mod edus; pub use edus::RoomEdus; use member::MembershipState; use crate::{pdu::PduBuilder, utils, Database, Error, PduEvent, Result}; use lru_cache::LruCache; use regex::Regex; use ring::digest; use ruma::{ api::{client::error::ErrorKind, federation}, events::{ ignored_user_list, push_rules, room::{ create::CreateEventContent, member, message, power_levels::PowerLevelsEventContent, }, AnyStrippedStateEvent, AnySyncStateEvent, EventType, }, push::{self, Action, Tweak}, serde::{CanonicalJsonObject, CanonicalJsonValue, Raw}, state_res::{self, Event, RoomVersion, StateMap}, uint, EventId, RoomAliasId, RoomId, RoomVersionId, ServerName, UserId, }; use std::{ collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet, HashMap, HashSet}, convert::{TryFrom, TryInto}, mem, sync::{Arc, Mutex}, }; use tokio::sync::MutexGuard; use tracing::{debug, error, warn}; use super::{abstraction::Tree, admin::AdminCommand, pusher}; /// The unique identifier of each state group. /// /// This is created when a state group is added to the database by /// hashing the entire state. pub type StateHashId = Vec; pub struct Rooms { pub edus: edus::RoomEdus, pub(super) pduid_pdu: Arc, // PduId = RoomId + Count pub(super) eventid_pduid: Arc, pub(super) roomid_pduleaves: Arc, pub(super) alias_roomid: Arc, pub(super) aliasid_alias: Arc, // AliasId = RoomId + Count pub(super) publicroomids: Arc, pub(super) tokenids: Arc, // TokenId = RoomId + Token + PduId /// Participating servers in a room. pub(super) roomserverids: Arc, // RoomServerId = RoomId + ServerName pub(super) serverroomids: Arc, // ServerRoomId = ServerName + RoomId pub(super) userroomid_joined: Arc, pub(super) roomuserid_joined: Arc, pub(super) roomid_joinedcount: Arc, pub(super) roomuseroncejoinedids: Arc, pub(super) userroomid_invitestate: Arc, // InviteState = Vec> pub(super) roomuserid_invitecount: Arc, // InviteCount = Count pub(super) userroomid_leftstate: Arc, pub(super) roomuserid_leftcount: Arc, pub(super) userroomid_notificationcount: Arc, // NotifyCount = u64 pub(super) userroomid_highlightcount: Arc, // HightlightCount = u64 /// Remember the current state hash of a room. pub(super) roomid_shortstatehash: Arc, /// Remember the state hash at events in the past. pub(super) shorteventid_shortstatehash: Arc, /// StateKey = EventType + StateKey, ShortStateKey = Count pub(super) statekey_shortstatekey: Arc, pub(super) shorteventid_eventid: Arc, /// ShortEventId = Count pub(super) eventid_shorteventid: Arc, /// ShortEventId = Count pub(super) statehash_shortstatehash: Arc, /// ShortStateHash = Count /// StateId = ShortStateHash + ShortStateKey pub(super) stateid_shorteventid: Arc, /// RoomId + EventId -> outlier PDU. /// Any pdu that has passed the steps 1-8 in the incoming event /federation/send/txn. pub(super) eventid_outlierpdu: Arc, /// RoomId + EventId -> Parent PDU EventId. pub(super) referencedevents: Arc, pub(super) pdu_cache: Mutex>>, pub(super) auth_chain_cache: Mutex>>, } impl Rooms { /// Builds a StateMap by iterating over all keys that start /// with state_hash, this gives the full state for the given state_hash. pub fn state_full_ids(&self, shortstatehash: u64) -> Result> { Ok(self .stateid_shorteventid .scan_prefix(shortstatehash.to_be_bytes().to_vec()) .map(|(_, bytes)| self.shorteventid_eventid.get(&bytes).ok().flatten()) .flatten() .map(|bytes| { EventId::try_from(utils::string_from_bytes(&bytes).map_err(|_| { Error::bad_database("EventID in stateid_shorteventid is invalid unicode.") })?) .map_err(|_| Error::bad_database("EventId in stateid_shorteventid is invalid.")) }) .filter_map(|r| r.ok()) .collect()) } pub fn state_full( &self, shortstatehash: u64, ) -> Result>> { let state = self .stateid_shorteventid .scan_prefix(shortstatehash.to_be_bytes().to_vec()) .map(|(_, bytes)| self.shorteventid_eventid.get(&bytes).ok().flatten()) .flatten() .map(|bytes| { EventId::try_from(utils::string_from_bytes(&bytes).map_err(|_| { Error::bad_database("EventID in stateid_shorteventid is invalid unicode.") })?) .map_err(|_| Error::bad_database("EventId in stateid_shorteventid is invalid.")) }) .filter_map(|r| r.ok()) .map(|eventid| self.get_pdu(&eventid)) .filter_map(|r| r.ok().flatten()) .map(|pdu| { Ok::<_, Error>(( ( pdu.kind.clone(), pdu.state_key .as_ref() .ok_or_else(|| Error::bad_database("State event has no state key."))? .clone(), ), pdu, )) }) .filter_map(|r| r.ok()) .collect(); Ok(state) } /// Returns a single PDU from `room_id` with key (`event_type`, `state_key`). #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub fn state_get_id( &self, shortstatehash: u64, event_type: &EventType, state_key: &str, ) -> Result> { let mut key = event_type.as_ref().as_bytes().to_vec(); key.push(0xff); key.extend_from_slice(&state_key.as_bytes()); let shortstatekey = self.statekey_shortstatekey.get(&key)?; if let Some(shortstatekey) = shortstatekey { let mut stateid = shortstatehash.to_be_bytes().to_vec(); stateid.extend_from_slice(&shortstatekey); Ok(self .stateid_shorteventid .get(&stateid)? .map(|bytes| self.shorteventid_eventid.get(&bytes).ok().flatten()) .flatten() .map(|bytes| { EventId::try_from(utils::string_from_bytes(&bytes).map_err(|_| { Error::bad_database("EventID in stateid_shorteventid is invalid unicode.") })?) .map_err(|_| Error::bad_database("EventId in stateid_shorteventid is invalid.")) }) .map(|r| r.ok()) .flatten()) } else { Ok(None) } } /// Returns a single PDU from `room_id` with key (`event_type`, `state_key`). #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub fn state_get( &self, shortstatehash: u64, event_type: &EventType, state_key: &str, ) -> Result>> { self.state_get_id(shortstatehash, event_type, state_key)? .map_or(Ok(None), |event_id| self.get_pdu(&event_id)) } /// Returns the state hash for this pdu. #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub fn pdu_shortstatehash(&self, event_id: &EventId) -> Result> { self.eventid_shorteventid .get(event_id.as_bytes())? .map_or(Ok(None), |shorteventid| { self.shorteventid_shortstatehash.get(&shorteventid)?.map_or( Ok::<_, Error>(None), |bytes| { Ok(Some(utils::u64_from_bytes(&bytes).map_err(|_| { Error::bad_database( "Invalid shortstatehash bytes in shorteventid_shortstatehash", ) })?)) }, ) }) } /// Returns the last state hash key added to the db for the given room. #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub fn current_shortstatehash(&self, room_id: &RoomId) -> Result> { self.roomid_shortstatehash .get(room_id.as_bytes())? .map_or(Ok(None), |bytes| { Ok(Some(utils::u64_from_bytes(&bytes).map_err(|_| { Error::bad_database("Invalid shortstatehash in roomid_shortstatehash") })?)) }) } /// This fetches auth events from the current state. pub fn get_auth_events( &self, room_id: &RoomId, kind: &EventType, sender: &UserId, state_key: Option<&str>, content: &serde_json::Value, ) -> Result>> { let auth_events = state_res::auth_types_for_event( kind, sender,|s| s.to_string()), content.clone(), ); let mut events = StateMap::new(); for (event_type, state_key) in auth_events { if let Some(pdu) = self.room_state_get(room_id, &event_type, &state_key)? { events.insert((event_type, state_key), pdu); } else { // This is okay because when creating a new room some events were not created yet debug!( "{:?}: Could not find {} {:?} in state", content, event_type, state_key ); } } Ok(events) } /// Generate a new StateHash. /// /// A unique hash made from hashing all PDU ids of the state joined with 0xff. fn calculate_hash(&self, bytes_list: &[&[u8]]) -> StateHashId { // We only hash the pdu's event ids, not the whole pdu let bytes = bytes_list.join(&0xff); let hash = digest::digest(&digest::SHA256, &bytes); hash.as_ref().into() } /// Checks if a room exists. pub fn exists(&self, room_id: &RoomId) -> Result { let mut prefix = room_id.as_bytes().to_vec(); prefix.push(0xff); // Look for PDUs in that room. Ok(self .pduid_pdu .iter_from(&prefix, false) .next() .filter(|(k, _)| k.starts_with(&prefix)) .is_some()) } /// Checks if a room exists. pub fn first_pdu_in_room(&self, room_id: &RoomId) -> Result>> { let mut prefix = room_id.as_bytes().to_vec(); prefix.push(0xff); // Look for PDUs in that room. self.pduid_pdu .iter_from(&prefix, false) .filter(|(k, _)| k.starts_with(&prefix)) .map(|(_, pdu)| { serde_json::from_slice(&pdu) .map_err(|_| Error::bad_database("Invalid first PDU in db.")) .map(Arc::new) }) .next() .transpose() } /// Force the creation of a new StateHash and insert it into the db. /// /// Whatever `state` is supplied to `force_state` __is__ the current room state snapshot. pub fn force_state( &self, room_id: &RoomId, state: HashMap<(EventType, String), EventId>, db: &Database, ) -> Result<()> { let state_hash = self.calculate_hash( &state .values() .map(|event_id| event_id.as_bytes()) .collect::>(), ); let (shortstatehash, already_existed) = self.get_or_create_shortstatehash(&state_hash, &db.globals)?; let new_state = if !already_existed { let mut new_state = HashSet::new(); let batch = state .iter() .filter_map(|((event_type, state_key), eventid)| { new_state.insert(eventid.clone()); let mut statekey = event_type.as_ref().as_bytes().to_vec(); statekey.push(0xff); statekey.extend_from_slice(&state_key.as_bytes()); let shortstatekey = match self.statekey_shortstatekey.get(&statekey).ok()? { Some(shortstatekey) => shortstatekey.to_vec(), None => { let shortstatekey = db.globals.next_count().ok()?; self.statekey_shortstatekey .insert(&statekey, &shortstatekey.to_be_bytes()) .ok()?; shortstatekey.to_be_bytes().to_vec() } }; let shorteventid = self .get_or_create_shorteventid(&eventid, &db.globals) .ok()?; let mut state_id = shortstatehash.to_be_bytes().to_vec(); state_id.extend_from_slice(&shortstatekey); Some((state_id, shorteventid.to_be_bytes().to_vec())) }) .collect::>(); self.stateid_shorteventid .insert_batch(&mut batch.into_iter())?; new_state } else { self.state_full_ids(shortstatehash)?.into_iter().collect() }; let old_state = self .current_shortstatehash(&room_id)? .map(|s| self.state_full_ids(s)) .transpose()? .map(|vec| vec.into_iter().collect::>()) .unwrap_or_default(); for event_id in new_state.difference(&old_state) { if let Some(pdu) = self.get_pdu_json(event_id)? { if pdu.get("type").and_then(|val| val.as_str()) == Some("") { if let Ok(pdu) = serde_json::from_value::( serde_json::to_value(&pdu).expect("CanonicalJsonObj is a valid JsonValue"), ) { if let Some(membership) = pdu.content.get("membership").and_then(|membership| { serde_json::from_value::( membership.clone(), ) .ok() }) { if let Some(state_key) = pdu .state_key .and_then(|state_key| UserId::try_from(state_key).ok()) { self.update_membership( room_id, &state_key, membership, &pdu.sender, None, db, )?; } } } } } } self.roomid_shortstatehash .insert(room_id.as_bytes(), &shortstatehash.to_be_bytes())?; Ok(()) } /// Returns (shortstatehash, already_existed) fn get_or_create_shortstatehash( &self, state_hash: &StateHashId, globals: &super::globals::Globals, ) -> Result<(u64, bool)> { Ok(match self.statehash_shortstatehash.get(&state_hash)? { Some(shortstatehash) => ( utils::u64_from_bytes(&shortstatehash) .map_err(|_| Error::bad_database("Invalid shortstatehash in db."))?, true, ), None => { let shortstatehash = globals.next_count()?; self.statehash_shortstatehash .insert(&state_hash, &shortstatehash.to_be_bytes())?; (shortstatehash, false) } }) } /// Returns (shortstatehash, already_existed) pub fn get_or_create_shorteventid( &self, event_id: &EventId, globals: &super::globals::Globals, ) -> Result { Ok(match self.eventid_shorteventid.get(event_id.as_bytes())? { Some(shorteventid) => utils::u64_from_bytes(&shorteventid) .map_err(|_| Error::bad_database("Invalid shorteventid in db."))?, None => { let shorteventid = globals.next_count()?; self.eventid_shorteventid .insert(event_id.as_bytes(), &shorteventid.to_be_bytes())?; self.shorteventid_eventid .insert(&shorteventid.to_be_bytes(), event_id.as_bytes())?; shorteventid } }) } pub fn get_eventid_from_short(&self, shorteventid: u64) -> Result { let bytes = self .shorteventid_eventid .get(&shorteventid.to_be_bytes())? .ok_or_else(|| Error::bad_database("Shorteventid does not exist"))?; EventId::try_from( utils::string_from_bytes(&bytes).map_err(|_| { Error::bad_database("EventID in roomid_pduleaves is invalid unicode.") })?, ) .map_err(|_| Error::bad_database("EventId in roomid_pduleaves is invalid.")) } /// Returns the full room state. #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub fn room_state_full( &self, room_id: &RoomId, ) -> Result>> { if let Some(current_shortstatehash) = self.current_shortstatehash(room_id)? { self.state_full(current_shortstatehash) } else { Ok(HashMap::new()) } } /// Returns a single PDU from `room_id` with key (`event_type`, `state_key`). #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub fn room_state_get_id( &self, room_id: &RoomId, event_type: &EventType, state_key: &str, ) -> Result> { if let Some(current_shortstatehash) = self.current_shortstatehash(room_id)? { self.state_get_id(current_shortstatehash, event_type, state_key) } else { Ok(None) } } /// Returns a single PDU from `room_id` with key (`event_type`, `state_key`). #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub fn room_state_get( &self, room_id: &RoomId, event_type: &EventType, state_key: &str, ) -> Result>> { if let Some(current_shortstatehash) = self.current_shortstatehash(room_id)? { self.state_get(current_shortstatehash, event_type, state_key) } else { Ok(None) } } /// Returns the `count` of this pdu's id. #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub fn pdu_count(&self, pdu_id: &[u8]) -> Result { Ok( utils::u64_from_bytes(&pdu_id[pdu_id.len() - mem::size_of::()..pdu_id.len()]) .map_err(|_| Error::bad_database("PDU has invalid count bytes."))?, ) } /// Returns the `count` of this pdu's id. pub fn get_pdu_count(&self, event_id: &EventId) -> Result> { self.eventid_pduid .get(event_id.as_bytes())? .map_or(Ok(None), |pdu_id| self.pdu_count(&pdu_id).map(Some)) } pub fn latest_pdu_count(&self, room_id: &RoomId) -> Result { let mut prefix = room_id.as_bytes().to_vec(); prefix.push(0xff); let mut last_possible_key = prefix.clone(); last_possible_key.extend_from_slice(&u64::MAX.to_be_bytes()); self.pduid_pdu .iter_from(&last_possible_key, true) .take_while(move |(k, _)| k.starts_with(&prefix)) .next() .map(|b| self.pdu_count(&b.0)) .transpose() .map(|op| op.unwrap_or_default()) } /// Returns the json of a pdu. pub fn get_pdu_json(&self, event_id: &EventId) -> Result> { self.eventid_pduid .get(event_id.as_bytes())? .map_or_else::, _, _>( || self.eventid_outlierpdu.get(event_id.as_bytes()), |pduid| { Ok(Some(self.pduid_pdu.get(&pduid)?.ok_or_else(|| { Error::bad_database("Invalid pduid in eventid_pduid.") })?)) }, )? .map(|pdu| { serde_json::from_slice(&pdu).map_err(|_| Error::bad_database("Invalid PDU in db.")) }) .transpose() } /// Returns the json of a pdu. pub fn get_non_outlier_pdu_json( &self, event_id: &EventId, ) -> Result> { self.eventid_pduid .get(event_id.as_bytes())? .map_or_else::, _, _>( || Ok(None), |pduid| { Ok(Some(self.pduid_pdu.get(&pduid)?.ok_or_else(|| { Error::bad_database("Invalid pduid in eventid_pduid.") })?)) }, )? .map(|pdu| { serde_json::from_slice(&pdu).map_err(|_| Error::bad_database("Invalid PDU in db.")) }) .transpose() } /// Returns the pdu's id. pub fn get_pdu_id(&self, event_id: &EventId) -> Result>> { self.eventid_pduid .get(event_id.as_bytes())? .map_or(Ok(None), |pdu_id| Ok(Some(pdu_id))) } /// Returns the pdu. /// /// Checks the `eventid_outlierpdu` Tree if not found in the timeline. pub fn get_non_outlier_pdu(&self, event_id: &EventId) -> Result> { self.eventid_pduid .get(event_id.as_bytes())? .map_or_else::, _, _>( || Ok(None), |pduid| { Ok(Some(self.pduid_pdu.get(&pduid)?.ok_or_else(|| { Error::bad_database("Invalid pduid in eventid_pduid.") })?)) }, )? .map(|pdu| { serde_json::from_slice(&pdu).map_err(|_| Error::bad_database("Invalid PDU in db.")) }) .transpose() } /// Returns the pdu. /// /// Checks the `eventid_outlierpdu` Tree if not found in the timeline. pub fn get_pdu(&self, event_id: &EventId) -> Result>> { if let Some(p) = self.pdu_cache.lock().unwrap().get_mut(&event_id) { return Ok(Some(Arc::clone(p))); } if let Some(pdu) = self .eventid_pduid .get(event_id.as_bytes())? .map_or_else::, _, _>( || { let r = self.eventid_outlierpdu.get(event_id.as_bytes()); r }, |pduid| { Ok(Some(self.pduid_pdu.get(&pduid)?.ok_or_else(|| { Error::bad_database("Invalid pduid in eventid_pduid.") })?)) }, )? .map(|pdu| { serde_json::from_slice(&pdu) .map_err(|_| Error::bad_database("Invalid PDU in db.")) .map(Arc::new) }) .transpose()? { self.pdu_cache .lock() .unwrap() .insert(event_id.clone(), Arc::clone(&pdu)); Ok(Some(pdu)) } else { Ok(None) } } /// Returns the pdu. /// /// This does __NOT__ check the outliers `Tree`. pub fn get_pdu_from_id(&self, pdu_id: &[u8]) -> Result> { self.pduid_pdu.get(pdu_id)?.map_or(Ok(None), |pdu| { Ok(Some( serde_json::from_slice(&pdu) .map_err(|_| Error::bad_database("Invalid PDU in db."))?, )) }) } /// Returns the pdu as a `BTreeMap`. pub fn get_pdu_json_from_id(&self, pdu_id: &[u8]) -> Result> { self.pduid_pdu.get(pdu_id)?.map_or(Ok(None), |pdu| { Ok(Some( serde_json::from_slice(&pdu) .map_err(|_| Error::bad_database("Invalid PDU in db."))?, )) }) } /// Removes a pdu and creates a new one with the same id. fn replace_pdu(&self, pdu_id: &[u8], pdu: &PduEvent) -> Result<()> { if self.pduid_pdu.get(&pdu_id)?.is_some() { self.pduid_pdu.insert( &pdu_id, &serde_json::to_vec(pdu).expect("PduEvent::to_vec always works"), )?; Ok(()) } else { Err(Error::BadRequest( ErrorKind::NotFound, "PDU does not exist.", )) } } /// Returns the leaf pdus of a room. #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub fn get_pdu_leaves(&self, room_id: &RoomId) -> Result> { let mut prefix = room_id.as_bytes().to_vec(); prefix.push(0xff); self.roomid_pduleaves .scan_prefix(prefix) .map(|(_, bytes)| { EventId::try_from(utils::string_from_bytes(&bytes).map_err(|_| { Error::bad_database("EventID in roomid_pduleaves is invalid unicode.") })?) .map_err(|_| Error::bad_database("EventId in roomid_pduleaves is invalid.")) }) .collect() } /// Replace the leaves of a room. /// /// The provided `event_ids` become the new leaves, this allows a room to have multiple /// `prev_events`. #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub fn replace_pdu_leaves(&self, room_id: &RoomId, event_ids: &[EventId]) -> Result<()> { let mut prefix = room_id.as_bytes().to_vec(); prefix.push(0xff); for (key, _) in self.roomid_pduleaves.scan_prefix(prefix.clone()) { self.roomid_pduleaves.remove(&key)?; } for event_id in event_ids { let mut key = prefix.to_owned(); key.extend_from_slice(event_id.as_bytes()); self.roomid_pduleaves.insert(&key, event_id.as_bytes())?; } Ok(()) } #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub fn is_event_referenced(&self, room_id: &RoomId, event_id: &EventId) -> Result { let mut key = room_id.as_bytes().to_vec(); key.extend_from_slice(event_id.as_bytes()); Ok(self.referencedevents.get(&key)?.is_some()) } /// Returns the pdu from the outlier tree. #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub fn get_pdu_outlier(&self, event_id: &EventId) -> Result> { self.eventid_outlierpdu .get(event_id.as_bytes())? .map_or(Ok(None), |pdu| { serde_json::from_slice(&pdu).map_err(|_| Error::bad_database("Invalid PDU in db.")) }) } /// Append the PDU as an outlier. /// /// Any event given to this will be processed (state-res) on another thread. #[tracing::instrument(skip(self, pdu))] pub fn add_pdu_outlier(&self, event_id: &EventId, pdu: &CanonicalJsonObject) -> Result<()> { self.eventid_outlierpdu.insert( &event_id.as_bytes(), &serde_json::to_vec(&pdu).expect("CanonicalJsonObject is valid"), )?; Ok(()) } /// Creates a new persisted data unit and adds it to a room. /// /// By this point the incoming event should be fully authenticated, no auth happens /// in `append_pdu`. #[tracing::instrument(skip(self, pdu, pdu_json, leaves, db))] pub fn append_pdu( &self, pdu: &PduEvent, mut pdu_json: CanonicalJsonObject, leaves: &[EventId], db: &Database, ) -> Result> { // returns pdu id // Make unsigned fields correct. This is not properly documented in the spec, but state // events need to have previous content in the unsigned field, so clients can easily // interpret things like membership changes if let Some(state_key) = &pdu.state_key { if let CanonicalJsonValue::Object(unsigned) = pdu_json .entry("unsigned".to_owned()) .or_insert_with(|| CanonicalJsonValue::Object(Default::default())) { if let Some(shortstatehash) = self.pdu_shortstatehash(&pdu.event_id).unwrap() { if let Some(prev_state) = self .state_get(shortstatehash, &pdu.kind, &state_key) .unwrap() { unsigned.insert( "prev_content".to_owned(), CanonicalJsonValue::Object( utils::to_canonical_object(prev_state.content.clone()) .expect("event is valid, we just created it"), ), ); } } } else { error!("Invalid unsigned type in pdu."); } } // We must keep track of all events that have been referenced. for prev in &pdu.prev_events { let mut key = pdu.room_id().as_bytes().to_vec(); key.extend_from_slice(prev.as_bytes()); self.referencedevents.insert(&key, &[])?; } self.replace_pdu_leaves(&pdu.room_id, leaves)?; let mutex_insert = Arc::clone( db.globals .roomid_mutex_insert .write() .unwrap() .entry(pdu.room_id.clone()) .or_default(), ); let insert_lock = mutex_insert.lock().unwrap(); let count1 = db.globals.next_count()?; // Mark as read first so the sending client doesn't get a notification even if appending // fails self.edus .private_read_set(&pdu.room_id, &pdu.sender, count1, &db.globals)?; self.reset_notification_counts(&pdu.sender, &pdu.room_id)?; let count2 = db.globals.next_count()?; let mut pdu_id = pdu.room_id.as_bytes().to_vec(); pdu_id.push(0xff); pdu_id.extend_from_slice(&count2.to_be_bytes()); // There's a brief moment of time here where the count is updated but the pdu does not // exist. This could theoretically lead to dropped pdus, but it's extremely rare // // Update: We fixed this using insert_lock self.pduid_pdu.insert( &pdu_id, &serde_json::to_vec(&pdu_json).expect("CanonicalJsonObject is always a valid"), )?; // This also replaces the eventid of any outliers with the correct // pduid, removing the place holder. self.eventid_pduid .insert(pdu.event_id.as_bytes(), &pdu_id)?; drop(insert_lock); // See if the event matches any known pushers let power_levels: PowerLevelsEventContent = db .rooms .room_state_get(&pdu.room_id, &EventType::RoomPowerLevels, "")? .map(|ev| { serde_json::from_value(ev.content.clone()) .map_err(|_| Error::bad_database("invalid event")) }) .transpose()? .unwrap_or_default(); let sync_pdu = pdu.to_sync_room_event(); for user in db .rooms .room_members(&pdu.room_id) .filter_map(|r| r.ok()) .filter(|user_id| user_id.server_name() == db.globals.server_name()) .filter(|user_id| !db.users.is_deactivated(user_id).unwrap_or(true)) { // Don't notify the user of their own events if user == pdu.sender { continue; } let rules_for_user = db .account_data .get::(None, &user, EventType::PushRules)? .map(|ev| .unwrap_or_else(|| push::Ruleset::server_default(&user)); let mut highlight = false; let mut notify = false; for action in pusher::get_actions( &user, &rules_for_user, &power_levels, &sync_pdu, &pdu.room_id, db, )? { match action { Action::DontNotify => notify = false, // TODO: Implement proper support for coalesce Action::Notify | Action::Coalesce => notify = true, Action::SetTweak(Tweak::Highlight(true)) => { highlight = true; } _ => {} }; } let mut userroom_id = user.as_bytes().to_vec(); userroom_id.push(0xff); userroom_id.extend_from_slice(pdu.room_id.as_bytes()); if notify { self.userroomid_notificationcount.increment(&userroom_id)?; } if highlight { self.userroomid_highlightcount.increment(&userroom_id)?; } for senderkey in db.pusher.get_pusher_senderkeys(&user) { db.sending.send_push_pdu(&*pdu_id, senderkey)?; } } match pdu.kind { EventType::RoomRedaction => { if let Some(redact_id) = &pdu.redacts { self.redact_pdu(&redact_id, &pdu)?; } } EventType::RoomMember => { if let Some(state_key) = &pdu.state_key { // if the state_key fails let target_user_id = UserId::try_from(state_key.clone()) .expect("This state_key was previously validated"); let membership = serde_json::from_value::( pdu.content .get("membership") .ok_or(Error::BadRequest( ErrorKind::InvalidParam, "Invalid member event content", ))? .clone(), ) .map_err(|_| { Error::BadRequest( ErrorKind::InvalidParam, "Invalid membership state content.", ) })?; let invite_state = match membership { member::MembershipState::Invite => { let state = self.calculate_invite_state(pdu)?; Some(state) } _ => None, }; // Update our membership info, we do this here incase a user is invited // and immediately leaves we need the DB to record the invite event for auth self.update_membership( &pdu.room_id, &target_user_id, membership, &pdu.sender, invite_state, db, )?; } } EventType::RoomMessage => { if let Some(body) = pdu.content.get("body").and_then(|b| b.as_str()) { let mut batch = body .split_terminator(|c: char| !c.is_alphanumeric()) .filter(|word| word.len() <= 50) .map(str::to_lowercase) .map(|word| { let mut key = pdu.room_id.as_bytes().to_vec(); key.push(0xff); key.extend_from_slice(word.as_bytes()); key.push(0xff); key.extend_from_slice(&pdu_id); (key, Vec::new()) }); self.tokenids.insert_batch(&mut batch)?; if body.starts_with(&format!("@conduit:{}: ", db.globals.server_name())) && self .id_from_alias( &format!("#admins:{}", db.globals.server_name()) .try_into() .expect("#admins:server_name is a valid room alias"), )? .as_ref() == Some(&pdu.room_id) { let mut lines = body.lines(); let command_line ="each string has at least one line"); let body = lines.collect::>(); let mut parts = command_line.split_whitespace().skip(1); if let Some(command) = { let args = parts.collect::>(); match command { "register_appservice" => { if body.len() > 2 && body[0].trim() == "```" && body.last().unwrap().trim() == "```" { let appservice_config = body[1..body.len() - 1].join("\n"); let parsed_config = serde_yaml::from_str::( &appservice_config, ); match parsed_config { Ok(yaml) => { db.admin .send(AdminCommand::RegisterAppservice(yaml)); } Err(e) => { db.admin.send(AdminCommand::SendMessage( message::MessageEventContent::text_plain( format!( "Could not parse appservice config: {}", e ), ), )); } } } else { db.admin.send(AdminCommand::SendMessage( message::MessageEventContent::text_plain( "Expected code block in command body.", ), )); } } "list_appservices" => { db.admin.send(AdminCommand::ListAppservices); } "get_pdu" => { if args.len() == 1 { if let Ok(event_id) = EventId::try_from(args[0]) { let mut outlier = false; let mut pdu_json = db.rooms.get_non_outlier_pdu_json(&event_id)?; if pdu_json.is_none() { outlier = true; pdu_json = db.rooms.get_pdu_json(&event_id)?; } match pdu_json { Some(json) => { db.admin.send(AdminCommand::SendMessage( message::MessageEventContent::text_html( format!("{}\n```json\n{:#?}\n```", if outlier { "PDU is outlier" } else { "PDU was accepted"}, json), format!("


\n", if outlier { "PDU is outlier" } else { "PDU was accepted"}, serde_json::to_string_pretty(&json).expect("canonical json is valid json")) ), )); } None => { db.admin.send(AdminCommand::SendMessage( message::MessageEventContent::text_plain( "PDU not found.", ), )); } } } else { db.admin.send(AdminCommand::SendMessage( message::MessageEventContent::text_plain( "Event ID could not be parsed.", ), )); } } else { db.admin.send(AdminCommand::SendMessage( message::MessageEventContent::text_plain( "Usage: get_pdu ", ), )); } } _ => { db.admin.send(AdminCommand::SendMessage( message::MessageEventContent::text_plain(format!( "Unrecognized command: {}", command )), )); } } } } } } _ => {} } Ok(pdu_id) } #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub fn reset_notification_counts(&self, user_id: &UserId, room_id: &RoomId) -> Result<()> { let mut userroom_id = user_id.as_bytes().to_vec(); userroom_id.push(0xff); userroom_id.extend_from_slice(room_id.as_bytes()); self.userroomid_notificationcount .insert(&userroom_id, &0_u64.to_be_bytes())?; self.userroomid_highlightcount .insert(&userroom_id, &0_u64.to_be_bytes())?; Ok(()) } #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub fn notification_count(&self, user_id: &UserId, room_id: &RoomId) -> Result { let mut userroom_id = user_id.as_bytes().to_vec(); userroom_id.push(0xff); userroom_id.extend_from_slice(room_id.as_bytes()); self.userroomid_notificationcount .get(&userroom_id)? .map(|bytes| { utils::u64_from_bytes(&bytes) .map_err(|_| Error::bad_database("Invalid notification count in db.")) }) .unwrap_or(Ok(0)) } #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub fn highlight_count(&self, user_id: &UserId, room_id: &RoomId) -> Result { let mut userroom_id = user_id.as_bytes().to_vec(); userroom_id.push(0xff); userroom_id.extend_from_slice(room_id.as_bytes()); self.userroomid_highlightcount .get(&userroom_id)? .map(|bytes| { utils::u64_from_bytes(&bytes) .map_err(|_| Error::bad_database("Invalid highlight count in db.")) }) .unwrap_or(Ok(0)) } /// Generates a new StateHash and associates it with the incoming event. /// /// This adds all current state events (not including the incoming event) /// to `stateid_pduid` and adds the incoming event to `eventid_statehash`. #[tracing::instrument(skip(self, state, globals))] pub fn set_event_state( &self, event_id: &EventId, state: &StateMap>, globals: &super::globals::Globals, ) -> Result<()> { let shorteventid = self.get_or_create_shorteventid(&event_id, globals)?; let state_hash = self.calculate_hash( &state .values() .map(|pdu| pdu.event_id.as_bytes()) .collect::>(), ); let (shortstatehash, already_existed) = self.get_or_create_shortstatehash(&state_hash, globals)?; if !already_existed { let batch = state .iter() .filter_map(|((event_type, state_key), pdu)| { let mut statekey = event_type.as_ref().as_bytes().to_vec(); statekey.push(0xff); statekey.extend_from_slice(&state_key.as_bytes()); let shortstatekey = match self.statekey_shortstatekey.get(&statekey).ok()? { Some(shortstatekey) => shortstatekey.to_vec(), None => { let shortstatekey = globals.next_count().ok()?; self.statekey_shortstatekey .insert(&statekey, &shortstatekey.to_be_bytes()) .ok()?; shortstatekey.to_be_bytes().to_vec() } }; let shorteventid = self .get_or_create_shorteventid(&pdu.event_id, globals) .ok()?; let mut state_id = shortstatehash.to_be_bytes().to_vec(); state_id.extend_from_slice(&shortstatekey); Some((state_id, shorteventid.to_be_bytes().to_vec())) }) .collect::>(); self.stateid_shorteventid .insert_batch(&mut batch.into_iter())?; } self.shorteventid_shortstatehash .insert(&shorteventid.to_be_bytes(), &shortstatehash.to_be_bytes())?; Ok(()) } /// Generates a new StateHash and associates it with the incoming event. /// /// This adds all current state events (not including the incoming event) /// to `stateid_pduid` and adds the incoming event to `eventid_statehash`. #[tracing::instrument(skip(self, new_pdu, globals))] pub fn append_to_state( &self, new_pdu: &PduEvent, globals: &super::globals::Globals, ) -> Result { let shorteventid = self.get_or_create_shorteventid(&new_pdu.event_id, globals)?; let old_state = if let Some(old_shortstatehash) = self.roomid_shortstatehash.get(new_pdu.room_id.as_bytes())? { // Store state for event. The state does not include the event itself. // Instead it's the state before the pdu, so the room's old state. self.shorteventid_shortstatehash .insert(&shorteventid.to_be_bytes(), &old_shortstatehash)?; if new_pdu.state_key.is_none() { return utils::u64_from_bytes(&old_shortstatehash).map_err(|_| { Error::bad_database("Invalid shortstatehash in roomid_shortstatehash.") }); } self.stateid_shorteventid .scan_prefix(old_shortstatehash.clone()) // Chop the old_shortstatehash out leaving behind the short state key .map(|(k, v)| (k[old_shortstatehash.len()..].to_vec(), v)) .collect::, Vec>>() } else { HashMap::new() }; if let Some(state_key) = &new_pdu.state_key { let mut new_state: HashMap, Vec> = old_state; let mut new_state_key = new_pdu.kind.as_ref().as_bytes().to_vec(); new_state_key.push(0xff); new_state_key.extend_from_slice(state_key.as_bytes()); let shortstatekey = match self.statekey_shortstatekey.get(&new_state_key)? { Some(shortstatekey) => shortstatekey.to_vec(), None => { let shortstatekey = globals.next_count()?; self.statekey_shortstatekey .insert(&new_state_key, &shortstatekey.to_be_bytes())?; shortstatekey.to_be_bytes().to_vec() } }; new_state.insert(shortstatekey, shorteventid.to_be_bytes().to_vec()); let new_state_hash = self.calculate_hash( &new_state .values() .map(|event_id| &**event_id) .collect::>(), ); let shortstatehash = match self.statehash_shortstatehash.get(&new_state_hash)? { Some(shortstatehash) => { warn!("state hash already existed?!"); utils::u64_from_bytes(&shortstatehash) .map_err(|_| Error::bad_database("PDU has invalid count bytes."))? } None => { let shortstatehash = globals.next_count()?; self.statehash_shortstatehash .insert(&new_state_hash, &shortstatehash.to_be_bytes())?; shortstatehash } }; let mut batch = new_state.into_iter().map(|(shortstatekey, shorteventid)| { let mut state_id = shortstatehash.to_be_bytes().to_vec(); state_id.extend_from_slice(&shortstatekey); (state_id, shorteventid) }); self.stateid_shorteventid.insert_batch(&mut batch)?; Ok(shortstatehash) } else { Err(Error::bad_database( "Tried to insert non-state event into room without a state.", )) } } #[tracing::instrument(skip(self, invite_event))] pub fn calculate_invite_state( &self, invite_event: &PduEvent, ) -> Result>> { let mut state = Vec::new(); // Add recommended events if let Some(e) = self.room_state_get(&invite_event.room_id, &EventType::RoomCreate, "")? { state.push(e.to_stripped_state_event()); } if let Some(e) = self.room_state_get(&invite_event.room_id, &EventType::RoomJoinRules, "")? { state.push(e.to_stripped_state_event()); } if let Some(e) = self.room_state_get(&invite_event.room_id, &EventType::RoomCanonicalAlias, "")? { state.push(e.to_stripped_state_event()); } if let Some(e) = self.room_state_get(&invite_event.room_id, &EventType::RoomAvatar, "")? { state.push(e.to_stripped_state_event()); } if let Some(e) = self.room_state_get(&invite_event.room_id, &EventType::RoomName, "")? { state.push(e.to_stripped_state_event()); } if let Some(e) = self.room_state_get( &invite_event.room_id, &EventType::RoomMember, invite_event.sender.as_str(), )? { state.push(e.to_stripped_state_event()); } state.push(invite_event.to_stripped_state_event()); Ok(state) } #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub fn set_room_state(&self, room_id: &RoomId, shortstatehash: u64) -> Result<()> { self.roomid_shortstatehash .insert(room_id.as_bytes(), &shortstatehash.to_be_bytes())?; Ok(()) } /// Creates a new persisted data unit and adds it to a room. #[tracing::instrument(skip(self, db, _mutex_lock))] pub fn build_and_append_pdu( &self, pdu_builder: PduBuilder, sender: &UserId, room_id: &RoomId, db: &Database, _mutex_lock: &MutexGuard<'_, ()>, // Take mutex guard to make sure users get the room mutex ) -> Result { let PduBuilder { event_type, content, unsigned, state_key, redacts, } = pdu_builder; let prev_events = self .get_pdu_leaves(&room_id)? .into_iter() .take(20) .collect::>(); let create_event = self.room_state_get(&room_id, &EventType::RoomCreate, "")?; let create_event_content = create_event .as_ref() .map(|create_event| { serde_json::from_value::>(create_event.content.clone()) .expect("Raw::from_value always works.") .deserialize() .map_err(|_| Error::bad_database("Invalid PowerLevels event in db.")) }) .transpose()?; let create_prev_event = if prev_events.len() == 1 && Some(&prev_events[0]) == create_event.as_ref().map(|c| &c.event_id) { create_event } else { None }; // If there was no create event yet, assume we are creating a version 6 room right now let room_version_id = create_event_content .map_or(RoomVersionId::Version6, |create_event| { create_event.room_version }); let room_version = RoomVersion::new(&room_version_id).expect("room version is supported"); let auth_events = self.get_auth_events( &room_id, &event_type, &sender, state_key.as_deref(), &content, )?; // Our depth is the maximum depth of prev_events + 1 let depth = prev_events .iter() .filter_map(|event_id| Some(self.get_pdu(event_id).ok()??.depth)) .max() .unwrap_or_else(|| uint!(0)) + uint!(1); let mut unsigned = unsigned.unwrap_or_default(); if let Some(state_key) = &state_key { if let Some(prev_pdu) = self.room_state_get(&room_id, &event_type, &state_key)? { unsigned.insert("prev_content".to_owned(), prev_pdu.content.clone()); unsigned.insert( "prev_sender".to_owned(), serde_json::to_value(&prev_pdu.sender).expect("UserId::to_value always works"), ); } } let mut pdu = PduEvent { event_id: ruma::event_id!("$thiswillbefilledinlater"), room_id: room_id.clone(), sender: sender.clone(), origin_server_ts: utils::millis_since_unix_epoch() .try_into() .expect("time is valid"), kind: event_type, content, state_key, prev_events, depth, auth_events: auth_events .iter() .map(|(_, pdu)| pdu.event_id.clone()) .collect(), redacts, unsigned, hashes: ruma::events::pdu::EventHash { sha256: "aaa".to_owned(), }, signatures: BTreeMap::new(), }; let auth_check = state_res::auth_check( &room_version, &Arc::new(pdu.clone()), create_prev_event, &auth_events, None, // TODO: third_party_invite ) .map_err(|e| { error!("{:?}", e); Error::bad_database("Auth check failed.") })?; if !auth_check { return Err(Error::BadRequest( ErrorKind::Forbidden, "Event is not authorized.", )); } // Hash and sign let mut pdu_json = utils::to_canonical_object(&pdu).expect("event is valid, we just created it"); pdu_json.remove("event_id"); // Add origin because synapse likes that (and it's required in the spec) pdu_json.insert( "origin".to_owned(), CanonicalJsonValue::String(db.globals.server_name().as_ref().to_owned()), ); ruma::signatures::hash_and_sign_event( db.globals.server_name().as_str(), db.globals.keypair(), &mut pdu_json, &room_version_id, ) .expect("event is valid, we just created it"); // Generate event id pdu.event_id = EventId::try_from(&*format!( "${}", ruma::signatures::reference_hash(&pdu_json, &room_version_id) .expect("ruma can calculate reference hashes") )) .expect("ruma's reference hashes are valid event ids"); pdu_json.insert( "event_id".to_owned(), CanonicalJsonValue::String(pdu.event_id.as_str().to_owned()), ); // Generate short event id let _shorteventid = self.get_or_create_shorteventid(&pdu.event_id, &db.globals)?; // We append to state before appending the pdu, so we don't have a moment in time with the // pdu without it's state. This is okay because append_pdu can't fail. let statehashid = self.append_to_state(&pdu, &db.globals)?; let pdu_id = self.append_pdu( &pdu, pdu_json, // Since this PDU references all pdu_leaves we can update the leaves // of the room &[pdu.event_id.clone()], db, )?; // We set the room state after inserting the pdu, so that we never have a moment in time // where events in the current room state do not exist self.set_room_state(&room_id, statehashid)?; for server in self .room_servers(room_id) .filter_map(|r| r.ok()) .filter(|server| &**server != db.globals.server_name()) { db.sending.send_pdu(&server, &pdu_id)?; } for appservice in db.appservice.all()? { if let Some(namespaces) = appservice.1.get("namespaces") { let users = namespaces .get("users") .and_then(|users| users.as_sequence()) .map_or_else(Vec::new, |users| { users .iter() .filter_map(|users| Regex::new(users.get("regex")?.as_str()?).ok()) .collect::>() }); let aliases = namespaces .get("aliases") .and_then(|aliases| aliases.as_sequence()) .map_or_else(Vec::new, |aliases| { aliases .iter() .filter_map(|aliases| Regex::new(aliases.get("regex")?.as_str()?).ok()) .collect::>() }); let rooms = namespaces .get("rooms") .and_then(|rooms| rooms.as_sequence()); let bridge_user_id = appservice .1 .get("sender_localpart") .and_then(|string| string.as_str()) .and_then(|string| { UserId::parse_with_server_name(string, db.globals.server_name()).ok() }); let user_is_joined = |bridge_user_id| self.is_joined(&bridge_user_id, room_id).unwrap_or(false); let matching_users = |users: &Regex| { users.is_match(pdu.sender.as_str()) || pdu.kind == EventType::RoomMember && pdu .state_key .as_ref() .map_or(false, |state_key| users.is_match(&state_key)) || self.room_members(&room_id).any(|userid| { userid.map_or(false, |userid| users.is_match(userid.as_str())) }) }; let matching_aliases = |aliases: &Regex| { self.room_aliases(&room_id) .filter_map(|r| r.ok()) .any(|room_alias| aliases.is_match(room_alias.as_str())) }; if bridge_user_id.map_or(false, user_is_joined) || aliases.iter().any(matching_aliases) || rooms.map_or(false, |rooms| rooms.contains(&room_id.as_str().into())) || users.iter().any(matching_users) { db.sending.send_pdu_appservice(&appservice.0, &pdu_id)?; } } } Ok(pdu.event_id) } /// Returns an iterator over all PDUs in a room. #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub fn all_pdus<'a>( &'a self, user_id: &UserId, room_id: &RoomId, ) -> impl Iterator, PduEvent)>> + 'a { self.pdus_since(user_id, room_id, 0) } /// Returns an iterator over all events in a room that happened after the event with id `since` /// in chronological order. #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub fn pdus_since<'a>( &'a self, user_id: &UserId, room_id: &RoomId, since: u64, ) -> impl Iterator, PduEvent)>> + 'a { let mut prefix = room_id.as_bytes().to_vec(); prefix.push(0xff); // Skip the first pdu if it's exactly at since, because we sent that last time let mut first_pdu_id = prefix.clone(); first_pdu_id.extend_from_slice(&(since + 1).to_be_bytes()); let user_id = user_id.clone(); self.pduid_pdu .iter_from(&first_pdu_id, false) .take_while(move |(k, _)| k.starts_with(&prefix)) .map(move |(pdu_id, v)| { let mut pdu = serde_json::from_slice::(&v) .map_err(|_| Error::bad_database("PDU in db is invalid."))?; if pdu.sender != user_id { pdu.unsigned.remove("transaction_id"); } Ok((pdu_id, pdu)) }) } /// Returns an iterator over all events and their tokens in a room that happened before the /// event with id `until` in reverse-chronological order. #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub fn pdus_until<'a>( &'a self, user_id: &UserId, room_id: &RoomId, until: u64, ) -> impl Iterator, PduEvent)>> + 'a { // Create the first part of the full pdu id let mut prefix = room_id.as_bytes().to_vec(); prefix.push(0xff); let mut current = prefix.clone(); current.extend_from_slice(&(until.saturating_sub(1)).to_be_bytes()); // -1 because we don't want event at `until` let current: &[u8] = ¤t; let user_id = user_id.clone(); self.pduid_pdu .iter_from(current, true) .take_while(move |(k, _)| k.starts_with(&prefix)) .map(move |(pdu_id, v)| { let mut pdu = serde_json::from_slice::(&v) .map_err(|_| Error::bad_database("PDU in db is invalid."))?; if pdu.sender != user_id { pdu.unsigned.remove("transaction_id"); } Ok((pdu_id, pdu)) }) } /// Returns an iterator over all events and their token in a room that happened after the event /// with id `from` in chronological order. #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub fn pdus_after<'a>( &'a self, user_id: &UserId, room_id: &RoomId, from: u64, ) -> impl Iterator, PduEvent)>> + 'a { // Create the first part of the full pdu id let mut prefix = room_id.as_bytes().to_vec(); prefix.push(0xff); let mut current = prefix.clone(); current.extend_from_slice(&(from + 1).to_be_bytes()); // +1 so we don't send the base event let current: &[u8] = ¤t; let user_id = user_id.clone(); self.pduid_pdu .iter_from(current, false) .take_while(move |(k, _)| k.starts_with(&prefix)) .map(move |(pdu_id, v)| { let mut pdu = serde_json::from_slice::(&v) .map_err(|_| Error::bad_database("PDU in db is invalid."))?; if pdu.sender != user_id { pdu.unsigned.remove("transaction_id"); } Ok((pdu_id, pdu)) }) } /// Replace a PDU with the redacted form. #[tracing::instrument(skip(self, reason))] pub fn redact_pdu(&self, event_id: &EventId, reason: &PduEvent) -> Result<()> { if let Some(pdu_id) = self.get_pdu_id(event_id)? { let mut pdu = self .get_pdu_from_id(&pdu_id)? .ok_or_else(|| Error::bad_database("PDU ID points to invalid PDU."))?; pdu.redact(&reason)?; self.replace_pdu(&pdu_id, &pdu)?; Ok(()) } else { Err(Error::BadRequest( ErrorKind::NotFound, "Event ID does not exist.", )) } } /// Update current membership data. #[tracing::instrument(skip(self, last_state, db))] pub fn update_membership( &self, room_id: &RoomId, user_id: &UserId, membership: member::MembershipState, sender: &UserId, last_state: Option>>, db: &Database, ) -> Result<()> { // Keep track what remote users exist by adding them as "deactivated" users if user_id.server_name() != db.globals.server_name() { db.users.create(user_id, None)?; // TODO: displayname, avatar url } let mut roomserver_id = room_id.as_bytes().to_vec(); roomserver_id.push(0xff); roomserver_id.extend_from_slice(user_id.server_name().as_bytes()); let mut serverroom_id = user_id.server_name().as_bytes().to_vec(); serverroom_id.push(0xff); serverroom_id.extend_from_slice(room_id.as_bytes()); let mut userroom_id = user_id.as_bytes().to_vec(); userroom_id.push(0xff); userroom_id.extend_from_slice(room_id.as_bytes()); let mut roomuser_id = room_id.as_bytes().to_vec(); roomuser_id.push(0xff); roomuser_id.extend_from_slice(user_id.as_bytes()); match &membership { member::MembershipState::Join => { // Check if the user never joined this room if !self.once_joined(&user_id, &room_id)? { // Add the user ID to the join list then self.roomuseroncejoinedids.insert(&userroom_id, &[])?; // Check if the room has a predecessor if let Some(predecessor) = self .room_state_get(&room_id, &EventType::RoomCreate, "")? .and_then(|create| { serde_json::from_value::< Raw, >(create.content.clone()) .expect("Raw::from_value always works") .deserialize() .ok() }) .and_then(|content| content.predecessor) { // Copy user settings from predecessor to the current room: // - Push rules // // TODO: finish this once push rules are implemented. // // let mut push_rules_event_content = account_data // .get::( // None, // user_id, // EventType::PushRules, // )?; // // NOTE: find where `predecessor.room_id` match // and update to `room_id`. // // account_data // .update( // None, // user_id, // EventType::PushRules, // &push_rules_event_content, // globals, // ) // .ok(); // Copy old tags to new room if let Some(tag_event) = db.account_data.get::( Some(&predecessor.room_id), user_id, EventType::Tag, )? { db.account_data .update( Some(room_id), user_id, EventType::Tag, &tag_event, &db.globals, ) .ok(); }; // Copy direct chat flag if let Some(mut direct_event) = db.account_data.get::( None, user_id, EventType::Direct, )? { let mut room_ids_updated = false; for room_ids in direct_event.content.0.values_mut() { if room_ids.iter().any(|r| r == &predecessor.room_id) { room_ids.push(room_id.clone()); room_ids_updated = true; } } if room_ids_updated { db.account_data.update( None, user_id, EventType::Direct, &direct_event, &db.globals, )?; } }; } } self.roomserverids.insert(&roomserver_id, &[])?; self.serverroomids.insert(&serverroom_id, &[])?; self.userroomid_joined.insert(&userroom_id, &[])?; self.roomuserid_joined.insert(&roomuser_id, &[])?; self.userroomid_invitestate.remove(&userroom_id)?; self.roomuserid_invitecount.remove(&roomuser_id)?; self.userroomid_leftstate.remove(&userroom_id)?; self.roomuserid_leftcount.remove(&roomuser_id)?; } member::MembershipState::Invite => { // We want to know if the sender is ignored by the receiver let is_ignored = db .account_data .get::( None, // Ignored users are in global account data &user_id, // Receiver EventType::IgnoredUserList, )? .map_or(false, |ignored| { ignored.content.ignored_users.contains(&sender) }); if is_ignored { return Ok(()); } self.roomserverids.insert(&roomserver_id, &[])?; self.serverroomids.insert(&serverroom_id, &[])?; self.userroomid_invitestate.insert( &userroom_id, &serde_json::to_vec(&last_state.unwrap_or_default()) .expect("state to bytes always works"), )?; self.roomuserid_invitecount .insert(&roomuser_id, &db.globals.next_count()?.to_be_bytes())?; self.userroomid_joined.remove(&userroom_id)?; self.roomuserid_joined.remove(&roomuser_id)?; self.userroomid_leftstate.remove(&userroom_id)?; self.roomuserid_leftcount.remove(&roomuser_id)?; } member::MembershipState::Leave | member::MembershipState::Ban => { if self .room_members(room_id) .chain(self.room_members_invited(room_id)) .filter_map(|r| r.ok()) .all(|u| u.server_name() != user_id.server_name()) { self.roomserverids.remove(&roomserver_id)?; self.serverroomids.remove(&serverroom_id)?; } self.userroomid_leftstate.insert( &userroom_id, &serde_json::to_vec(&Vec::>::new()).unwrap(), )?; // TODO self.roomuserid_leftcount .insert(&roomuser_id, &db.globals.next_count()?.to_be_bytes())?; self.userroomid_joined.remove(&userroom_id)?; self.roomuserid_joined.remove(&roomuser_id)?; self.userroomid_invitestate.remove(&userroom_id)?; self.roomuserid_invitecount.remove(&roomuser_id)?; } _ => {} } self.update_joined_count(room_id)?; Ok(()) } pub fn update_joined_count(&self, room_id: &RoomId) -> Result<()> { self.roomid_joinedcount.insert( room_id.as_bytes(), &(self.room_members(&room_id).count() as u64).to_be_bytes(), ) } pub async fn leave_room( &self, user_id: &UserId, room_id: &RoomId, db: &Database, ) -> Result<()> { // Ask a remote server if we don't have this room if !self.exists(room_id)? && room_id.server_name() != db.globals.server_name() { if let Err(e) = self.remote_leave_room(user_id, room_id, db).await { warn!("Failed to leave room {} remotely: {}", user_id, e); // Don't tell the client about this error } let last_state = self .invite_state(user_id, room_id)? .map_or_else(|| self.left_state(user_id, room_id), |s| Ok(Some(s)))?; // We always drop the invite, we can't rely on other servers self.update_membership( room_id, user_id, MembershipState::Leave, user_id, last_state, db, )?; } else { let mutex_state = Arc::clone( db.globals .roomid_mutex_state .write() .unwrap() .entry(room_id.clone()) .or_default(), ); let state_lock = mutex_state.lock().await; let mut event = serde_json::from_value::>( self.room_state_get(room_id, &EventType::RoomMember, &user_id.to_string())? .ok_or(Error::BadRequest( ErrorKind::BadState, "Cannot leave a room you are not a member of.", ))? .content .clone(), ) .expect("from_value::> can never fail") .deserialize() .map_err(|_| Error::bad_database("Invalid member event in database."))?; event.membership = member::MembershipState::Leave; self.build_and_append_pdu( PduBuilder { event_type: EventType::RoomMember, content: serde_json::to_value(event) .expect("event is valid, we just created it"), unsigned: None, state_key: Some(user_id.to_string()), redacts: None, }, user_id, room_id, db, &state_lock, )?; } Ok(()) } async fn remote_leave_room( &self, user_id: &UserId, room_id: &RoomId, db: &Database, ) -> Result<()> { let mut make_leave_response_and_server = Err(Error::BadServerResponse( "No server available to assist in leaving.", )); let invite_state = db .rooms .invite_state(user_id, room_id)? .ok_or(Error::BadRequest( ErrorKind::BadState, "User is not invited.", ))?; let servers = invite_state .iter() .filter_map(|event| { serde_json::from_str::(&event.json().to_string()).ok() }) .filter_map(|event| event.get("sender").cloned()) .filter_map(|sender| sender.as_str().map(|s| s.to_owned())) .filter_map(|sender| UserId::try_from(sender).ok()) .map(|user| user.server_name().to_owned()) .collect::>(); for remote_server in servers { let make_leave_response = db .sending .send_federation_request( &db.globals, &remote_server, federation::membership::get_leave_event::v1::Request { room_id, user_id }, ) .await; make_leave_response_and_server =|r| (r, remote_server)); if make_leave_response_and_server.is_ok() { break; } } let (make_leave_response, remote_server) = make_leave_response_and_server?; let room_version_id = match make_leave_response.room_version { Some(version) if version == RoomVersionId::Version5 || version == RoomVersionId::Version6 => { version } _ => return Err(Error::BadServerResponse("Room version is not supported")), }; let mut leave_event_stub = serde_json::from_str::(make_leave_response.event.json().get()) .map_err(|_| { Error::BadServerResponse("Invalid make_leave event json received from server.") })?; // TODO: Is origin needed? leave_event_stub.insert( "origin".to_owned(), CanonicalJsonValue::String(db.globals.server_name().as_str().to_owned()), ); leave_event_stub.insert( "origin_server_ts".to_owned(), CanonicalJsonValue::Integer( utils::millis_since_unix_epoch() .try_into() .expect("Timestamp is valid js_int value"), ), ); // We don't leave the event id in the pdu because that's only allowed in v1 or v2 rooms leave_event_stub.remove("event_id"); // In order to create a compatible ref hash (EventID) the `hashes` field needs to be present ruma::signatures::hash_and_sign_event( db.globals.server_name().as_str(), db.globals.keypair(), &mut leave_event_stub, &room_version_id, ) .expect("event is valid, we just created it"); // Generate event id let event_id = EventId::try_from(&*format!( "${}", ruma::signatures::reference_hash(&leave_event_stub, &room_version_id) .expect("ruma can calculate reference hashes") )) .expect("ruma's reference hashes are valid event ids"); // Add event_id back leave_event_stub.insert( "event_id".to_owned(), CanonicalJsonValue::String(event_id.as_str().to_owned()), ); // It has enough fields to be called a proper event now let leave_event = leave_event_stub; db.sending .send_federation_request( &db.globals, &remote_server, federation::membership::create_leave_event::v2::Request { room_id, event_id: &event_id, pdu: PduEvent::convert_to_outgoing_federation_event(leave_event.clone()), }, ) .await?; Ok(()) } /// Makes a user forget a room. #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub fn forget(&self, room_id: &RoomId, user_id: &UserId) -> Result<()> { let mut userroom_id = user_id.as_bytes().to_vec(); userroom_id.push(0xff); userroom_id.extend_from_slice(room_id.as_bytes()); let mut roomuser_id = room_id.as_bytes().to_vec(); roomuser_id.push(0xff); roomuser_id.extend_from_slice(user_id.as_bytes()); self.userroomid_leftstate.remove(&userroom_id)?; self.roomuserid_leftcount.remove(&roomuser_id)?; Ok(()) } #[tracing::instrument(skip(self, globals))] pub fn set_alias( &self, alias: &RoomAliasId, room_id: Option<&RoomId>, globals: &super::globals::Globals, ) -> Result<()> { if let Some(room_id) = room_id { // New alias self.alias_roomid .insert(&alias.alias().as_bytes(), room_id.as_bytes())?; let mut aliasid = room_id.as_bytes().to_vec(); aliasid.push(0xff); aliasid.extend_from_slice(&globals.next_count()?.to_be_bytes()); self.aliasid_alias.insert(&aliasid, &*alias.as_bytes())?; } else { // room_id=None means remove alias if let Some(room_id) = self.alias_roomid.get(&alias.alias().as_bytes())? { let mut prefix = room_id.to_vec(); prefix.push(0xff); for (key, _) in self.aliasid_alias.scan_prefix(prefix) { self.aliasid_alias.remove(&key)?; } self.alias_roomid.remove(&alias.alias().as_bytes())?; } else { return Err(Error::BadRequest( ErrorKind::NotFound, "Alias does not exist.", )); } } Ok(()) } #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub fn id_from_alias(&self, alias: &RoomAliasId) -> Result> { self.alias_roomid .get(alias.alias().as_bytes())? .map_or(Ok(None), |bytes| { Ok(Some( RoomId::try_from(utils::string_from_bytes(&bytes).map_err(|_| { Error::bad_database("Room ID in alias_roomid is invalid unicode.") })?) .map_err(|_| Error::bad_database("Room ID in alias_roomid is invalid."))?, )) }) } #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub fn room_aliases<'a>( &'a self, room_id: &RoomId, ) -> impl Iterator> + 'a { let mut prefix = room_id.as_bytes().to_vec(); prefix.push(0xff); self.aliasid_alias.scan_prefix(prefix).map(|(_, bytes)| { utils::string_from_bytes(&bytes) .map_err(|_| Error::bad_database("Invalid alias bytes in aliasid_alias."))? .try_into() .map_err(|_| Error::bad_database("Invalid alias in aliasid_alias.")) }) } #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub fn set_public(&self, room_id: &RoomId, public: bool) -> Result<()> { if public { self.publicroomids.insert(room_id.as_bytes(), &[])?; } else { self.publicroomids.remove(room_id.as_bytes())?; } Ok(()) } #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub fn is_public_room(&self, room_id: &RoomId) -> Result { Ok(self.publicroomids.get(room_id.as_bytes())?.is_some()) } #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub fn public_rooms(&self) -> impl Iterator> + '_ { self.publicroomids.iter().map(|(bytes, _)| { RoomId::try_from( utils::string_from_bytes(&bytes).map_err(|_| { Error::bad_database("Room ID in publicroomids is invalid unicode.") })?, ) .map_err(|_| Error::bad_database("Room ID in publicroomids is invalid.")) }) } pub fn search_pdus<'a>( &'a self, room_id: &RoomId, search_string: &str, ) -> Result<(impl Iterator> + 'a, Vec)> { let mut prefix = room_id.as_bytes().to_vec(); prefix.push(0xff); let words = search_string .split_terminator(|c: char| !c.is_alphanumeric()) .map(str::to_lowercase) .collect::>(); let iterators = words.clone().into_iter().map(move |word| { let mut prefix2 = prefix.clone(); prefix2.extend_from_slice(word.as_bytes()); prefix2.push(0xff); let mut last_possible_id = prefix2.clone(); last_possible_id.extend_from_slice(&u64::MAX.to_be_bytes()); self.tokenids .iter_from(&last_possible_id, true) // Newest pdus first .take_while(move |(k, _)| k.starts_with(&prefix2)) .map(|(key, _)| { let pduid_index = key .iter() .enumerate() .filter(|(_, &b)| b == 0xff) .nth(1) .ok_or_else(|| Error::bad_database("Invalid tokenid in db."))? .0 + 1; // +1 because the pdu id starts AFTER the separator let pdu_id = key[pduid_index..].to_vec(); Ok::<_, Error>(pdu_id) }) .filter_map(|r| r.ok()) }); Ok(( utils::common_elements(iterators, |a, b| { // We compare b with a because we reversed the iterator earlier b.cmp(a) }) .unwrap(), words, )) } #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub fn get_shared_rooms<'a>( &'a self, users: Vec, ) -> Result> + 'a> { let iterators = users.into_iter().map(move |user_id| { let mut prefix = user_id.as_bytes().to_vec(); prefix.push(0xff); self.userroomid_joined .scan_prefix(prefix) .map(|(key, _)| { let roomid_index = key .iter() .enumerate() .find(|(_, &b)| b == 0xff) .ok_or_else(|| Error::bad_database("Invalid userroomid_joined in db."))? .0 + 1; // +1 because the room id starts AFTER the separator let room_id = key[roomid_index..].to_vec(); Ok::<_, Error>(room_id) }) .filter_map(|r| r.ok()) }); // We use the default compare function because keys are sorted correctly (not reversed) Ok(utils::common_elements(iterators, Ord::cmp) .expect("users is not empty") .map(|bytes| { RoomId::try_from(utils::string_from_bytes(&*bytes).map_err(|_| { Error::bad_database("Invalid RoomId bytes in userroomid_joined") })?) .map_err(|_| Error::bad_database("Invalid RoomId in userroomid_joined.")) })) } /// Returns an iterator of all servers participating in this room. #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub fn room_servers<'a>( &'a self, room_id: &RoomId, ) -> impl Iterator>> + 'a { let mut prefix = room_id.as_bytes().to_vec(); prefix.push(0xff); self.roomserverids.scan_prefix(prefix).map(|(key, _)| { Box::::try_from( utils::string_from_bytes( &key.rsplit(|&b| b == 0xff) .next() .expect("rsplit always returns an element"), ) .map_err(|_| { Error::bad_database("Server name in roomserverids is invalid unicode.") })?, ) .map_err(|_| Error::bad_database("Server name in roomserverids is invalid.")) }) } /// Returns an iterator of all rooms a server participates in (as far as we know). #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub fn server_rooms<'a>( &'a self, server: &ServerName, ) -> impl Iterator> + 'a { let mut prefix = server.as_bytes().to_vec(); prefix.push(0xff); self.serverroomids.scan_prefix(prefix).map(|(key, _)| { RoomId::try_from( utils::string_from_bytes( &key.rsplit(|&b| b == 0xff) .next() .expect("rsplit always returns an element"), ) .map_err(|_| Error::bad_database("RoomId in serverroomids is invalid unicode."))?, ) .map_err(|_| Error::bad_database("RoomId in serverroomids is invalid.")) }) } /// Returns an iterator over all joined members of a room. #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub fn room_members<'a>( &'a self, room_id: &RoomId, ) -> impl Iterator> + 'a { let mut prefix = room_id.as_bytes().to_vec(); prefix.push(0xff); self.roomuserid_joined.scan_prefix(prefix).map(|(key, _)| { UserId::try_from( utils::string_from_bytes( &key.rsplit(|&b| b == 0xff) .next() .expect("rsplit always returns an element"), ) .map_err(|_| { Error::bad_database("User ID in roomuserid_joined is invalid unicode.") })?, ) .map_err(|_| Error::bad_database("User ID in roomuserid_joined is invalid.")) }) } pub fn room_joined_count(&self, room_id: &RoomId) -> Result> { Ok(self .roomid_joinedcount .get(room_id.as_bytes())? .map(|b| { utils::u64_from_bytes(&b) .map_err(|_| Error::bad_database("Invalid joinedcount in db.")) }) .transpose()?) } /// Returns an iterator over all User IDs who ever joined a room. #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub fn room_useroncejoined<'a>( &'a self, room_id: &RoomId, ) -> impl Iterator> + 'a { let mut prefix = room_id.as_bytes().to_vec(); prefix.push(0xff); self.roomuseroncejoinedids .scan_prefix(prefix) .map(|(key, _)| { UserId::try_from( utils::string_from_bytes( &key.rsplit(|&b| b == 0xff) .next() .expect("rsplit always returns an element"), ) .map_err(|_| { Error::bad_database("User ID in room_useroncejoined is invalid unicode.") })?, ) .map_err(|_| Error::bad_database("User ID in room_useroncejoined is invalid.")) }) } /// Returns an iterator over all invited members of a room. #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub fn room_members_invited<'a>( &'a self, room_id: &RoomId, ) -> impl Iterator> + 'a { let mut prefix = room_id.as_bytes().to_vec(); prefix.push(0xff); self.roomuserid_invitecount .scan_prefix(prefix) .map(|(key, _)| { UserId::try_from( utils::string_from_bytes( &key.rsplit(|&b| b == 0xff) .next() .expect("rsplit always returns an element"), ) .map_err(|_| { Error::bad_database("User ID in roomuserid_invited is invalid unicode.") })?, ) .map_err(|_| Error::bad_database("User ID in roomuserid_invited is invalid.")) }) } #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub fn get_invite_count(&self, room_id: &RoomId, user_id: &UserId) -> Result> { let mut key = room_id.as_bytes().to_vec(); key.push(0xff); key.extend_from_slice(user_id.as_bytes()); self.roomuserid_invitecount .get(&key)? .map_or(Ok(None), |bytes| { Ok(Some(utils::u64_from_bytes(&bytes).map_err(|_| { Error::bad_database("Invalid invitecount in db.") })?)) }) } #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub fn get_left_count(&self, room_id: &RoomId, user_id: &UserId) -> Result> { let mut key = room_id.as_bytes().to_vec(); key.push(0xff); key.extend_from_slice(user_id.as_bytes()); self.roomuserid_leftcount .get(&key)? .map_or(Ok(None), |bytes| { Ok(Some(utils::u64_from_bytes(&bytes).map_err(|_| { Error::bad_database("Invalid leftcount in db.") })?)) }) } /// Returns an iterator over all rooms this user joined. #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub fn rooms_joined<'a>( &'a self, user_id: &UserId, ) -> impl Iterator> + 'a { self.userroomid_joined .scan_prefix(user_id.as_bytes().to_vec()) .map(|(key, _)| { RoomId::try_from( utils::string_from_bytes( &key.rsplit(|&b| b == 0xff) .next() .expect("rsplit always returns an element"), ) .map_err(|_| { Error::bad_database("Room ID in userroomid_joined is invalid unicode.") })?, ) .map_err(|_| Error::bad_database("Room ID in userroomid_joined is invalid.")) }) } /// Returns an iterator over all rooms a user was invited to. #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub fn rooms_invited<'a>( &'a self, user_id: &UserId, ) -> impl Iterator>)>> + 'a { let mut prefix = user_id.as_bytes().to_vec(); prefix.push(0xff); self.userroomid_invitestate .scan_prefix(prefix) .map(|(key, state)| { let room_id = RoomId::try_from( utils::string_from_bytes( &key.rsplit(|&b| b == 0xff) .next() .expect("rsplit always returns an element"), ) .map_err(|_| { Error::bad_database("Room ID in userroomid_invited is invalid unicode.") })?, ) .map_err(|_| Error::bad_database("Room ID in userroomid_invited is invalid."))?; let state = serde_json::from_slice(&state) .map_err(|_| Error::bad_database("Invalid state in userroomid_invitestate."))?; Ok((room_id, state)) }) } #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub fn invite_state( &self, user_id: &UserId, room_id: &RoomId, ) -> Result>>> { let mut key = user_id.as_bytes().to_vec(); key.push(0xff); key.extend_from_slice(&room_id.as_bytes()); self.userroomid_invitestate .get(&key)? .map(|state| { let state = serde_json::from_slice(&state) .map_err(|_| Error::bad_database("Invalid state in userroomid_invitestate."))?; Ok(state) }) .transpose() } #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub fn left_state( &self, user_id: &UserId, room_id: &RoomId, ) -> Result>>> { let mut key = user_id.as_bytes().to_vec(); key.push(0xff); key.extend_from_slice(&room_id.as_bytes()); self.userroomid_leftstate .get(&key)? .map(|state| { let state = serde_json::from_slice(&state) .map_err(|_| Error::bad_database("Invalid state in userroomid_leftstate."))?; Ok(state) }) .transpose() } /// Returns an iterator over all rooms a user left. #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub fn rooms_left<'a>( &'a self, user_id: &UserId, ) -> impl Iterator>)>> + 'a { let mut prefix = user_id.as_bytes().to_vec(); prefix.push(0xff); self.userroomid_leftstate .scan_prefix(prefix) .map(|(key, state)| { let room_id = RoomId::try_from( utils::string_from_bytes( &key.rsplit(|&b| b == 0xff) .next() .expect("rsplit always returns an element"), ) .map_err(|_| { Error::bad_database("Room ID in userroomid_invited is invalid unicode.") })?, ) .map_err(|_| Error::bad_database("Room ID in userroomid_invited is invalid."))?; let state = serde_json::from_slice(&state) .map_err(|_| Error::bad_database("Invalid state in userroomid_leftstate."))?; Ok((room_id, state)) }) } #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub fn once_joined(&self, user_id: &UserId, room_id: &RoomId) -> Result { let mut userroom_id = user_id.as_bytes().to_vec(); userroom_id.push(0xff); userroom_id.extend_from_slice(room_id.as_bytes()); Ok(self.roomuseroncejoinedids.get(&userroom_id)?.is_some()) } #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub fn is_joined(&self, user_id: &UserId, room_id: &RoomId) -> Result { let mut userroom_id = user_id.as_bytes().to_vec(); userroom_id.push(0xff); userroom_id.extend_from_slice(room_id.as_bytes()); Ok(self.userroomid_joined.get(&userroom_id)?.is_some()) } #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub fn is_invited(&self, user_id: &UserId, room_id: &RoomId) -> Result { let mut userroom_id = user_id.as_bytes().to_vec(); userroom_id.push(0xff); userroom_id.extend_from_slice(room_id.as_bytes()); Ok(self.userroomid_invitestate.get(&userroom_id)?.is_some()) } #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub fn is_left(&self, user_id: &UserId, room_id: &RoomId) -> Result { let mut userroom_id = user_id.as_bytes().to_vec(); userroom_id.push(0xff); userroom_id.extend_from_slice(room_id.as_bytes()); Ok(self.userroomid_leftstate.get(&userroom_id)?.is_some()) } #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub fn auth_chain_cache(&self) -> std::sync::MutexGuard<'_, LruCache>> { self.auth_chain_cache.lock().unwrap() } }