2020-11-25 19:01:28 +01:00

1074 lines
35 KiB

// Copyright 2020 The Foundation C.I.C.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
use std::{
sync::{Arc, Mutex},
time::{Duration, Instant},
use olm_rs::{sas::OlmSas, utility::OlmUtility};
use matrix_sdk_common::{
AcceptEventContent, AcceptMethod, MSasV1Content as AcceptV1Content,
MSasV1ContentInit as AcceptV1ContentInit,
cancel::{CancelCode, CancelEventContent},
start::{MSasV1Content, MSasV1ContentInit, StartEventContent, StartMethod},
HashAlgorithm, KeyAgreementProtocol, MessageAuthenticationCode,
ShortAuthenticationString, VerificationMethod,
AnyToDeviceEventContent, ToDeviceEvent,
identifiers::{DeviceId, UserId},
use super::helpers::{get_decimal, get_emoji, get_mac_content, receive_mac_event, SasIds};
use crate::{
identities::{ReadOnlyDevice, UserIdentities},
const KEY_AGREEMENT_PROTOCOLS: &[KeyAgreementProtocol] =
const HASHES: &[HashAlgorithm] = &[HashAlgorithm::Sha256];
const MACS: &[MessageAuthenticationCode] = &[MessageAuthenticationCode::HkdfHmacSha256];
const STRINGS: &[ShortAuthenticationString] = &[
// The max time a SAS flow can take from start to done.
const MAX_AGE: Duration = Duration::from_secs(60 * 5);
// The max time a SAS object will wait for a new event to arrive.
const MAX_EVENT_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(60);
/// Struct containing the protocols that were agreed to be used for the SAS
/// flow.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct AcceptedProtocols {
method: VerificationMethod,
key_agreement_protocol: KeyAgreementProtocol,
hash: HashAlgorithm,
message_auth_code: MessageAuthenticationCode,
short_auth_string: Vec<ShortAuthenticationString>,
impl TryFrom<AcceptV1Content> for AcceptedProtocols {
type Error = CancelCode;
fn try_from(content: AcceptV1Content) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
if !KEY_AGREEMENT_PROTOCOLS.contains(&content.key_agreement_protocol)
|| !HASHES.contains(&content.hash)
|| !MACS.contains(&content.message_authentication_code)
|| (!content
&& !content
} else {
Ok(Self {
method: VerificationMethod::MSasV1,
hash: content.hash,
key_agreement_protocol: content.key_agreement_protocol,
message_auth_code: content.message_authentication_code,
short_auth_string: content.short_authentication_string,
impl Default for AcceptedProtocols {
fn default() -> Self {
AcceptedProtocols {
method: VerificationMethod::MSasV1,
hash: HashAlgorithm::Sha256,
key_agreement_protocol: KeyAgreementProtocol::Curve25519HkdfSha256,
message_auth_code: MessageAuthenticationCode::HkdfHmacSha256,
short_auth_string: vec![
// TODO implement expiration of the verification flow using the timeouts defined
// in the spec.
/// A type level state machine modeling the Sas flow.
/// This is the generic struc holding common data between the different states
/// and the specific state.
pub struct SasState<S: Clone> {
/// The Olm SAS struct.
inner: Arc<Mutex<OlmSas>>,
/// Struct holding the identities that are doing the SAS dance.
ids: SasIds,
/// The instant when the SAS object was created. If this more than
/// MAX_AGE seconds are elapsed, the event will be canceled with a
/// `CancelCode::Timeout`
creation_time: Arc<Instant>,
/// The instant the SAS object last received an event.
last_event_time: Arc<Instant>,
/// The unique identifier of this SAS flow.
/// This will be the transaction id for to-device events and the relates_to
/// field for in-room events.
pub verification_flow_id: Arc<str>,
/// The SAS state we're in.
state: Arc<S>,
impl<S: Clone + std::fmt::Debug> std::fmt::Debug for SasState<S> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
.field("ids", &self.ids)
.field("flow_id", &self.verification_flow_id)
.field("state", &self.state)
/// The initial SAS state.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Created {
protocol_definitions: MSasV1ContentInit,
/// The initial SAS state if the other side started the SAS verification.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Started {
commitment: String,
protocol_definitions: MSasV1Content,
/// The SAS state we're going to be in after the other side accepted our
/// verification start event.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Accepted {
accepted_protocols: Arc<AcceptedProtocols>,
json_start_content: String,
commitment: String,
/// The SAS state we're going to be in after we received the public key of the
/// other participant.
/// From now on we can show the short auth string to the user.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct KeyReceived {
their_pubkey: String,
we_started: bool,
accepted_protocols: Arc<AcceptedProtocols>,
/// The SAS state we're going to be in after the user has confirmed that the
/// short auth string matches. We still need to receive a MAC event from the
/// other side.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Confirmed {
accepted_protocols: Arc<AcceptedProtocols>,
/// The SAS state we're going to be in after we receive a MAC event from the
/// other side. Our own user still needs to confirm that the short auth string
/// matches.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct MacReceived {
we_started: bool,
their_pubkey: String,
verified_devices: Arc<[ReadOnlyDevice]>,
verified_master_keys: Arc<[UserIdentities]>,
/// The SAS state indicating that the verification finished successfully.
/// We can now mark the device in our verified devices lits as verified and sign
/// the master keys in the verified devices list.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Done {
verified_devices: Arc<[ReadOnlyDevice]>,
verified_master_keys: Arc<[UserIdentities]>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Canceled {
cancel_code: CancelCode,
reason: &'static str,
impl<S: Clone> SasState<S> {
/// Get our own user id.
pub fn user_id(&self) -> &UserId {
/// Get our own device id.
pub fn device_id(&self) -> &DeviceId {
pub fn other_device(&self) -> ReadOnlyDevice {
pub fn cancel(self, cancel_code: CancelCode) -> SasState<Canceled> {
SasState {
inner: self.inner,
ids: self.ids,
creation_time: self.creation_time,
last_event_time: self.last_event_time,
verification_flow_id: self.verification_flow_id,
state: Arc::new(Canceled::new(cancel_code)),
/// Did our SAS verification time out.
pub fn timed_out(&self) -> bool {
self.creation_time.elapsed() > MAX_AGE || self.last_event_time.elapsed() > MAX_EVENT_TIMEOUT
pub fn set_creation_time(&mut self, time: Instant) {
self.creation_time = Arc::new(time);
fn check_event(&self, sender: &UserId, flow_id: &str) -> Result<(), CancelCode> {
if *flow_id != *self.verification_flow_id {
} else if sender != self.ids.other_device.user_id() {
} else if self.timed_out() {
} else {
impl SasState<Created> {
/// Create a new SAS verification flow.
/// # Arguments
/// * `account` - Our own account.
/// * `other_device` - The other device which we are going to verify.
pub fn new(
account: ReadOnlyAccount,
other_device: ReadOnlyDevice,
other_identity: Option<UserIdentities>,
) -> SasState<Created> {
let verification_flow_id = Uuid::new_v4().to_string();
SasState {
inner: Arc::new(Mutex::new(OlmSas::new())),
ids: SasIds {
verification_flow_id: verification_flow_id.into(),
creation_time: Arc::new(Instant::now()),
last_event_time: Arc::new(Instant::now()),
state: Arc::new(Created {
protocol_definitions: MSasV1ContentInit {
short_authentication_string: STRINGS.to_vec(),
key_agreement_protocols: KEY_AGREEMENT_PROTOCOLS.to_vec(),
message_authentication_codes: MACS.to_vec(),
hashes: HASHES.to_vec(),
/// Get the content for the start event.
/// The content needs to be sent to the other device.
pub fn as_content(&self) -> StartEventContent {
StartEventContent {
transaction_id: self.verification_flow_id.to_string(),
from_device: self.device_id().into(),
method: StartMethod::MSasV1(
.expect("Invalid initial protocol definitions."),
/// Receive a m.key.verification.accept event, changing the state into
/// an Accepted one.
/// # Arguments
/// * `event` - The m.key.verification.accept event that was sent to us by
/// the other side.
pub fn into_accepted(
event: &ToDeviceEvent<AcceptEventContent>,
) -> Result<SasState<Accepted>, SasState<Canceled>> {
self.check_event(&event.sender, &event.content.transaction_id)
.map_err(|c| self.clone().cancel(c))?;
if let AcceptMethod::MSasV1(content) = &event.content.method {
let accepted_protocols =
AcceptedProtocols::try_from(content.clone()).map_err(|c| self.clone().cancel(c))?;
let json_start_content = serde_json::to_string(&self.as_content())
.expect("Can't deserialize start event content");
Ok(SasState {
inner: self.inner,
ids: self.ids,
verification_flow_id: self.verification_flow_id,
creation_time: self.creation_time,
last_event_time: self.last_event_time,
state: Arc::new(Accepted {
commitment: content.commitment.clone(),
accepted_protocols: Arc::new(accepted_protocols),
} else {
impl SasState<Started> {
/// Create a new SAS verification flow from a m.key.verification.start
/// event.
/// This will put us in the `started` state.
/// # Arguments
/// * `account` - Our own account.
/// * `other_device` - The other device which we are going to verify.
/// * `event` - The m.key.verification.start event that was sent to us by
/// the other side.
pub fn from_start_event(
account: ReadOnlyAccount,
other_device: ReadOnlyDevice,
event: &ToDeviceEvent<StartEventContent>,
other_identity: Option<UserIdentities>,
) -> Result<SasState<Started>, SasState<Canceled>> {
if let StartMethod::MSasV1(content) = &event.content.method {
let sas = OlmSas::new();
let utility = OlmUtility::new();
let json_content =
serde_json::to_string(&event.content).expect("Can't serialize content");
let pubkey = sas.public_key();
let commitment = utility.sha256_utf8_msg(&format!("{}{}", pubkey, json_content));
let sas = SasState {
inner: Arc::new(Mutex::new(sas)),
ids: SasIds {
creation_time: Arc::new(Instant::now()),
last_event_time: Arc::new(Instant::now()),
verification_flow_id: event.content.transaction_id.as_str().into(),
state: Arc::new(Started {
protocol_definitions: content.clone(),
if !content
|| !content
|| !content.hashes.contains(&HashAlgorithm::Sha256)
|| (!content
&& !content
} else {
} else {
Err(SasState {
inner: Arc::new(Mutex::new(OlmSas::new())),
creation_time: Arc::new(Instant::now()),
last_event_time: Arc::new(Instant::now()),
ids: SasIds {
verification_flow_id: event.content.transaction_id.as_str().into(),
state: Arc::new(Canceled::new(CancelCode::UnknownMethod)),
/// Get the content for the accept event.
/// The content needs to be sent to the other device.
/// This should be sent out automatically if the SAS verification flow has
/// been started because of a
/// m.key.verification.request -> m.key.verification.ready flow.
pub fn as_content(&self) -> AcceptEventContent {
let accepted_protocols = AcceptedProtocols::default();
AcceptEventContent {
transaction_id: self.verification_flow_id.to_string(),
method: AcceptMethod::MSasV1(
AcceptV1ContentInit {
commitment: self.state.commitment.clone(),
hash: accepted_protocols.hash,
key_agreement_protocol: accepted_protocols.key_agreement_protocol,
message_authentication_code: accepted_protocols.message_auth_code,
short_authentication_string: self
/// Receive a m.key.verification.key event, changing the state into
/// a `KeyReceived` one
/// # Arguments
/// * `event` - The m.key.verification.key event that was sent to us by
/// the other side. The event will be modified so it doesn't contain any key
/// anymore.
pub fn into_key_received(
event: &mut ToDeviceEvent<KeyEventContent>,
) -> Result<SasState<KeyReceived>, SasState<Canceled>> {
self.check_event(&event.sender, &event.content.transaction_id)
.map_err(|c| self.clone().cancel(c))?;
let accepted_protocols = AcceptedProtocols::default();
let their_pubkey = mem::take(&mut event.content.key);
.expect("Can't set public key");
Ok(SasState {
inner: self.inner,
ids: self.ids,
verification_flow_id: self.verification_flow_id,
creation_time: self.creation_time,
last_event_time: self.last_event_time,
state: Arc::new(KeyReceived {
we_started: false,
accepted_protocols: Arc::new(accepted_protocols),
impl SasState<Accepted> {
/// Receive a m.key.verification.key event, changing the state into
/// a `KeyReceived` one
/// # Arguments
/// * `event` - The m.key.verification.key event that was sent to us by
/// the other side. The event will be modified so it doesn't contain any key
/// anymore.
pub fn into_key_received(
event: &mut ToDeviceEvent<KeyEventContent>,
) -> Result<SasState<KeyReceived>, SasState<Canceled>> {
self.check_event(&event.sender, &event.content.transaction_id)
.map_err(|c| self.clone().cancel(c))?;
let utility = OlmUtility::new();
let commitment = utility.sha256_utf8_msg(&format!(
event.content.key, self.state.json_start_content
if self.state.commitment != commitment {
} else {
let their_pubkey = mem::take(&mut event.content.key);
.expect("Can't set public key");
Ok(SasState {
inner: self.inner,
ids: self.ids,
verification_flow_id: self.verification_flow_id,
creation_time: self.creation_time,
last_event_time: self.last_event_time,
state: Arc::new(KeyReceived {
we_started: true,
accepted_protocols: self.state.accepted_protocols.clone(),
/// Get the content for the key event.
/// The content needs to be automatically sent to the other side.
pub fn as_content(&self) -> KeyEventContent {
KeyEventContent {
transaction_id: self.verification_flow_id.to_string(),
key: self.inner.lock().unwrap().public_key(),
impl SasState<KeyReceived> {
/// Get the content for the key event.
/// The content needs to be automatically sent to the other side if and only
/// if we_started is false.
pub fn as_content(&self) -> KeyEventContent {
KeyEventContent {
transaction_id: self.verification_flow_id.to_string(),
key: self.inner.lock().unwrap().public_key(),
/// Get the emoji version of the short authentication string.
/// Returns a vector of tuples where the first element is the emoji and the
/// second element the English description of the emoji.
pub fn get_emoji(&self) -> Vec<(&'static str, &'static str)> {
/// Get the decimal version of the short authentication string.
/// Returns a tuple containing three 4 digit integer numbers that represent
/// the short auth string.
pub fn get_decimal(&self) -> (u16, u16, u16) {
/// Receive a m.key.verification.mac event, changing the state into
/// a `MacReceived` one
/// # Arguments
/// * `event` - The m.key.verification.mac event that was sent to us by
/// the other side.
pub fn into_mac_received(
event: &ToDeviceEvent<MacEventContent>,
) -> Result<SasState<MacReceived>, SasState<Canceled>> {
self.check_event(&event.sender, &event.content.transaction_id)
.map_err(|c| self.clone().cancel(c))?;
let (devices, master_keys) = receive_mac_event(
.map_err(|c| self.clone().cancel(c))?;
Ok(SasState {
inner: self.inner,
verification_flow_id: self.verification_flow_id,
creation_time: self.creation_time,
last_event_time: self.last_event_time,
ids: self.ids,
state: Arc::new(MacReceived {
we_started: self.state.we_started,
their_pubkey: self.state.their_pubkey.clone(),
verified_devices: devices.into(),
verified_master_keys: master_keys.into(),
/// Confirm that the short auth string matches.
/// This needs to be done by the user, this will put us in the `Confirmed`
/// state.
pub fn confirm(self) -> SasState<Confirmed> {
SasState {
inner: self.inner,
verification_flow_id: self.verification_flow_id,
creation_time: self.creation_time,
last_event_time: self.last_event_time,
ids: self.ids,
state: Arc::new(Confirmed {
accepted_protocols: self.state.accepted_protocols.clone(),
impl SasState<Confirmed> {
/// Receive a m.key.verification.mac event, changing the state into
/// a `Done` one
/// # Arguments
/// * `event` - The m.key.verification.mac event that was sent to us by
/// the other side.
pub fn into_done(
event: &ToDeviceEvent<MacEventContent>,
) -> Result<SasState<Done>, SasState<Canceled>> {
self.check_event(&event.sender, &event.content.transaction_id)
.map_err(|c| self.clone().cancel(c))?;
let (devices, master_keys) = receive_mac_event(
.map_err(|c| self.clone().cancel(c))?;
Ok(SasState {
inner: self.inner,
creation_time: self.creation_time,
last_event_time: self.last_event_time,
verification_flow_id: self.verification_flow_id,
ids: self.ids,
state: Arc::new(Done {
verified_devices: devices.into(),
verified_master_keys: master_keys.into(),
/// Get the content for the mac event.
/// The content needs to be automatically sent to the other side.
pub fn as_content(&self) -> MacEventContent {
impl SasState<MacReceived> {
/// Confirm that the short auth string matches.
/// This needs to be done by the user, this will put us in the `Done`
/// state since the other side already confirmed and sent us a MAC event.
pub fn confirm(self) -> SasState<Done> {
SasState {
inner: self.inner,
verification_flow_id: self.verification_flow_id,
creation_time: self.creation_time,
last_event_time: self.last_event_time,
ids: self.ids,
state: Arc::new(Done {
verified_devices: self.state.verified_devices.clone(),
verified_master_keys: self.state.verified_master_keys.clone(),
/// Get the emoji version of the short authentication string.
/// Returns a vector of tuples where the first element is the emoji and the
/// second element the English description of the emoji.
pub fn get_emoji(&self) -> Vec<(&'static str, &'static str)> {
/// Get the decimal version of the short authentication string.
/// Returns a tuple containing three 4 digit integer numbers that represent
/// the short auth string.
pub fn get_decimal(&self) -> (u16, u16, u16) {
impl SasState<Done> {
/// Get the content for the mac event.
/// The content needs to be automatically sent to the other side if it
/// wasn't already sent.
pub fn as_content(&self) -> MacEventContent {
/// Get the list of verified devices.
pub fn verified_devices(&self) -> Arc<[ReadOnlyDevice]> {
/// Get the list of verified identities.
pub fn verified_identities(&self) -> Arc<[UserIdentities]> {
impl Canceled {
fn new(code: CancelCode) -> Canceled {
let reason = match code {
CancelCode::Accepted => {
"A m.key.verification.request was accepted by a different device."
CancelCode::InvalidMessage => "The received message was invalid.",
CancelCode::KeyMismatch => "The expected key did not match the verified one",
CancelCode::Timeout => "The verification process timed out.",
CancelCode::UnexpectedMessage => "The device received an unexpected message.",
CancelCode::UnknownMethod => {
"The device does not know how to handle the requested method."
CancelCode::UnknownTransaction => {
"The device does not know about the given transaction ID."
CancelCode::User => "The user cancelled the verification.",
CancelCode::UserMismatch => "The expected user did not match the verified user",
_ => unimplemented!(),
Canceled {
cancel_code: code,
impl SasState<Canceled> {
pub fn as_content(&self) -> AnyToDeviceEventContent {
AnyToDeviceEventContent::KeyVerificationCancel(CancelEventContent {
transaction_id: self.verification_flow_id.to_string(),
reason: self.state.reason.to_string(),
code: self.state.cancel_code.clone(),
mod test {
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use crate::{ReadOnlyAccount, ReadOnlyDevice};
use matrix_sdk_common::{
accept::{AcceptMethod, CustomContent},
start::{CustomContent as CustomStartContent, StartMethod},
EventContent, ToDeviceEvent,
identifiers::{DeviceId, UserId},
use super::{Accepted, Created, SasState, Started};
fn alice_id() -> UserId {
fn alice_device_id() -> Box<DeviceId> {
fn bob_id() -> UserId {
fn bob_device_id() -> Box<DeviceId> {
fn wrap_to_device_event<C: EventContent>(sender: &UserId, content: C) -> ToDeviceEvent<C> {
ToDeviceEvent {
sender: sender.clone(),
async fn get_sas_pair() -> (SasState<Created>, SasState<Started>) {
let alice = ReadOnlyAccount::new(&alice_id(), &alice_device_id());
let alice_device = ReadOnlyDevice::from_account(&alice).await;
let bob = ReadOnlyAccount::new(&bob_id(), &bob_device_id());
let bob_device = ReadOnlyDevice::from_account(&bob).await;
let alice_sas = SasState::<Created>::new(alice.clone(), bob_device, None);
let start_content = alice_sas.as_content();
let event = wrap_to_device_event(alice_sas.user_id(), start_content);
let bob_sas =
SasState::<Started>::from_start_event(bob.clone(), alice_device, &event, None);
(alice_sas, bob_sas.unwrap())
async fn create_sas() {
let (_, _) = get_sas_pair().await;
async fn sas_accept() {
let (alice, bob) = get_sas_pair().await;
let event = wrap_to_device_event(bob.user_id(), bob.as_content());
async fn sas_key_share() {
let (alice, bob) = get_sas_pair().await;
let event = wrap_to_device_event(bob.user_id(), bob.as_content());
let alice: SasState<Accepted> = alice.into_accepted(&event).unwrap();
let mut event = wrap_to_device_event(alice.user_id(), alice.as_content());
let bob = bob.into_key_received(&mut event).unwrap();
let mut event = wrap_to_device_event(bob.user_id(), bob.as_content());
let alice = alice.into_key_received(&mut event).unwrap();
assert_eq!(alice.get_decimal(), bob.get_decimal());
assert_eq!(alice.get_emoji(), bob.get_emoji());
async fn sas_full() {
let (alice, bob) = get_sas_pair().await;
let event = wrap_to_device_event(bob.user_id(), bob.as_content());
let alice: SasState<Accepted> = alice.into_accepted(&event).unwrap();
let mut event = wrap_to_device_event(alice.user_id(), alice.as_content());
let bob = bob.into_key_received(&mut event).unwrap();
let mut event = wrap_to_device_event(bob.user_id(), bob.as_content());
let alice = alice.into_key_received(&mut event).unwrap();
assert_eq!(alice.get_decimal(), bob.get_decimal());
assert_eq!(alice.get_emoji(), bob.get_emoji());
let bob_decimals = bob.get_decimal();
let bob = bob.confirm();
let event = wrap_to_device_event(bob.user_id(), bob.as_content());
let alice = alice.into_mac_received(&event).unwrap();
assert_eq!(alice.get_decimal(), bob_decimals);
let alice = alice.confirm();
let event = wrap_to_device_event(alice.user_id(), alice.as_content());
let bob = bob.into_done(&event).unwrap();
async fn sas_invalid_commitment() {
let (alice, bob) = get_sas_pair().await;
let mut event = wrap_to_device_event(bob.user_id(), bob.as_content());
match &mut event.content.method {
AcceptMethod::MSasV1(ref mut c) => {
c.commitment = "".to_string();
_ => panic!("Unknown accept event content"),
let alice: SasState<Accepted> = alice.into_accepted(&event).unwrap();
let mut event = wrap_to_device_event(alice.user_id(), alice.as_content());
let bob = bob.into_key_received(&mut event).unwrap();
let mut event = wrap_to_device_event(bob.user_id(), bob.as_content());
.into_key_received(&mut event)
.expect_err("Didn't cancel on invalid commitment");
async fn sas_invalid_sender() {
let (alice, bob) = get_sas_pair().await;
let mut event = wrap_to_device_event(bob.user_id(), bob.as_content());
event.sender = UserId::try_from("").unwrap();
.expect_err("Didn't cancel on a invalid sender");
async fn sas_unknown_sas_method() {
let (alice, bob) = get_sas_pair().await;
let mut event = wrap_to_device_event(bob.user_id(), bob.as_content());
match &mut event.content.method {
AcceptMethod::MSasV1(ref mut c) => {
c.short_authentication_string = vec![];
_ => panic!("Unknown accept event content"),
.expect_err("Didn't cancel on an invalid SAS method");
async fn sas_unknown_method() {
let (alice, bob) = get_sas_pair().await;
let mut event = wrap_to_device_event(bob.user_id(), bob.as_content());
event.content.method = AcceptMethod::Custom(CustomContent {
method: "".to_string(),
fields: vec![].into_iter().collect(),
.expect_err("Didn't cancel on an unknown SAS method");
async fn sas_from_start_unknown_method() {
let alice = ReadOnlyAccount::new(&alice_id(), &alice_device_id());
let alice_device = ReadOnlyDevice::from_account(&alice).await;
let bob = ReadOnlyAccount::new(&bob_id(), &bob_device_id());
let bob_device = ReadOnlyDevice::from_account(&bob).await;
let alice_sas = SasState::<Created>::new(alice.clone(), bob_device, None);
let mut start_content = alice_sas.as_content();
match start_content.method {
StartMethod::MSasV1(ref mut c) => {
c.message_authentication_codes = vec![];
_ => panic!("Unknown SAS start method"),
let event = wrap_to_device_event(alice_sas.user_id(), start_content);
SasState::<Started>::from_start_event(bob.clone(), alice_device.clone(), &event, None)
.expect_err("Didn't cancel on invalid MAC method");
let mut start_content = alice_sas.as_content();
start_content.method = StartMethod::Custom(CustomStartContent {
method: "".to_string(),
fields: vec![].into_iter().collect(),
let event = wrap_to_device_event(alice_sas.user_id(), start_content);
SasState::<Started>::from_start_event(bob.clone(), alice_device, &event, None)
.expect_err("Didn't cancel on unknown sas method");