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// Copyright 2020 The Foundation C.I.C.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//! Types and traits to implement the storage layer for the [`OlmMachine`]
//! The storage layer for the [`OlmMachine`] can be customized using a trait.
//! Implementing your own [`CryptoStore`]
//! An in-memory only store is provided as well as a Sled based one, depending
//! on your needs and targets a custom store may be implemented, e.g. for
//! `wasm-unknown-unknown` an indexeddb store would be needed
//! ```
//! # use matrix_sdk_crypto::{
//! # OlmMachine,
//! # store::MemoryStore,
//! # };
//! # use matrix_sdk_common::identifiers::{user_id, DeviceIdBox};
//! # let user_id = user_id!("@example:localhost");
//! # let device_id: DeviceIdBox = "TEST".into();
//! let store = Box::new(MemoryStore::new());
//! let machine = OlmMachine::new_with_store(user_id, device_id, store);
//! ```
//! [`OlmMachine`]: /matrix_sdk_crypto/struct.OlmMachine.html
//! [`CryptoStore`]: trait.Cryptostore.html
pub mod caches;
mod memorystore;
mod pickle_key;
#[cfg(feature = "sled_cryptostore")]
pub(crate) mod sled;
use std::{
collections::{HashMap, HashSet},
io::Error as IoError,
use matrix_sdk_common::{
DeviceId, DeviceIdBox, DeviceKeyAlgorithm, Error as IdentifierValidationError, RoomId,
pub use memorystore::MemoryStore;
use olm_rs::errors::{OlmAccountError, OlmGroupSessionError, OlmSessionError};
pub use pickle_key::{EncryptedPickleKey, PickleKey};
use serde_json::Error as SerdeError;
use thiserror::Error;
#[cfg(feature = "sled_cryptostore")]
pub use self::sled::SledStore;
use crate::{
identities::{Device, ReadOnlyDevice, UserDevices, UserIdentities},
InboundGroupSession, OlmMessageHash, OutboundGroupSession, PrivateCrossSigningIdentity,
ReadOnlyAccount, Session,
/// A `CryptoStore` specific result type.
pub type Result<T, E = CryptoStoreError> = std::result::Result<T, E>;
/// A wrapper for our CryptoStore trait object.
/// This is needed because we want to have a generic interface so we can
/// store/restore objects that we can serialize. Since trait objects and
/// generics don't mix let the CryptoStore store strings and this wrapper
/// adds the generic interface on top.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub(crate) struct Store {
user_id: Arc<UserId>,
identity: Arc<Mutex<PrivateCrossSigningIdentity>>,
inner: Arc<Box<dyn CryptoStore>>,
verification_machine: VerificationMachine,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
pub struct Changes {
pub account: Option<ReadOnlyAccount>,
pub private_identity: Option<PrivateCrossSigningIdentity>,
pub sessions: Vec<Session>,
pub message_hashes: Vec<OlmMessageHash>,
pub inbound_group_sessions: Vec<InboundGroupSession>,
pub outbound_group_sessions: Vec<OutboundGroupSession>,
pub identities: IdentityChanges,
pub key_requests: Vec<OutgoingKeyRequest>,
pub devices: DeviceChanges,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)]
pub struct IdentityChanges {
pub new: Vec<UserIdentities>,
pub changed: Vec<UserIdentities>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)]
pub struct DeviceChanges {
pub new: Vec<ReadOnlyDevice>,
pub changed: Vec<ReadOnlyDevice>,
pub deleted: Vec<ReadOnlyDevice>,
impl DeviceChanges {
/// Merge the given `DeviceChanges` into this instance of `DeviceChanges`.
pub fn extend(&mut self, other: DeviceChanges) {;
impl Store {
pub fn new(
user_id: Arc<UserId>,
identity: Arc<Mutex<PrivateCrossSigningIdentity>>,
store: Arc<Box<dyn CryptoStore>>,
verification_machine: VerificationMachine,
) -> Self {
Self { user_id, identity, inner: store, verification_machine }
pub async fn get_readonly_device(
user_id: &UserId,
device_id: &DeviceId,
) -> Result<Option<ReadOnlyDevice>> {
self.inner.get_device(user_id, device_id).await
pub async fn save_sessions(&self, sessions: &[Session]) -> Result<()> {
let changes = Changes { sessions: sessions.to_vec(), ..Default::default() };
pub async fn save_devices(&self, devices: &[ReadOnlyDevice]) -> Result<()> {
let changes = Changes {
devices: DeviceChanges { changed: devices.to_vec(), ..Default::default() },
pub async fn save_inbound_group_sessions(
sessions: &[InboundGroupSession],
) -> Result<()> {
let changes = Changes { inbound_group_sessions: sessions.to_vec(), ..Default::default() };
pub async fn get_readonly_devices(
user_id: &UserId,
) -> Result<HashMap<DeviceIdBox, ReadOnlyDevice>> {
pub async fn get_device_from_curve_key(
user_id: &UserId,
curve_key: &str,
) -> Result<Option<Device>> {
self.get_user_devices(user_id)|d| {
d.devices().find(|d| {
d.get_key(DeviceKeyAlgorithm::Curve25519).map_or(false, |k| k == curve_key)
pub async fn get_user_devices(&self, user_id: &UserId) -> Result<UserDevices> {
let devices = self.inner.get_user_devices(user_id).await?;
let own_identity =
self.inner.get_user_identity(&self.user_id).await?.map(|i| i.own().cloned()).flatten();
let device_owner_identity = self.inner.get_user_identity(user_id).await.ok().flatten();
Ok(UserDevices {
inner: devices,
private_identity: self.identity.clone(),
verification_machine: self.verification_machine.clone(),
pub async fn get_device(
user_id: &UserId,
device_id: &DeviceId,
) -> Result<Option<Device>> {
let own_identity =
self.get_user_identity(&self.user_id).await?.map(|i| i.own().cloned()).flatten();
let device_owner_identity = self.get_user_identity(user_id).await?;
Ok(self.inner.get_device(user_id, device_id).await?.map(|d| Device {
inner: d,
private_identity: self.identity.clone(),
verification_machine: self.verification_machine.clone(),
impl Deref for Store {
type Target = dyn CryptoStore;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
/// The crypto store's error type.
pub enum CryptoStoreError {
/// The account that owns the sessions, group sessions, and devices wasn't
/// found.
#[error("can't save/load sessions or group sessions in the store before an account is stored")]
/// Error in the internal database
#[cfg(feature = "sled_cryptostore")]
Database(#[from] sled::Error),
/// An IO error occurred.
Io(#[from] IoError),
/// The underlying Olm Account operation returned an error.
OlmAccount(#[from] OlmAccountError),
/// The underlying Olm session operation returned an error.
OlmSession(#[from] OlmSessionError),
/// The underlying Olm group session operation returned an error.
OlmGroupSession(#[from] OlmGroupSessionError),
/// A session time-stamp couldn't be loaded.
SessionUnpickling(#[from] SessionUnpicklingError),
/// Failed to decrypt an pickled object.
#[error("An object failed to be decrypted while unpickling")]
/// A Matirx identifier failed to be validated.
IdentifierValidation(#[from] IdentifierValidationError),
/// The store failed to (de)serialize a data type.
Serialization(#[from] SerdeError),
/// Trait abstracting a store that the `OlmMachine` uses to store cryptographic
/// keys.
#[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", async_trait(?Send))]
#[cfg_attr(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), async_trait)]
pub trait CryptoStore: AsyncTraitDeps {
/// Load an account that was previously stored.
async fn load_account(&self) -> Result<Option<ReadOnlyAccount>>;
/// Save the given account in the store.
/// # Arguments
/// * `account` - The account that should be stored.
async fn save_account(&self, account: ReadOnlyAccount) -> Result<()>;
/// Try to load a private cross signing identity, if one is stored.
async fn load_identity(&self) -> Result<Option<PrivateCrossSigningIdentity>>;
/// Save the set of changes to the store.
/// # Arguments
/// * `changes` - The set of changes that should be stored.
async fn save_changes(&self, changes: Changes) -> Result<()>;
/// Get all the sessions that belong to the given sender key.
/// # Arguments
/// * `sender_key` - The sender key that was used to establish the sessions.
async fn get_sessions(&self, sender_key: &str) -> Result<Option<Arc<Mutex<Vec<Session>>>>>;
/// Get the inbound group session from our store.
/// # Arguments
/// * `room_id` - The room id of the room that the session belongs to.
/// * `sender_key` - The sender key that sent us the session.
/// * `session_id` - The unique id of the session.
async fn get_inbound_group_session(
room_id: &RoomId,
sender_key: &str,
session_id: &str,
) -> Result<Option<InboundGroupSession>>;
/// Get all the inbound group sessions we have stored.
async fn get_inbound_group_sessions(&self) -> Result<Vec<InboundGroupSession>>;
/// Get the outobund group sessions we have stored that is used for the
/// given room.
async fn get_outbound_group_sessions(
room_id: &RoomId,
) -> Result<Option<OutboundGroupSession>>;
/// Is the given user already tracked.
fn is_user_tracked(&self, user_id: &UserId) -> bool;
/// Are there any tracked users that are marked as dirty.
fn has_users_for_key_query(&self) -> bool;
/// Set of users that we need to query keys for. This is a subset of
/// the tracked users.
fn users_for_key_query(&self) -> HashSet<UserId>;
/// Add an user for tracking.
/// Returns true if the user wasn't already tracked, false otherwise.
/// # Arguments
/// * `user` - The user that should be marked as tracked.
/// * `dirty` - Should the user be also marked for a key query.
async fn update_tracked_user(&self, user: &UserId, dirty: bool) -> Result<bool>;
/// Get the device for the given user with the given device id.
/// # Arguments
/// * `user_id` - The user that the device belongs to.
/// * `device_id` - The unique id of the device.
async fn get_device(
user_id: &UserId,
device_id: &DeviceId,
) -> Result<Option<ReadOnlyDevice>>;
/// Get all the devices of the given user.
/// # Arguments
/// * `user_id` - The user for which we should get all the devices.
async fn get_user_devices(
user_id: &UserId,
) -> Result<HashMap<DeviceIdBox, ReadOnlyDevice>>;
/// Get the user identity that is attached to the given user id.
/// # Arguments
/// * `user_id` - The user for which we should get the identity.
async fn get_user_identity(&self, user_id: &UserId) -> Result<Option<UserIdentities>>;
/// Check if a hash for an Olm message stored in the database.
async fn is_message_known(&self, message_hash: &OlmMessageHash) -> Result<bool>;
/// Get an outoing key request that we created that matches the given
/// request id.
/// # Arguments
/// * `request_id` - The unique request id that identifies this outgoing key
/// request.
async fn get_outgoing_key_request(
request_id: Uuid,
) -> Result<Option<OutgoingKeyRequest>>;
/// Get an outoing key request that we created that matches the given
/// requested key info.
/// # Arguments
/// * `key_info` - The key info of an outgoing key request.
async fn get_key_request_by_info(
key_info: &RequestedKeyInfo,
) -> Result<Option<OutgoingKeyRequest>>;
/// Get all outgoing key requests that we have in the store.
async fn get_unsent_key_requests(&self) -> Result<Vec<OutgoingKeyRequest>>;
/// Delete an outoing key request that we created that matches the given
/// request id.
/// # Arguments
/// * `request_id` - The unique request id that identifies this outgoing key
/// request.
async fn delete_outgoing_key_request(&self, request_id: Uuid) -> Result<()>;