2022.114 - Group Chat at namespace #BA:biocomputer # [SERVER: 2022.113 09:59] akira@BA: connected to #BA:biocomputer akira@BA: morning! # [SERVER: 2022.113 10:39] jamie@YM: connected to #BA:biocomputer jamie@YM: y'all jamie@YM: https://www.cell.com/biophysj/fulltext/S0006-3495(19)32821-8 | # THBrain presents new “guided evolution” technique at Mindsci Next Event | Long-time neural network tech pioneer unveils iterative method to coerse... jamie@YM: look at this photograph!! every time i do it makes me snacked!! akira@BA: woa :ooo nils@MR: oh yeah this nils@MR: they really should have made the growth simulations the headline jamie@YM: i dunno, clickbaity as it is the whole coersion thing is still pretty big jamie@YM: it's indirect manipulation, it's not editing the genome directly, but i guess natural selection doesn't either akira@BA: hey slow down... nils@MR: it's good enough yeah jamie@YM: besides, it's not like it takes away the need and benefits to doing it directly akira@BA: >:O jamie@YM: oh damn jamie@YM: the paper with the results is freely available, but all the material documenting the technique itself is behind a paywall akira@BA: sdfsdflkjsdf i was about to say the same thing-- jamie@YM: hehe nils@MR: oh yeah the paywall nils@MR: pretty scummy of them but not abnormal, especially if it's privately funded jamie@YM: oh. lol. of course you can bypass it by just turning off javascript jamie@YM: actually wait no maybe that's a bad idea if we're going to make use of this for a commercial product jamie@YM: should probably talk to vanny about this # [SERVER: 2022.113 10:58] vanny@HQ: connected to #BA:biocomputer vanny@HQ: Mhm vanny@HQ: I see vanny@HQ: I'll email them about it vanny@HQ: Is that to your liking? @jamie@YM jamie@YM: yea vanny@HQ: Alright jamie@YM: ty vanny 👍 # [SERVER: 2022.113 11:00] akira@BA: disconnected from #BA:biocomputer