mod application; mod config; mod window; use self::application::HermesApplication; use self::window::HermesWindow; use config::{GETTEXT_PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR, PKGDATADIR}; use gettextrs::{bind_textdomain_codeset, bindtextdomain, textdomain}; use gtk::gio; use gtk::prelude::*; fn main() { // Set up gettext translations bindtextdomain(GETTEXT_PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR).expect("Unable to bind the text domain"); bind_textdomain_codeset(GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8") .expect("Unable to set the text domain encoding"); textdomain(GETTEXT_PACKAGE).expect("Unable to switch to the text domain"); // Load resources let resources = gio::Resource::load(PKGDATADIR.to_owned() + "/hermes.gresource") .expect("Could not load resources"); gio::resources_register(&resources); // Create a new GtkApplication. The application manages our main loop, // application windows, integration with the window manager/compositor, and // desktop features such as file opening and single-instance applications. let app = HermesApplication::new("", &gio::ApplicationFlags::empty()); // Run the application. This function will block until the application // exits. Upon return, we have our exit code to return to the shell. (This // is the code you see when you do `echo $?` after running a command in a // terminal. std::process::exit(; }