use std::{ collections::HashMap, convert::TryFrom, fmt::Debug, sync::Arc, time::{Duration, Instant, SystemTime}, }; use crate::{appservice_server, server_server, utils, Error, PduEvent, Result}; use federation::transactions::send_transaction_message; use log::info; use ring::digest; use rocket::futures::stream::{FuturesUnordered, StreamExt}; use ruma::{ api::{appservice, federation, OutgoingRequest}, ServerName, }; use sled::IVec; use tokio::select; use tokio::sync::Semaphore; #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Sending { /// The state for a given state hash. pub(super) servernamepduids: sled::Tree, // ServernamePduId = (+)ServerName + PduId pub(super) servercurrentpdus: sled::Tree, // ServerCurrentPdus = (+)ServerName + PduId (pduid can be empty for reservation) pub(super) maximum_requests: Arc, } impl Sending { pub fn start_handler( &self, globals: &super::globals::Globals, rooms: &super::rooms::Rooms, appservice: &super::appservice::Appservice, ) { let servernamepduids = self.servernamepduids.clone(); let servercurrentpdus = self.servercurrentpdus.clone(); let rooms = rooms.clone(); let globals = globals.clone(); let appservice = appservice.clone(); tokio::spawn(async move { let mut futures = FuturesUnordered::new(); // Retry requests we could not finish yet let mut current_transactions = HashMap::new(); for (server, pdu, is_appservice) in servercurrentpdus .iter() .filter_map(|r| r.ok()) .filter_map(|(key, _)| Self::parse_servercurrentpdus(key).ok()) .filter(|(_, pdu, _)| !pdu.is_empty()) // Skip reservation key .take(50) // This should not contain more than 50 anyway { current_transactions .entry((server, is_appservice)) .or_insert_with(Vec::new) .push(pdu); } for ((server, is_appservice), pdus) in current_transactions { futures.push(Self::handle_event( server, is_appservice, pdus, &globals, &rooms, &appservice, )); } let mut last_failed_try: HashMap, (u32, Instant)> = HashMap::new(); let mut subscriber = servernamepduids.watch_prefix(b""); loop { select! { Some(response) = => { match response { Ok((server, is_appservice)) => { let mut prefix = if is_appservice { "+".as_bytes().to_vec() } else { Vec::new() }; prefix.extend_from_slice(server.as_bytes()); prefix.push(0xff); for key in servercurrentpdus .scan_prefix(&prefix) .keys() .filter_map(|r| r.ok()) { // Don't remove reservation yet if prefix.len() != key.len() { servercurrentpdus.remove(key).unwrap(); } } // Find events that have been added since starting the last request let new_pdus = servernamepduids .scan_prefix(&prefix) .keys() .filter_map(|r| r.ok()) .map(|k| { k.subslice(prefix.len(), k.len() - prefix.len()) }) .take(50) .collect::>(); if !new_pdus.is_empty() { for pdu_id in &new_pdus { let mut current_key = prefix.clone(); current_key.extend_from_slice(pdu_id); servercurrentpdus.insert(¤t_key, &[]).unwrap(); servernamepduids.remove(¤t_key).unwrap(); } futures.push(Self::handle_event(server, is_appservice, new_pdus, &globals, &rooms, &appservice)); } else { servercurrentpdus.remove(&prefix).unwrap(); // servercurrentpdus with the prefix should be empty now } } Err((server, is_appservice, e)) => { info!("Couldn't send transaction to {}\n{}", server, e); let mut prefix = if is_appservice { "+".as_bytes().to_vec() } else { Vec::new() }; prefix.extend_from_slice(server.as_bytes()); prefix.push(0xff); last_failed_try.insert(server.clone(), match last_failed_try.get(&server) { Some(last_failed) => { (last_failed.0+1, Instant::now()) }, None => { (1, Instant::now()) } }); servercurrentpdus.remove(&prefix).unwrap(); } }; }, Some(event) = &mut subscriber => { if let sled::Event::Insert { key, .. } = event { let servernamepduid = key.clone(); let mut parts = servernamepduid.splitn(2, |&b| b == 0xff); if let Some((server, is_appservice, pdu_id)) = utils::string_from_bytes( parts .next() .expect("splitn will always return 1 or more elements"), ) .map_err(|_| Error::bad_database("ServerName in servernamepduid bytes are invalid.")) .map(|server_str| { // Appservices start with a plus if server_str.starts_with("+") { (server_str[1..].to_owned(), true) } else { (server_str, false) } }) .and_then(|(server_str, is_appservice)| Box::::try_from(server_str) .map_err(|_| Error::bad_database("ServerName in servernamepduid is invalid.")).map(|s| (s, is_appservice))) .ok() .and_then(|(server, is_appservice)| parts .next() .ok_or_else(|| Error::bad_database("Invalid servernamepduid in db.")) .ok() .map(|pdu_id| (server, is_appservice, pdu_id)) ) .filter(|(server, is_appservice, _)| { if last_failed_try.get(server).map_or(false, |(tries, instant)| { // Fail if a request has failed recently (exponential backoff) let mut min_elapsed_duration = Duration::from_secs(60) * *tries * *tries; if min_elapsed_duration > Duration::from_secs(60*60*24) { min_elapsed_duration = Duration::from_secs(60*60*24); } instant.elapsed() < min_elapsed_duration }) { return false; } let mut prefix = if *is_appservice { "+".as_bytes().to_vec() } else { Vec::new() }; prefix.extend_from_slice(server.as_bytes()); prefix.push(0xff); servercurrentpdus .compare_and_swap(prefix, Option::<&[u8]>::None, Some(&[])) // Try to reserve == Ok(Ok(())) }) { servercurrentpdus.insert(&key, &[]).unwrap(); servernamepduids.remove(&key).unwrap(); futures.push(Self::handle_event(server, is_appservice, vec![pdu_id.into()], &globals, &rooms, &appservice)); } } } } } }); } #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub fn send_pdu(&self, server: &ServerName, pdu_id: &[u8]) -> Result<()> { let mut key = server.as_bytes().to_vec(); key.push(0xff); key.extend_from_slice(pdu_id); self.servernamepduids.insert(key, b"")?; Ok(()) } #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub fn send_pdu_appservice(&self, appservice_id: &str, pdu_id: &[u8]) -> Result<()> { let mut key = "+".as_bytes().to_vec(); key.extend_from_slice(appservice_id.as_bytes()); key.push(0xff); key.extend_from_slice(pdu_id); self.servernamepduids.insert(key, b"")?; Ok(()) } #[tracing::instrument] fn calculate_hash(keys: &[IVec]) -> Vec { // We only hash the pdu's event ids, not the whole pdu let bytes = keys.join(&0xff); let hash = digest::digest(&digest::SHA256, &bytes); hash.as_ref().to_owned() } #[tracing::instrument(skip(globals, rooms, appservice))] async fn handle_event( server: Box, is_appservice: bool, pdu_ids: Vec, globals: &super::globals::Globals, rooms: &super::rooms::Rooms, appservice: &super::appservice::Appservice, ) -> std::result::Result<(Box, bool), (Box, bool, Error)> { if is_appservice { let pdu_jsons = pdu_ids .iter() .map(|pdu_id| { Ok::<_, (Box, Error)>( rooms .get_pdu_from_id(pdu_id) .map_err(|e| (server.clone(), e))? .ok_or_else(|| { ( server.clone(), Error::bad_database( "Event in servernamepduids not found in db.", ), ) })? .to_any_event(), ) }) .filter_map(|r| r.ok()) .collect::>(); appservice_server::send_request( &globals, appservice .get_registration(server.as_str()) .unwrap() .unwrap(), // TODO: handle error appservice::event::push_events::v1::Request { events: &pdu_jsons, txn_id: &base64::encode_config( Self::calculate_hash(&pdu_ids), base64::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD, ), }, ) .await .map(|_response| (server.clone(), is_appservice)) .map_err(|e| (server, is_appservice, e)) } else { let pdu_jsons = pdu_ids .iter() .map(|pdu_id| { Ok::<_, (Box, Error)>( // TODO: check room version and remove event_id if needed serde_json::from_str( PduEvent::convert_to_outgoing_federation_event( rooms .get_pdu_json_from_id(pdu_id) .map_err(|e| (server.clone(), e))? .ok_or_else(|| { ( server.clone(), Error::bad_database( "Event in servernamepduids not found in db.", ), ) })?, ) .json() .get(), ) .expect("Raw<..> is always valid"), ) }) .filter_map(|r| r.ok()) .collect::>(); server_server::send_request( &globals, server.clone(), send_transaction_message::v1::Request { origin: globals.server_name(), pdus: &pdu_jsons, edus: &[], origin_server_ts: SystemTime::now(), transaction_id: &base64::encode_config( Self::calculate_hash(&pdu_ids), base64::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD, ), }, ) .await .map(|_response| (server.clone(), is_appservice)) .map_err(|e| (server, is_appservice, e)) } } fn parse_servercurrentpdus(key: IVec) -> Result<(Box, IVec, bool)> { let mut parts = key.splitn(2, |&b| b == 0xff); let server ="splitn always returns one element"); let pdu = parts .next() .ok_or_else(|| Error::bad_database("Invalid bytes in servercurrentpdus."))?; let server = utils::string_from_bytes(&server).map_err(|_| { Error::bad_database("Invalid server bytes in server_currenttransaction") })?; // Appservices start with a plus let (server, is_appservice) = if server.starts_with("+") { (&server[1..], true) } else { (&*server, false) }; Ok::<_, Error>(( Box::::try_from(server).map_err(|_| { Error::bad_database("Invalid server string in server_currenttransaction") })?, IVec::from(pdu), is_appservice, )) } #[tracing::instrument(skip(self, globals))] pub async fn send_federation_request( &self, globals: &crate::database::globals::Globals, destination: Box, request: T, ) -> Result where T: Debug, { let permit = self.maximum_requests.acquire().await; let response = server_server::send_request(globals, destination, request).await; drop(permit); response } #[tracing::instrument(skip(self, globals))] pub async fn send_appservice_request( &self, globals: &crate::database::globals::Globals, registration: serde_yaml::Value, request: T, ) -> Result where T: Debug, { let permit = self.maximum_requests.acquire().await; let response = appservice_server::send_request(globals, registration, request).await; drop(permit); response } }