made-in-akira/graphic_design/plymouth/BarOS 10.II/SystemPlus.script

198 lines
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# Mac OS 8 Boot Script for Plymouth
# An attempt to a pixel-perfect recreation of the Mac OS 8 boot sequence in Plymouth
# by akasaka, 2019
# Ⓒ Genjitsu Labs, 2019; All rights reserved
# Graphics Ⓒ Apple Computer, Inc, 1997
# Apple Computer, Macintosh, Mac OS and Apple are registered trademarks of Apple, Inc.
# You are free to use and modify this script as long as the above lines are preserved.
# Revision 1.0: Jan 11, 2019
# Initial revision, supports: boot/shutdown/message
# Todo: add password, question, input ?
// Frame counter timer
timer = 0;
// Stage state variable:
-2 Dialog
-1 Invalid for animation, i.e. within a message or shutdown context
0 "Welcome to Macintosh" dialog
1 Startup progress dialog
stage = 0;
// Current mode container
mode = Plymouth.GetMode();
if(mode == "boot") {
// Prepare stage for boot mode
// Note: this is a New World Mac boot-time color
Window.SetBackgroundTopColor (0.3, 0.3, 0.3);
Window.SetBackgroundBottomColor (0.3, 0.3, 0.3);
// Load the image of a checkerboard pattern 2x2 repeated to 200x200 (with 2x2 Plymouth hangs)
chk = Image("flower.png");
// Start from bottom right corner
y = Window.GetHeight()+00;
array = []; // If we don't store sprites, Plymouth ignores them for some reason
ai = 0;
// Fill whole screen with the 2x2 checkered pattern
while ( y > -1366 ) {
x = Window.GetWidth()+00;
while ( x > -1366 ) {
array[ai] = Sprite(chk);
array[ai].SetPosition(x, y, 1);
x -= 1366;
y -= 768;
if(mode == "boot") {
// Welcome to Macintosh dialog
picasso = Image("picasso.png");
} else if(mode == "shutdown") {
// It is now safe to turn off your Macintosh...
picasso = Image("shutdown.png");
stage = -1;
} else {
// Whatever is happening, just do a black screen
stage = -1;
// Place dialog on screen
welcome = Sprite(picasso);
picasso_x = Window.GetWidth() / 2 - picasso.GetWidth() / 2 ;
picasso_y = Window.GetHeight() / 3 - picasso.GetHeight() / 2;
welcome.SetPosition( picasso_x, picasso_y, 2);
// Boot window
backdrop = Image("os8_boot.png");
boot = Sprite(backdrop);
boot.SetOpacity(0); // hidden for now
boot_x = Window.GetWidth() / 2 - backdrop.GetWidth() / 2;
boot_y = Window.GetHeight() / 3 - backdrop.GetHeight() / 2;
boot.SetPosition( boot_x, boot_y, 2);
#--------------------------------------- Extension Icon --------------------------------
// Position of next icon
extz_x = 16;
extz_y = Window.GetHeight() - 48;
// All icons
icons = [];
icon_i = 0;
// Display a new 32x32 icon from png name
fun spawn_icon(iname)
next_icon = Image(iname);
icons[icon_i] = Sprite(next_icon);
icons[icon_i].SetPosition(extz_x, extz_y, 2);
icon_i ++;
extz_x += 40;
// Hide all icons (i.e. before showing a dialog)
fun hide_icons() {
i = 0;
for(i = 0; i < icon_i; i++) {
#----------------------------------------- Progress Bar --------------------------------
progress_bar.original_image = Image("os8_swatch.png");
progress_bar.sprite = Sprite();
progress_bar.x = boot_x + 132;
progress_bar.y = boot_y + 283;
progress_bar.sprite.SetPosition(progress_bar.x, progress_bar.y, 3);
fun progress_callback (duration, progress)
if (progress_bar.image.GetWidth () != Math.Int (158 * progress))
progress_bar.image = progress_bar.original_image.Scale(158 * progress, progress_bar.original_image.GetHeight());
progress_bar.sprite.SetImage (progress_bar.image);
#----------------------------------------- Frame Handler--------------------------------
// Icon name storage
cur_icon = 0;
max_icon = 13;
// Every-frame function
fun refresh_callback ()
# Transition from Welcome to Boot in about 500ms
if ( stage == 0 && timer >= 0 ) {
stage = 1;
if (stage == 1 && timer % 52 == 0) {
if(cur_icon < max_icon) {
spawn_icon( "icons/" + icons[cur_icon] + ".png" );
cur_icon ++;
Plymouth.SetRefreshFunction (refresh_callback);
#----------------------------------------- Dialog --------------------------------
picasso_text_x = 84;
picasso_text_y = 21;
fun dialog_setup()
picasso = Image("message.png");
stage = -2;
fun display_normal_callback ()
if(stage == -2) {
stage = 1;
#----------------------------------------- Message --------------------------------
message_sprite = Sprite();
message_sprite.SetPosition(picasso_x + picasso_text_x, picasso_y + picasso_text_y, 10000);
fun message_callback (text)
my_image = Image.Text(text, 0, 0, 0);