# Benchmarks for the rust-sdk crypto layer This directory contains various benchmarks that test critical functionality in the crypto layer in the rust-sdk. We're using [Criterion] for the benchmarks, the full documentation for Criterion can be found [here](https://bheisler.github.io/criterion.rs/book/criterion_rs.html). ## Running the benchmarks The benchmark can be simply run by using the `bench` command of `cargo`: ```bash $ cargo bench ``` This will work from the workspace directory of the rust-sdk. If you want to pass options to the benchmark [you'll need to specify the name of the benchmark](https://bheisler.github.io/criterion.rs/book/faq.html#cargo-bench-gives-unrecognized-option-errors-for-valid-command-line-options): ```bash $ cargo bench --bench crypto_bench -- # Your options go here ``` If you want to run only a specific benchmark, simply pass the name of the benchmark as an argument: ```bash $ cargo bench --bench crypto_bench "Room key sharing/" ``` After the benchmarks are done, a HTML report can be found in `target/criterion/report/index.html`. ### Using a baseline for the benchmark The benchmarks will by default compare the results to the previous run of the benchmark. If you are improving the performance of a specific feature and run the benchmark many times, it may be useful to store a baseline to compare against instead. The `--save-baseline` switch can be used to create a baseline for the benchmark. ```bash $ cargo bench --bench crypto_bench -- --save-baseline libolm ``` After you make your changes you can use the baseline to compare the results like so: ```bash $ cargo bench --bench crypto_bench -- --baseline libolm ``` ### Generating Flame Graphs for the benchmarks The benchmarks support profiling and generating [Flame Graphs] while they run in profiling mode using [pprof]. Profiling usually requieres root permissions, to avoid the need for root permissions you can adjust the value of `perf_event_paranoid`, e.g. the most permisive value is `-1`: ```bash $ echo -1 | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/perf_event_paranoid ``` To generate flame graphs feature simply enable the profiling mode using the `--profile-time` command line flag: ```bash $ cargo bench --bench crypto_bench -- --profile-time=5 ``` After the benchmarks are done, a flame graph for each individual benchmark can be found in `target/criterion//profile/flamegraph.svg`. [pprof]: https://docs.rs/pprof/0.5.0/pprof/index.html# [Criterion]: https://docs.rs/criterion/0.3.5/criterion/ [Flame Graphs]: https://www.brendangregg.com/flamegraphs.html