""" A mitmproxy script that introduces certain request failures in a deterministic way. Used mainly for Matrix style requests. To run execute it with mitmproxy: >>> mitmproxy -s failures.py` """ import time import json import random from mitmproxy import http from mitmproxy.script import concurrent REQUEST_COUNT = 0 def timeout(flow): timeout = 60 if "sync" in flow.request.pretty_url else 30 time.sleep(timeout) return None # A map holding our failure modes. # The keys are just descriptive names for the failure mode while the values # hold a tuple containing a function that may or may not create a failure and # the probability weight at which rate this failure should be triggered. # # The method should return an http.HTTPResponse if it should modify the # response or None if the response should be passed as is. FAILURES = { "Success": (lambda x: None, 50), "Gateway error": (lambda _: http.HTTPResponse.make(500, b"Gateway error"), 20), "Limit exeeded": (lambda _: http.HTTPResponse.make( 429, json.dumps({ "errcode": "M_LIMIT_EXCEEDED", "error": "Too many requests", "retry_after_ms": 2000 })), 20), "Timeout error": (timeout, 10) } @concurrent def request(flow): global FAILURES weights = [weight for (_, weight) in FAILURES.values()] failure = random.choices(list(FAILURES), weights=weights)[0] failure_func, _ = FAILURES[failure] response = failure_func(flow) if response: flow.response = response