start and finish lmao

annieversary 2022-01-19 20:56:39 +00:00
commit bf8cdab3b8
8 changed files with 597 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@

Cargo.toml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
name = "effers"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
members = ["effers-derive"]
effers-derive = { path = "./effers-derive" }

111 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
* effers
** implementation details
we could do something with proc macros maybe?
where like, it scans through the tagged function, then it generates like a type?
then that type you can call a function that provides it an effect runner
#+begin_src rust
// the `Smth =>` part is optional
#[program(Smth => Printer(print as p), Logger(debug, info))]
fn smth(val: u8) -> u8 {
p("hey hi hello");
debug("this is a debug-level log");
info("this is a info-level log");
val + 3
fn main() {
// maybe smth like this?
let result: u8 = Smth
let other_result: u8 = Smth
.add(NetworkLogger {
credentials: "secret password".to_string()
trait Printer {
fn print();
trait Logger {
fn debug(&mut self);
fn info(&mut self);
struct IoPrinter;
impl Printer for IoPrinter {
fn print(s: &str) { println!(s) }
struct FileLogger;
impl Logger for FileLogger {
fn debug(&mut self) { ... }
fn info(&mut self) { ... }
struct NetworkLogger { credentials: String }
impl Logger for NetworkLogger {
fn debug(&mut self) { ... }
fn info(&mut self) { ... }
the macro will substitute the function to:
#+begin_src rust
struct Smth;
struct SmthWithPrinter<P: Printer>(Smth, P);
struct SmthWithPrinterLogger<P: Printer, L: Logger>(Smth, P, L);
impl Smth {
fn add<P: Printer>(self, p: P) -> SmthWithPrinter<P> {
SmthWithPrinter(self, p)
impl<P: Printer> SmthWithPrinter<P> {
fn add<L: Logger>(self, l: L) -> SmthWithPrinterLogger<P, L> {
SmthWithPrinterLogger(self.0, self.1, l)
impl<P: Printer, L: Logger> SmthWithPrinterLogger<P, L> {
fn run(self, val: u8) -> u8 {
let l = self.2; // we probably don't do this though, just do an actual replacement
P::print("hey hi hello");
l.debug("this is a debug-level log");"this is a info-level log");
this could be rewritten to allow users to take any path when writing adding the effect handlers
maybe not, cause we might want to have two of the same kind of effect, which would make us unable to tell them apart
we can then make macros that make declaring an effect easier ig
** questions
*** DONE how to pass the logger into the function
CLOSED: [2022-01-18 Tue 19:41]
an option is to add it to the list of params
*** DONE how to make it so the user can't call it directly
CLOSED: [2022-01-18 Tue 19:41]
solved, the function lives inside an impl block for a type
*** TODO can we make it so it's uses ~IoPrinter::print~ instead of ~io_printer.print~?
cause that would have better performance i think?
cause it's just a static function and that's known at comp time
with the other it does dynamic dispatch
idk if we have access to that info on the macro
*** TODO how to deal with multiple of the same type of effect
i think it Just Works if we keep the order thing. we just have to make sure they define different names in the macro invocation, otherwise we won't know which one to use this uses tags

effers-derive/Cargo.toml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
name = "effers-derive"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
proc-macro = true
syn = {version = "1.0", features = ["full", "extra-traits", "visit-mut"]}
quote = "1.0"
proc-macro2 = "1.0"

effers-derive/src/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
use proc_macro2::{Span, TokenStream};
use quote::quote;
use syn::parse::{Parse, ParseStream, Result};
use syn::punctuated::Punctuated;
use syn::token::{Mut, SelfValue};
use syn::visit_mut::VisitMut;
use syn::{
parse_macro_input, Expr, ExprCall, FnArg, Ident, ItemFn, Path, PathSegment, Receiver, Token,
pub fn program(
attr: proc_macro::TokenStream,
item: proc_macro::TokenStream,
) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
let item = parse_macro_input!(item as syn::ItemFn);
let mut args = parse_macro_input!(attr as Args);
if {
let i = first_letter_to_uppper_case(item.sig.ident.to_string()); = Some(Ident::new(&i, Span::call_site()));
let out = if !args.effects.is_empty() {
rewrite_item_into_struct(item, args)
} else {
fn first_letter_to_uppper_case(s1: String) -> String {
let mut c = s1.chars();
match {
None => String::new(),
Some(f) => f.to_uppercase().collect::<String>() + c.as_str(),
struct Args {
name: Option<Ident>,
effects: Vec<Effect>,
struct Effect {
name: Ident,
path: Path,
functions: Vec<EffectFunction>,
struct EffectFunction {
ident: Ident,
alias: Option<Ident>,
fn get_name_from_args(input: &mut ParseStream) -> Result<Ident> {
let name: Ident = input.parse()?;
impl Parse for Args {
fn parse(mut input: ParseStream) -> Result<Self> {
let name = get_name_from_args(&mut input).ok();
let effects: Vec<_> = Punctuated::<ExprCall, Token![,]>::parse_terminated(input)?
let effects: Vec<Effect> = effects
.flat_map(|e| {
Some(Effect {
name: name_from_expr_call(&e)?,
path: if let Expr::Path(p) = &*e.func {
} else {
functions: effects_from_expr_call(&e),
Ok(Args { name, effects })
fn name_from_expr_call(e: &ExprCall) -> Option<Ident> {
if let Expr::Path(e) = &*e.func {
} else {
/// returns the list of functions, with their optional alias
fn effects_from_expr_call(e: &ExprCall) -> Vec<EffectFunction> {
.flat_map(|p| match p {
Expr::Path(e) => Some(EffectFunction {
ident: e.path.get_ident().unwrap().clone(), // TODO remove this unwrap
alias: None,
Expr::Cast(cast) => match (*cast.expr, *cast.ty) {
(Expr::Path(expr), Type::Path(ty)) => Some(EffectFunction {
ident: expr.path.get_ident().unwrap().clone(),
alias: Some(ty.path.get_ident()?.clone()),
_ => None,
_ => None,
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct LettersIter {
idx: u32,
impl LettersIter {
fn new() -> Self {
Self {
idx: 'A' as u32 - 1,
impl Iterator for LettersIter {
type Item = char;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
for _ in 0..100 {
self.idx += 1;
if let Some(c) = char::from_u32(self.idx) {
return Some(c);
/// takes in the function contents, and returns the structs n stuff
fn rewrite_item_into_struct(func: ItemFn, args: Args) -> TokenStream {
let prog_name = (&;
let intermediate_structs = intermediate_structs(&args, &prog_name);
// structs for the builder pattern
let inters_tokens = intermediate_structs
.map(|i| i.tokens.clone())
// implementations for the builder pattern
let impls = impls(&prog_name, &intermediate_structs);
// make the last impl, which contains the run method
let final_impl = final_impl(intermediate_structs.last().unwrap(), func, &args);
let out = quote! {
struct #prog_name;
struct IntermediateStruct {
tokens: TokenStream,
id: Ident,
traits: Vec<Ident>,
letters: Vec<Ident>,
generics: TokenStream,
impl IntermediateStruct {
fn new(
tokens: TokenStream,
id: Ident,
traits: Vec<Ident>,
letters: Vec<Ident>,
generics: TokenStream,
) -> Self {
Self {
fn intermediate_structs(args: &Args, prog_name: &Ident) -> Vec<IntermediateStruct> {
let struct_with = format!("{}With", prog_name);
(vec![], struct_with, vec![]),
|(mut structs, name, mut traits), eff| {
let name = format!("{}{}", &name, &;
// kinda messy
let letters = LettersIter::new()
.map(|c| Ident::new(&c.to_string(), Span::call_site()));
let generics = traits
.map(|(t, c)| quote!(#c: #t,))
let id = Ident::new(&name, Span::call_site());
let last = if let Some(&IntermediateStruct {
ref id,
ref letters,
}) = &structs.last()
let gen = letters.iter().map(|l| quote!(#l,)).collect::<TokenStream>();
} else {
let last_letter = letters.clone().last();
quote! {
struct #id<#generics>(#last, #last_letter);
(structs, name, traits)
fn impls(prog_name: &Ident, intermediate_structs: &Vec<IntermediateStruct>) -> TokenStream {
let mut impls = vec![];
let mut id = quote!(#prog_name);
let mut impl_token = quote!(impl);
for inter in intermediate_structs {
let next =;
let gen = inter
.map(|l| quote!(#l,))
let ret = quote!(#next<#gen>);
// lmao what a mess
// need to get the last trait/letter, then replace P: Printer and p: P
let t = inter.traits.last().unwrap();
let l = inter.letters.last().unwrap();
let func_generics = quote!(#l: #t);
// and need to destructure self
impls.push(quote! {
#impl_token #id {
fn add<#func_generics>(self, t: #l) -> #ret {
#next(self, t)
id = ret;
let generics = &inter.generics;
impl_token = quote!(impl<#generics>);
fn final_impl(last: &IntermediateStruct, func: ItemFn, args: &Args) -> TokenStream {
let id = &;
let full_gen = &last.generics;
let gen = last
.map(|l| quote!(#l,))
let func = rewrite_func(func, args);
quote! {
impl<#full_gen> #id<#gen> {
fn rewrite_func(mut func: ItemFn, args: &Args) -> TokenStream {
func.sig.ident = Ident::new("run", Span::call_site());
// add `mut self` as a parameter
FnArg::Receiver(Receiver {
attrs: vec![],
reference: None,
mutability: Some(Mut {
span: Span::call_site(),
self_token: SelfValue {
span: Span::call_site(),
FuncRewriter { args }.visit_item_fn_mut(&mut func);
quote! {
struct FuncRewriter<'a> {
args: &'a Args,
impl<'a> syn::visit_mut::VisitMut for FuncRewriter<'a> {
fn visit_expr_call_mut(&mut self, node: &mut ExprCall) {
let eff_len = self.args.effects.len();
// check if the function name is in args
// if it is, replace it with the correct name
if let Expr::Path(path) = &mut *node.func {
for (i, effect) in self.args.effects.iter().enumerate() {
for func in &effect.functions {
let ident = func.alias.clone().unwrap_or(func.ident.clone());
if path.path.is_ident(&ident) {
// get the effect trait path's, and append the function as a segment
let mut effect_path = effect.path.clone();
effect_path.segments.push(PathSegment {
ident: func.ident.clone(),
arguments: syn::PathArguments::None,
path.path = effect_path;
// then change the parameters so the handler is the first
// get the effect's index, and add the inverse num of `.0`s
let idx = eff_len - (i + 1);
let s = format!("&mut self{}.1", ".0".repeat(idx));
let expr: Expr = syn::parse_str(&s).unwrap();
node.args.insert(0, expr);

examples/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
use effers::program;
#[program(Smth => Printer(print as p), Logger(debug, info))]
fn smth(val: u8) -> u8 {
p("hey hi hello");
debug("this is a debug-level log");
info("this is a info-level log");
val + 3
fn main() {
// maybe smth like this?
let result: u8 = Smth.add(IoPrinter).add(FileLogger).run(3);
assert_eq!(result, 6);
let other_result: u8 = Smth
.add(NetworkLogger {
credentials: "secret password".to_string(),
assert_eq!(other_result, 11);
trait Printer {
fn print(&mut self, s: &str);
trait Logger {
fn debug(&mut self, s: &str);
fn info(&mut self, s: &str);
struct IoPrinter;
impl Printer for IoPrinter {
fn print(&mut self, s: &str) {
println!("{}", s)
struct FileLogger;
impl Logger for FileLogger {
fn debug(&mut self, s: &str) {
println!("debug: {}", s)
fn info(&mut self, s: &str) {
println!("info: {}", s)
struct NetworkLogger {
credentials: String,
impl Logger for NetworkLogger {
fn debug(&mut self, s: &str) {
"debug through network: {}; with password {}",
s, self.credentials
fn info(&mut self, s: &str) {
"info through network: {}; with password {}",
s, self.credentials

0 Normal file
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src/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
pub use effers_derive::program;
mod test {
use super::*;
#[program(Smth => Printer(print as p), Logger(debug, info))]
fn smth(val: u8) -> u8 {
p("hey hi hello");
debug("this is a debug-level log");
info("this is a info-level log");
val + 3
trait Printer {
fn print(&mut self, s: &str);
trait Logger {
fn debug(&mut self, s: &str);
fn info(&mut self, s: &str);