_mode` - The mode that was used to pickle the group session,
/// either an unencrypted mode or an encrypted using passphrase.
pub async fn pickle(&self, pickle_mode: PicklingMode) -> PickledInboundGroupSession {
let pickle = self.inner.lock().await.pickle(pickle_mode);
PickledInboundGroupSession {
pickle: InboundGroupSessionPickle::from(pickle),
sender_key: self.sender_key.to_string(),
signing_key: (&*self.signing_key).clone(),
room_id: (&*self.room_id).clone(),
forwarding_chains: self.forwarding_chains.lock().await.clone(),
imported: *self.imported,
/// Export this session at the first known message index.
/// If only a limited part of this session should be exported use
/// [`export_at_index()`](#method.export_at_index).
pub async fn export(&self) -> ExportedRoomKey {
.expect("Can't export at the first known index")
/// Export this session at the given message index.
pub async fn export_at_index(&self, message_index: u32) -> Option<ExportedRoomKey> {
let session_key =
Some(ExportedRoomKey {
algorithm: EventEncryptionAlgorithm::MegolmV1AesSha2,
room_id: (&*self.room_id).clone(),
sender_key: (&*self.sender_key).to_owned(),
session_id: self.session_id().to_owned(),
forwarding_curve25519_key_chain: self
sender_claimed_keys: (&*self.signing_key).clone(),
/// Restore a Session from a previously pickled string.
/// Returns the restored group session or a `OlmGroupSessionError` if there
/// was an error.
/// # Arguments
/// * `pickle` - The pickled version of the `InboundGroupSession`.
/// * `pickle_mode` - The mode that was used to pickle the session, either
/// an unencrypted mode or an encrypted using passphrase.
pub fn from_pickle(
pickle: PickledInboundGroupSession,
pickle_mode: PicklingMode,
) -> Result<Self, OlmGroupSessionError> {
let session = OlmInboundGroupSession::unpickle(pickle.pickle.0, pickle_mode)?;
let session_id = session.session_id();
Ok(InboundGroupSession {
inner: Arc::new(Mutex::new(session)),
session_id: Arc::new(session_id),
sender_key: Arc::new(pickle.sender_key),
signing_key: Arc::new(pickle.signing_key),
room_id: Arc::new(pickle.room_id),
forwarding_chains: Arc::new(Mutex::new(pickle.forwarding_chains)),
imported: Arc::new(pickle.imported),
/// The room where this session is used in.
pub fn room_id(&self) -> &RoomId {
/// Returns the unique identifier for this session.
pub fn session_id(&self) -> &str {
/// Get the first message index we know how to decrypt.
pub async fn first_known_index(&self) -> u32 {
/// Decrypt the given ciphertext.
/// Returns the decrypted plaintext or an `OlmGroupSessionError` if
/// decryption failed.
/// # Arguments
/// * `message` - The message that should be decrypted.
pub(crate) async fn decrypt_helper(
message: String,
) -> Result<(String, u32), OlmGroupSessionError> {
/// Decrypt an event from a room timeline.
/// # Arguments
/// * `event` - The event that should be decrypted.
pub(crate) async fn decrypt(
event: &SyncMessageEvent<EncryptedEventContent>,
) -> MegolmResult<(Raw<AnySyncRoomEvent>, u32)> {
let content = match &event.content {
EncryptedEventContent::MegolmV1AesSha2(c) => c,
_ => return Err(EventError::UnsupportedAlgorithm.into()),
let (plaintext, message_index) = self.decrypt_helper(content.ciphertext.clone()).await?;
let mut decrypted_value = serde_json::from_str::<Value>(&plaintext)?;
let decrypted_object = decrypted_value
// TODO better number conversion here.
let server_ts = event
let server_ts: i64 = server_ts.try_into().unwrap_or_default();
decrypted_object.insert("sender".to_owned(), event.sender.to_string().into());
decrypted_object.insert("event_id".to_owned(), event.event_id.to_string().into());
decrypted_object.insert("origin_server_ts".to_owned(), server_ts.into());
impl fmt::Debug for InboundGroupSession {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
.field("session_id", &self.session_id())
impl PartialEq for InboundGroupSession {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.session_id() == other.session_id()
/// A pickled version of an `InboundGroupSession`.
/// Holds all the information that needs to be stored in a database to restore
/// an InboundGroupSession.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct PickledInboundGroupSession {
/// The pickle string holding the InboundGroupSession.
pub pickle: InboundGroupSessionPickle,
/// The public curve25519 key of the account that sent us the session
pub sender_key: String,
/// The public ed25519 key of the account that sent us the session.
pub signing_key: BTreeMap<DeviceKeyAlgorithm, String>,
/// The id of the room that the session is used in.
pub room_id: RoomId,
/// The list of claimed ed25519 that forwarded us this key. Will be None if
/// we dirrectly received this session.
pub forwarding_chains: Option<Vec<String>>,
/// Flag remembering if the session was dirrectly sent to us by the sender
/// or if it was imported.
pub imported: bool,
/// The typed representation of a base64 encoded string of the GroupSession pickle.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct InboundGroupSessionPickle(String);
impl From<String> for InboundGroupSessionPickle {
fn from(pickle_string: String) -> Self {
impl InboundGroupSessionPickle {
/// Get the string representation of the pickle.
pub fn as_str(&self) -> &str {
impl TryFrom<ExportedRoomKey> for InboundGroupSession {
type Error = OlmGroupSessionError;
fn try_from(key: ExportedRoomKey) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
let session = OlmInboundGroupSession::import(&key.session_key.0)?;
let forwarding_chains = if key.forwarding_curve25519_key_chain.is_empty() {
} else {
Ok(InboundGroupSession {
inner: Arc::new(Mutex::new(session)),
session_id: Arc::new(key.session_id),
sender_key: Arc::new(key.sender_key),
signing_key: Arc::new(key.sender_claimed_keys),
room_id: Arc::new(key.room_id),
forwarding_chains: Arc::new(Mutex::new(forwarding_chains)),
imported: Arc::new(true),