-- ┌───┐ ┌───┐ -- -- │ ┌─┘ ┌─────┐┌─────┐ └─┐ │ -- -- │ │ │ ┌───┘│ ╶───┤ │ │ -- -- │ │ │ ├───┐└───┐ │ │ │ -- -- │ │ │ └─╴ │┌───┘ │ │ │ -- -- │ └─┐ └─────┘└─────┘ ┌─┘ │ -- -- └───┘ └───┘ -- ---@module "Animation Blend Library" ---@version v1.9.0 ---@see GrandpaScout @ https://github.com/GrandpaScout -- Adds prewrite-like animation blending to the rewrite. -- Also includes the ability to modify how the blending works per-animation with blending callbacks. -- -- Simply `require`ing this library is enough to make it run. However, if you place this library in -- a variable, you can get access to functions and tools that allow for generating pre-build blend -- callbacks or creating your own blend callbacks. -- -- This library is fully documented. If you use Sumneko's Lua Language server, you will get -- descriptions of each function, method, and field in this library. local ID = "GSAnimBlend" local VER = "1.9.0" local FIG = {"0.1.0-rc.14", "0.1.1"} ---@type boolean, Lib.GS.AnimBlend local s, this = pcall(function() --|================================================================================================================|-- --|=====|| SCRIPT ||===============================================================================================|-- --||==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==||-- -- Localize Lua basic local getmetatable = getmetatable local setmetatable = setmetatable local type = type local assert = assert local error = error local next = next local ipairs = ipairs local pairs = pairs local rawset = rawset local tostring = tostring -- Localize Lua math local m_abs = math.abs local m_cos = math.cos local m_lerp = math.lerp local m_map = math.map local m_max = math.max local m_sin = math.sin local m_sqrt = math.sqrt local m_huge = math.huge local m_pi = math.pi -- Localize Figura globals local animations = animations local figuraMetatables = figuraMetatables local vanilla_model = vanilla_model local events = events -- Localize current environment local _ENV = _ENV --[[@as _G]] ---@diagnostic disable: duplicate-set-field, duplicate-doc-field ---This library is used to allow prewrite-like animation blending with one new feature with infinite ---possibility added on top. ---Any fields, functions, and methods injected by this library will be prefixed with ---**[GS AnimBlend Library]** in their description. --- ---If this library is required without being stored to a variable, it will automatically set up the ---blending features. ---If this library is required *and* stored to a variable, it will also contain tools for generating ---pre-built blending callbacks and creating custom blending callbacks. ---```lua ---require "···" ---local anim_blend = require "···" ---``` ---@class Lib.GS.AnimBlend ---This library's perferred ID. ---@field _ID string ---This library's version. ---@field _VERSION string local this = { ---Enables error checking in the library. `true` by default. --- ---Turning off error checking will greatly reduce the amount of instructions used by this library ---at the cost of not telling you when you put in a wrong value. --- ---If an error pops up while this is `false`, try setting it to `true` and see if a different ---error pops up. safe = true } local thismt = { __type = ID, __metatable = false, __index = { _ID = ID, _VERSION = VER } } -- Create private space for blending trigger. -- This is done non-destructively so other scripts may do this as well. if not getmetatable(_ENV) then setmetatable(_ENV, {}) end -----======================================= VARIABLES ========================================----- local _ENVMT = getmetatable(_ENV) ---Contains the data required to make animation blending for each animation. ---@type {[Animation]: Lib.GS.AnimBlend.AnimData} local animData = {} ---Contains the currently blending animations. ---@type {[Animation]?: true} local blending = {} this.animData = animData this.blending = blending -----=================================== UTILITY FUNCTIONS ====================================----- local chk = {} chk.types = { ["nil"] = "nil", boolean = "boolean", number = "number", string = "string", table = "table", ["function"] = "function" } function chk.badarg(i, name, got, exp, opt) if opt and got == nil then return true end local gotT = type(got) local gotType = chk.types[gotT] or "userdata" local expType = chk.types[exp] or "userdata" if gotType ~= expType then if expType == "function" and gotType == "table" then local mt = getmetatable(got) if mt and mt.__call then return true end end return false, ("bad argument #%s to '%s' (%s expected, got %s)") :format(i, name, expType, gotType) elseif expType ~= exp and gotT ~= exp then return false, ("bad argument #%s to '%s' (%s expected, got %s)") :format(i, name, exp, gotType) end return true end function chk.badnum(i, name, got, opt) if opt and got == nil then return true elseif type(got) ~= "number" then local gotType = chk.types[type(got)] or "userdata" return false, ("bad argument #%s to '%s' (number expected, got %s)"):format(i, name, gotType) elseif got ~= got or m_abs(got) == m_huge then return false, ("bad argument #%s to '%s' (value cannot be %s)"):format(i, name, got) end return true end local function makeSane(val, def) return (val == val and m_abs(val) ~= m_huge) and val or def end -----=================================== PREPARE ANIMATIONS ===================================----- -- This will at least catch players running at around 30 fps. -- Any lower and their computer is already having trouble, they don't need the blending. local tPass = 0.037504655 local blendCommand = [[getmetatable(_ENV).GSLib_triggerBlend(%q)]] _ENVMT.GSLib_triggerBlend = setmetatable({}, { __call = function(self, id) if self[id] then self[id]() end end }) local animNum = 0 for _, anim in ipairs(animations:getAnimations()) do local blend = anim:getBlend() local len = anim:getLength() local lenSane = makeSane(len, false) lenSane = lenSane and (lenSane > tPass and lenSane) or false local tID = "blendAnim_" .. animNum animData[anim] = { blendTimeIn = 0, blendTimeOut = 0, blend = blend, blendSane = makeSane(blend, 0), length = lenSane, triggerId = tID, callback = nil } _ENVMT.GSLib_triggerBlend[tID] = function() if anim:getLoop() == "ONCE" then anim:stop() end end if lenSane then anim:newCode(m_max(lenSane - tPass, 0), blendCommand:format(tID)) end animNum = animNum + 1 end -----============================ PREPARE METATABLE MODIFICATIONS =============================----- local animation_mt = figuraMetatables.Animation local animationapi_mt = figuraMetatables.AnimationAPI local ext_Animation = next(animData) if not ext_Animation then error( "No animations have been found!\n" .. "This library cannot build its functions without an animation to use.\n" .. "Create an animation or don't `require` this library to fix the error." ) end -- Check for conflicts if ext_Animation.blendTime then local path = tostring(ext_Animation.blendTime):match("^function: (.-):%d+%-%d+$") error( "Conflicting script [" .. path .. "] found!\n" .. "Remove the other script or this script to fix the error." ) end local _animationIndex = animation_mt.__index local _animationNewIndex = animation_mt.__newindex or rawset local _animationapiIndex = animationapi_mt.__index local animPlay = ext_Animation.play local animStop = ext_Animation.stop local animPause = ext_Animation.pause local animRestart = ext_Animation.restart local animBlend = ext_Animation.blend local animLength = ext_Animation.length local animGetPlayState = ext_Animation.getPlayState local animGetBlend = ext_Animation.getBlend ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: deprecated local animIsPlaying = ext_Animation.isPlaying ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: undefined-field local animIsPaused = ext_Animation.isPaused local animNewCode = ext_Animation.newCode local animapiGetPlaying = animations.getPlaying ---Contains the old functions, just in case you need direct access to them again. --- ---These are useful for creating your own blending callbacks. this.oldF = { play = animPlay, stop = animStop, pause = animPause, restart = animRestart, getBlend = animGetBlend, getPlayState = animGetPlayState, isPlaying = animIsPlaying, isPaused = animIsPaused, setBlend = ext_Animation.setBlend, setLength = ext_Animation.setLength, setPlaying = ext_Animation.setPlaying, blend = animBlend, length = animLength, playing = ext_Animation.playing, api_getPlaying = animapiGetPlaying } -----===================================== SET UP LIBRARY =====================================----- ---Causes a blending event to happen. --- ---If `time`, `from`, or `to` are `nil`, they will take from the animation's data to determine this ---value. --- ---One of `from` or `to` *must* be set. --- ---If `starting` is given, it will be used instead of the guessed value from the data given. ---@param anim Animation ---@param time? number ---@param from? number ---@param to? number ---@param starting? boolean ---@return Lib.GS.AnimBlend.BlendState function this.blend(anim, time, from, to, starting) if this.safe then assert(chk.badarg(1, "blend", anim, "Animation")) assert(chk.badarg(2, "blend", time, "number", true)) assert(chk.badarg(3, "blend", from, "number", true)) assert(chk.badarg(4, "blend", to, "number", true)) if not from and not to then error("one of arguments #3 or #4 must be a number", 2) end end local data = animData[anim] if starting == nil then local _from, _to = from or data.blendSane, to or data.blendSane starting = _from < _to end ---@type Lib.GS.AnimBlend.BlendState local blendState = { time = 0, max = time or false, from = from or false, to = to or false, callback = data.callback or this.defaultCallback, paused = false, starting = starting } local blendSane = data.blendSane blendState.callbackState = { anim = anim, time = 0, max = time or (starting and data.blendTimeIn or data.blendTimeOut), progress = 0, from = from or blendSane, to = to or blendSane, starting = starting, done = false } data.state = blendState blending[anim] = true animBlend(anim, from or blendSane) animPlay(anim) animPause(anim) return blendState end -----==================================== PRESET CALLBACKS ====================================----- ---Contains blending callback generators. --- ---These are *not* callbacks themselves. They are meant to be called to generate a callback which ---can *then* be used. local callbackGenerators = {} ---Contains custom blending curves. --- ---These callbacks change the curve used when blending. These cannot be used to modify custom or ---generated callbacks (yet). local callbackCurves = {} ---===== CALLBACK GENERATORS =====--- ---Given a list of parts, this will generate a blending callback that will blend between the vanilla ---parts' normal rotations and the rotations of the animation. --- ---The list of parts given is expected to the the list of parts that have a vanilla parent type in ---the chosen animation in no particular order. --- ---This callback *also* expects the animation to override vanilla rotations. --- ---Note: The resulting callback makes *heavy* use of `:offsetRot()` and will conflict with any other ---code that also uses that method! ---@param parts ModelPart[] ---@return Lib.GS.AnimBlend.blendCallback function callbackGenerators.blendVanilla(parts) -- Because some dumbass won't read the instructions... ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: undefined-field if parts.done ~= nil then error("attempt to use generator 'blendVanilla' as a blend callback.", 2) end ---@type {[string]: ModelPart[]} local partList = {} -- Gather the vanilla parent of each part. for _, part in ipairs(parts) do local vpart = part:getParentType():gsub("([a-z])([A-Z])", "%1_%2"):upper() if vanilla_model[vpart] then if not partList[vpart] then partList[vpart] = {} end local plvp = partList[vpart] plvp[#plvp+1] = part end end -- The actual callback is created here. return function(state, data) if state.done then (state.starting and animPlay or animStop)(state.anim) for _, v in pairs(partList) do for _, p in ipairs(v) do p:offsetRot() end end animBlend(state.anim, data.blend) else local pct = state.starting and 1 - state.progress or state.progress for n, v in pairs(partList) do ---@type Vector3 local rot = vanilla_model[n]:getOriginRot() if n == "HEAD" then rot[2] = ((rot[2] + 180) % 360) - 180 end rot:scale(pct) for _, p in ipairs(v) do p:offsetRot(rot) end end animBlend(state.anim, m_lerp(state.from, state.to, state.progress)) end end end ---Generates a callback that causes an animation to blend into another animation. ---@param anim Animation ---@return Lib.GS.AnimBlend.blendCallback function callbackGenerators.blendTo(anim) -- Because some dumbass won't read the instructions... ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: undefined-field if anim.done ~= nil then error("attempt to use generator 'blendTo' as a blend callback.", 2) end ---This is used to track when the next animation should start blending. local ready = true return function(state, data) if state.done then (state.starting and animPlay or animStop)(state.anim) animBlend(state.anim, data.blend) ready = true else if not state.starting and ready then ready = false anim:play() end animBlend(state.anim, m_lerp(state.from, state.to, state.progress)) end end end ---Generates a callback that forces all given animations to blend out if they are playing. ---@param anims Animation[] ---@return Lib.GS.AnimBlend.blendCallback function callbackGenerators.blendOut(anims) -- Because some dumbass won't read the instructions... ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: undefined-field if anim.done ~= nil then error("attempt to use generator 'blendOut' as a blend callback.", 2) end local ready = true return function(state, data) if state.done then (state.starting and animPlay or animStop)(state.anim) animBlend(state.anim, data.blend) ready = true else if state.starting and ready then ready = false for _, anim in ipairs(anims) do anim:stop() end end animBlend(state.anim, m_lerp(state.from, state.to, state.progress)) end end end ---Generates a makeshift blending callback by using the return value of the given function as the progress. --- ---The current progress is passed into the function. ---@param func fun(progress: number): number ---@return Lib.GS.AnimBlend.blendCallback function callbackGenerators.custom(func) -- Because some dumbass won't read the instructions... ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: undefined-field if type(func) == "table" and func.done ~= nil then error("attempt to use generator 'custom' as a blend callback.", 2) end return function(state, data) if state.done then (state.starting and animPlay or animStop)(state.anim) animBlend(state.anim, data.blend) else animBlend(state.anim, m_lerp(state.from, state.to, func(state.progress))) end end end ---Generates a callback that plays one callback while blending in and another callback while blending out. --- ---If a string is given instead of a callback, it is treated as the name of a curve found in ---`.callbackCurves`. ---If `nil` is given, the default callback is used. ---@param blend_in? Lib.GS.AnimBlend.blendCallback | Lib.GS.AnimBlend.curve ---@param blend_out? Lib.GS.AnimBlend.blendCallback | Lib.GS.AnimBlend.curve ---@return Lib.GS.AnimBlend.blendCallback function callbackGenerators.dualBlend(blend_in, blend_out) -- The dumbass check is a bit further down. local tbin, tbout = type(blend_in), type(blend_out) local infunc, outfunc = blend_in, blend_out if tbin == "string" then infunc = callbackCurves[blend_in] if not infunc then error("bad argument #1 to 'dualBlend' ('" .. blend_in .. "' is not a valid curve)", 2) end elseif blend_in == nil then infunc = this.defaultCallback elseif tbin == "table" then -- Because some dumbass won't read the instructions... ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: undefined-field if blend_in.done ~= nil then error("attempt to use generator 'dualBlend' as a blend callback.", 2) end local mt = getmetatable(blend_in) if not (mt and mt.__call) then error("bad argument #1 to 'dualBlend' (function or string expected, got " .. tbin .. ")") end elseif tbin ~= "function" then error("bad argument #1 to 'dualBlend' (function or string expected, got " .. tbin .. ")") end if tbout == "string" then outfunc = callbackCurves[blend_out] if not outfunc then error("bad argument #2 to 'dualBlend' ('" .. blend_in .. "' is not a valid curve)", 2) end elseif blend_out == nil then outfunc = this.defaultCallback elseif tbout == "table" then local mt = getmetatable(blend_out) if not (mt and mt.__call) then error("bad argument #2 to 'dualBlend' (function or string expected, got " .. tbin .. ")") end elseif tbout ~= "function" then error("bad argument #2 to 'dualBlend' (function or string expected, got " .. tbout .. ")") end return function(state, data) if state.starting then infunc(state, data) else outfunc(state, data) end end end do ---@source https://github.com/gre/bezier-easing/blob/master/src/index.js -- Bezier curves are extremely expensive to use especially with higher settings. -- Every function has been in-lined to improve instruction counts as much as possible. -- -- In-lined functions are labeled with a --[[funcName(param1, paramN, ...)]] -- If an in-lined function spans more than one line, it will contain a #marker# that will appear later to close the -- function. -- -- All of the functions below in the block comment are in-lined somewhere else. local default_subdiv_iters = 10 local default_subdiv_prec = 0.0000001 local default_newton_minslope = 0.001 local default_newton_iters = 4 local default_sample_size = 11 --[=[ local function _A(A1, A2) return 1.0 - 3.0 * A2 + 3.0 * A1 end local function _B(A1, A2) return 3.0 * A2 - 6.0 * A1 end local function _C(A1) return 3.0 * A1 end -- Returns x(t) given t, x1, and x2, or y(t) given t, y1, and y2. local function calcBezier(T, A1, A2) --[[((_A(A1, A2) * T + _B(A1, A2)) * T + _C(A1)) * T]] return (((1.0 - 3.0 * A2 + 3.0 * A1) * T + (3.0 * A2 - 6.0 * A1)) * T + (3.0 * A1)) * T end -- Returns dx/dt given t, x1, and x2, or dy/dt given t, y1, and y2. local function getSlope(T, A1, A2) --[[3.0 * _A(A1, A2) * T ^ 2 + 2.0 * _B(A1, A2) * T + _C(A1)]] return 3.0 * (1.0 - 3.0 * A2 + 3.0 * A1) * T ^ 2 + 2.0 * (3.0 * A2 - 6.0 * A1) * T + (3.0 * A1) end local function binarySubdivide(X, A, B, X1, X2) local curX, curT local iter = 0 while (m_abs(curX) > SUBDIVISION_PRECISION and iter < SUBDIVISION_MAX_ITERATIONS) do curT = A + (B - A) * 0.5 --[[calcBezier(curT, X1, X2) - X]] curX = ((((1.0 - 3.0 * X2 + 3.0 * X1) * curT + (3.0 * X2 - 6.0 * X1)) * curT + (3.0 * X1)) * curT) - X if curX > 0.0 then B = curT else A = curT end iter = iter + 1 end return curT or (A + (B - A) * 0.5) end local function newtonRaphsonIterate(X, Tguess, X1, X2) for _ = 1, NEWTON_ITERATIONS do --[[getSlope(Tguess, X1, X2)]] local curSlope = 3.0 * (1.0 - 3.0 * X2 + 3.0 * X1) * Tguess ^ 2 + 2.0 * (3.0 * X2 - 6.0 * X1) * Tguess + (3.0 * X1) if (curSlope == 0.0) then return Tguess end --[[calcBezier(Tguess, X1, X2) - X]] local curX = ((((1.0 - 3.0 * X2 + 3.0 * X1) * Tguess + (3.0 * X2 - 6.0 * X1)) * Tguess + (3.0 * X1)) * Tguess) - X Tguess = Tguess - (curX / curSlope) end return Tguess end local function getTForX(X) local intervalStart = 0.0 local curSample = 1 local lastSample = SAMPLE_SIZE - 1 while curSample ~= lastSample and SAMPLES[curSample] <= X do intervalStart = intervalStart + STEP_SIZE curSample = curSample + 1 end curSample = curSample - 1 -- Interpolate to provide an initial guess for t local dist = (X - SAMPLES[curSample]) / (SAMPLES[curSample + 1] - SAMPLES[curSample]) local Tguess = intervalStart + dist * STEP_SIZE local initSlope = getSlope(Tguess, X1, X2) if (initSlope >= NEWTON_MIN_SLOPE) then return newtonRaphsonIterate(X, Tguess, X1, X2) elseif (initSlope == 0) then return Tguess else return binarySubdivide(X, intervalStart, intervalStart + STEP_SIZE, X1, X2) end end ]=] local BezierMT = { ---@param self Lib.GS.AnimBlend.Bezier __call = function(self, state, data) if state.done then (state.starting and animPlay or animStop)(state.anim) animBlend(state.anim, data.blend) else local X1, X2 = self[1], self[3] local Y1, Y2 = self[2], self[4] local X = state.progress local T --[[getTForX(state.progress) #start getTForX#]] local intervalStart = 0 local curSample = 1 local lastSample = self.options.sample_size - 1 local samples = self.samples local step_size = samples.step while curSample ~= lastSample and samples[curSample] <= X do intervalStart = intervalStart + step_size curSample = curSample + 1 end curSample = curSample - 1 -- Interpolate to provide an initial guess for T local dist = (X - samples[curSample]) / (samples[curSample + 1] - samples[curSample]) local Tguess = intervalStart + dist * step_size local c1 = (1.0 - 3.0 * X2 + 3.0 * X1) local c2 = (3.0 * X2 - 6.0 * X1) local c3 = (3.0 * X1) --[[getSlope(Tguess, X1, X2)]] local initSlope = 3.0 * c1 * Tguess ^ 2 + 2.0 * c2 * Tguess + c3 if (initSlope >= self.options.newton_minslope) then --[[newtonRaphsonIterate(X, Tguess, X1, X2)]] for _ = 1, self.options.newton_iters do --[[getSlope(Tguess, X1, X2)]] local curSlope = 3.0 * c1 * Tguess ^ 2 + 2.0 * c2 * Tguess + c3 if (curSlope == 0.0) then break end --[[calcBezier(Tguess, X1, X2) - X]] local curX = (((c1 * Tguess + c2) * Tguess + c3) * Tguess) - X Tguess = Tguess - (curX / curSlope) end T = Tguess elseif (initSlope == 0) then T = Tguess else local A = intervalStart local B = intervalStart + step_size --[[binarySubdivide(X, A, B, X1, X2)]] local curX, curT local iter = 0 while (m_abs(curX) > self.options.subdiv_prec and iter < self.options.subdiv_iters) do curT = A + (B - A) * 0.5 --[[calcBezier(curT, X1, X2) - X]] curX = ((((1.0 - 3.0 * X2 + 3.0 * X1) * curT + (3.0 * X2 - 6.0 * X1)) * curT + (3.0 * X1)) * curT) - X if curX > 0.0 then B = curT else A = curT end iter = iter + 1 end T = curT or (A + (B - A) * 0.5) end --#end getTForX# --[[calcBezier(T, Y1, Y2)]] local prog = (((1.0 - 3.0 * Y2 + 3.0 * Y1) * T + (3.0 * Y2 - 6.0 * Y1)) * T + (3.0 * Y1)) * T animBlend(state.anim, m_lerp(state.from, state.to, prog)) end end, __index = { wrap = function(self) return function(state, data) self(state, data) end end }, type = "Bezier" } ---Generates a callback that uses a custom bezier curve to blend. --- ---These are expensive to run so use them sparingly or use low settings. ---@param x1 number ---@param y1 number ---@param x2 number ---@param y2 number ---@param options? Lib.GS.AnimBlend.BezierOptions ---@return Lib.GS.AnimBlend.blendCallback function callbackGenerators.bezierEasing(x1, y1, x2, y2, options) -- Because some dumbass won't read the instructions... ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: undefined-field if type(x1) == "table" and x1.done ~= nil then error("attempt to use generator 'bezierEasing' as a blend callback.", 2) end -- Optimization. This may cause an issue if a Bezier object is expected. -- If you actually need a Bezier object then don't make a linear bezier lmao. if x1 == y1 and x2 == y2 then return callbackCurves.linear end ---===== Verify options =====--- local to = type(options) if to == "nil" then options = { newton_iters = default_newton_iters, newton_minslope = default_newton_minslope, subdiv_prec = default_subdiv_prec, subdiv_iters = default_subdiv_iters, sample_size = default_sample_size } elseif to ~= "table" then error("bad argument #5 to 'bezierEasing' (table expected, got " .. to .. ")") else local safe = this.safe local oni = options.newton_iters if oni == nil then options.newton_iters = default_newton_iters elseif safe then assert(chk.badnum('5["newton_iters"]', "bezierEasing", oni)) end local onm = options.newton_minslope if onm == nil then options.newton_minslope = default_newton_minslope elseif safe then assert(chk.badnum('5["newton_minslope"]', "bezierEasing", onm)) end local osp = options.subdiv_prec if osp == nil then options.subdiv_prec = default_subdiv_prec elseif safe then assert(chk.badnum('5["subdiv_prec"]', "bezierEasing", osp)) end local osi = options.subdiv_iters if osi == nil then options.subdiv_iters = default_subdiv_iters elseif safe then assert(chk.badnum('5["subdiv_iters"]', "bezierEasing", osi)) end local oss = options.sample_size if oss == nil then options.sample_size = default_sample_size elseif safe then assert(chk.badnum('5["sample_size"]', "bezierEasing", oss)) end end if this.safe then chk.badnum(1, "bezierEasing", x1) chk.badnum(2, "bezierEasing", y1) chk.badnum(3, "bezierEasing", x2) chk.badnum(4, "bezierEasing", y2) end if x1 > 1 or x1 < 0 then error("bad argument #1 to 'bezierEasing' (value out of [0, 1] range)", 2) end if x2 > 1 or x2 < 0 then error("bad argument #3 to 'bezierEasing' (value out of [0, 1] range)", 2) end local samples = {step = 1 / (options.sample_size - 1)} ---@type Lib.GS.AnimBlend.bezierCallback local obj = setmetatable({ x1, y1, x2, y2, options = options, samples = samples }, BezierMT) local step = samples.step local c1 = (1.0 - 3.0 * x2 + 3.0 * x1) local c2 = (3.0 * x2 - 6.0 * x1) local c3 = (3.0 * x1) for i = 0, options.sample_size - 1 do local istep = i * step --[[calcBezier(istep, X1, X2)]] samples[i] = ((c1 * istep + c2) * istep + c3) * istep end return obj end end ---Generates a callback that plays other callbacks on a timeline. --- ---An example of a valid timeline: ---```lua ---...timeline({ --- {time = 0, min = 0, max = 1, func = .callbackCurve.easeInSine}, --- {time = 0.5, min = 1, max = 0.5, func = .callbackCurve.easeOutCubic}, --- {time = 0.5, min = 0.5, max = 1, func = .callbackCurve.easeInCubic} ---}) ---``` ---@param tl Lib.GS.AnimBlend.timeline ---@return Lib.GS.AnimBlend.blendCallback function callbackGenerators.timeline(tl) -- Because some dumbass won't read the instructions... ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: undefined-field if tl.done ~= nil then error("attempt to use generator 'timeline' as a blend callback.", 2) end if this.safe then assert(chk.badarg(1, "timeline", tl, "table")) for i, kf in ipairs(tl) do assert(chk.badarg("1[" .. i .. "]", "timeline", kf, "table")) end local time = 0 local ftime = tl[1].time if ftime ~= 0 then error("error in keyframe #1: timeline does not start at 0 (got " .. ftime .. ")") end for i, kf in ipairs(tl) do assert(chk.badnum("1[" .. i .. ']["time"]', "timeline", kf.time)) if kf.time <= time then error( "error in keyframe #" .. i .. ": timeline did not move forward (from " .. time .. " to " .. kf.time .. ")", 2 ) end if kf.min then assert(chk.badnum("1[" .. i .. ']["min"]', "timeline", kf.min)) end if kf.max then assert(chk.badnum("1[" .. i .. ']["max"]', "timeline", kf.max)) end assert(chk.badarg("1[" .. i .. ']["func"]', "timeline", kf.func, "function"), true) end end return function(state, data) if state.done then (state.starting and animPlay or animStop)(state.anim) animBlend(state.anim, data.blend) else ---@type Lib.GS.AnimBlend.tlKeyframe, Lib.GS.AnimBlend.tlKeyframe local kf, nextkf for _, _kf in ipairs(tl) do if _kf.time > state.progress then if _kf.time < 1 then nextkf = _kf end break end kf = _kf end local adj_prog = m_map( state.progress, kf.time, nextkf and nextkf.time or 1, kf.min or 0, kf.max or 1 ) local newstate = setmetatable( {time = state.max * adj_prog, progress = adj_prog}, {__index = state} ); (kf.func or this.defaultCallback)(newstate, data) end end end ---===== CALLBACK CURVES =====--- ---A callback that uses the `linear` easing method to blend. ---@param state Lib.GS.AnimBlend.CallbackState ---@param data Lib.GS.AnimBlend.AnimData function callbackCurves.linear(state, data) if state.done then (state.starting and animPlay or animStop)(state.anim) animBlend(state.anim, data.blend) else animBlend(state.anim, m_lerp(state.from, state.to, state.progress)) end end -- I planned to add easeOutIn curves but I'm lazy. I'll do it if people request it. ---A callback that uses the `easeInSine` easing method to blend. --- ---[Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeInSine) ---@param state Lib.GS.AnimBlend.CallbackState ---@param data Lib.GS.AnimBlend.AnimData function callbackCurves.easeInSine(state, data) if state.done then (state.starting and animPlay or animStop)(state.anim) animBlend(state.anim, data.blend) else local from = state.from -- local prog = (1 - m_cos(state.progress * m_pi * 0.5)) -- animBlend( state.anim, from + (state.to - from) * (1 - m_cos(state.progress * m_pi * 0.5)) ) end end ---A callback that uses the `easeOutSine` easing method to blend. --- ---[Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeOutSine) ---@param state Lib.GS.AnimBlend.CallbackState ---@param data Lib.GS.AnimBlend.AnimData function callbackCurves.easeOutSine(state, data) if state.done then (state.starting and animPlay or animStop)(state.anim) animBlend(state.anim, data.blend) else local from = state.from -- local prog = (m_sin(state.progress * m_pi * 0.5)) -- animBlend( state.anim, from + (state.to - from) * (m_sin(state.progress * m_pi * 0.5)) ) end end ---A callback that uses the `easeInOutSine` easing method to blend. --- ---[Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeInOutSine) ---@param state Lib.GS.AnimBlend.CallbackState ---@param data Lib.GS.AnimBlend.AnimData function callbackCurves.easeInOutSine(state, data) if state.done then (state.starting and animPlay or animStop)(state.anim) animBlend(state.anim, data.blend) else local from = state.from -- local prog = -(m_cos(state.progress * m_pi) - 1) * 0.5 -- animBlend( state.anim, from + (state.to - from) * (-(m_cos(state.progress * m_pi) - 1) * 0.5) ) end end ---A callback that uses the `easeInQuad` easing method to blend. --- ---[Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeInQuad) ---@param state Lib.GS.AnimBlend.CallbackState ---@param data Lib.GS.AnimBlend.AnimData function callbackCurves.easeInQuad(state, data) if state.done then (state.starting and animPlay or animStop)(state.anim) animBlend(state.anim, data.blend) else local from = state.from -- local prog = state.progress ^ 2 -- animBlend( state.anim, from + (state.to - from) * (state.progress ^ 2) ) end end ---A callback that uses the `easeOutQuad` easing method to blend. --- ---[Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeOutQuad) ---@param state Lib.GS.AnimBlend.CallbackState ---@param data Lib.GS.AnimBlend.AnimData function callbackCurves.easeOutQuad(state, data) if state.done then (state.starting and animPlay or animStop)(state.anim) animBlend(state.anim, data.blend) else local from = state.from -- local prog = 1 - (1 - state.progress) ^ 2 -- animBlend( state.anim, from + (state.to - from) * (1 - (1 - state.progress) ^ 2) ) end end ---A callback that uses the `easeInOutQuad` easing method to blend. --- ---[Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeInOutQuad) ---@param state Lib.GS.AnimBlend.CallbackState ---@param data Lib.GS.AnimBlend.AnimData function callbackCurves.easeInOutQuad(state, data) if state.done then (state.starting and animPlay or animStop)(state.anim) animBlend(state.anim, data.blend) else local from = state.from local x = state.progress -- local prog = -- -- x < 0.5 -- -- and 2 * x ^ 2 -- -- or 1 - (-2 * x + 2) ^ 2 * 0.5 -- animBlend( state.anim, from + (state.to - from) * ( x < 0.5 and 2 * x ^ 2 or 1 - (-2 * x + 2) ^ 2 * 0.5 ) ) end end ---A callback that uses the `easeInCubic` easing method to blend. --- ---[Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeInCubic) ---@param state Lib.GS.AnimBlend.CallbackState ---@param data Lib.GS.AnimBlend.AnimData function callbackCurves.easeInCubic(state, data) if state.done then (state.starting and animPlay or animStop)(state.anim) animBlend(state.anim, data.blend) else local from = state.from -- local prog = state.progress ^ 3 -- animBlend( state.anim, from + (state.to - from) * (state.progress ^ 3) ) end end ---A callback that uses the `easeOutCubic` easing method to blend. --- ---[Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeOutCubic) ---@param state Lib.GS.AnimBlend.CallbackState ---@param data Lib.GS.AnimBlend.AnimData function callbackCurves.easeOutCubic(state, data) if state.done then (state.starting and animPlay or animStop)(state.anim) animBlend(state.anim, data.blend) else local from = state.from -- local prog = 1 - (1 - state.progress) ^ 3 -- animBlend( state.anim, from + (state.to - from) * (1 - (1 - state.progress) ^ 3) ) end end ---A callback that uses the `easeInOutCubic` easing method to blend. --- ---[Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeInOutCubic) ---@param state Lib.GS.AnimBlend.CallbackState ---@param data Lib.GS.AnimBlend.AnimData function callbackCurves.easeInOutCubic(state, data) if state.done then (state.starting and animPlay or animStop)(state.anim) animBlend(state.anim, data.blend) else local from = state.from local x = state.progress -- local prog = -- -- x < 0.5 -- -- and 4 * x ^ 3 -- -- or 1 - (-2 * x + 2) ^ 3 * 0.5 -- animBlend( state.anim, from + (state.to - from) * ( x < 0.5 and 4 * x ^ 3 or 1 - (-2 * x + 2) ^ 3 * 0.5 ) ) end end ---A callback that uses the `easeInQuart` easing method to blend. --- ---[Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeInQuart) ---@param state Lib.GS.AnimBlend.CallbackState ---@param data Lib.GS.AnimBlend.AnimData function callbackCurves.easeInQuart(state, data) if state.done then (state.starting and animPlay or animStop)(state.anim) animBlend(state.anim, data.blend) else local from = state.from -- local prog = state.progress ^ 4 -- animBlend( state.anim, from + (state.to - from) * (state.progress ^ 4) ) end end ---A callback that uses the `easeOutQuart` easing method to blend. --- ---[Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeOutQuart) ---@param state Lib.GS.AnimBlend.CallbackState ---@param data Lib.GS.AnimBlend.AnimData function callbackCurves.easeOutQuart(state, data) if state.done then (state.starting and animPlay or animStop)(state.anim) animBlend(state.anim, data.blend) else local from = state.from -- local prog = 1 - (1 - state.progress) ^ 4 -- animBlend( state.anim, from + (state.to - from) * (1 - (1 - state.progress) ^ 4) ) end end ---A callback that uses the `easeInOutQuart` easing method to blend. --- ---[Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeInOutQuart) ---@param state Lib.GS.AnimBlend.CallbackState ---@param data Lib.GS.AnimBlend.AnimData function callbackCurves.easeInOutQuart(state, data) if state.done then (state.starting and animPlay or animStop)(state.anim) animBlend(state.anim, data.blend) else local from = state.from local x = state.progress --local prog = -- -- x < 0.5 -- -- and 8 * x ^ 4 -- -- or 1 - (-2 * x + 2) ^ 4 * 0.5 -- animBlend( state.anim, from + (state.to - from) * ( x < 0.5 and 8 * x ^ 4 or 1 - (-2 * x + 2) ^ 4 * 0.5 ) ) end end ---A callback that uses the `easeInQuint` easing method to blend. --- ---[Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeInQuint) ---@param state Lib.GS.AnimBlend.CallbackState ---@param data Lib.GS.AnimBlend.AnimData function callbackCurves.easeInQuint(state, data) if state.done then (state.starting and animPlay or animStop)(state.anim) animBlend(state.anim, data.blend) else local from = state.from -- local prog = state.progress ^ 5 -- animBlend( state.anim, from + (state.to - from) * (state.progress ^ 5) ) end end ---A callback that uses the `easeOutQuint` easing method to blend. --- ---[Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeOutQuint) ---@param state Lib.GS.AnimBlend.CallbackState ---@param data Lib.GS.AnimBlend.AnimData function callbackCurves.easeOutQuint(state, data) if state.done then (state.starting and animPlay or animStop)(state.anim) animBlend(state.anim, data.blend) else local from = state.from -- local prog = 1 - (1 - state.progress) ^ 5 -- animBlend( state.anim, from + (state.to - from) * (1 - (1 - state.progress) ^ 5) ) end end ---A callback that uses the `easeInOutQuint` easing method to blend. --- ---[Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeInOutQuint) ---@param state Lib.GS.AnimBlend.CallbackState ---@param data Lib.GS.AnimBlend.AnimData function callbackCurves.easeInOutQuint(state, data) if state.done then (state.starting and animPlay or animStop)(state.anim) animBlend(state.anim, data.blend) else local from = state.from local x = state.progress -- local prog = -- -- x < 0.5 -- -- and 16 * x ^ 5 -- -- or 1 - (-2 * x + 2) ^ 5 * 0.5 -- animBlend( state.anim, from + (state.to - from) * ( x < 0.5 and 16 * x ^ 5 or 1 - (-2 * x + 2) ^ 5 * 0.5 ) ) end end ---A callback that uses the `easeInExpo` easing method to blend. --- ---[Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeInExpo) ---@param state Lib.GS.AnimBlend.CallbackState ---@param data Lib.GS.AnimBlend.AnimData function callbackCurves.easeInExpo(state, data) if state.done then (state.starting and animPlay or animStop)(state.anim) animBlend(state.anim, data.blend) else local from = state.from local x = state.progress -- local prog = -- -- x == 0 -- -- and 0 -- -- or 2 ^ (10 * x - 10) -- animBlend( state.anim, from + (state.to - from) * ( x == 0 and 0 or 2 ^ (10 * x - 10) ) ) end end ---A callback that uses the `easeOutExpo` easing method to blend. --- ---[Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeOutExpo) ---@param state Lib.GS.AnimBlend.CallbackState ---@param data Lib.GS.AnimBlend.AnimData function callbackCurves.easeOutExpo(state, data) if state.done then (state.starting and animPlay or animStop)(state.anim) animBlend(state.anim, data.blend) else local from = state.from local x = state.progress -- local prog = -- -- x == 1 -- -- and 1 -- -- or 1 - 2 ^ (-10 * x) -- animBlend( state.anim, from + (state.to - from) * ( x == 1 and 1 or 1 - 2 ^ (-10 * x) ) ) end end ---A callback that uses the `easeInOutExpo` easing method to blend. --- ---[Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeInOutExpo) ---@param state Lib.GS.AnimBlend.CallbackState ---@param data Lib.GS.AnimBlend.AnimData function callbackCurves.easeInOutExpo(state, data) if state.done then (state.starting and animPlay or animStop)(state.anim) animBlend(state.anim, data.blend) else local from = state.from local x = state.progress -- local prog = -- -- (x == 0 or x == 1) and x -- -- or x < 0.5 and 2 ^ (20 * x - 10) * 0.5 -- -- or (2 - 2 ^ (-20 * x + 10)) * 0.5 -- animBlend( state.anim, from + (state.to - from) * ( (x == 0 or x == 1) and x or x < 0.5 and 2 ^ (20 * x - 10) * 0.5 or (2 - 2 ^ (-20 * x + 10)) * 0.5 ) ) end end ---A callback that uses the `easeInCirc` easing method to blend. --- ---[Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeInCirc) ---@param state Lib.GS.AnimBlend.CallbackState ---@param data Lib.GS.AnimBlend.AnimData function callbackCurves.easeInCirc(state, data) if state.done then (state.starting and animPlay or animStop)(state.anim) animBlend(state.anim, data.blend) else local from = state.from -- local prog = 1 - m_sqrt(1 - state.progress ^ 2) -- animBlend( state.anim, from + (state.to - from) * (1 - m_sqrt(1 - state.progress ^ 2)) ) end end ---A callback that uses the `easeOutCirc` easing method to blend. --- ---[Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeOutCirc) ---@param state Lib.GS.AnimBlend.CallbackState ---@param data Lib.GS.AnimBlend.AnimData function callbackCurves.easeOutCirc(state, data) if state.done then (state.starting and animPlay or animStop)(state.anim) animBlend(state.anim, data.blend) else local from = state.from -- local prog = m_sqrt(1 - (state.progress - 1) ^ 2) -- animBlend( state.anim, from + (state.to - from) * m_sqrt(1 - (state.progress - 1) ^ 2) ) end end ---A callback that uses the `easeInOutCirc` easing method to blend. --- ---[Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeInOutCirc) ---@param state Lib.GS.AnimBlend.CallbackState ---@param data Lib.GS.AnimBlend.AnimData function callbackCurves.easeInOutCirc(state, data) if state.done then (state.starting and animPlay or animStop)(state.anim) animBlend(state.anim, data.blend) else local from = state.from local x = state.progress -- local prog = -- -- x < 0.5 -- -- and (1 - m_sqrt(1 - (2 * x) ^ 2)) * 0.5 -- -- or (m_sqrt(1 - (-2 * x + 2) ^ 2) + 1) * 0.5 -- animBlend( state.anim, from + (state.to - from) * ( x < 0.5 and (1 - m_sqrt(1 - (2 * x) ^ 2)) * 0.5 or (m_sqrt(1 - (-2 * x + 2) ^ 2) + 1) * 0.5 ) ) end end ---A callback that uses the `easeInBack` easing method to blend. --- ---[Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeInBack) ---@param state Lib.GS.AnimBlend.CallbackState ---@param data Lib.GS.AnimBlend.AnimData function callbackCurves.easeInBack(state, data) if state.done then (state.starting and animPlay or animStop)(state.anim) animBlend(state.anim, data.blend) else local from = state.from local x = state.progress -- magic c1 <1.70158> = 1.70158 -- -- magic c2 <2.70158> = c1 + 1 -- -- local prog = 2.70158 * x ^ 3 - 1.70158 * x ^ 2 -- animBlend( state.anim, from + (state.to - from) * (2.70158 * x ^ 3 - 1.70158 * x ^ 2) ) end end ---A callback that uses the `easeOutBack` easing method to blend. --- ---[Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeOutBack) ---@param state Lib.GS.AnimBlend.CallbackState ---@param data Lib.GS.AnimBlend.AnimData function callbackCurves.easeOutBack(state, data) if state.done then (state.starting and animPlay or animStop)(state.anim) animBlend(state.anim, data.blend) else local from = state.from local x = state.progress - 1 -- magic c1 <1.70158> = 1.70158 -- -- magic c2 <2.70158> = c1 + 1 -- -- local prog = 1 + 2.70158 * x ^ 3 + 1.70158 * x ^ 2 -- animBlend( state.anim, from + (state.to - from) * (1 + 2.70158 * x ^ 3 + 1.70158 * x ^ 2) ) end end ---A callback that uses the `easeInOutBack` easing method to blend. --- ---[Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeInOutBack) ---@param state Lib.GS.AnimBlend.CallbackState ---@param data Lib.GS.AnimBlend.AnimData function callbackCurves.easeInOutBack(state, data) if state.done then (state.starting and animPlay or animStop)(state.anim) animBlend(state.anim, data.blend) else local from = state.from local x = state.progress local x2 = x * 2 -- magic c1 <1.70158> = 1.70158 -- -- magic c2 <2.5949095> = c1 * 1.525 -- -- magic c3 <3.5949095> = c2 + 1 -- -- local prog = -- -- x < 0.5 -- -- and (x2 ^ 2 * (3.5949095 * x2 - 2.5949095)) * 0.5 -- -- or ((x2 - 2) ^ 2 * (3.5949095 * (x2 - 2) + 2.5949095) + 2) * 0.5 -- animBlend( state.anim, from + (state.to - from) * ( x < 0.5 and (x2 ^ 2 * (3.5949095 * x2 - 2.5949095)) * 0.5 or ((x2 - 2) ^ 2 * (3.5949095 * (x2 - 2) + 2.5949095) + 2) * 0.5 ) ) end end ---A callback that uses the `easeInElastic` easing method to blend. --- ---[Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeInElastic) ---@param state Lib.GS.AnimBlend.CallbackState ---@param data Lib.GS.AnimBlend.AnimData function callbackCurves.easeInElastic(state, data) if state.done then (state.starting and animPlay or animStop)(state.anim) animBlend(state.anim, data.blend) else local from = state.from local x = state.progress -- local prog = -- -- (x == 0 or x == 1) and x -- -- or -(2 ^ (10 * x - 10)) * m_sin((x * 10 - 10.75) * m_pi / 1.5) -- animBlend( state.anim, from + (state.to - from) * ( (x == 0 or x == 1) and x or -(2 ^ (10 * x - 10)) * m_sin((x * 10 - 10.75) * m_pi / 1.5) ) ) end end ---A callback that uses the `easeOutElastic` easing method to blend. --- ---[Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeOutElastic) ---@param state Lib.GS.AnimBlend.CallbackState ---@param data Lib.GS.AnimBlend.AnimData function callbackCurves.easeOutElastic(state, data) if state.done then (state.starting and animPlay or animStop)(state.anim) animBlend(state.anim, data.blend) else local from = state.from local x = state.progress -- local prog = -- -- (x == 0 or x == 1) and x -- -- or 2 ^ (-10 * x) * m_sin((x * 10 - 0.75) * m_pi / 1.5) + 1 -- animBlend( state.anim, from + (state.to - from) * ( (x == 0 or x == 1) and x or 2 ^ (-10 * x) * m_sin((x * 10 - 0.75) * m_pi / 1.5) + 1 ) ) end end ---A callback that uses the `easeInOutElastic` easing method to blend. --- ---[Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeInOutElastic) ---@param state Lib.GS.AnimBlend.CallbackState ---@param data Lib.GS.AnimBlend.AnimData function callbackCurves.easeInOutElastic(state, data) if state.done then (state.starting and animPlay or animStop)(state.anim) animBlend(state.anim, data.blend) else local from = state.from local x = state.progress -- local prog = -- -- (x == 0 or x == 1) and x -- -- or x < 0.5 and -(2 ^ (x * 20 - 10) * m_sin((x * 20 - 11.125) * m_pi / 2.25)) * 0.5 -- -- or (2 ^ (-x * 20 + 10) * m_sin((x * 20 - 11.125) * m_pi / 2.25)) * 0.5 + 1 -- animBlend( state.anim, from + (state.to - from) * ( (x == 0 or x == 1) and x or x < 0.5 and -(2 ^ (x * 20 - 10) * m_sin((x * 20 - 11.125) * m_pi / 2.25)) * 0.5 or (2 ^ (-x * 20 + 10) * m_sin((x * 20 - 11.125) * m_pi / 2.25)) * 0.5 + 1 ) ) end end ---A callback that uses the `easeInBounce` easing method to blend. --- ---[Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeInBounce) ---@param state Lib.GS.AnimBlend.CallbackState ---@param data Lib.GS.AnimBlend.AnimData function callbackCurves.easeInBounce(state, data) if state.done then (state.starting and animPlay or animStop)(state.anim) animBlend(state.anim, data.blend) else local from = state.from local x = 1 - state.progress -- magic c1 <7.5625> = 7.5625 -- -- magic c2 <2.75> = 2.75 -- -- local prog = -- -- 1 - ( -- -- x < 1 / 2.75 and 7.5625 * x ^ 2 -- -- or x < 2 / 2.75 and 7.5625 * (x - 1.5 / 2.75) ^ 2 + 0.75 -- -- or x < 2.5 / 2.75 and 7.5625 * (x - 2.25 / 2.75) ^ 2 + 0.9375 -- -- or 7.5625 * (x - 2.625 / 2.75) ^ 2 + 0.984375 -- -- ) -- animBlend( state.anim, from + (state.to - from) * ( 1 - ( x < 1 / 2.75 and 7.5625 * x ^ 2 or x < 2 / 2.75 and 7.5625 * (x - 1.5 / 2.75) ^ 2 + 0.75 or x < 2.5 / 2.75 and 7.5625 * (x - 2.25 / 2.75) ^ 2 + 0.9375 or 7.5625 * (x - 2.625 / 2.75) ^ 2 + 0.984375 ) ) ) end end ---A callback that uses the `easeOutBounce` easing method to blend. --- ---[Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeOutBounce) ---@param state Lib.GS.AnimBlend.CallbackState ---@param data Lib.GS.AnimBlend.AnimData function callbackCurves.easeOutBounce(state, data) if state.done then (state.starting and animPlay or animStop)(state.anim) animBlend(state.anim, data.blend) else local from = state.from local x = state.progress -- magic c1 <7.5625> = 7.5625 -- -- magic c2 <2.75> = 2.75 -- -- local prog = -- -- x < 1 / 2.75 and 7.5625 * x ^ 2 -- -- or x < 2 / 2.75 and 7.5625 * (x - 1.5 / 2.75) ^ 2 + 0.75 -- -- or x < 2.5 / 2.75 and 7.5625 * (x - 2.25 / 2.75) ^ 2 + 0.9375 -- -- or 7.5625 * (x - 2.625 / 2.75) ^ 2 + 0.984375 -- animBlend( state.anim, from + (state.to - from) * ( x < 1 / 2.75 and 7.5625 * x ^ 2 or x < 2 / 2.75 and 7.5625 * (x - 1.5 / 2.75) ^ 2 + 0.75 or x < 2.5 / 2.75 and 7.5625 * (x - 2.25 / 2.75) ^ 2 + 0.9375 or 7.5625 * (x - 2.625 / 2.75) ^ 2 + 0.984375 ) ) end end ---A callback that uses the `easeInOutBounce` easing method to blend. --- ---[Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeInOutBounce) ---@param state Lib.GS.AnimBlend.CallbackState ---@param data Lib.GS.AnimBlend.AnimData function callbackCurves.easeInOutBounce(state, data) if state.done then (state.starting and animPlay or animStop)(state.anim) animBlend(state.anim, data.blend) else local from = state.from local x = state.progress local s = x < 0.5 and -1 or 1 x = x < 0.5 and 1 - 2 * x or 2 * x - 1 -- magic c1 <7.5625> = 7.5625 -- magic c2 <2.75> = 2.75 -- local prog = -- (1 + s * ( -- x < 1 / 2.75 and 7.5625 * x ^ 2 -- or x < 2 / 2.75 and 7.5625 * (x - 1.5 / 2.75) ^ 2 + 0.75 -- or x < 2.5 / 2.75 and 7.5625 * (x - 2.25 / 2.75) ^ 2 + 0.9375 -- or 7.5625 * (x - 2.625 / 2.75) ^ 2 + 0.984375 -- )) * 0.5 animBlend( state.anim, -- What the fuck. from + (state.to - from) * ( (1 + s * ( x < 1 / 2.75 and 7.5625 * x ^ 2 or x < 2 / 2.75 and 7.5625 * (x - 1.5 / 2.75) ^ 2 + 0.75 or x < 2.5 / 2.75 and 7.5625 * (x - 2.25 / 2.75) ^ 2 + 0.9375 or 7.5625 * (x - 2.625 / 2.75) ^ 2 + 0.984375 )) * 0.5 ) ) end end ---The default callback used by this library. This is used when no other callback is being used. this.defaultCallback = callbackCurves["lin" .. "ear"] --Yes, I did this to trick the LuaLS this.callbackGen = callbackGenerators this.callbackCurve = callbackCurves -----===================================== BLENDING LOGIC =====================================----- local ticker = 0 local last_delta = 0 local allowed_contexts = { RENDER = true, FIRST_PERSON = true, OTHER = true } events.TICK:register(function() ticker = ticker + 1 end, "GSAnimBlend:Tick_TimeTicker") events.RENDER:register(function(delta, ctx) if not allowed_contexts[ctx] or (delta == last_delta and ticker == 0) then return end local elapsed_time = ticker + (delta - last_delta) ticker = 0 for anim in pairs(blending) do -- Every frame, update time and progress, then call the callback. local data = animData[anim] local state = data.state if not state.paused then local cbs = state.callbackState state.time = state.time + elapsed_time if not state.max then cbs.max = state.starting and data.blendTimeIn or data.blendTimeOut end if not state.from then cbs.from = data.blendSane elseif not state.to then cbs.to = data.blendSane end -- When a blend stops, update all info to signal it has stopped. if (state.time >= cbs.max) or (animGetPlayState(anim) == "STOPPED") then cbs.time = cbs.max cbs.progress = 1 cbs.done = true -- Do final callback. state.callback(cbs, animData[anim]) blending[anim] = nil else cbs.time = state.time cbs.progress = cbs.time / cbs.max state.callback(cbs, animData[anim]) end end end last_delta = delta end, "GSAnimBlend:Render_UpdateBlendStates") -----================================ METATABLE MODIFICATIONS =================================----- ---===== FIELDS =====--- local animationGetters = {} local animationSetters = {} function animationGetters:blendCallback() if this.safe then assert(chk.badarg(1, "__index", self, "Animation")) end return animData[self].callback end function animationSetters:blendCallback(value) if this.safe then assert(chk.badarg(1, "__newindex", self, "Animation")) if type(value) ~= "string" then assert(chk.badarg(3, "__newindex", value, "function", true)) end end if type(func) == "string" then value = callbackCurves[value] if not value then error("bad argument #3 of '__newindex' ('" .. func .. "' is not a valid curve)") end end animData[self].callback = value end ---===== METHODS =====--- local animationMethods = {} function animationMethods:play() if this.safe then assert(chk.badarg(1, "play", self, "Animation")) end if blending[self] then local state = animData[self].state if state.paused then state.paused = false return elseif state.starting then return end animStop(self) local cbs = state.callbackState local time = cbs.max * cbs.progress this.blend(self, time, animGetBlend(self), nil, true) return elseif animData[self].blendTimeIn == 0 or animGetPlayState(self) ~= "STOPPED" then return animPlay(self) end this.blend(self, nil, 0, nil, true) end function animationMethods:stop() if this.safe then assert(chk.badarg(1, "stop", self, "Animation")) end if blending[self] then local state = animData[self].state if not state.starting then return end local cbs = state.callbackState local time = cbs.max * cbs.progress this.blend(self, time, animGetBlend(self), 0, false) return elseif animData[self].blendTimeOut == 0 or animGetPlayState(self) == "STOPPED" then return animStop(self) end this.blend(self, nil, nil, 0, false) end function animationMethods:pause() if this.safe then assert(chk.badarg(1, "pause", self, "Animation")) end if blending[self] then animData[self].state.paused = true return end animPause(self) end function animationMethods:restart(blend) if this.safe then assert(chk.badarg(1, "restart", self, "Animation")) end if blend then animStop(self) this.blend(self, nil, 0, nil, true) elseif blending[self] then animBlend(self, animData[self].blend) blending[self] = nil else animRestart(self) end end ---===== GETTERS =====--- function animationMethods:getBlendTime() if this.safe then assert(chk.badarg(1, "getBlendTime", self, "Animation")) end local data = animData[self] return data.blendTimeIn, data.blendTimeOut end function animationMethods:isBlending() if this.safe then assert(chk.badarg(1, "isBlending", self, "Animation")) end return blending[self] end function animationMethods:getBlend() if this.safe then assert(chk.badarg(1, "getBlend", self, "Animation")) end return animData[self].blend end function animationMethods:getPlayState() if this.safe then assert(chk.badarg(1, "getPlayState", self, "Animation")) end return blending[self] and (animData[self].state.paused and "PAUSED" or "PLAYING") or animGetPlayState(self) end function animationMethods:isPlaying() if this.safe then assert(chk.badarg(1, "isPlaying", self, "Animation")) end return blending[self] or animIsPlaying(self) end function animationMethods:isPaused() if this.safe then assert(chk.badarg(1, "isPaused", self, "Animation")) end return not blending[self] and animIsPaused(self) end ---===== SETTERS =====--- function animationMethods:setBlendTime(time_in, time_out) if time_in == nil then time_in = 0 end if this.safe then assert(chk.badarg(1, "setBlendTime", self, "Animation")) assert(chk.badnum(2, "setBlendTime", time_in)) assert(chk.badnum(3, "setBlendTime", time_out, true)) end animData[self].blendTimeIn = m_max(time_in, 0) animData[self].blendTimeOut = m_max(time_out or time_in, 0) return self end function animationMethods:setOnBlend(func) if this.safe then assert(chk.badarg(1, "setOnBlend", self, "Animation")) if type(func) ~= "string" then assert(chk.badarg(2, "setOnBlend", func, "function", true)) end end if type(func) == "string" then func = callbackCurves[func] if not func then error("bad argument #2 of 'setOnBlend' ('" .. func .. "' is not a valid curve)") end end animData[self].callback = func return self end function animationMethods:setBlend(weight) if weight == nil then weight = 0 end if this.safe then assert(chk.badarg(1, "setBlend", self, "Animation")) assert(chk.badarg(2, "setBlend", weight, "number")) end local data = animData[self] data.blend = weight data.blendSane = makeSane(weight, 0) return blending[self] and self or animBlend(self, weight) end function animationMethods:setLength(len) if len == nil then len = 0 end if this.safe then assert(chk.badarg(1, "setLength", self, "Animation")) assert(chk.badarg(2, "setLength", len, "number")) end local data = animData[self] if data.length then animNewCode(self, data.length, "") end local lenSane = makeSane(m_max(len - tPass, 0), false) data.length = lenSane and (lenSane > tPass and lenSane) or false if data.length then animNewCode(self, m_max(data.length - tPass, 0), blendCommand:format(data.triggerId)) end return animLength(self, len) end function animationMethods:setPlaying(state) if this.safe then assert(chk.badarg(1, "setPlaying", self, "Animation")) end if state then self:play() else self:stop() end return self end ---===== CHAINED =====--- animationMethods.blendTime = animationMethods.setBlendTime animationMethods.onBlend = animationMethods.setOnBlend animationMethods.blend = animationMethods.setBlend animationMethods.length = animationMethods.setLength animationMethods.playing = animationMethods.setPlaying ---===== METAMETHODS =====--- function animation_mt:__index(key) if animationGetters[key] then return animationGetters[key](self) elseif animationMethods[key] then return animationMethods[key] else return _animationIndex(self, key) end end function animation_mt:__newindex(key, value) if animationSetters[key] then animationSetters[key](self, value) return else _animationNewIndex(self, key, value) end end -----============================== ANIMATION API MODIFICATIONS ===============================----- if animationapi_mt then local apiMethods = {} function apiMethods:getPlaying(ignore_blending) if this.safe then assert(chk.badarg(1, "getPlaying", self, "AnimationAPI")) end ---@cast animapiGetPlaying function if ignore_blending then return animapiGetPlaying(animations) end local anims = {} for _, anim in ipairs(animations:getAnimations()) do ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: deprecated if anim:isPlaying() then anims[#anims+1] = anim end end return anims end function animationapi_mt:__index(key) return apiMethods[key] or _animationapiIndex(self, key) end end return setmetatable(this, thismt) end) if s then return this else -- This is *all* error handling. ---@cast this string local e_msg, e_stack = this:match("^(.-)\nstack traceback:\n(.*)$") -- Modify Stack local stack_lines = {} local skip_next for line in e_stack:gmatch("[ \t]*([^\n]+)") do -- If the level is not a Java level, keep it. if not line:match("^%[Java]:") then if not skip_next then stack_lines[#stack_lines+1] = (" §4" .. line) else skip_next = false end elseif line:match("in function 'pcall'") then -- If the level *is* a Java level and it contains the pcall, remove both it and the level above. stack_lines[#stack_lines] = stack_lines[#stack_lines]:gsub("in function %b<>", "in protected chunk") skip_next = true end end e_stack = table.concat(stack_lines, "\n") local cmp, ver = client.compareVersions, client.getFiguraVersion():match("^([^%+]*)") local extra_reason = "" if FIG[1] and cmp(ver, FIG[1]) == -1 then extra_reason = ("\n§oYour Figura version (%s) is below the recommended minimum of %s§r"):format(ver, FIG[1]) elseif FIG[2] and cmp(ver, FIG[2]) == 1 then extra_reason = ("\n§oYour Figura version (%s) is above the recommended maximum of %s§r"):format(ver, FIG[2]) end error( ( "'%s' failed to load\z \n§7INFO: %s v%s | %s§r%s\z \ncaused by:\z \n §4%s\z \n §4stack traceback:\z \n%s§r" ):format( ID, ID, VER, ver, extra_reason, e_msg, e_stack ), 2 ) end --|==================================================================================================================|-- --|=====|| DOCUMENTATION ||==========================================================================================|-- --||=:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:=:==:=:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:=||-- ---@diagnostic disable: duplicate-set-field, duplicate-doc-field, duplicate-doc-alias ---@diagnostic disable: missing-return, unused-local, lowercase-global, unreachable-code ---@class Lib.GS.AnimBlend.AnimData ---The blending-in time of this animation in ticks. ---@field blendTimeIn number ---The blending-out time of this animation in ticks. ---@field blendTimeOut number ---The faked blend weight value of this animation. ---@field blend number ---The preferred blend weight that blending will use. ---@field blendSane number ---Where in the timeline the stop instruction is placed. ---If this is `false`, there is no stop instruction due to length limits. ---@field length number|false ---The id for this animation's blend trigger ---@field triggerId string ---The callback function this animation will call every frame while it is blending and one final ---time when blending finishes. ---@field callback? Lib.GS.AnimBlend.blendCallback ---The active blend state. ---@field state? Lib.GS.AnimBlend.BlendState ---@class Lib.GS.AnimBlend.BlendState ---The amount of time this blend has been running for in ticks. ---@field time number ---The maximum time this blend will run in ticks. ---@field max number|false ---The starting blend weight. ---@field from number|false ---The ending blend weight. ---@field to number|false ---The callback to call each blending frame. ---@field callback? function ---The state proxy used in the blend callback function. ---@field callbackState Lib.GS.AnimBlend.CallbackState ---Determines if this blend is paused. ---@field paused boolean ---Determines if this blend is starting or ending an animation. ---@field starting boolean ---@class Lib.GS.AnimBlend.CallbackState ---The animation this callback is acting on. ---@field anim Animation ---The amount of time this blend has been running for in ticks. ---@field time number ---The maximum time this blend will run in ticks. ---@field max number ---The progress as a percentage. ---@field progress number ---The starting blend weight. ---@field from number ---The ending blend weight. ---@field to number ---Determines if this blend is starting or ending an animation. ---@field starting boolean ---Determines if this blend is finishing up. ---@field done boolean ---@class Lib.GS.AnimBlend.BezierOptions ---How many time to use the Newton-Raphson method to approximate. ---Higher numbers create more accurate approximations at the cost of instructions. --- ---The default value is `4`. ---@field newton_iters? integer ---The minimum slope required to attempt to use the Newton-Raphson method. ---Lower numbers cause smaller slopes to be approximated at the cost of instructions. --- ---The default value is `0.001`. ---@field newton_minslope? number ---The most precision that subdivision will allow before stopping early. ---Lower numbers cause subdivision to allow more precision at the cost of instructions. --- ---The default value is `0.0000001`. ---@field subdiv_prec? number ---The maximum amount of times that subdivision will be performed. ---Higher numbers cause more subdivision to happen at the cost of instructions. --- ---The default value is `10`. ---@field subdiv_iters? integer ---The amount of samples to gather from the bezier curve. ---Higher numbers gather more samples at the cost of more instructions when creating the curve. ---Lower numbers gather less samples at the cost of more instructions when blending with the curve. --- ---The default value is `11`. ---@field sample_size? integer ---@class Lib.GS.AnimBlend.Bezier: function ---@overload fun(state: Lib.GS.AnimBlend.CallbackState, data: Lib.GS.AnimBlend.AnimData) ---The X1 value. ---@field [1] number ---The Y1 value. ---@field [2] number ---The X2 value. ---@field [3] number ---The Y2 value. ---@field [4] number ---The options used to make this bezier. ---@field options Lib.GS.AnimBlend.BezierOptions ---The samples gathered from this bezier. ---@field samples {step: number, [integer]: number} ---@class Lib.GS.AnimBlend.tlKeyframe ---The progress this keyframe starts at in the range [0, 1). --- ---If the first keyframe does not start at `0`, an error will be thrown. ---A keyframe at or after time `1` will never run as completing the blend will be preferred. ---@field time number ---The starting adjusted-progress of this keyframe. ---Despite the name of this option, it does not need to be smaller than `max`. --- ---All keyframes get an adjusted-progress which starts when the keyframe starts and ends when the next keyframe (or the ---end of the timeline) is hit. --- ---The default value is `0`. ---@field min? number ---The ending adjusted-progress of this keyframe. ---Despite the name of this option, it does not need to be bigger than `min`. --- ---All keyframes get an adjusted-progress which starts when the keyframe starts and ends when the next keyframe (or the ---end of the timeline) is hit. --- ---The default value is `1`. ---@field max? number ---The blending callback to use for this entire frame. ---The adjusted-progress is given to this callback as it runs. --- ---If a string is given instead of a callback, it is treated as the name of a curve found in ---`.callbackCurves`. ---If `nil` is given, the default callback is used. --- ---Note: Blending callbacks called by this function will **never** call cleanup code. Care should be taken to make sure ---this does not break anything. ---@field func? Lib.GS.AnimBlend.blendCallback | Lib.GS.AnimBlend.curve ---@alias Lib.GS.AnimBlend.blendCallback ---| fun(state: Lib.GS.AnimBlend.CallbackState, data: Lib.GS.AnimBlend.AnimData) ---@alias Lib.GS.AnimBlend.bezierCallback ---| Lib.GS.AnimBlend.Bezier ---| Lib.GS.AnimBlend.blendCallback ---@alias Lib.GS.AnimBlend.timeline Lib.GS.AnimBlend.tlKeyframe[] ---@alias Lib.GS.AnimBlend.curve string ---| "linear" # The default blending curve. Goes from 0 to 1 without any fancy stuff. ---| "easeInSine" # [Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeInSine) ---| "easeOutSine" # [Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeOutSine) ---| "easeInOutSine" # [Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeInOutSine) ---| "easeInQuad" # [Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeInQuad) ---| "easeOutQuad" # [Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeOutQuad) ---| "easeInOutQuad" # [Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeInOutQuad) ---| "easeInCubic" # [Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeInCubic) ---| "easeOutCubic" # [Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeOutCubic) ---| "easeInOutCubic" # [Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeInOutCubic) ---| "easeInQuart" # [Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeInQuart) ---| "easeOutQuart" # [Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeOutQuart) ---| "easeInOutQuart" # [Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeInOutQuart) ---| "easeInQuint" # [Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeInQuint) ---| "easeOutQuint" # [Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeOutQuint) ---| "easeInOutQuint" # [Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeInOutQuint) ---| "easeInExpo" # [Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeInExpo) ---| "easeOutExpo" # [Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeOutExpo) ---| "easeInOutExpo" # [Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeInOutExpo) ---| "easeInCirc" # [Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeInCirc) ---| "easeOutCirc" # [Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeOutCirc) ---| "easeInOutCirc" # [Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeInOutCirc) ---| "easeInBack" # [Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeInBack) ---| "easeOutBack" # [Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeOutBack) ---| "easeInOutBack" # [Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeInOutBack) ---| "easeInElastic" # [Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeInElastic) ---| "easeOutElastic" # [Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeOutElastic) ---| "easeInOutElastic" # [Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeInOutElastic) ---| "easeInBounce" # [Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeInBounce) ---| "easeOutBounce" # [Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeOutBounce) ---| "easeInOutBounce" # [Learn More...](https://easings.net/#easeInOutBounce) ---@class Animation ---#### [GS AnimBlend Library] ---The callback that should be called every frame while the animation is blending. --- ---This allows adding custom behavior to the blending feature. --- ---If this is `nil`, it will default to the library's basic callback. ---@field blendCallback? Lib.GS.AnimBlend.blendCallback local Animation ---===== METHODS =====--- ---#### [GS AnimBlend Library] ---Starts this animation from the beginning, even if it is currently paused or playing. --- ---If `blend` is set, it will also restart with a blend. function Animation:restart(blend) end ---===== GETTERS =====--- ---#### [GS AnimBlend Library] ---Gets the blending times of this animation in ticks. ---@return number, number function Animation:getBlendTime() end ---#### [GS AnimBlend Library] ---Gets if this animation is currently blending. ---@return boolean function Animation:isBlending() end ---===== SETTERS =====--- ---#### [GS AnimBlend Library] ---Sets the blending time of this animation in ticks. --- ---If two values are given, the blending in and out times are set respectively. ---@generic self ---@param self self ---@param time_in? number ---@param time_out? number ---@return self function Animation:setBlendTime(time_in, time_out) end ---#### [GS AnimBlend Library] ---Sets the blending callback of this animation. ---@generic self ---@param self self ---@param func? Lib.GS.AnimBlend.blendCallback ---@return self function Animation:setOnBlend(func) end ---===== CHAINED =====--- ---#### [GS AnimBlend Library] ---Sets the blending time of this animation in ticks. --- ---If two values are given, the blending in and out times are set respectively. ---@generic self ---@param self self ---@param time_in? number ---@param time_out? number ---@return self function Animation:blendTime(time_in, time_out) end ---#### [GS AnimBlend Library] ---Sets the blending callback of this animation. ---@generic self ---@param self self ---@param func? Lib.GS.AnimBlend.blendCallback ---@return self function Animation:onBlend(func) end ---@class AnimationAPI local AnimationAPI ---#### [GS AnimBlend Library] ---Gets an array of every playing animation. --- ---Set `ignore_blending` to ignore animations that are currently blending. ---@param ignore_blending? boolean ---@return Animation[] function AnimationAPI:getPlaying(ignore_blending) end