made-in-akira/miscellaneous/diary bites 2

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2022-09-14 17:51:15 +00:00
june 23
hey! i'm writing this tomorrow but i remember very little, kinda sucks
i did the exam today. it went really really well actually! i knew most things, although math didn't go very well. i actually kinda cheated by hearing from suely what i was supposed to do during class?? it really bothers me how i honest-to-god can't remember stuff after i come home D:
i couldn't finish the exam in time but during math class maiara plucked me out of math class to finish it. says it's the last time though
i was really happy about it though :D
june 24
hey! i'm writing this on the 25th
oh, gosh.... where do i start :3
english was pretty good, the schoolbook had a silly picture of what it thought young obama would look like :o
i was extremely worried about essay class today, because i have an exam!! no i don't, i just had to finish the text i was supposed to write about hunger in brazil. but since i didn't make any other pieces under this'll be the only one counted for my score on essay clsas this semester.
the 3rd class unfortunately wasn't it, though! it was....physics i think! sucked. we had 2 math classes after that and they were really painful, coffee didn't help me feel less sleepy and i was dying near when before essay class starting
essay ended up being last, and i actually pulled through!! it felt really great to write and the ideas just kind of flowed into my hands
i didn't even need extra time to write! i did go to the waiting room to pass it to paper, which i rocked out to hopes and dreams while doing!! hurt my hands but was tooootally worth it.
i think it kind of sucked for the original assignment, it's good as it's own article but it does suck as an unopinionated editorial...
so, anyways, i just kind of chilled the rest of the day, watching ted-ed videos, talking to genome about omori shitposts, hanging out at violet meadow...
...and reading the book! i skimmed with regis so i knew most stuff but there were a few things i didn't recognize. wanted to get up to page 32, but just went to 21...
actually wait i think that was yesterday!
june 25
i'm so happy
today started slow and i'm sad that i mostly got moving because of circumstance - my bday party!! - but i think it's maybe fine
because....oh gosh
i had so many ideas for drawings and designs. i ate tasty food at the party! (pastries, cake) i chilled out with uncle both in the morning and the evening after the party!! i took a bath and washed my hair while mom watched adn played a song she liked!!
mom and grandma set off to get my cake for the party and i squeezed some cream on their hands... (speaking of which, grandma gave me a new purple one!! blueberries and some ee-i-don't-remember, it's really great!!) i read more into the book until mom came home and while i didn't get my goal of 70 pages i did get to 68! which i think is pretty close. the pdf SUUUUCKS. constant typing errors, some completely unexplainable.
but like...the book itself is really good! i'm still really loving it!
i even got to skim some parts bc we read a lot more than i remember on that day with Régis
i was gonna talk to ana at 1400 yesterday but she was really really sick....even today kind of sucked though, we were being really unproductive because i didn't communicate that a lot of what she had said today i was already thinking while writing, and even the thing i've been thinking about that...feels like my brain is pushing me to appropriate legitimate conditions (the feeling i associate with the word drowning, or the idea of something taking over my brain) i didn't get to mention because...i wanna find the root cause for this!! and i don't feel like she might help which suuuucks
but whateverrrrrr
Eduardo even came home!! i was just going home and unlocking the gate when his car showed up! i opened up for myself and filled Chinho's bowl with food and water (felt motherly there, was talking directly to him like mom does to me!!) (let him inside for a bit but he bit me (i get it!! this is a cat thing) and i think wanted to leave in general)
and now i'm here. chilling in my bedroom.
tons of people wished me happy birthday on feddy and discord it was pretty good
(remember seeing my uncles partaking in political affairs...they both seem to agree the events of today (abortion is illegal in a lot of places in the us now!!) are fucking stupid/terrifying and people arguing in favor are bad
i even indulged them a bit...
god i still i can't believe i'm 14...
honest to god so happy, feels like new years even though it absolutely isn't
june 26
today was pretty great :O. i woke at a reasonable time, i...spent a lot of time not doing anything? i did get really into the groove of the aesthetic of icons i made + macos ventura wallpaper though!! like i did on the 24th
...i did feel AWFUL around 1400 though. i took a nap with mom until about...1457.
mom reminded me to do my chemistry project last minute, it came out kind of poopy but it was okayyyyy i was Tired
...because i was reading the book!! which went really well i knocked it out of the park and i would say read even more than i had to but no i didn't i finished it???
i told mom about a bunch of funny stuff i saw in it, i tried to start a new graphic design project and failed, and i've got tons of ideas for stuff to work on eventually...i just wish i could get to it sooner
june 27
..hey...! i got done with school today :D!! i'm oficially on vacation now!!!!!!!! (er. no i'm not, i still have spanish homework for today.)
i went to school at the usual time but my priority was the book exam (which, thank god!! i don't think i could stand another week of this!!) which went really really well!! it pains my braint o think, that piece of shit, but... it's really fun to think about the book.
i worked a lot more on a pixel art i made of an undertale akira?? it was pretty cool, i'm considering using kristal for some fangamey stuff! (tbh i just wanna make some space to roam around in in general) but it's windows only and idk lua
i did one graphic design project!! a fictional violet meadow tv channel with a "coming up" screen. i'm really happy with how it came out, the crayon brush in gimp is great
i took a bath, and i drifted to sleep pretty peacefully. i don't remember what happened right before?
june 28
i can't believe it's june 28!! what the hell?
um, today was pretty good!