use bevy::prelude::*; use bevy_mod_raycast::{RayCastMethod, RayCastSource}; use crate::player::*; pub struct MyRaycastSet; pub struct Camera; pub fn spawn_camera(commands: &mut Commands) { commands .spawn_bundle(PerspectiveCameraBundle::default()) .insert(Camera) .insert(RayCastSource::::new()); } pub fn camera_follow_player( player: Query<(&Transform, &Player), Without>, mut camera: Query<(&mut Transform, &Camera), Without>, ) { let player_pos = if let Some(player) = player.iter().next() { player.0.translation } else { return; }; for (mut trans, _) in camera.iter_mut() { trans.translation = player_pos + Vec3::new(-100.0, 200.0, 100.0); trans.look_at(player_pos, Vec3::Y); } } // update our `RayCastSource` with the current cursor position every frame. pub fn update_raycast_with_cursor( mut cursor: EventReader, mut query: Query<&mut RayCastSource>, ) { for mut pick_source in query.iter_mut() { // Grab the most recent cursor event if it exists: if let Some(cursor_latest) = cursor.iter().last() { pick_source.cast_method = RayCastMethod::Screenspace(cursor_latest.position); } } } #[derive(Default)] pub struct MouseCoords(pub Vec3); // Update our `RayCastSource` with the current cursor position every frame. pub fn update_mouse_coords( query: Query<&RayCastSource>, mut coords: ResMut, ) { for pick_source in query.iter() { if let Some((_, intersection)) = pick_source.intersect_top() { coords.0 = intersection.position(); } } }