3139 lines
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3139 lines
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// Copyright 2020 Damir Jelić
// Copyright 2020 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#[cfg(feature = "encryption")]
use std::{collections::BTreeMap, io::Write, path::PathBuf};
use std::{
fmt::{self, Debug},
result::Result as StdResult,
#[cfg(feature = "encryption")]
use dashmap::DashMap;
use futures::StreamExt;
use futures_timer::Delay as sleep;
use http::HeaderValue;
use mime::{self, Mime};
use reqwest::header::InvalidHeaderValue;
use url::Url;
#[cfg(feature = "encryption")]
use zeroize::Zeroizing;
#[cfg(feature = "encryption")]
use tracing::{debug, warn};
use tracing::{error, info, instrument};
use matrix_sdk_base::{
responses::SyncResponse, BaseClient, BaseClientConfig, EventEmitter, InvitedRoom, JoinedRoom,
LeftRoom, Session, Store,
#[cfg(feature = "encryption")]
use matrix_sdk_base::crypto::{
decrypt_key_export, encrypt_key_export, olm::InboundGroupSession, store::CryptoStoreError,
AttachmentEncryptor, OutgoingRequests, RoomMessageRequest, ToDeviceRequest,
/// Enum controlling if a loop running callbacks should continue or abort.
/// This is mainly used in the [`sync_with_callback`] method, the return value
/// of the provided callback controls if the sync loop should be exited.
/// [`sync_with_callback`]: #method.sync_with_callback
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum LoopCtrl {
/// Continue running the loop.
/// Break out of the loop.
use matrix_sdk_common::{
device::{delete_devices, get_devices},
directory::{get_public_rooms, get_public_rooms_filtered},
filter::{create_filter::Request as FilterUploadRequest, FilterDefinition},
ban_user, forget_room,
get_member_events::{self, Response as MembersResponse},
invite_user::{self, InvitationRecipient},
join_room_by_id, join_room_by_id_or_alias, kick_user, leave_room, Invite3pid,
message::{get_message_events, send_message_event},
profile::{get_avatar_url, get_display_name, set_avatar_url, set_display_name},
Request as TypingRequest, Response as TypingResponse, Typing,
AudioMessageEventContent, FileMessageEventContent, ImageMessageEventContent,
MessageEventContent, VideoMessageEventContent,
identifiers::{DeviceIdBox, EventId, RoomId, RoomIdOrAliasId, ServerName, UserId},
instant::{Duration, Instant},
#[cfg(feature = "encryption")]
use matrix_sdk_common::{
keys::{get_keys, upload_keys, upload_signing_keys::Request as UploadSigningKeysRequest},
Request as RumaToDeviceRequest, Response as ToDeviceResponse,
use crate::{
http_client::{client_with_config, HttpClient, HttpSend},
Error, OutgoingRequest, Result,
#[cfg(feature = "encryption")]
use crate::{
device::{Device, UserDevices},
const DEFAULT_SYNC_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(30);
/// An async/await enabled Matrix client.
/// All of the state is held in an `Arc` so the `Client` can be cloned freely.
pub struct Client {
/// The URL of the homeserver to connect to.
homeserver: Arc<Url>,
/// The underlying HTTP client.
http_client: HttpClient,
/// User session data.
pub(crate) base_client: BaseClient,
/// Locks making sure we only have one group session sharing request in
/// flight per room.
#[cfg(feature = "encryption")]
group_session_locks: DashMap<RoomId, Arc<Mutex<()>>>,
#[cfg(feature = "encryption")]
/// Lock making sure we're only doing one key claim request at a time.
key_claim_lock: Arc<Mutex<()>>,
impl Debug for Client {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> StdResult<(), fmt::Error> {
write!(fmt, "Client {{ homeserver: {} }}", self.homeserver)
/// Configuration for the creation of the `Client`.
/// When setting the `StateStore` it is up to the user to open/connect
/// the storage backend before client creation.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use matrix_sdk::ClientConfig;
/// // To pass all the request through mitmproxy set the proxy and disable SSL
/// // verification
/// let client_config = ClientConfig::new()
/// .proxy("http://localhost:8080")
/// .unwrap()
/// .disable_ssl_verification();
/// ```
pub struct ClientConfig {
#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
pub(crate) proxy: Option<reqwest::Proxy>,
pub(crate) user_agent: Option<HeaderValue>,
pub(crate) disable_ssl_verification: bool,
pub(crate) base_config: BaseClientConfig,
pub(crate) timeout: Option<Duration>,
pub(crate) client: Option<Arc<dyn HttpSend>>,
impl Debug for ClientConfig {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let mut res = fmt.debug_struct("ClientConfig");
#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
let res = res.field("proxy", &self.proxy);
res.field("user_agent", &self.user_agent)
.field("disable_ssl_verification", &self.disable_ssl_verification)
impl ClientConfig {
/// Create a new default `ClientConfig`.
pub fn new() -> Self {
/// Set the proxy through which all the HTTP requests should go.
/// Note, only HTTP proxies are supported.
/// # Arguments
/// * `proxy` - The HTTP URL of the proxy.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use matrix_sdk::ClientConfig;
/// let client_config = ClientConfig::new()
/// .proxy("http://localhost:8080")
/// .unwrap();
/// ```
#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
pub fn proxy(mut self, proxy: &str) -> Result<Self> {
self.proxy = Some(reqwest::Proxy::all(proxy)?);
/// Disable SSL verification for the HTTP requests.
pub fn disable_ssl_verification(mut self) -> Self {
self.disable_ssl_verification = true;
/// Set a custom HTTP user agent for the client.
pub fn user_agent(mut self, user_agent: &str) -> StdResult<Self, InvalidHeaderValue> {
self.user_agent = Some(HeaderValue::from_str(user_agent)?);
///// Set a custom implementation of a `StateStore`.
///// The state store should be opened before being set.
//pub fn state_store(mut self, store: Box<dyn StateStore>) -> Self {
// self.base_config = self.base_config.state_store(store);
// self
/// Set the path for storage.
/// # Arguments
/// * `path` - The path where the stores should save data in. It is the
/// callers responsibility to make sure that the path exists.
/// In the default configuration the client will open default
/// implementations for the crypto store and the state store. It will use
/// the given path to open the stores. If no path is provided no store will
/// be opened
pub fn store_path(mut self, path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Self {
self.base_config = self.base_config.store_path(path);
/// Set the passphrase to encrypt the crypto store.
/// # Argument
/// * `passphrase` - The passphrase that will be used to encrypt the data in
/// the cryptostore.
/// This is only used if no custom cryptostore is set.
pub fn passphrase(mut self, passphrase: String) -> Self {
self.base_config = self.base_config.passphrase(passphrase);
/// Set a timeout duration for all HTTP requests. The default is no timeout.
pub fn timeout(mut self, timeout: Duration) -> Self {
self.timeout = Some(timeout);
/// Specify a client to handle sending requests and receiving responses.
/// Any type that implements the `HttpSend` trait can be used to send/receive
/// `http` types.
pub fn client(mut self, client: Arc<dyn HttpSend>) -> Self {
self.client = Some(client);
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
/// Settings for a sync call.
pub struct SyncSettings<'a> {
pub(crate) filter: Option<sync_events::Filter<'a>>,
pub(crate) timeout: Option<Duration>,
pub(crate) token: Option<String>,
pub(crate) full_state: bool,
impl<'a> SyncSettings<'a> {
/// Create new default sync settings.
pub fn new() -> Self {
/// Set the sync token.
/// # Arguments
/// * `token` - The sync token that should be used for the sync call.
pub fn token(mut self, token: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
self.token = Some(token.into());
/// Set the maximum time the server can wait, in milliseconds, before
/// responding to the sync request.
/// # Arguments
/// * `timeout` - The time the server is allowed to wait.
pub fn timeout(mut self, timeout: Duration) -> Self {
self.timeout = Some(timeout);
/// Set the sync filter.
/// It can be either the filter ID, or the definition for the filter.
/// # Arguments
/// * `filter` - The filter configuration that should be used for the sync call.
pub fn filter(mut self, filter: sync_events::Filter<'a>) -> Self {
self.filter = Some(filter);
/// Should the server return the full state from the start of the timeline.
/// This does nothing if no sync token is set.
/// # Arguments
/// * `full_state` - A boolean deciding if the server should return the full
/// state or not.
pub fn full_state(mut self, full_state: bool) -> Self {
self.full_state = full_state;
impl Client {
/// Creates a new client for making HTTP requests to the given homeserver.
/// # Arguments
/// * `homeserver_url` - The homeserver that the client should connect to.
pub fn new(homeserver_url: impl TryInto<Url>) -> Result<Self> {
let config = ClientConfig::new();
Client::new_with_config(homeserver_url, config)
/// Create a new client with the given configuration.
/// # Arguments
/// * `homeserver_url` - The homeserver that the client should connect to.
/// * `config` - Configuration for the client.
pub fn new_with_config(
homeserver_url: impl TryInto<Url>,
config: ClientConfig,
) -> Result<Self> {
let homeserver = if let Ok(u) = homeserver_url.try_into() {
} else {
panic!("Error parsing homeserver url")
let client = if let Some(client) = config.client {
} else {
let base_client = BaseClient::new_with_config(config.base_config)?;
let session = base_client.session().clone();
let http_client = HttpClient {
homeserver: homeserver.clone(),
inner: client,
Ok(Self {
#[cfg(feature = "encryption")]
group_session_locks: DashMap::new(),
#[cfg(feature = "encryption")]
key_claim_lock: Arc::new(Mutex::new(())),
/// Is the client logged in.
pub async fn logged_in(&self) -> bool {
/// The Homeserver of the client.
pub fn homeserver(&self) -> &Url {
/// Get the user id of the current owner of the client.
pub async fn user_id(&self) -> Option<UserId> {
let session = self.base_client.session().read().await;
session.as_ref().cloned().map(|s| s.user_id)
/// Fetches the display name of the owner of the client.
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// # use futures::executor::block_on;
/// # use matrix_sdk::Client;
/// # use url::Url;
/// # let homeserver = Url::parse("http://example.com").unwrap();
/// # block_on(async {
/// let user = "example";
/// let client = Client::new(homeserver).unwrap();
/// client.login(user, "password", None, None).await.unwrap();
/// if let Some(name) = client.display_name().await.unwrap() {
/// println!("Logged in as user '{}' with display name '{}'", user, name);
/// }
/// # })
/// ```
pub async fn display_name(&self) -> Result<Option<String>> {
let user_id = self.user_id().await.ok_or(Error::AuthenticationRequired)?;
let request = get_display_name::Request::new(&user_id);
let response = self.send(request).await?;
/// Sets the display name of the owner of the client.
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// # use futures::executor::block_on;
/// # use matrix_sdk::Client;
/// # use url::Url;
/// # let homeserver = Url::parse("http://example.com").unwrap();
/// # block_on(async {
/// let user = "example";
/// let client = Client::new(homeserver).unwrap();
/// client.login(user, "password", None, None).await.unwrap();
/// client.set_display_name(Some("Alice")).await.expect("Failed setting display name");
/// # })
/// ```
pub async fn set_display_name(&self, name: Option<&str>) -> Result<()> {
let user_id = self.user_id().await.ok_or(Error::AuthenticationRequired)?;
let request = set_display_name::Request::new(&user_id, name);
/// Gets the mxc avatar url of the owner of the client, if set.
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// # use futures::executor::block_on;
/// # use matrix_sdk::Client;
/// # use url::Url;
/// # let homeserver = Url::parse("http://example.com").unwrap();
/// # block_on(async {
/// # let user = "example";
/// let client = Client::new(homeserver).unwrap();
/// client.login(user, "password", None, None).await.unwrap();
/// if let Some(url) = client.avatar_url().await.unwrap() {
/// println!("Your avatar's mxc url is {}", url);
/// }
/// # })
/// ```
pub async fn avatar_url(&self) -> Result<Option<String>> {
let user_id = self.user_id().await.ok_or(Error::AuthenticationRequired)?;
let request = get_avatar_url::Request::new(&user_id);
let response = self.send(request).await?;
/// Get a reference to the store.
pub fn store(&self) -> &Store {
/// Sets the mxc avatar url of the client's owner. The avatar gets unset if `url` is `None`.
pub async fn set_avatar_url(&self, url: Option<&str>) -> Result<()> {
let user_id = self.user_id().await.ok_or(Error::AuthenticationRequired)?;
let request = set_avatar_url::Request::new(&user_id, url);
/// Upload and set the owning client's avatar.
/// The will upload the data produced by the reader to the homeserver's content repository, and
/// set the user's avatar to the mxc url for the uploaded file.
/// This is a convenience method for calling [`upload()`](#method.upload), followed by
/// [`set_avatar_url()`](#method.set_avatar_url).
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// # use std::{path::Path, fs::File, io::Read};
/// # use futures::executor::block_on;
/// # use matrix_sdk::Client;
/// # use url::Url;
/// # block_on(async {
/// # let homeserver = Url::parse("http://locahost:8080").unwrap();
/// # let client = Client::new(homeserver).unwrap();
/// let path = Path::new("/home/example/selfie.jpg");
/// let mut image = File::open(&path).unwrap();
/// client.upload_avatar(&mime::IMAGE_JPEG, &mut image).await.expect("Can't set avatar");
/// # })
/// ```
pub async fn upload_avatar<R: Read>(&self, content_type: &Mime, reader: &mut R) -> Result<()> {
let upload_response = self.upload(content_type, reader).await?;
/// Add `EventEmitter` to `Client`.
/// The methods of `EventEmitter` are called when the respective `RoomEvents` occur.
pub async fn add_event_emitter(&self, emitter: Box<dyn EventEmitter>) {
/// Returns the joined rooms this client knows about.
pub fn joined_rooms(&self) -> Vec<JoinedRoom> {
.filter_map(|r| r.joined())
/// Returns the invited rooms this client knows about.
pub fn invited_rooms(&self) -> Vec<InvitedRoom> {
.filter_map(|r| r.invited())
/// Returns the left rooms this client knows about.
pub fn left_rooms(&self) -> Vec<LeftRoom> {
.filter_map(|r| r.left())
/// Get a joined room with the given room id.
/// # Arguments
/// `room_id` - The unique id of the room that should be fetched.
pub fn get_joined_room(&self, room_id: &RoomId) -> Option<JoinedRoom> {
/// Get an invited room with the given room id.
/// # Arguments
/// `room_id` - The unique id of the room that should be fetched.
pub fn get_invited_room(&self, room_id: &RoomId) -> Option<InvitedRoom> {
/// Get a left room with the given room id.
/// # Arguments
/// `room_id` - The unique id of the room that should be fetched.
pub fn get_left_room(&self, room_id: &RoomId) -> Option<LeftRoom> {
/// Login to the server.
/// This can be used for the first login as well as for subsequent logins,
/// note that if the device id isn't provided a new device will be created.
/// If this isn't the first login a device id should be provided to restore
/// the correct stores.
/// Alternatively the [`restore_login`] method can be used to restore a
/// logged in client without the password.
/// # Arguments
/// * `user` - The user that should be logged in to the homeserver.
/// * `password` - The password of the user.
/// * `device_id` - A unique id that will be associated with this session. If
/// not given the homeserver will create one. Can be an existing
/// device_id from a previous login call. Note that this should be done
/// only if the client also holds the encryption keys for this device.
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// # use std::convert::TryFrom;
/// # use matrix_sdk::Client;
/// # use matrix_sdk::identifiers::DeviceId;
/// # use matrix_sdk_common::assign;
/// # use futures::executor::block_on;
/// # use url::Url;
/// # let homeserver = Url::parse("http://example.com").unwrap();
/// # block_on(async {
/// let client = Client::new(homeserver).unwrap();
/// let user = "example";
/// let response = client
/// .login(user, "wordpass", None, Some("My bot")).await
/// .unwrap();
/// println!("Logged in as {}, got device_id {} and access_token {}",
/// user, response.device_id, response.access_token);
/// # })
/// ```
/// [`restore_login`]: #method.restore_login
pub async fn login(
user: &str,
password: &str,
device_id: Option<&str>,
initial_device_display_name: Option<&str>,
) -> Result<login::Response> {
info!("Logging in to {} as {:?}", self.homeserver, user);
let request = assign!(
login::LoginInfo::Password { password },
), {
device_id: device_id.map(|d| d.into()),
let response = self.send(request).await?;
/// Restore a previously logged in session.
/// This can be used to restore the client to a logged in state, loading all
/// the stored state and encryption keys.
/// Alternatively, if the whole session isn't stored the [`login`] method
/// can be used with a device id.
/// # Arguments
/// * `session` - A session that the user already has from a
/// previous login call.
/// [`login`]: #method.login
pub async fn restore_login(&self, session: Session) -> Result<()> {
/// Register a user to the server.
/// # Arguments
/// * `registration` - The easiest way to create this request is using the `register::Request`
/// itself.
/// # Examples
/// ```no_run
/// # use std::convert::TryFrom;
/// # use matrix_sdk::Client;
/// # use matrix_sdk::api::r0::account::register::{Request as RegistrationRequest, RegistrationKind};
/// # use matrix_sdk::api::r0::uiaa::AuthData;
/// # use matrix_sdk::identifiers::DeviceId;
/// # use matrix_sdk_common::assign;
/// # use futures::executor::block_on;
/// # use url::Url;
/// # let homeserver = Url::parse("http://example.com").unwrap();
/// # block_on(async {
/// let request = assign!(RegistrationRequest::new(), {
/// username: Some("user"),
/// password: Some("password"),
/// auth: Some(AuthData::FallbackAcknowledgement { session: "foobar" }),
/// });
/// let client = Client::new(homeserver).unwrap();
/// client.register(request).await;
/// # })
/// ```
pub async fn register(
registration: impl Into<register::Request<'_>>,
) -> Result<register::Response> {
info!("Registering to {}", self.homeserver);
let request = registration.into();
/// Get or upload a sync filter.
pub async fn get_or_upload_filter(
filter_name: &str,
definition: FilterDefinition<'_>,
) -> Result<String> {
if let Some(filter) = self.base_client.get_filter(filter_name).await {
} else {
let user_id = self.user_id().await.ok_or(Error::AuthenticationRequired)?;
let request = FilterUploadRequest::new(&user_id, definition);
let response = self.send(request).await?;
.receive_filter_upload(filter_name, &response)
/// Join a room by `RoomId`.
/// Returns a `join_room_by_id::Response` consisting of the
/// joined rooms `RoomId`.
/// # Arguments
/// * `room_id` - The `RoomId` of the room to be joined.
pub async fn join_room_by_id(&self, room_id: &RoomId) -> Result<join_room_by_id::Response> {
let request = join_room_by_id::Request::new(room_id);
/// Join a room by `RoomId`.
/// Returns a `join_room_by_id_or_alias::Response` consisting of the
/// joined rooms `RoomId`.
/// # Arguments
/// * `alias` - The `RoomId` or `RoomAliasId` of the room to be joined.
/// An alias looks like `#name:example.com`.
pub async fn join_room_by_id_or_alias(
alias: &RoomIdOrAliasId,
server_names: &[Box<ServerName>],
) -> Result<join_room_by_id_or_alias::Response> {
let request = assign!(join_room_by_id_or_alias::Request::new(alias), {
server_name: server_names,
/// Forget a room by `RoomId`.
/// Returns a `forget_room::Response`, an empty response.
/// # Arguments
/// * `room_id` - The `RoomId` of the room to be forget.
pub async fn forget_room_by_id(&self, room_id: &RoomId) -> Result<forget_room::Response> {
let request = forget_room::Request::new(room_id);
/// Ban a user from a room by `RoomId` and `UserId`.
/// Returns a `ban_user::Response`, an empty response.
/// # Arguments
/// * `room_id` - The `RoomId` of the room to ban the user from.
/// * `user_id` - The user to ban by `UserId`.
/// * `reason` - The reason for banning this user.
pub async fn ban_user(
room_id: &RoomId,
user_id: &UserId,
reason: Option<&str>,
) -> Result<ban_user::Response> {
let request = assign!(ban_user::Request::new(room_id, user_id), { reason });
/// Kick a user out of the specified room.
/// Returns a `kick_user::Response`, an empty response.
/// # Arguments
/// * `room_id` - The `RoomId` of the room the user should be kicked out of.
/// * `user_id` - The `UserId` of the user that should be kicked out of the room.
/// * `reason` - Optional reason why the room member is being kicked out.
pub async fn kick_user(
room_id: &RoomId,
user_id: &UserId,
reason: Option<&str>,
) -> Result<kick_user::Response> {
let request = assign!(kick_user::Request::new(room_id, user_id), { reason });
/// Leave the specified room.
/// Returns a `leave_room::Response`, an empty response.
/// # Arguments
/// * `room_id` - The `RoomId` of the room to leave.
pub async fn leave_room(&self, room_id: &RoomId) -> Result<leave_room::Response> {
let request = leave_room::Request::new(room_id);
/// Invite the specified user by `UserId` to the given room.
/// Returns a `invite_user::Response`, an empty response.
/// # Arguments
/// * `room_id` - The `RoomId` of the room to invite the specified user to.
/// * `user_id` - The `UserId` of the user to invite to the room.
pub async fn invite_user_by_id(
room_id: &RoomId,
user_id: &UserId,
) -> Result<invite_user::Response> {
let recipient = InvitationRecipient::UserId { user_id };
let request = invite_user::Request::new(room_id, recipient);
/// Invite the specified user by third party id to the given room.
/// Returns a `invite_user::Response`, an empty response.
/// # Arguments
/// * `room_id` - The `RoomId` of the room to invite the specified user to.
/// * `invite_id` - A third party id of a user to invite to the room.
pub async fn invite_user_by_3pid(
room_id: &RoomId,
invite_id: Invite3pid<'_>,
) -> Result<invite_user::Response> {
let recipient = InvitationRecipient::ThirdPartyId(invite_id);
let request = invite_user::Request::new(room_id, recipient);
/// Search the homeserver's directory of public rooms.
/// Sends a request to "_matrix/client/r0/publicRooms", returns
/// a `get_public_rooms::Response`.
/// # Arguments
/// * `limit` - The number of `PublicRoomsChunk`s in each response.
/// * `since` - Pagination token from a previous request.
/// * `server` - The name of the server, if `None` the requested server is used.
/// # Examples
/// ```no_run
/// use matrix_sdk::Client;
/// # use std::convert::TryInto;
/// # use url::Url;
/// # let homeserver = Url::parse("http://example.com").unwrap();
/// # let limit = Some(10);
/// # let since = Some("since token");
/// # let server = Some("servername.com".try_into().unwrap());
/// let mut client = Client::new(homeserver).unwrap();
/// # use futures::executor::block_on;
/// # block_on(async {
/// client.public_rooms(limit, since, server).await;
/// # });
/// ```
pub async fn public_rooms(
limit: Option<u32>,
since: Option<&str>,
server: Option<&ServerName>,
) -> Result<get_public_rooms::Response> {
let limit = limit.map(UInt::from);
let request = assign!(get_public_rooms::Request::new(), {
/// Search the homeserver's directory of public rooms with a filter.
/// Sends a request to "_matrix/client/r0/publicRooms", returns
/// a `get_public_rooms_filtered::Response`.
/// # Arguments
/// * `room_search` - The easiest way to create this request is using the
/// `get_public_rooms_filtered::Request` itself.
/// # Examples
/// ```no_run
/// # use std::convert::TryFrom;
/// # use matrix_sdk::Client;
/// # use matrix_sdk::directory::{Filter, RoomNetwork};
/// # use matrix_sdk::api::r0::directory::get_public_rooms_filtered::Request as PublicRoomsFilterRequest;
/// # use matrix_sdk_common::assign;
/// # use url::Url;
/// # use futures::executor::block_on;
/// # let homeserver = Url::parse("http://example.com").unwrap();
/// # block_on(async {
/// let mut client = Client::new(homeserver).unwrap();
/// let generic_search_term = Some("matrix-rust-sdk");
/// let filter = assign!(Filter::new(), { generic_search_term });
/// let request = assign!(PublicRoomsFilterRequest::new(), { filter });
/// client.public_rooms_filtered(request).await;
/// # })
/// ```
pub async fn public_rooms_filtered(
room_search: impl Into<get_public_rooms_filtered::Request<'_>>,
) -> Result<get_public_rooms_filtered::Response> {
let request = room_search.into();
/// Create a room using the `RoomBuilder` and send the request.
/// Sends a request to `/_matrix/client/r0/createRoom`, returns a `create_room::Response`,
/// this is an empty response.
/// # Arguments
/// * `room` - The easiest way to create this request is using the
/// `create_room::Request` itself.
/// # Examples
/// ```no_run
/// use matrix_sdk::Client;
/// # use matrix_sdk::api::r0::room::{create_room::Request as CreateRoomRequest, Visibility};
/// # use url::Url;
/// # let homeserver = Url::parse("http://example.com").unwrap();
/// let request = CreateRoomRequest::new();
/// let client = Client::new(homeserver).unwrap();
/// # use futures::executor::block_on;
/// # block_on(async {
/// assert!(client.create_room(request).await.is_ok());
/// # });
/// ```
pub async fn create_room(
room: impl Into<create_room::Request<'_>>,
) -> Result<create_room::Response> {
let request = room.into();
/// Sends a request to `/_matrix/client/r0/rooms/{room_id}/messages` and returns
/// a `get_message_events::Response` that contains a chunk of room and state events
/// (`AnyRoomEvent` and `AnyStateEvent`).
/// # Arguments
/// * `request` - The easiest way to create this request is using the
/// `get_message_events::Request` itself.
/// # Examples
/// ```no_run
/// # use std::convert::TryFrom;
/// use matrix_sdk::Client;
/// # use matrix_sdk::identifiers::room_id;
/// # use matrix_sdk::api::r0::filter::RoomEventFilter;
/// # use matrix_sdk::api::r0::message::get_message_events::Request as MessagesRequest;
/// # use url::Url;
/// # use matrix_sdk::js_int::UInt;
/// # let homeserver = Url::parse("http://example.com").unwrap();
/// let room_id = room_id!("!roomid:example.com");
/// let request = MessagesRequest::backward(&room_id, "t47429-4392820_219380_26003_2265");
/// let mut client = Client::new(homeserver).unwrap();
/// # use futures::executor::block_on;
/// # block_on(async {
/// assert!(client.room_messages(request).await.is_ok());
/// # });
/// ```
pub async fn room_messages(
request: impl Into<get_message_events::Request<'_>>,
) -> Result<get_message_events::Response> {
let req = request.into();
/// Send a request to notify the room of a user typing.
/// Returns a `create_typing_event::Response`, an empty response.
/// # Arguments
/// * `room_id` - The `RoomId` the user is typing in.
/// * `typing` - Whether the user is typing, and how long.
/// # Examples
/// ```no_run
/// # use std::time::Duration;
/// # use matrix_sdk::{
/// # Client, SyncSettings,
/// # api::r0::typing::create_typing_event::Typing,
/// # identifiers::room_id,
/// # };
/// # use futures::executor::block_on;
/// # use url::Url;
/// # block_on(async {
/// # let homeserver = Url::parse("http://localhost:8080").unwrap();
/// # let mut client = Client::new(homeserver).unwrap();
/// # let room_id = room_id!("!test:localhost");
/// let response = client
/// .typing_notice(&room_id, Typing::Yes(Duration::from_secs(4)))
/// .await
/// .expect("Can't get devices from server");
/// # });
/// ```
pub async fn typing_notice(
room_id: &RoomId,
typing: impl Into<Typing>,
) -> Result<TypingResponse> {
let user_id = self.user_id().await.ok_or(Error::AuthenticationRequired)?;
let request = TypingRequest::new(&user_id, room_id, typing.into());
/// Send a request to notify the room the user has read specific event.
/// Returns a `create_receipt::Response`, an empty response.
/// # Arguments
/// * `room_id` - The `RoomId` the user is currently in.
/// * `event_id` - The `EventId` specifies the event to set the read receipt on.
pub async fn read_receipt(
room_id: &RoomId,
event_id: &EventId,
) -> Result<create_receipt::Response> {
let request =
create_receipt::Request::new(room_id, create_receipt::ReceiptType::Read, event_id);
/// Send a request to notify the room user has read up to specific event.
/// Returns a `set_read_marker::Response`, an empty response.
/// # Arguments
/// * room_id - The `RoomId` the user is currently in.
/// * fully_read - The `EventId` of the event the user has read to.
/// * read_receipt - An `EventId` to specify the event to set the read receipt on.
pub async fn read_marker(
room_id: &RoomId,
fully_read: &EventId,
read_receipt: Option<&EventId>,
) -> Result<set_read_marker::Response> {
let request = assign!(set_read_marker::Request::new(room_id, fully_read), {
/// Share a group session for the given room.
/// This will create Olm sessions with all the users/device pairs in the
/// room if necessary and share a group session with them.
/// Does nothing if no group session needs to be shared.
#[cfg(feature = "encryption")]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "docs", doc(cfg(encryption)))]
async fn preshare_group_session(&self, room_id: &RoomId) -> Result<()> {
// TODO expose this publicly so people can pre-share a group session if
// e.g. a user starts to type a message for a room.
if self.base_client.should_share_group_session(room_id).await {
if let Some(mutex) = self.group_session_locks.get(room_id).map(|m| m.clone()) {
// If a group session share request is already going on,
// await the release of the lock.
} else {
// Otherwise create a new lock and share the group
// session.
let mutex = Arc::new(Mutex::new(()));
.insert(room_id.clone(), mutex.clone());
let _guard = mutex.lock().await;
let room = self.get_joined_room(room_id).unwrap();
let members = room.joined_user_ids().await;
// TODO don't collect here.
let members_iter: Vec<UserId> = members.collect().await;
self.claim_one_time_keys(&mut members_iter.iter()).await?;
let response = self.share_group_session(room_id).await;
// If one of the responses failed invalidate the group
// session as using it would end up in undecryptable
// messages.
if let Err(r) = response {
return Err(r);
pub(crate) async fn room_send_helper(
request: &RoomMessageRequest,
) -> Result<send_message_event::Response> {
let content = request.content.clone();
let txn_id = request.txn_id;
let room_id = &request.room_id;
self.room_send(&room_id, content, Some(txn_id)).await
/// Send a room message to the homeserver.
/// Returns the parsed response from the server.
/// If the encryption feature is enabled this method will transparently
/// encrypt the room message if the given room is encrypted.
/// # Arguments
/// * `room_id` - The id of the room that should receive the message.
/// * `content` - The content of the message event.
/// * `txn_id` - A unique `Uuid` that can be attached to a `MessageEvent`
/// held in its unsigned field as `transaction_id`. If not given one is
/// created for the message.
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// # use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock};
/// # use matrix_sdk::{Client, SyncSettings};
/// # use url::Url;
/// # use futures::executor::block_on;
/// # use matrix_sdk::identifiers::room_id;
/// # use std::convert::TryFrom;
/// use matrix_sdk::events::{
/// AnyMessageEventContent,
/// room::message::{MessageEventContent, TextMessageEventContent},
/// };
/// # block_on(async {
/// # let homeserver = Url::parse("http://localhost:8080").unwrap();
/// # let mut client = Client::new(homeserver).unwrap();
/// # let room_id = room_id!("!test:localhost");
/// use matrix_sdk_common::uuid::Uuid;
/// let content = AnyMessageEventContent::RoomMessage(
/// MessageEventContent::Text(TextMessageEventContent::plain("Hello world"))
/// );
/// let txn_id = Uuid::new_v4();
/// client.room_send(&room_id, content, Some(txn_id)).await.unwrap();
/// # })
/// ```
pub async fn room_send(
room_id: &RoomId,
content: impl Into<AnyMessageEventContent>,
txn_id: Option<Uuid>,
) -> Result<send_message_event::Response> {
#[cfg(not(feature = "encryption"))]
let content: AnyMessageEventContent = content.into();
#[cfg(feature = "encryption")]
let content = if self.is_room_encrypted(room_id).await {
if !self.are_members_synced(room_id).await {
// TODO query keys here?
AnyMessageEventContent::RoomEncrypted(self.base_client.encrypt(room_id, content).await?)
} else {
let txn_id = txn_id.unwrap_or_else(Uuid::new_v4).to_string();
let request = send_message_event::Request::new(&room_id, &txn_id, &content);
let response = self.send(request).await?;
/// Check if the given room is encrypted.
/// Returns true if a room with the given id was found and the room is
/// encrypted, false if the room wasn't found or isn't encrypted.
async fn is_room_encrypted(&self, room_id: &RoomId) -> bool {
.map(|r| r.is_encrypted())
async fn are_members_synced(&self, room_id: &RoomId) -> bool {
.map(|r| r.are_members_synced())
/// Send an attachment to a room.
/// This will upload the given data that the reader produces using the
/// [`upload()`](#method.upload) method and post an event to the given room.
/// If the room is encrypted and the encryption feature is enabled the
/// upload will be encrypted.
/// This is a convenience method that calls the [`upload()`](#method.upload)
/// and afterwards the [`room_send()`](#method.room_send).
/// # Arguments
/// * `room_id` - The id of the room that should receive the media event.
/// * `body` - A textual representation of the media that is going to be
/// uploaded. Usually the file name.
/// * `content_type` - The type of the media, this will be used as the
/// content-type header.
/// * `reader` - A `Reader` that will be used to fetch the raw bytes of the
/// media.
/// * `txn_id` - A unique `Uuid` that can be attached to a `MessageEvent`
/// held in its unsigned field as `transaction_id`. If not given one is
/// created for the message.
/// # Examples
/// ```no_run
/// # use std::{path::PathBuf, fs::File, io::Read};
/// # use matrix_sdk::{Client, identifiers::room_id};
/// # use url::Url;
/// # use mime;
/// # use futures::executor::block_on;
/// # block_on(async {
/// # let homeserver = Url::parse("http://localhost:8080").unwrap();
/// # let mut client = Client::new(homeserver).unwrap();
/// # let room_id = room_id!("!test:localhost");
/// let path = PathBuf::from("/home/example/my-cat.jpg");
/// let mut image = File::open(path).unwrap();
/// let response = client
/// .room_send_attachment(&room_id, "My favorite cat", &mime::IMAGE_JPEG, &mut image, None)
/// .await
/// .expect("Can't upload my cat.");
/// # });
/// ```
pub async fn room_send_attachment<R: Read>(
room_id: &RoomId,
body: &str,
content_type: &Mime,
mut reader: &mut R,
txn_id: Option<Uuid>,
) -> Result<send_message_event::Response> {
let (response, encrypted_file) = if self.is_room_encrypted(room_id).await {
#[cfg(feature = "encryption")]
let mut reader = AttachmentEncryptor::new(reader);
#[cfg(feature = "encryption")]
let content_type = mime::APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM;
let response = self.upload(&content_type, &mut reader).await?;
#[cfg(feature = "encryption")]
let keys = {
let keys = reader.finish();
Some(Box::new(EncryptedFile {
url: response.content_uri.clone(),
key: keys.web_key,
iv: keys.iv,
hashes: keys.hashes,
v: keys.version,
#[cfg(not(feature = "encryption"))]
let keys: Option<Box<EncryptedFile>> = None;
(response, keys)
} else {
let response = self.upload(&content_type, &mut reader).await?;
(response, None)
let url = response.content_uri;
let content = match content_type.type_() {
mime::IMAGE => {
// TODO create a thumbnail using the image crate?.
MessageEventContent::Image(ImageMessageEventContent {
body: body.to_owned(),
info: None,
url: Some(url),
file: encrypted_file,
mime::AUDIO => MessageEventContent::Audio(AudioMessageEventContent {
body: body.to_owned(),
info: None,
url: Some(url),
file: encrypted_file,
mime::VIDEO => MessageEventContent::Video(VideoMessageEventContent {
body: body.to_owned(),
info: None,
url: Some(url),
file: encrypted_file,
_ => MessageEventContent::File(FileMessageEventContent {
filename: None,
body: body.to_owned(),
info: None,
url: Some(url),
file: encrypted_file,
/// Upload some media to the server.
/// # Arguments
/// * `content_type` - The type of the media, this will be used as the
/// content-type header.
/// * `reader` - A `Reader` that will be used to fetch the raw bytes of the
/// media.
/// # Examples
/// ```no_run
/// # use std::{path::PathBuf, fs::File, io::Read};
/// # use matrix_sdk::{Client, identifiers::room_id};
/// # use url::Url;
/// # use futures::executor::block_on;
/// # use mime;
/// # block_on(async {
/// # let homeserver = Url::parse("http://localhost:8080").unwrap();
/// # let mut client = Client::new(homeserver).unwrap();
/// let path = PathBuf::from("/home/example/my-cat.jpg");
/// let mut image = File::open(path).unwrap();
/// let response = client
/// .upload(&mime::IMAGE_JPEG, &mut image)
/// .await
/// .expect("Can't upload my cat.");
/// println!("Cat URI: {}", response.content_uri);
/// # });
/// ```
pub async fn upload(
content_type: &Mime,
reader: &mut impl Read,
) -> Result<create_content::Response> {
let mut data = Vec::new();
reader.read_to_end(&mut data)?;
let request = assign!(create_content::Request::new(data), {
content_type: Some(content_type.essence_str()),
/// Send an arbitrary request to the server, without updating client state.
/// **Warning:** Because this method *does not* update the client state, it is
/// important to make sure than you account for this yourself, and use wrapper methods
/// where available. This method should *only* be used if a wrapper method for the
/// endpoint you'd like to use is not available.
/// # Arguments
/// * `request` - A filled out and valid request for the endpoint to be hit
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// # use matrix_sdk::{Client, SyncSettings};
/// # use futures::executor::block_on;
/// # use url::Url;
/// # use std::convert::TryFrom;
/// # block_on(async {
/// # let homeserver = Url::parse("http://localhost:8080").unwrap();
/// # let mut client = Client::new(homeserver).unwrap();
/// use matrix_sdk::api::r0::profile;
/// use matrix_sdk::identifiers::user_id;
/// // First construct the request you want to make
/// // See https://docs.rs/ruma-client-api/latest/ruma_client_api/index.html
/// // for all available Endpoints
/// let user_id = user_id!("@example:localhost");
/// let request = profile::get_profile::Request::new(&user_id);
/// // Start the request using Client::send()
/// let response = client.send(request).await.unwrap();
/// // Check the corresponding Response struct to find out what types are
/// // returned
/// # })
/// ```
pub async fn send<Request>(&self, request: Request) -> Result<Request::IncomingResponse>
Request: OutgoingRequest + Debug,
Error: From<FromHttpResponseError<Request::EndpointError>>,
#[cfg(feature = "encryption")]
pub(crate) async fn send_to_device(
request: &ToDeviceRequest,
) -> Result<ToDeviceResponse> {
let txn_id_string = request.txn_id_string();
let request = RumaToDeviceRequest::new(
/// Get information of all our own devices.
/// # Examples
/// ```no_run
/// # use matrix_sdk::{Client, SyncSettings};
/// # use futures::executor::block_on;
/// # use url::Url;
/// # use std::convert::TryFrom;
/// # block_on(async {
/// # let homeserver = Url::parse("http://localhost:8080").unwrap();
/// # let mut client = Client::new(homeserver).unwrap();
/// let response = client.devices().await.expect("Can't get devices from server");
/// for device in response.devices {
/// println!(
/// "Device: {} {}",
/// device.device_id,
/// device.display_name.as_deref().unwrap_or("")
/// );
/// }
/// # });
/// ```
pub async fn devices(&self) -> Result<get_devices::Response> {
let request = get_devices::Request::new();
/// Delete the given devices from the server.
/// # Arguments
/// * `devices` - The list of devices that should be deleted from the
/// server.
/// * `auth_data` - This request requires user interactive auth, the first
/// request needs to set this to `None` and will always fail with an
/// `UiaaResponse`. The response will contain information for the
/// interactive auth and the same request needs to be made but this time
/// with some `auth_data` provided.
/// ```no_run
/// # use matrix_sdk::{
/// # api::r0::uiaa::{UiaaResponse, AuthData},
/// # Client, SyncSettings, Error, FromHttpResponseError, ServerError,
/// # };
/// # use futures::executor::block_on;
/// # use serde_json::json;
/// # use url::Url;
/// # use std::{collections::BTreeMap, convert::TryFrom};
/// # block_on(async {
/// # let homeserver = Url::parse("http://localhost:8080").unwrap();
/// # let mut client = Client::new(homeserver).unwrap();
/// let devices = &["DEVICEID".into()];
/// if let Err(e) = client.delete_devices(devices, None).await {
/// if let Some(info) = e.uiaa_response() {
/// let mut auth_parameters = BTreeMap::new();
/// let identifier = json!({
/// "type": "m.id.user",
/// "user": "example",
/// });
/// auth_parameters.insert("identifier".to_owned(), identifier);
/// auth_parameters.insert("password".to_owned(), "wordpass".into());
/// // This is needed because of https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/issues/5665
/// auth_parameters.insert("user".to_owned(), "@example:localhost".into());
/// let auth_data = AuthData::DirectRequest {
/// kind: "m.login.password",
/// auth_parameters,
/// session: info.session.as_deref(),
/// };
/// client
/// .delete_devices(devices, Some(auth_data))
/// .await
/// .expect("Can't delete devices");
/// }
/// }
/// # });
pub async fn delete_devices(
devices: &[DeviceIdBox],
auth_data: Option<AuthData<'_>>,
) -> Result<delete_devices::Response> {
let mut request = delete_devices::Request::new(devices);
request.auth = auth_data;
/// Get the room members for the given room.
pub async fn room_members(&self, room_id: &RoomId) -> Result<MembersResponse> {
let request = get_member_events::Request::new(room_id);
let response = self.send(request).await?;
self.base_client.receive_members(room_id, &response).await?;
/// Synchronize the client's state with the latest state on the server.
/// **Note**: You should not use this method to repeatedly sync if encryption
/// support is enabled, the [`sync`] method will make additional
/// requests between syncs that are needed for E2E encryption to work.
/// # Arguments
/// * `sync_settings` - Settings for the sync call.
/// [`sync`]: #method.sync
pub async fn sync_once(&self, sync_settings: SyncSettings<'_>) -> Result<SyncResponse> {
let request = assign!(sync_events::Request::new(), {
filter: sync_settings.filter.as_ref(),
since: sync_settings.token.as_deref(),
full_state: sync_settings.full_state,
set_presence: &PresenceState::Online,
timeout: sync_settings.timeout,
let response = self.send(request).await?;
/// Repeatedly call sync to synchronize the client state with the server.
/// This method will never return, if cancellation is needed the method
/// should be wrapped in a cancelable task or the [`sync_with_callback`]
/// method can be used.
/// # Arguments
/// * `sync_settings` - Settings for the sync call. Note that those settings
/// will be only used for the first sync call.
/// [`sync_with_callback`]: #method.sync_with_callback
pub async fn sync(&self, sync_settings: SyncSettings<'_>) {
self.sync_with_callback(sync_settings, |_| async { LoopCtrl::Continue })
/// Repeatedly call sync to synchronize the client state with the server.
/// # Arguments
/// * `sync_settings` - Settings for the sync call. Note that those settings
/// will be only used for the first sync call.
/// * `callback` - A callback that will be called every time a successful
/// response has been fetched from the server. The callback must return
/// a boolean which signalizes if the method should stop syncing. If the
/// callback returns `LoopCtrl::Continue` the sync will continue, if the
/// callback returns `LoopCtrl::Break` the sync will be stopped.
/// # Examples
/// The following example demonstrates how to sync forever while sending all
/// the interesting events through a mpsc channel to another thread e.g. a
/// UI thread.
/// ```compile_fail,E0658
/// # use matrix_sdk::events::{
/// # room::message::{MessageEvent, MessageEventContent, TextMessageEventContent},
/// # };
/// # use matrix_sdk::Room;
/// # use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock};
/// # use std::time::Duration;
/// # use matrix_sdk::{Client, SyncSettings, LoopCtrl};
/// # use url::Url;
/// # use futures::executor::block_on;
/// # block_on(async {
/// # let homeserver = Url::parse("http://localhost:8080").unwrap();
/// # let mut client = Client::new(homeserver).unwrap();
/// use async_std::sync::channel;
/// let (tx, rx) = channel(100);
/// let sync_channel = &tx;
/// let sync_settings = SyncSettings::new()
/// .timeout(Duration::from_secs(30));
/// client
/// .sync_with_callback(sync_settings, async move |response| {
/// let channel = sync_channel;
/// for (room_id, room) in response.rooms.join {
/// for event in room.timeline.events {
/// if let Ok(e) = event.deserialize() {
/// channel.send(e).await;
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// LoopCtrl::Continue
/// })
/// .await;
/// })
/// ```
pub async fn sync_with_callback<C>(
mut sync_settings: SyncSettings<'_>,
callback: impl Fn(SyncResponse) -> C,
) where
C: Future<Output = LoopCtrl>,
let mut last_sync_time: Option<Instant> = None;
if sync_settings.token.is_none() {
sync_settings.token = self.sync_token().await;
loop {
let filter = sync_settings.filter.clone();
let response = self.sync_once(sync_settings.clone()).await;
let response = match response {
Ok(r) => r,
Err(e) => {
error!("Received an invalid response: {}", e);
#[cfg(feature = "encryption")]
if let Err(e) = self.claim_one_time_keys(&mut [].iter()).await {
warn!("Error while claiming one-time keys {:?}", e);
for r in self.base_client.outgoing_requests().await {
match r.request() {
OutgoingRequests::KeysQuery(request) => {
if let Err(e) = self
.keys_query(r.request_id(), request.device_keys.clone())
warn!("Error while querying device keys {:?}", e);
OutgoingRequests::KeysUpload(request) => {
if let Err(e) = self.keys_upload(&r.request_id(), request).await {
warn!("Error while querying device keys {:?}", e);
OutgoingRequests::ToDeviceRequest(request) => {
// TODO remove this unwrap
if let Ok(resp) = self.send_to_device(&request).await {
.mark_request_as_sent(&r.request_id(), &resp)
OutgoingRequests::SignatureUpload(request) => {
// TODO remove this unwrap.
if let Ok(resp) = self.send(request.clone()).await {
.mark_request_as_sent(&r.request_id(), &resp)
OutgoingRequests::RoomMessage(request) => {
if let Ok(resp) = self.room_send_helper(request).await {
.mark_request_as_sent(&r.request_id(), &resp)
if callback(response).await == LoopCtrl::Break {
let now = Instant::now();
// If the last sync happened less than a second ago, sleep for a
// while to not hammer out requests if the server doesn't respect
// the sync timeout.
if let Some(t) = last_sync_time {
if now - t <= Duration::from_secs(1) {
last_sync_time = Some(now);
sync_settings = SyncSettings::new().timeout(DEFAULT_SYNC_TIMEOUT).token(
.expect("No sync token found after initial sync"),
if let Some(f) = filter {
sync_settings = sync_settings.filter(f);
/// Claim one-time keys creating new Olm sessions.
/// # Arguments
/// * `users` - The list of user/device pairs that we should claim keys for.
#[cfg(feature = "encryption")]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "docs", doc(cfg(encryption)))]
async fn claim_one_time_keys(&self, users: &mut impl Iterator<Item = &UserId>) -> Result<()> {
let _lock = self.key_claim_lock.lock().await;
if let Some((request_id, request)) = self.base_client.get_missing_sessions(users).await? {
let response = self.send(request).await?;
.mark_request_as_sent(&request_id, &response)
/// Share a group session for a room.
/// # Arguments
/// * `room_id` - The ID of the room for which we want to share a group
/// session.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if the client isn't logged in.
#[cfg(feature = "encryption")]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "docs", doc(cfg(encryption)))]
async fn share_group_session(&self, room_id: &RoomId) -> Result<()> {
let mut requests = self
.expect("Keys don't need to be uploaded");
for request in requests.drain(..) {
let response = self.send_to_device(&request).await?;
.mark_request_as_sent(&request.txn_id, &response)
/// Upload the E2E encryption keys.
/// This uploads the long lived device keys as well as the required amount
/// of one-time keys.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if the client isn't logged in, or if no encryption keys need to
/// be uploaded.
#[cfg(feature = "encryption")]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "docs", doc(cfg(encryption)))]
async fn keys_upload(
request_id: &Uuid,
request: &upload_keys::Request,
) -> Result<upload_keys::Response> {
"Uploading encryption keys device keys: {}, one-time-keys: {}",
request.one_time_keys.as_ref().map_or(0, |k| k.len())
let response = self.send(request.clone()).await?;
.mark_request_as_sent(request_id, &response)
/// Get the current, if any, sync token of the client.
/// This will be None if the client didn't sync at least once.
pub async fn sync_token(&self) -> Option<String> {
/// Query the server for users device keys.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if no key query needs to be done.
#[cfg(feature = "encryption")]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "docs", doc(cfg(encryption)))]
async fn keys_query(
request_id: &Uuid,
device_keys: BTreeMap<UserId, Vec<DeviceIdBox>>,
) -> Result<get_keys::Response> {
let request = assign!(get_keys::Request::new(), { device_keys });
let response = self.send(request).await?;
.mark_request_as_sent(request_id, &response)
/// Get a `Sas` verification object with the given flow id.
#[cfg(feature = "encryption")]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "docs", doc(cfg(encryption)))]
pub async fn get_verification(&self, flow_id: &str) -> Option<Sas> {
.map(|sas| Sas {
inner: sas,
client: self.clone(),
/// Get a `VerificationRequest` object with the given flow id.
#[cfg(feature = "encryption")]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "docs", doc(cfg(encryption)))]
pub async fn get_verification_request(&self, flow_id: &EventId) -> Option<VerificationRequest> {
let olm = self.base_client.olm_machine().await?;
.map(|r| VerificationRequest {
inner: r,
client: self.clone(),
/// Get a specific device of a user.
/// # Arguments
/// * `user_id` - The unique id of the user that the device belongs to.
/// * `device_id` - The unique id of the device.
/// Returns a `Device` if one is found and the crypto store didn't throw an
/// error.
/// This will always return None if the client hasn't been logged in.
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// # use std::convert::TryFrom;
/// # use matrix_sdk::{Client, identifiers::UserId};
/// # use url::Url;
/// # use futures::executor::block_on;
/// # let alice = UserId::try_from("@alice:example.org").unwrap();
/// # let homeserver = Url::parse("http://example.com").unwrap();
/// # let client = Client::new(homeserver).unwrap();
/// # block_on(async {
/// let device = client.get_device(&alice, "DEVICEID".into())
/// .await
/// .unwrap()
/// .unwrap();
/// println!("{:?}", device.is_trusted());
/// let verification = device.start_verification().await.unwrap();
/// # });
/// ```
#[cfg(feature = "encryption")]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "docs", doc(cfg(encryption)))]
pub async fn get_device(
user_id: &UserId,
device_id: &DeviceId,
) -> StdResult<Option<Device>, CryptoStoreError> {
let device = self.base_client.get_device(user_id, device_id).await?;
Ok(device.map(|d| Device {
inner: d,
client: self.clone(),
/// Create and upload a new cross signing identity.
/// # Arguments
/// * `auth_data` - This request requires user interactive auth, the first
/// request needs to set this to `None` and will always fail with an
/// `UiaaResponse`. The response will contain information for the
/// interactive auth and the same request needs to be made but this time
/// with some `auth_data` provided.
/// # Examples
/// ```no_run
/// # use std::{convert::TryFrom, collections::BTreeMap};
/// # use matrix_sdk::{Client, identifiers::UserId};
/// # use matrix_sdk::api::r0::uiaa::AuthData;
/// # use url::Url;
/// # use futures::executor::block_on;
/// # use serde_json::json;
/// # let user_id = UserId::try_from("@alice:example.org").unwrap();
/// # let homeserver = Url::parse("http://example.com").unwrap();
/// # let client = Client::new(homeserver).unwrap();
/// # block_on(async {
/// fn auth_data<'a>(user: &UserId, password: &str, session: Option<&'a str>) -> AuthData<'a> {
/// let mut auth_parameters = BTreeMap::new();
/// let identifier = json!({
/// "type": "m.id.user",
/// "user": user,
/// });
/// auth_parameters.insert("identifier".to_owned(), identifier);
/// auth_parameters.insert("password".to_owned(), password.to_owned().into());
/// // This is needed because of https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/issues/5665
/// auth_parameters.insert("user".to_owned(), user.as_str().into());
/// AuthData::DirectRequest {
/// kind: "m.login.password",
/// auth_parameters,
/// session,
/// }
/// }
/// if let Err(e) = client.bootstrap_cross_signing(None).await {
/// if let Some(response) = e.uiaa_response() {
/// let auth_data = auth_data(&user_id, "wordpass", response.session.as_deref());
/// client
/// .bootstrap_cross_signing(Some(auth_data))
/// .await
/// .expect("Couldn't bootstrap cross signing")
/// } else {
/// panic!("Error durign cross signing bootstrap {:#?}", e);
/// }
/// }
/// # })
#[cfg(feature = "encryption")]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "docs", doc(cfg(encryption)))]
pub async fn bootstrap_cross_signing(&self, auth_data: Option<AuthData<'_>>) -> Result<()> {
let olm = self
let (request, signature_request) = olm.bootstrap_cross_signing(false).await?;
let request = assign!(UploadSigningKeysRequest::new(), {
auth: auth_data,
master_key: request.master_key,
self_signing_key: request.self_signing_key,
user_signing_key: request.user_signing_key,
/// Get a map holding all the devices of an user.
/// This will always return an empty map if the client hasn't been logged
/// in.
/// # Arguments
/// * `user_id` - The unique id of the user that the devices belong to.
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// # use std::convert::TryFrom;
/// # use matrix_sdk::{Client, identifiers::UserId};
/// # use url::Url;
/// # use futures::executor::block_on;
/// # let alice = UserId::try_from("@alice:example.org").unwrap();
/// # let homeserver = Url::parse("http://example.com").unwrap();
/// # let client = Client::new(homeserver).unwrap();
/// # block_on(async {
/// let devices = client.get_user_devices(&alice).await.unwrap();
/// for device in devices.devices() {
/// println!("{:?}", device);
/// }
/// # });
/// ```
#[cfg(feature = "encryption")]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "docs", doc(cfg(encryption)))]
pub async fn get_user_devices(
user_id: &UserId,
) -> StdResult<UserDevices, CryptoStoreError> {
let devices = self.base_client.get_user_devices(user_id).await?;
Ok(UserDevices {
inner: devices,
client: self.clone(),
/// Export E2EE keys that match the given predicate encrypting them with the
/// given passphrase.
/// # Arguments
/// * `path` - The file path where the exported key file will be saved.
/// * `passphrase` - The passphrase that will be used to encrypt the exported
/// room keys.
/// * `predicate` - A closure that will be called for every known
/// `InboundGroupSession`, which represents a room key. If the closure
/// returns `true` the `InboundGroupSessoin` will be included in the export,
/// if the closure returns `false` it will not be included.
/// # Panics
/// This method will panic if it isn't run on a Tokio runtime.
/// This method will panic if it can't get enough randomness from the OS to
/// encrypt the exported keys securely.
/// # Examples
/// ```no_run
/// # use std::{path::PathBuf, time::Duration};
/// # use matrix_sdk::{
/// # Client, SyncSettings,
/// # api::r0::typing::create_typing_event::Typing,
/// # identifiers::room_id,
/// # };
/// # use futures::executor::block_on;
/// # use url::Url;
/// # block_on(async {
/// # let homeserver = Url::parse("http://localhost:8080").unwrap();
/// # let mut client = Client::new(homeserver).unwrap();
/// let path = PathBuf::from("/home/example/e2e-keys.txt");
/// // Export all room keys.
/// client
/// .export_keys(path, "secret-passphrase", |_| true)
/// .await
/// .expect("Can't export keys.");
/// // Export only the room keys for a certain room.
/// let path = PathBuf::from("/home/example/e2e-room-keys.txt");
/// let room_id = room_id!("!test:localhost");
/// client
/// .export_keys(path, "secret-passphrase", |s| s.room_id() == &room_id)
/// .await
/// .expect("Can't export keys.");
/// # });
/// ```
#[cfg(feature = "encryption")]
#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
feature = "docs",
doc(cfg(all(encryption, not(target_arch = "wasm32"))))
pub async fn export_keys(
path: PathBuf,
passphrase: &str,
predicate: impl FnMut(&InboundGroupSession) -> bool,
) -> Result<()> {
let olm = self
let keys = olm.export_keys(predicate).await?;
let passphrase = Zeroizing::new(passphrase.to_owned());
let encrypt = move || -> Result<()> {
let export: String = encrypt_key_export(&keys, &passphrase, 500_000)?;
let mut file = std::fs::File::create(path)?;
let task = tokio::task::spawn_blocking(encrypt);
task.await.expect("Task join error")
/// Import E2EE keys from the given file path.
/// # Arguments
/// * `path` - The file path where the exported key file will can be found.
/// * `passphrase` - The passphrase that should be used to decrypt the
/// exported room keys.
/// Returns a tuple of numbers that represent the number of sessions that
/// were imported and the total number of sessions that were found in the
/// key export.
/// # Panics
/// This method will panic if it isn't run on a Tokio runtime.
/// ```no_run
/// # use std::{path::PathBuf, time::Duration};
/// # use matrix_sdk::{
/// # Client, SyncSettings,
/// # api::r0::typing::create_typing_event::Typing,
/// # identifiers::room_id,
/// # };
/// # use futures::executor::block_on;
/// # use url::Url;
/// # block_on(async {
/// # let homeserver = Url::parse("http://localhost:8080").unwrap();
/// # let mut client = Client::new(homeserver).unwrap();
/// let path = PathBuf::from("/home/example/e2e-keys.txt");
/// client
/// .import_keys(path, "secret-passphrase")
/// .await
/// .expect("Can't import keys");
/// # });
/// ```
#[cfg(feature = "encryption")]
#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
feature = "docs",
doc(cfg(all(encryption, not(target_arch = "wasm32"))))
pub async fn import_keys(&self, path: PathBuf, passphrase: &str) -> Result<(usize, usize)> {
let olm = self
let passphrase = Zeroizing::new(passphrase.to_owned());
let decrypt = move || {
let file = std::fs::File::open(path)?;
decrypt_key_export(file, &passphrase)
let task = tokio::task::spawn_blocking(decrypt);
// TODO remove this unwrap.
let import = task.await.expect("Task join error").unwrap();
mod test {
use super::{
get_public_rooms, get_public_rooms_filtered, register::RegistrationKind, Client,
Invite3pid, Session, SyncSettings, Url,
use futures::StreamExt;
use matrix_sdk_base::RoomMember;
use matrix_sdk_common::{
account::register::Request as RegistrationRequest,
directory::get_public_rooms_filtered::Request as PublicRoomsFilterRequest,
typing::create_typing_event::Typing, uiaa::AuthData,
events::{room::message::MessageEventContent, AnyMessageEventContent},
identifiers::{event_id, room_id, user_id},
use matrix_sdk_test::{test_json, EventBuilder, EventsJson};
use mockito::{mock, Matcher};
use serde_json::json;
use std::{collections::BTreeMap, convert::TryInto, io::Cursor, str::FromStr, time::Duration};
async fn logged_in_client() -> Client {
let session = Session {
access_token: "1234".to_owned(),
user_id: user_id!("@example:localhost"),
device_id: "DEVICEID".into(),
let homeserver = url::Url::parse(&mockito::server_url()).unwrap();
let client = Client::new(homeserver).unwrap();
async fn login() {
let homeserver = Url::from_str(&mockito::server_url()).unwrap();
let _m = mock("POST", "/_matrix/client/r0/login")
let client = Client::new(homeserver).unwrap();
.login("example", "wordpass", None, None)
let logged_in = client.logged_in().await;
assert!(logged_in, "Client should be logged in");
async fn devices() {
let client = logged_in_client().await;
let _m = mock("GET", "/_matrix/client/r0/devices")
async fn test_join_leave_room() {
let homeserver = Url::from_str(&mockito::server_url()).unwrap();
let room_id = room_id!("!SVkFJHzfwvuaIEawgC:localhost");
let session = Session {
access_token: "1234".to_owned(),
user_id: user_id!("@example:localhost"),
device_id: "DEVICEID".into(),
let _m = mock(
let client = Client::new(homeserver.clone()).unwrap();
let room = client.get_joined_room(&room_id);
let room = client.get_left_room(&room_id);
let room = client.get_joined_room(&room_id);
// test store reloads with correct room state from JsonStore
// let store = Box::new(JsonStore::open(path).unwrap());
// let config = ClientConfig::default().state_store(store);
// let joined_client = Client::new_with_config(homeserver, config).unwrap();
// joined_client.restore_login(session).await.unwrap();
// // joined room reloaded from state store
// joined_client
// .sync_once(SyncSettings::default())
// .await
// .unwrap();
// let room = joined_client.get_joined_room(&room_id).await;
// assert!(room.is_some());
// let _m = mock(
// "GET",
// Matcher::Regex(r"^/_matrix/client/r0/sync\?.*$".to_string()),
// )
// .with_status(200)
// .with_body(test_json::LEAVE_SYNC_EVENT.to_string())
// .create();
// joined_client
// .sync_once(SyncSettings::default())
// .await
// .unwrap();
// let room = joined_client.get_joined_room(&room_id).await;
// assert!(room.is_none());
// let room = joined_client.get_left_room(&room_id).await;
// assert!(room.is_some());
async fn account_data() {
let client = logged_in_client().await;
let _m = mock(
.match_header("authorization", "Bearer 1234")
let sync_settings = SyncSettings::new().timeout(Duration::from_millis(3000));
let _response = client.sync_once(sync_settings).await.unwrap();
// let bc = &client.base_client;
// let ignored_users = bc.ignored_users.read().await;
// assert_eq!(1, ignored_users.len())
async fn room_creation() {
let client = logged_in_client().await;
let response = EventBuilder::default()
let room_id = room_id!("!SVkFJHzfwvuaIEawgC:localhost");
let room = client.get_joined_room(&room_id);
async fn login_error() {
let homeserver = Url::from_str(&mockito::server_url()).unwrap();
let client = Client::new(homeserver).unwrap();
let _m = mock("POST", "/_matrix/client/r0/login")
if let Err(err) = client.login("example", "wordpass", None, None).await {
if let crate::Error::RumaResponse(crate::FromHttpResponseError::Http(
crate::ServerError::Known(crate::api::Error {
)) = err
if let crate::api::error::ErrorKind::Forbidden = kind {
} else {
"found the wrong `ErrorKind` {:?}, expected `Forbidden",
assert_eq!(message, "Invalid password".to_string());
assert_eq!(status_code, http::StatusCode::from_u16(403).unwrap());
} else {
"found the wrong `Error` type {:?}, expected `Error::RumaResponse",
} else {
panic!("this request should return an `Err` variant")
async fn register_error() {
let homeserver = Url::from_str(&mockito::server_url()).unwrap();
let client = Client::new(homeserver).unwrap();
let _m = mock("POST", "/_matrix/client/r0/register")
let user = assign!(RegistrationRequest::new(), {
username: Some("user"),
password: Some("password"),
auth: Some(AuthData::FallbackAcknowledgement { session: "foobar" }),
kind: RegistrationKind::User,
if let Err(err) = client.register(user).await {
if let crate::Error::UiaaError(crate::FromHttpResponseError::Http(
// TODO this should be a UiaaError need to investigate
)) = err
assert!(e.to_string().starts_with("EOF while parsing"))
} else {
"found the wrong `Error` type {:#?}, expected `ServerError::Unknown",
} else {
panic!("this request should return an `Err` variant")
async fn join_room_by_id() {
let client = logged_in_client().await;
let _m = mock(
.match_header("authorization", "Bearer 1234")
let room_id = room_id!("!testroom:example.org");
// this is the `join_by_room_id::Response` but since no PartialEq we check the RoomId field
async fn join_room_by_id_or_alias() {
let client = logged_in_client().await;
let _m = mock(
.match_header("authorization", "Bearer 1234")
let room_id = room_id!("!testroom:example.org").into();
// this is the `join_by_room_id::Response` but since no PartialEq we check the RoomId field
.join_room_by_id_or_alias(&room_id, &["server.com".try_into().unwrap()])
async fn invite_user_by_id() {
let client = logged_in_client().await;
let _m = mock(
.match_header("authorization", "Bearer 1234")
let user = user_id!("@example:localhost");
let room_id = room_id!("!testroom:example.org");
client.invite_user_by_id(&room_id, &user).await.unwrap();
async fn invite_user_by_3pid() {
let client = logged_in_client().await;
let _m = mock(
// empty JSON object
.match_header("authorization", "Bearer 1234")
let room_id = room_id!("!testroom:example.org");
Invite3pid {
id_server: "example.org",
id_access_token: "IdToken",
medium: thirdparty::Medium::Email,
address: "address",
async fn room_search_all() {
let homeserver = Url::from_str(&mockito::server_url()).unwrap();
let client = Client::new(homeserver).unwrap();
let _m = mock(
let get_public_rooms::Response { chunk, .. } =
client.public_rooms(Some(10), None, None).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(chunk.len(), 1);
async fn room_search_filtered() {
let client = logged_in_client().await;
let _m = mock(
.match_header("authorization", "Bearer 1234")
let generic_search_term = Some("cheese");
let filter = assign!(Filter::new(), { generic_search_term });
let request = assign!(PublicRoomsFilterRequest::new(), { filter });
let get_public_rooms_filtered::Response { chunk, .. } =
assert_eq!(chunk.len(), 1);
async fn leave_room() {
let client = logged_in_client().await;
let _m = mock(
// this is an empty JSON object
.match_header("authorization", "Bearer 1234")
let room_id = room_id!("!testroom:example.org");
async fn ban_user() {
let client = logged_in_client().await;
let _m = mock(
// this is an empty JSON object
.match_header("authorization", "Bearer 1234")
let user = user_id!("@example:localhost");
let room_id = room_id!("!testroom:example.org");
client.ban_user(&room_id, &user, None).await.unwrap();
async fn kick_user() {
let client = logged_in_client().await;
let _m = mock(
// this is an empty JSON object
.match_header("authorization", "Bearer 1234")
let user = user_id!("@example:localhost");
let room_id = room_id!("!testroom:example.org");
client.kick_user(&room_id, &user, None).await.unwrap();
async fn forget_room() {
let client = logged_in_client().await;
let _m = mock(
// this is an empty JSON object
.match_header("authorization", "Bearer 1234")
let room_id = room_id!("!testroom:example.org");
async fn read_receipt() {
let client = logged_in_client().await;
let _m = mock(
// this is an empty JSON object
.match_header("authorization", "Bearer 1234")
let room_id = room_id!("!testroom:example.org");
let event_id = event_id!("$xxxxxx:example.org");
client.read_receipt(&room_id, &event_id).await.unwrap();
async fn read_marker() {
let client = logged_in_client().await;
let _m = mock(
// this is an empty JSON object
.match_header("authorization", "Bearer 1234")
let room_id = room_id!("!testroom:example.org");
let event_id = event_id!("$xxxxxx:example.org");
client.read_marker(&room_id, &event_id, None).await.unwrap();
async fn typing_notice() {
let client = logged_in_client().await;
let _m = mock(
// this is an empty JSON object
.match_header("authorization", "Bearer 1234")
let room_id = room_id!("!testroom:example.org");
.typing_notice(&room_id, Typing::Yes(std::time::Duration::from_secs(1)))
async fn room_message_send() {
use matrix_sdk_common::uuid::Uuid;
let client = logged_in_client().await;
let _m = mock(
.match_header("authorization", "Bearer 1234")
let room_id = room_id!("!testroom:example.org");
let content =
AnyMessageEventContent::RoomMessage(MessageEventContent::text_plain("Hello world"));
let txn_id = Uuid::new_v4();
let response = client
.room_send(&room_id, content, Some(txn_id))
assert_eq!(event_id!("$h29iv0s8:example.com"), response.event_id)
async fn room_attachment_send() {
let client = logged_in_client().await;
let _m = mock(
.match_header("authorization", "Bearer 1234")
let _m = mock(
.match_header("content-type", "image/jpeg")
"content_uri": "mxc://example.com/AQwafuaFswefuhsfAFAgsw"
let room_id = room_id!("!testroom:example.org");
let mut media = Cursor::new("Hello world");
let response = client
.room_send_attachment(&room_id, "image", &mime::IMAGE_JPEG, &mut media, None)
assert_eq!(event_id!("$h29iv0s8:example.com"), response.event_id)
async fn user_presence() {
let client = logged_in_client().await;
let _m = mock(
.match_header("authorization", "Bearer 1234")
let sync_settings = SyncSettings::new().timeout(Duration::from_millis(3000));
let _response = client.sync_once(sync_settings).await.unwrap();
let room = client
let members: Vec<RoomMember> = room.get_active_members().await.collect().await;
assert_eq!(1, members.len());
// assert!(room.power_levels.is_some())
async fn calculate_room_names_from_summary() {
let client = logged_in_client().await;
let _m = mock(
.match_header("authorization", "Bearer 1234")
let sync_settings = SyncSettings::new().timeout(Duration::from_millis(3000));
let _response = client.sync_once(sync_settings).await.unwrap();
let room = client
assert_eq!("example2", room.display_name().await);
// #[tokio::test]
// async fn invited_rooms() {
// let client = logged_in_client().await;
// let _m = mock(
// "GET",
// Matcher::Regex(r"^/_matrix/client/r0/sync\?.*$".to_string()),
// )
// .with_status(200)
// .match_header("authorization", "Bearer 1234")
// .with_body(test_json::INVITE_SYNC.to_string())
// .create();
// let _response = client.sync_once(SyncSettings::default()).await.unwrap();
// assert!(client.joined_rooms().read().await.is_empty());
// assert!(client.left_rooms().read().await.is_empty());
// assert!(!client.invited_rooms().read().await.is_empty());
// assert!(client
// .get_invited_room(&room_id!("!696r7674:example.com"))
// .await
// .is_some());
// }
// #[tokio::test]
// async fn left_rooms() {
// let client = logged_in_client().await;
// let _m = mock(
// "GET",
// Matcher::Regex(r"^/_matrix/client/r0/sync\?.*$".to_string()),
// )
// .with_status(200)
// .match_header("authorization", "Bearer 1234")
// .with_body(test_json::LEAVE_SYNC.to_string())
// .create();
// let _response = client.sync_once(SyncSettings::default()).await.unwrap();
// assert!(client.joined_rooms().read().await.is_empty());
// assert!(!client.left_rooms().read().await.is_empty());
// assert!(client.invited_rooms().read().await.is_empty());
// assert!(client
// .get_left_room(&room_id!("!SVkFJHzfwvuaIEawgC:localhost"))
// .await
// .is_some())
// }
// #[tokio::test]
// async fn test_client_sync_store() {
// let homeserver = url::Url::from_str(&mockito::server_url()).unwrap();
// let session = Session {
// access_token: "1234".to_owned(),
// user_id: user_id!("@cheeky_monkey:matrix.org"),
// device_id: "DEVICEID".into(),
// };
// let _m = mock(
// "GET",
// Matcher::Regex(r"^/_matrix/client/r0/sync\?.*$".to_string()),
// )
// .with_status(200)
// .with_body(test_json::SYNC.to_string())
// .create();
// let _m = mock("POST", "/_matrix/client/r0/login")
// .with_status(200)
// .with_body(test_json::LOGIN.to_string())
// .create();
// let dir = tempdir().unwrap();
// // a sync response to populate our JSON store
// let config =
// ClientConfig::default().state_store(Box::new(JsonStore::open(dir.path()).unwrap()));
// let client = Client::new_with_config(homeserver.clone(), config).unwrap();
// client.restore_login(session.clone()).await.unwrap();
// let sync_settings = SyncSettings::new().timeout(std::time::Duration::from_millis(3000));
// // gather state to save to the db, the first time through loading will be skipped
// let _ = client.sync_once(sync_settings.clone()).await.unwrap();
// // now syncing the client will update from the state store
// let config =
// ClientConfig::default().state_store(Box::new(JsonStore::open(dir.path()).unwrap()));
// let client = Client::new_with_config(homeserver, config).unwrap();
// client.restore_login(session.clone()).await.unwrap();
// client.sync_once(sync_settings).await.unwrap();
// let base_client = &client.base_client;
// // assert the synced client and the logged in client are equal
// assert_eq!(*base_client.session().read().await, Some(session));
// assert_eq!(
// base_client.sync_token().await,
// Some("s526_47314_0_7_1_1_1_11444_1".to_string())
// );
// // This is commented out because this field is private...
// // assert_eq!(
// // *base_client.ignored_users.read().await,
// // vec![user_id!("@someone:example.org")]
// // );
// }
async fn sync() {
let client = logged_in_client().await;
let _m = mock(
.match_header("authorization", "Bearer 1234")
let sync_settings = SyncSettings::new().timeout(Duration::from_millis(3000));
let response = client.sync_once(sync_settings).await.unwrap();
assert_ne!(response.next_batch, "");
async fn room_names() {
let client = logged_in_client().await;
let _m = mock(
.match_header("authorization", "Bearer 1234")
let sync_settings = SyncSettings::new().timeout(Duration::from_millis(3000));
let _response = client.sync_once(sync_settings).await.unwrap();
let room = client
assert_eq!("tutorial".to_string(), room.display_name().await);
async fn delete_devices() {
let homeserver = Url::from_str(&mockito::server_url()).unwrap();
let client = Client::new(homeserver).unwrap();
let _m = mock("POST", "/_matrix/client/r0/delete_devices")
"flows": [
"stages": [
"params": {},
"session": "vBslorikviAjxzYBASOBGfPp"
let _m = mock("POST", "/_matrix/client/r0/delete_devices")
// empty response
// TODO rename that response type.
let devices = &["DEVICEID".into()];
if let Err(e) = client.delete_devices(devices, None).await {
if let Some(info) = e.uiaa_response() {
let mut auth_parameters = BTreeMap::new();
let identifier = json!({
"type": "m.id.user",
"user": "example",
auth_parameters.insert("identifier".to_owned(), identifier);
auth_parameters.insert("password".to_owned(), "wordpass".into());
let auth_data = AuthData::DirectRequest {
kind: "m.login.password",
session: info.session.as_deref(),
.delete_devices(devices, Some(auth_data))