improve ergonomics for the derive macro generated api
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 78 additions and 13 deletions
@ -13,9 +13,10 @@ pub fn derive(input: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
let name = &input.ident;
let mod_name = Ident::new(&get_mod_name(&input), Span::call_site());
let container_name = Ident::new(&get_container_name(&input), Span::call_site());
let expanded = match {
syn::Data::Struct(s) => expand_struct(s, name, &mod_name),
syn::Data::Struct(s) => expand_struct(s, name, &mod_name, &container_name),
syn::Data::Enum(_) => todo!("not yet implemented for prisms"),
syn::Data::Union(_) => panic!("this macro does not work on unions"),
@ -40,7 +41,28 @@ fn get_mod_name(input: &DeriveInput) -> String {
fn expand_struct(data: DataStruct, name: &Ident, mod_name: &Ident) -> TokenStream {
fn get_container_name(input: &DeriveInput) -> String {
for i in &input.attrs {
if let Ok(Meta::NameValue(meta)) = i.parse_meta() {
if let Some(ident) = meta.path.get_ident() {
if ident == "container_name" {
if let Lit::Str(a) = meta.lit {
return a.value();
format!("{}LensContainer", input.ident.to_string())
fn expand_struct(
data: DataStruct,
name: &Ident,
mod_name: &Ident,
container_name: &Ident,
) -> TokenStream {
let fields = match &data.fields {
syn::Fields::Named(n) => n.named.iter(),
syn::Fields::Unnamed(_) => todo!(),
@ -87,8 +109,8 @@ fn expand_struct(data: DataStruct, name: &Ident, mod_name: &Ident) -> TokenStrea
quote! {
impl Lenses<#ty> {
pub fn get() ->
impl bad_optics::has_lens::HasLensOf<#ty> for #name {
fn get() ->
@ -113,12 +135,19 @@ fn expand_struct(data: DataStruct, name: &Ident, mod_name: &Ident) -> TokenStrea
quote! {
pub mod #mod_name {
mod #mod_name {
use super::*;
pub struct #container_name;
impl HasLens for #name {
type Lenses = #container_name;
impl #container_name {
pub struct Lenses<T>(std::marker::PhantomData<T>);
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
use bad_optics::prelude::Optics;
use bad_optics::prelude::*;
extern crate bad_optics;
// the Optics derive macro will implement lenses for every public field in the struct
// it makes a module named whatever the struct is called, but in lower case
@ -26,20 +29,24 @@ fn main() {
// these lenses work for `MyStruct` with `view` and `over`,
// and for `&MyStruct` with `view`
let field1 = mystruct::field1();
let field2 = mystruct::field2();
let field1 = <MyStruct as HasLens>::Lenses::field1();
// short macro for convenience, expands to the line above
let field2 = lens!(MyStruct::field2);
// the lenses work normally as any other lens :)
assert_eq!(field1(&o), "first field");
assert_eq!(field2(&o), "second field");
// we can get a vec with all the lenses that match a type
let string_lenses = mystruct::Lenses::<String>::get();
let string_lenses = <MyStruct as HasLensOf<String>>::get();
assert_eq!(string_lenses.len(), 2);
// since _field4 is private, there's no lens for it
let vec_string_lenses = mystruct::Lenses::<u8>::get();
assert_eq!(vec_string_lenses.len(), 1);
let u8_lenses = <MyStruct as HasLensOf<u8>>::get();
assert_eq!(u8_lenses.len(), 1);
// short macro for convenience, expands to the line above
let _u8_lenses = lenses!(MyStruct::u8);
let mut o = o;
for lens in string_lenses {
@ -15,4 +15,33 @@ pub mod prelude {
pub use crate::lenses::*;
pub use crate::prisms::*;
pub use crate::traversals::*;
pub use crate::has_lens::*;
pub mod has_lens {
use crate::prelude::{lens::FuncLens, lens_with_ref::LensWithRef, to::ToRefInner};
use super::prelude::*;
pub trait HasLens {
type Lenses;
pub trait HasLensOf<T>: Sized {
fn get() -> Vec<Lens<LensWithRef<Lens<FuncLens<Self, T>>, Lens<ToRefInner<Self, T>>, Self>>>;
macro_rules! lens {
($name:ident :: $func:ident) => {
<$name as HasLens>::Lenses::$func()
macro_rules! lenses {
($name:ident :: $ty:ident) => {
<$name as HasLensOf<$ty>>::get()
Reference in a new issue