* Fall back to postgres when parsing the database connection string for a URI schema fails
* Fix behaviour so that it really tries postgres when URL parsing fails and it complains about unknown schema if it succeeds
* This commit updates a couple of the syncapi SQL queries to return additional columns that are required/expected by rowsToStreamEvents in output_room_events_table.go.
It's not exactly clear to me yet what transaction_id and session_id do, but these being added n #367 results in state events breaking the /sync endpoint.
This is a temporary fix. We need to come up with a better solution.
* gomatrix to gomatrixserverlib on some weird line change
* Tweaks from @babolivier review comments
Fix the /send_join and /send_leave endpoints, so that they use the v2 endpoints as mandated by MSC1802. Also comment out the SyTest tests that are failing because of lack of support for the v1 endpoints.
This PR adds a block in the dendrite config for the services to bind to. The microservices should bind to the addresses in the bind block, and will be contacted at the address in the listen block.
This fixes an issue with the microservices and kubernetes services.
Add information about how the continuous integration is set up in Dendrite and how to run the tests locally so that people don't need to wait around for things to churn.
This PR adds a gomatrixserverlib.Filter parameter to functions handling the syncapi_current_room_state table. It does not implement any filtering logic inside the syncapi IncrementalSync/CompleteSync functions, just the APIs for future use.
Default filters are provided as placeholders in IncrementalSync/CompleteSync, so behaviour should be unchanged (except the default 20 event limit)
SQL table will be changed. You can upgrade an existing database using:
ALTER TABLE syncapi_current_room_state ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS sender text;
UPDATE syncapi_current_room_state SET sender=(event_json::json->>'sender');
ALTER TABLE syncapi_current_room_state ALTER COLUMN sender SET NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE syncapi_current_room_state ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS contains_url bool;
UPDATE syncapi_current_room_state SET contains_url=(event_json::json->>'content')::json->>'url' IS NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE syncapi_current_room_state ALTER COLUMN contains_url SET NOT NULL;
Note: This depends on #436 (and includes all its commits). I'm not sure if Github will remove the duplicated commits once #436 is merged.