use crate::Error; use ruma::{ api::OutgoingResponse, identifiers::{DeviceId, UserId}, Outgoing, }; use std::ops::Deref; #[cfg(feature = "conduit_bin")] use { crate::utils, log::{debug, warn}, rocket::{ data::{ ByteUnit, Data, FromDataFuture, FromTransformedData, Transform, TransformFuture, Transformed, }, http::Status, outcome::Outcome::*, response::{self, Responder}, tokio::io::AsyncReadExt, Request, State, }, ruma::api::{AuthScheme, IncomingRequest}, std::convert::TryFrom, std::io::Cursor, }; /// This struct converts rocket requests into ruma structs by converting them into http requests /// first. pub struct Ruma<T: Outgoing> { pub body: T::Incoming, pub sender_user: Option<UserId>, pub sender_device: Option<Box<DeviceId>>, pub json_body: Option<Box<serde_json::value::RawValue>>, // This is None when body is not a valid string pub from_appservice: bool, } #[cfg(feature = "conduit_bin")] impl<'a, T: Outgoing> FromTransformedData<'a> for Ruma<T> where T::Incoming: IncomingRequest, { type Error = (); type Owned = Data; type Borrowed = Self::Owned; fn transform<'r>( _req: &'r Request<'_>, data: Data, ) -> TransformFuture<'r, Self::Owned, Self::Error> { Box::pin(async move { Transform::Owned(Success(data)) }) } fn from_data( request: &'a Request<'_>, outcome: Transformed<'a, Self>, ) -> FromDataFuture<'a, Self, Self::Error> { let metadata = T::Incoming::METADATA; Box::pin(async move { let data = rocket::try_outcome!(outcome.owned()); let db = request .guard::<State<'_, crate::Database>>() .await .expect("database was loaded"); // Get token from header or query value let token = request .headers() .get_one("Authorization") .map(|s| s[7..].to_owned()) // Split off "Bearer " .or_else(|| request.get_query_value("access_token").and_then(|r| r.ok())); let (sender_user, sender_device, from_appservice) = if let Some((_id, registration)) = db.appservice .iter_all() .filter_map(|r| r.ok()) .find(|(_id, registration)| { registration .get("as_token") .and_then(|as_token| as_token.as_str()) .map_or(false, |as_token| token.as_deref() == Some(as_token)) }) { match metadata.authentication { AuthScheme::AccessToken | AuthScheme::QueryOnlyAccessToken => { let user_id = request.get_query_value::<String>("user_id").map_or_else( || { UserId::parse_with_server_name( registration .get("sender_localpart") .unwrap() .as_str() .unwrap(), db.globals.server_name(), ) .unwrap() }, |string| { UserId::try_from(string.expect("parsing to string always works")) .unwrap() }, ); if !db.users.exists(&user_id).unwrap() { // Forbidden return Failure((Status::raw(580), ())); } // TODO: Check if appservice is allowed to be that user (Some(user_id), None, true) } AuthScheme::ServerSignatures => (None, None, true), AuthScheme::None => (None, None, true), } } else { match metadata.authentication { AuthScheme::AccessToken | AuthScheme::QueryOnlyAccessToken => { if let Some(token) = token { match db.users.find_from_token(&token).unwrap() { // Unknown Token None => return Failure((Status::raw(581), ())), Some((user_id, device_id)) => { (Some(user_id), Some(device_id.into()), false) } } } else { // Missing Token return Failure((Status::raw(582), ())); } } AuthScheme::ServerSignatures => (None, None, false), AuthScheme::None => (None, None, false), } }; let mut http_request = http::Request::builder() .uri(request.uri().to_string()) .method(&*request.method().to_string()); for header in request.headers().iter() { http_request = http_request.header(, &*header.value); } let limit = db.globals.max_request_size(); let mut handle =; let mut body = Vec::new(); handle.read_to_end(&mut body).await.unwrap(); let http_request = http_request.body(&*body).unwrap(); debug!("{:?}", http_request); match <T::Incoming as IncomingRequest>::try_from_http_request(http_request) { Ok(t) => Success(Ruma { body: t, sender_user, sender_device, // TODO: Can we avoid parsing it again? (We only need this for append_pdu) json_body: utils::string_from_bytes(&body) .ok() .and_then(|s| serde_json::value::RawValue::from_string(s).ok()), from_appservice, }), Err(e) => { warn!("{:?}", e); Failure((Status::raw(583), ())) } } }) } } impl<T: Outgoing> Deref for Ruma<T> { type Target = T::Incoming; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.body } } /// This struct converts ruma responses into rocket http responses. pub type ConduitResult<T> = std::result::Result<RumaResponse<T>, Error>; pub struct RumaResponse<T: OutgoingResponse>(pub T); impl<T: OutgoingResponse> From<T> for RumaResponse<T> { fn from(t: T) -> Self { Self(t) } } #[cfg(feature = "conduit_bin")] impl<'r, 'o, T> Responder<'r, 'o> for RumaResponse<T> where T: Send + OutgoingResponse, 'o: 'r, { fn respond_to(self, _: &'r Request<'_>) -> response::Result<'o> { let http_response: Result<http::Response<_>, _> = self.0.try_into_http_response(); match http_response { Ok(http_response) => { let mut response = rocket::response::Response::build(); let status = http_response.status(); response.raw_status(status.into(), ""); for header in http_response.headers() { response .raw_header(header.0.to_string(), header.1.to_str().unwrap().to_owned()); } let http_body = http_response.into_body(); response.sized_body(http_body.len(), Cursor::new(http_body)); response.raw_header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); response.raw_header( "Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS", ); response.raw_header( "Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept, Authorization", ); response.raw_header("Access-Control-Max-Age", "86400"); response.ok() } Err(_) => Err(Status::InternalServerError), } } }