793 lines
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793 lines
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// Copyright 2020 Damir Jelić
// Copyright 2020 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::convert::{TryFrom, TryInto};
use std::result::Result as StdResult;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicU64, Ordering};
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
use futures::future::Future;
use tokio::sync::RwLock;
use tokio::time::delay_for as sleep;
use tracing::{debug, info, instrument, trace};
use http::Method as HttpMethod;
use http::Response as HttpResponse;
use reqwest::header::{HeaderValue, InvalidHeaderValue};
use url::Url;
use ruma_api::{Endpoint, Outgoing};
use ruma_events::room::message::MessageEventContent;
use ruma_events::EventResult;
pub use ruma_events::EventType;
use ruma_identifiers::RoomId;
#[cfg(feature = "encryption")]
use ruma_identifiers::{DeviceId, UserId};
use crate::api;
use crate::base_client::Client as BaseClient;
use crate::models::Room;
use crate::session::Session;
use crate::VERSION;
use crate::{Error, EventEmitter, Result};
const DEFAULT_SYNC_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(30);
/// An async/await enabled Matrix client.
pub struct AsyncClient {
/// The URL of the homeserver to connect to.
homeserver: Url,
/// The underlying HTTP client.
http_client: reqwest::Client,
/// User session data.
pub(crate) base_client: Arc<RwLock<BaseClient>>,
/// The transaction id.
transaction_id: Arc<AtomicU64>,
impl std::fmt::Debug for AsyncClient {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> StdResult<(), std::fmt::Error> {
write!(fmt, "AsyncClient {{ homeserver: {} }}", self.homeserver)
#[derive(Default, Debug)]
/// Configuration for the creation of the `AsyncClient`.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use matrix_sdk::AsyncClientConfig;
/// // To pass all the request through mitmproxy set the proxy and disable SSL
/// // verification
/// let client_config = AsyncClientConfig::new()
/// .proxy("http://localhost:8080")
/// .unwrap()
/// .disable_ssl_verification();
/// ```
pub struct AsyncClientConfig {
proxy: Option<reqwest::Proxy>,
user_agent: Option<HeaderValue>,
disable_ssl_verification: bool,
impl AsyncClientConfig {
/// Create a new default `AsyncClientConfig`.
pub fn new() -> Self {
/// Set the proxy through which all the HTTP requests should go.
/// Note, only HTTP proxies are supported.
/// # Arguments
/// * `proxy` - The HTTP URL of the proxy.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use matrix_sdk::AsyncClientConfig;
/// let client_config = AsyncClientConfig::new()
/// .proxy("http://localhost:8080")
/// .unwrap();
/// ```
pub fn proxy(mut self, proxy: &str) -> Result<Self> {
self.proxy = Some(reqwest::Proxy::all(proxy)?);
/// Disable SSL verification for the HTTP requests.
pub fn disable_ssl_verification(mut self) -> Self {
self.disable_ssl_verification = true;
/// Set a custom HTTP user agent for the client.
pub fn user_agent(mut self, user_agent: &str) -> StdResult<Self, InvalidHeaderValue> {
self.user_agent = Some(HeaderValue::from_str(user_agent)?);
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
/// Settings for a sync call.
pub struct SyncSettings {
pub(crate) timeout: Option<Duration>,
pub(crate) token: Option<String>,
pub(crate) full_state: Option<bool>,
impl SyncSettings {
/// Create new default sync settings.
pub fn new() -> Self {
/// Set the sync token.
/// # Arguments
/// * `token` - The sync token that should be used for the sync call.
pub fn token<S: Into<String>>(mut self, token: S) -> Self {
self.token = Some(token.into());
/// Set the maximum time the server can wait, in milliseconds, before
/// responding to the sync request.
/// # Arguments
/// * `timeout` - The time the server is allowed to wait.
pub fn timeout(mut self, timeout: Duration) -> Self {
self.timeout = Some(timeout);
/// Should the server return the full state from the start of the timeline.
/// This does nothing if no sync token is set.
/// # Arguments
/// * `full_state` - A boolean deciding if the server should return the full
/// state or not.
pub fn full_state(mut self, full_state: bool) -> Self {
self.full_state = Some(full_state);
#[cfg(feature = "encryption")]
use api::r0::keys::{claim_keys, get_keys, upload_keys, KeyAlgorithm};
use api::r0::message::create_message_event;
use api::r0::session::login;
use api::r0::sync::sync_events;
impl AsyncClient {
/// Creates a new client for making HTTP requests to the given homeserver.
/// # Arguments
/// * `homeserver_url` - The homeserver that the client should connect to.
/// * `session` - If a previous login exists, the access token can be
/// reused by giving a session object here.
pub fn new<U: TryInto<Url>>(homeserver_url: U, session: Option<Session>) -> Result<Self> {
let config = AsyncClientConfig::new();
AsyncClient::new_with_config(homeserver_url, session, config)
/// Create a new client with the given configuration.
/// # Arguments
/// * `homeserver_url` - The homeserver that the client should connect to.
/// * `session` - If a previous login exists, the access token can be
/// reused by giving a session object here.
/// * `config` - Configuration for the client.
pub fn new_with_config<U: TryInto<Url>>(
homeserver_url: U,
session: Option<Session>,
config: AsyncClientConfig,
) -> Result<Self> {
let homeserver: Url = match homeserver_url.try_into() {
Ok(u) => u,
Err(_e) => panic!("Error parsing homeserver url"),
let http_client = reqwest::Client::builder();
let http_client = if config.disable_ssl_verification {
} else {
let http_client = match config.proxy {
Some(p) => http_client.proxy(p),
None => http_client,
let mut headers = reqwest::header::HeaderMap::new();
let user_agent = match config.user_agent {
Some(a) => a,
None => HeaderValue::from_str(&format!("matrix-rust-sdk {}", VERSION)).unwrap(),
headers.insert(reqwest::header::USER_AGENT, user_agent);
let http_client = http_client.default_headers(headers).build()?;
Ok(Self {
base_client: Arc::new(RwLock::new(BaseClient::new(session)?)),
transaction_id: Arc::new(AtomicU64::new(0)),
/// Is the client logged in.
pub async fn logged_in(&self) -> bool {
// TODO turn this into a atomic bool so this method doesn't need to be
// async.
/// The Homeserver of the client.
pub fn homeserver(&self) -> &Url {
/// Add `EventEmitter` to `AsyncClient`.
/// The methods of `EventEmitter` are called when the respective `RoomEvents` occur.
pub async fn add_event_emitter(
&mut self,
emitter: Arc<tokio::sync::Mutex<Box<dyn EventEmitter>>>,
) {
self.base_client.write().await.event_emitter = Some(emitter);
/// Returns an `Option` of the room name from a `RoomId`.
/// This is a human readable room name.
pub async fn get_room_name(&self, room_id: &str) -> Option<String> {
/// Returns a `Vec` of the room names this client knows about.
/// This is a human readable list of room names.
pub async fn get_room_names(&self) -> Vec<String> {
/// Returns the rooms this client knows about.
/// A `HashMap` of room id to `matrix::models::Room`
pub async fn get_rooms(&self) -> HashMap<String, Arc<tokio::sync::Mutex<Room>>> {
/// Login to the server.
/// # Arguments
/// * `user` - The user that should be logged in to the homeserver.
/// * `password` - The password of the user.
/// * `device_id` - A unique id that will be associated with this session. If
/// not given the homeserver will create one. Can be an existing
/// device_id from a previous login call. Note that this should be done
/// only if the client also holds the encryption keys for this device.
pub async fn login<S: Into<String> + std::fmt::Debug>(
&mut self,
user: S,
password: S,
device_id: Option<S>,
initial_device_display_name: Option<S>,
) -> Result<login::Response> {
info!("Logging in to {} as {:?}", self.homeserver, user);
let request = login::Request {
user: login::UserInfo::MatrixId(user.into()),
login_info: login::LoginInfo::Password {
password: password.into(),
device_id: device_id.map(|d| d.into()),
initial_device_display_name: initial_device_display_name.map(|d| d.into()),
let response = self.send(request).await?;
let mut client = self.base_client.write().await;
/// Synchronize the client's state with the latest state on the server.
/// # Arguments
/// * `sync_settings` - Settings for the sync call.
pub async fn sync(
&mut self,
sync_settings: SyncSettings,
) -> Result<sync_events::IncomingResponse> {
let request = sync_events::Request {
filter: None,
since: sync_settings.token,
full_state: sync_settings.full_state,
set_presence: None,
timeout: sync_settings.timeout,
let mut response = self.send(request).await?;
for (room_id, room) in &mut response.rooms.join {
let room_id_string = room_id.to_string();
let mut client = self.base_client.write().await;
let _matrix_room = {
for event in &room.state.events {
if let EventResult::Ok(e) = event {
client.receive_joined_state_event(&room_id_string, &e).await;
// re looping is not ideal here
for event in &mut room.state.events {
if let EventResult::Ok(e) = event {
client.emit_state_event(room_id, e).await;
for mut event in &mut room.timeline.events {
let decrypted_event = {
.receive_joined_timeline_event(room_id, &mut event)
if let Some(e) = decrypted_event {
*event = e;
if let EventResult::Ok(e) = event {
client.emit_timeline_event(room_id, e).await;
// look at AccountData to further cut down users by collecting ignored users
for account_data in &mut room.account_data.events {
if let EventResult::Ok(e) = account_data {
client.receive_account_data(&room_id_string, e).await;
client.emit_account_data_event(room_id, e).await;
// TODO `IncomingEphemeral` events for typing events
// After the room has been created and state/timeline events accounted for we use the room_id of the newly created
// room to add any presence events that relate to a user in the current room. This is not super
// efficient but we need a room_id so we would loop through now or later.
for presence in &mut response.presence.events {
if let EventResult::Ok(e) = presence {
client.receive_presence_event(&room_id_string, e).await;
client.emit_presence_event(room_id, e).await;
let mut client = self.base_client.write().await;
client.receive_sync_response(&mut response).await;
/// Repeatedly call sync to synchronize the client state with the server.
/// # Arguments
/// * `sync_settings` - Settings for the sync call. Note that those settings
/// will be only used for the first sync call.
/// * `callback` - A callback that will be called every time a successful
/// response has been fetched from the server.
/// # Examples
/// The following example demonstrates how to sync forever while sending all
/// the interesting events through a mpsc channel to another thread e.g. a
/// UI thread.
/// ```compile_fail,E0658
/// # use matrix_sdk::events::{
/// # collections::all::RoomEvent,
/// # room::message::{MessageEvent, MessageEventContent, TextMessageEventContent},
/// # EventResult,
/// # };
/// # use matrix_sdk::Room;
/// # use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock};
/// # use matrix_sdk::{AsyncClient, SyncSettings};
/// # use url::Url;
/// # use futures::executor::block_on;
/// # block_on(async {
/// # let homeserver = Url::parse("http://localhost:8080").unwrap();
/// # let mut client = AsyncClient::new(homeserver, None).unwrap();
/// use async_std::sync::channel;
/// let (tx, rx) = channel(100);
/// let sync_channel = &tx;
/// let sync_settings = SyncSettings::new()
/// .timeout(30_000)
/// .unwrap();
/// client
/// .sync_forever(sync_settings, async move |response| {
/// let channel = sync_channel;
/// for (room_id, room) in response.rooms.join {
/// for event in room.timeline.events {
/// if let EventResult::Ok(e) = event {
/// channel.send(e).await;
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// })
/// .await;
/// })
/// ```
pub async fn sync_forever<C>(
&mut self,
sync_settings: SyncSettings,
callback: impl Fn(sync_events::IncomingResponse) -> C + Send,
) where
C: Future<Output = ()>,
let mut sync_settings = sync_settings;
let mut last_sync_time: Option<Instant> = None;
loop {
let response = self.sync(sync_settings.clone()).await;
let response = if let Ok(r) = response {
} else {
// TODO query keys here.
// TODO send out to-device messages here
#[cfg(feature = "encryption")]
if self.base_client.read().await.should_upload_keys().await {
let _ = self.keys_upload().await;
if self.base_client.read().await.should_query_keys().await {
// TODO enable this
let _ = self.keys_query().await;
let now = Instant::now();
// If the last sync happened less than a second ago, sleep for a
// while to not hammer out requests if the server doesn't respect
// the sync timeout.
if let Some(t) = last_sync_time {
if now - t <= Duration::from_secs(1) {
last_sync_time = Some(now);
sync_settings = SyncSettings::new().timeout(DEFAULT_SYNC_TIMEOUT).token(
.expect("No sync token found after initial sync"),
async fn send<Request: Endpoint + std::fmt::Debug>(
request: Request,
) -> Result<<Request::Response as Outgoing>::Incoming>
TryFrom<http::Request<Vec<u8>>, Error = ruma_api::error::FromHttpRequestError>,
<Request::Response as Outgoing>::Incoming: TryFrom<
Error = ruma_api::error::FromHttpResponseError<
<Request as ruma_api::Endpoint>::ResponseError,
<Request as ruma_api::Endpoint>::ResponseError: std::fmt::Debug,
let request: http::Request<Vec<u8>> = request.try_into()?;
let url = request.uri();
let url = self
trace!("Doing request {:?}", url);
let request_builder = match Request::METADATA.method {
HttpMethod::GET => self.http_client.get(url),
HttpMethod::POST => {
let body = request.body().clone();
HttpMethod::PUT => {
let body = request.body().clone();
HttpMethod::DELETE => unimplemented!(),
_ => panic!("Unsuported method"),
let request_builder = if Request::METADATA.requires_authentication {
let client = self.base_client.read().await;
if let Some(ref session) = client.session {
} else {
return Err(Error::AuthenticationRequired);
} else {
let mut response = request_builder.send().await?;
trace!("Got response: {:?}", response);
let status = response.status();
let mut http_response = HttpResponse::builder().status(status);
let headers = http_response.headers_mut().unwrap();
for (k, v) in response.headers_mut().drain() {
if let Some(key) = k {
headers.insert(key, v);
let body = response.bytes().await?.as_ref().to_owned();
let http_response = http_response.body(body).unwrap();
let response = <Request::Response as Outgoing>::Incoming::try_from(http_response)
.expect("Can't convert http response into ruma response");
/// Get a new unique transaction id for the client.
fn transaction_id(&self) -> u64 {
self.transaction_id.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst)
/// Send a room message to the homeserver.
/// Returns the parsed response from the server.
/// # Arguments
/// * `room_id` - The id of the room that should receive the message.
/// * `data` - The content of the message.
pub async fn room_send(
&mut self,
room_id: &str,
data: MessageEventContent,
) -> Result<create_message_event::Response> {
#[cfg(feature = "encryption")]
let encrypted = {
let client = self.base_client.read().await;
let room = client.joined_rooms.get(room_id);
match room {
Some(r) => r.lock().await.is_encrypted(),
None => false,
if encrypted {
let missing_sessions = {
let client = self.base_client.read().await;
let room = client.joined_rooms.get(room_id);
let room = room.as_ref().unwrap().lock().await;
let users = room.members.keys();
if !missing_sessions.is_empty() {
let _ = self.claim_one_time_keys(missing_sessions).await;
let request = create_message_event::Request {
room_id: RoomId::try_from(room_id).unwrap(),
event_type: EventType::RoomMessage,
txn_id: self.transaction_id().to_string(),
let response = self.send(request).await?;
/// Claim one-time keys creating new Olm sessions.
/// # Arguments
/// * `users` - The list of user/device pairs that we should claim keys for.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if the client isn't logged in, or if no encryption keys need to
/// be uploaded.
#[cfg(feature = "encryption")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "encryption")))]
async fn claim_one_time_keys(
one_time_keys: HashMap<UserId, HashMap<DeviceId, KeyAlgorithm>>,
) -> Result<claim_keys::Response> {
let request = claim_keys::Request {
timeout: None,
let response = self.send(request).await?;
/// Upload the E2E encryption keys.
/// This uploads the long lived device keys as well as the required amount
/// of one-time keys.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if the client isn't logged in, or if no encryption keys need to
/// be uploaded.
#[cfg(feature = "encryption")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "encryption")))]
async fn keys_upload(&self) -> Result<upload_keys::Response> {
let (device_keys, one_time_keys) = self
.expect("Keys don't need to be uploaded");
"Uploading encryption keys device keys: {}, one-time-keys: {}",
one_time_keys.as_ref().map_or(0, |k| k.len())
let request = upload_keys::Request {
let response = self.send(request).await?;
/// Get the current, if any, sync token of the client.
/// This will be None if the client didn't sync at least once.
pub async fn sync_token(&self) -> Option<String> {
#[cfg(feature = "encryption")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "encryption")))]
/// Query the server for users device keys.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if no key query needs to be done.
async fn keys_query(&self) -> Result<get_keys::Response> {
let mut users_for_query = self
.expect("Keys don't need to be uploaded");
"Querying device keys device for users: {:?}",
let mut device_keys: HashMap<UserId, Vec<DeviceId>> = HashMap::new();
for user in users_for_query.drain() {
device_keys.insert(UserId::try_from(user.as_ref()).unwrap(), Vec::new());
let request = get_keys::Request {
timeout: None,
token: None,
let response = self.send(request).await?;