## Peeking Peeking is implemented as per [MSC2753](https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-doc/pull/2753). Implementationwise, this means: * Users call `/peek` and `/unpeek` on the clientapi from a given device. * The clientapi delegates these via HTTP to the roomserver, which coordinates peeking in general for a given room * The roomserver writes an NewPeek event into the kafka log headed to the syncserver * The syncserver tracks the existence of the local peek in its DB, and then starts waking up the peeking devices for the room in question, putting it in the `peek` section of the /sync response. Questions (given this is [my](https://github.com/ara4n) first time hacking on Dendrite): * The whole clientapi -> roomserver -> syncapi flow to initiate a peek seems very indirect. Is there a reason not to just let syncapi itself host the implementation of `/peek`? In future, peeking over federation will be added as per [MSC2444](https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-doc/pull/2444). * The `roomserver` will kick the `federationsender` much as it does for a federated `/join` in order to trigger a federated `/peek` * The `federationsender` tracks the existence of the remote peek in question * The `federationsender` regularly renews the remote peek as long as there are still peeking devices syncing for it. * TBD: how do we tell if there are no devices currently syncing for a given peeked room? The syncserver needs to tell the roomserver somehow who then needs to warn the federationsender.